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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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If we had addons then people would start demanding 4,5k dps on Underlurker before you can join SM ToS run.


WoW had those. Players became lazy.

Except that the most people who demand achievements and gear for ToS are the ones underperforming most of the time ;)


Oh, and such a tool would need some sort of overview what's the absolute minumium required per boss. So if the board says you need say 3k for lurker, people couldn't rightfully demand more. And that stats should be calculated ignoring any dps tanks or healers may be able to add. Just in case.;)

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Except that the most people who demand achievements and gear for ToS are the ones underperforming most of the time ;)


Yes, yes, yes this 100% The other day I saw someone was starting a SM ToS at lurker and he wanted you to have the achievement and to have everything at at least 190 all augmented. I didn't join but not long after someone in chat was saying that he had been demanding all those achievements when he himself didn't even have it :rolleyes: It seems as though you can't join a single SM ToS without that achievement these days.


The CM on Ziost is just as bad to, no one even gets a look in at the SM unless you have the "achievement."

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Except that the most people who demand achievements and gear for ToS are the ones underperforming most of the time ;)


Oh, and such a tool would need some sort of overview what's the absolute minumium required per boss. So if the board says you need say 3k for lurker, people couldn't rightfully demand more. And that stats should be calculated ignoring any dps tanks or healers may be able to add. Just in case.;)


Players already abuse the tools we have today, the difference is instead of using 'measurements' which are irrelevant (HP / gear / achievements / voice comms) as a proxy for performance, we would be able to measure actual performance.


Of course the reason we don't have group data / in-game parsing / meters is because the devs do not want to provide measurement data which would allow identifying under-performing players, which is strange as they continue to create content for Group Finder which requires certain performance levels from players.


And to me, hiding player performance while designing content around expected performance levels is idiotic and a huge disservice to players.


Either make content in group finder tuned such that performance is irrelevant or provide some minimal ability to measure player performance.


Oh and anecdotally, I've also noticed that groups with like four players from a guild asking for achievements for UL tend to struggle the most, and any wipes or issues on the run will be from the guild players, not the pugs.

Edited by DawnAskham
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And to me, hiding player performance while designing content around expected performance levels is idiotic and a huge disservice to players.


But do you really want "LF 4D must deal 4,5k dps ToS SM"? To beat enrage on UL I guess. :rolleyes:

Edited by Halinalle
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But do you really want "LF 4D must deal 4,5k dps ToS SM"? To beat enrage on UL I guess. :rolleyes:


Why would people need to do it? You just take em, and if they are underperforming by a too big margain you know where the problem lies and kick them straight away after one or two wipes(two cause seriously, everyone messes up sometimes, or has lags or his cat began to burn suddenly, stuff like that :D)


But what imho would be much better would be something like starparse has with raidchallenges. Simply show who fulfilled his part and who didn't, without showing actual numbers. And for mechanics, you are shown in red if you screwed up something. Like not in the cross at all on Lurker. Killed a repair droid on Torque. Things like that.

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A couple of weeks ago I did Red Reaper SM for the first time with my vanguard, tank spec. After loading up we had a guardian "DPS," gunslinger DPS, and I think a sage healer (though I'm not sure about that).


Our first fight goes okay though I noticed we were dying quickly. I didn't think much of it; I usually que as soon as I can. Right before the droid boss. He, the guardian, says he is fully spec'ed tank. I'm like "WHAT!" He says he's off-tanking and that we are doing great. I was like, "This is a flashpoint not an operation; we don't need an off-tank." I just switched to tactics and switched my gear out, I usually carry both of my sets of gear. It went pretty good from there, though no one seemed to realize that you have to use the lightening to defeat the adds at the last boss. That is how you are supposed to do it right? Again it was my first time.


TL;DR A tank queued as a DPS.

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All this stuff about mandatory starparse provided by bw in operations. Tbh I don't see the point. I would never join a pug ops group unless I can comfortably beat the op in a guild run. Also now that I have parse (I didn't before, slow computer could barely handle the game + ts solo, game + ts in 8-man was a nightmare, parse just ****ed everything up) I know I am pulling my weight so if there is a wipe I don't really care who got what numbers, as long as I was helping.


I also don't get the "we need to see everybodies numbers so we can kick the sub-par ones". Main reason this makes no sense to me is, due to the sheer number of bads on ToFN (to the extent that the foreign language guilds don't even explain to the non-English speakers what the abilities do, you would have thought if someone who only speaks Russian joined a Russian guild then 1 of the guild-mates would translate stuff for them, apparently not) its likely the replacement wont be any better.


And, now with my new, faster computer, after being used to some slow laggy piece of crap I now have the time to compensate more easily. For example, if there is some idiot is meant to stand on the left of ul goes and stands on the right I find it so much easier to move myself to the left, rather than throw a tantrum at him in group chat.


And another thing about parse. Before I got it the imp guild I was with told me I couldn't do any group content with them at all, I MUST have it. The other day they were doing conquest and wanted to kill some enemy forces commanders. I asked to tag along and, after being told I would be a hinderance due to not having parse, but they will allow it this once because commanders are easy. We get there, do the fight and I pull aggro, tank taunts and I aggro dump, followed by dump on CD. At the end the ops chat is filled with some mara who never pulled aggro cheering that he was top of dps with 3.2k. Now if he didn't pull aggro and my sniper did, surely that means I am doing at least 3.2k. yet that mara was joining their regular SM 55 ops runs (pre 3.0) but I am not allowed because I don't have parse, even though I out dps the guys who do.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Could be he was guarded, which is why he didn't get aggro. And the tanks suck which is why you got aggro. And maras/sents have the best aggro dump in the game barring barrier or stealthing out.


At the very least, parse for yourself. Cause your guessing about your DPS doesn't mean anything since you can be totally wrong.


Not that I agree about the "needing" a parser though. I join a bunch of HM ops groups w/o parsing and hold my own just fine. Though I AM aware of what I parse on different toons.

Edited by LuxDragon
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Which is where loot drama happens as everyone's definition on 'need' is different, meaning there is no such thing as 'traditional' Need / Greed which can be applied in the absence of clear and specific rules without leading to issues or disagreements.


BTW - the term "ninja looting" is ONLY applicable to someone taking items outside clearly stated loot rules, typically through ML giving themselves or others items they would not have received following the stated rules.


Ninja looting is NOT someone winning one or more Need rolls when the run has not established a specific and clear definition of need.


To avoid loot drama (or as much of it as possible), specific and clear loot rules MUST be established and communicated at the start of the run.


Anyone joining and sticking with a group without specific and clear rules should assume everyone will need on everything, and has no basis to complain if the distribution of loot is not to their liking.


So, basically when I go into a group via GF then I can need on all items, and if nobody told me ahead of time not to, they have no room to complain? Thanks, I'll remember that next time.



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And maras/sents have the best aggro dump in the game barring barrier or stealthing out.

Just to correct a bit here. Force camo isn't any better than other aggrodumps anymore. It was changed a while back to not completely reset threat, sadly. Not even mentioned in the patch notes.

And force barrier isn't an aggro dump in the way force camo for example is. What it does is set your threat to 0 as long as it lasts. But you get your threat back once it has ended. This can lead to funny situations, where a sage rips aggro, pops barrier before the tank taunts, and has aggro again after his barrier ends.

Stealth out is correct though :)


All this stuff about mandatory starparse provided by bw in operations. Tbh I don't see the point. I would never join a pug ops group unless I can comfortably beat the op in a guild run. Also now that I have parse (I didn't before, slow computer could barely handle the game + ts solo, game + ts in 8-man was a nightmare, parse just ****ed everything up) I know I am pulling my weight so if there is a wipe I don't really care who got what numbers, as long as I was helping.


I also don't get the "we need to see everybodies numbers so we can kick the sub-par ones". Main reason this makes no sense to me is, due to the sheer number of bads on ToFN (to the extent that the foreign language guilds don't even explain to the non-English speakers what the abilities do, you would have thought if someone who only speaks Russian joined a Russian guild then 1 of the guild-mates would translate stuff for them, apparently not) its likely the replacement wont be any better.

That's why I said don't show actual numbers. Just some indication if you did your part. Simple example, for a given boss you'd need 10k dps to beat enrage. this would result in 2.5k average per dps. This tool would the simply show group dps as either green(meaning it was enough) or red(you hit enrage) and then split up into every single dps. But not showing a number, only either green or red. With green in this example would be he pulled at least 2.5k, red meaning less.

With this you could have a group dps indicator show green, while one or two dps are shown red, meaning they got carried. Basicaly, if the group indicator shows green, no problem at all. If it shows red, you know where the problem is, and don't have to assume.

Imo such a thing would animate players to at least learn the basics of their class.

Edited by Torvai
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Why would people need to do it? You just take em, and if they are underperforming by a too big margain you know where the problem lies and kick them straight away after one or two wipes(two cause seriously, everyone messes up sometimes, or has lags or his cat began to burn suddenly, stuff like that :D)


It would have to be more than one wipe because it could be just a very small mistake or someone isn't fast enough to perform mechanics (it could be his/her first time there).


I did Tython HM yesterday on my Guardian and as usual I mentioned it is my first time in HM version. It was also first time for Shadow tank we had. First boss: I messed up timing and aoe hit 3-4 meters from my add = wipe. We try again and clear it. Other bosses go down on first try.. Though I took a lot of damage in last boss fight so I had to manage DCDs quite a lot (that's why those are there, right?).

Edited by Halinalle
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Except that the most people who demand achievements and gear for ToS are the ones underperforming most of the time ;)


Oh, and such a tool would need some sort of overview what's the absolute minumium required per boss. So if the board says you need say 3k for lurker, people couldn't rightfully demand more. And that stats should be calculated ignoring any dps tanks or healers may be able to add. Just in case.;)


I sort of don't understand why achievements are asked for, I mean I now have the SM achievement for Ravagers which I got the other night with 5 guildies and 2 pugs (1 of which since joined the guild), does it mean I pulled my weight (I don't know you would have to ask my guild, but since it was my first I doubt it) but none the less I still have the achievement saying I beat the bosses (not that I was with a group who beat the boss).


Same can be said about a lot of the flashpoint or ops achievements, just because you have them does not necessarily mean you earned it.

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So yeah, this happened today as I was looking for a group for DF 8sm (It is/was in GF today).

Sorry for phone pics, but couldn't take proper screens.



I don't know how to feel about this attitude more and more players show when it comes to pugs. Sure, all melee dps are not as good as they were in the past, but I've personally never had problems with clearing an op with my watchman sentinel in 192/198 aug gear, yet I'm (And I see a lot of others in a similar situation as mine every day) discriminated cause I don't do ops with what those people want me to play.


Server is TRE, for those wondering.


10 minutes later I found another group and 7manned it (1 left for unkown reasons, he told the op leader to reinvite him as soon as he left, but he never rejoined and we did it without him) without problems.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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So yeah, this happened today as I was looking for a group for DF 8sm (It is/was in GF today).

Sorry for phone pics, but couldn't take proper screens.



I don't know how to feel about this attitude more and more players show when it comes to pugs. Sure, all melee dps are not as good as they were in the past, but I've personally never had problems with clearing an op with my watchman sentinel in 192/198 aug gear, yet I'm (And I see a lot of others in a similar situation as mine every day) discriminated cause I don't do ops with what those people want me to play.


Server is TRE, for those wondering.


10 minutes later I found another group and 7manned it (1 left for unkown reasons, he told the op leader to reinvite him as soon as he left, but he never rejoined and we did it without him) without problems.


You posted pictures with names in it, your supposed to scratch those out. Its against ToS.

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Achievements mean you have cleared the op at least once and know/familiar with the mechanics. Some pugs don't want to deal with new people or be bothered with explaining the fights.


Formed a back-to-back Rav/ToS run before the weekly reset. No GF this time. I was one tank, the other left because of 2 reasons. 1) One of the heals and one of the DPS had never done the op. 2) The other DPS were sitting at 48k HP, with only one DPS at 50k.


^ We've had this discussion before about 10 pages back?


After he left, he whispered that the DPS wouldn't be able to be the enrage on Sparky, let alone the entire op. Still, he was polite when he left and wished me luck. So credit for that.


However, the heals still gets discouraged and leaves. Sad to point out that he probably JUST got to 60 and still hadn't done the new content yet so his gear was still a set of blues and old purples. Anyway, I pick up a new tank and heals. The DPS that hadn't done it before sticks around, as does the others.


We breeze through the entire Rav op. The newbie DPS only needed minimal explanation, but nothing that wasted 20 minutes per boss. Sure, his DPS was probably crap because he spent a bit of time avoiding AOE's, but better crap than 0 since he also didn't die or need constant attention. Not to toot my own horn, but I like to think I'm a decent tank, so I try to create situations with the bosses where I can maximize DPS without putting them at risk (From a DPS perspective since I main a DPS toon, it's those type of things I wish more tanks would do instead of worrying about aggro.)


After Rav, I solo tank ToS while the other tank jumps to his heals since one of our heals had to go. I pick up a friend and move on. Wiped once on Underlurker, but only cause one of the DPS thought I asked him to stay on the boss. I had actually asked the newbie guy, since I thought he would die to the adds, mDPS and all. I should point out that we're running 4 mDPS by now in UNDERLURKER. We died cause the adds didn't go fast enough, but with some quick explanations, we try again. 2nd time, we beat him and move on. (Some peeps died, but the heals were spot on for the rest of the fight)


No more wipes, one death by the newbie DPS, but only cause he missed his jump on the Revan fight. Not because of... anything else. :rolleyes:


He's up on the 3rd floor and we clear. Not once did we hit enrage, or bang our heads on the wall. Yay!

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Achievements mean you have cleared the op at least once and know/familiar with the mechanics. Some pugs don't want to deal with new people or be bothered with explaining the fights.


Formed a back-to-back Rav/ToS run before the weekly reset. No GF this time. I was one tank, the other left because of 2 reasons. 1) One of the heals and one of the DPS had never done the op. 2) The other DPS were sitting at 48k HP, with only one DPS at 50k.


^ We've had this discussion before about 10 pages back?


After he left, he whispered that the DPS wouldn't be able to be the enrage on Sparky, let alone the entire op. Still, he was polite when he left and wished me luck. So credit for that.


However, the heals still gets discouraged and leaves. Sad to point out that he probably JUST got to 60 and still hadn't done the new content yet so his gear was still a set of blues and old purples. Anyway, I pick up a new tank and heals. The DPS that hadn't done it before sticks around, as does the others.


We breeze through the entire Rav op. The newbie DPS only needed minimal explanation, but nothing that wasted 20 minutes per boss. Sure, his DPS was probably crap because he spent a bit of time avoiding AOE's, but better crap than 0 since he also didn't die or need constant attention. Not to toot my own horn, but I like to think I'm a decent tank, so I try to create situations with the bosses where I can maximize DPS without putting them at risk (From a DPS perspective since I main a DPS toon, it's those type of things I wish more tanks would do instead of worrying about aggro.)


After Rav, I solo tank ToS while the other tank jumps to his heals since one of our heals had to go. I pick up a friend and move on. Wiped once on Underlurker, but only cause one of the DPS thought I asked him to stay on the boss. I had actually asked the newbie guy, since I thought he would die to the adds, mDPS and all. I should point out that we're running 4 mDPS by now in UNDERLURKER. We died cause the adds didn't go fast enough, but with some quick explanations, we try again. 2nd time, we beat him and move on. (Some peeps died, but the heals were spot on for the rest of the fight)


No more wipes, one death by the newbie DPS, but only cause he missed his jump on the Revan fight. Not because of... anything else. :rolleyes:


He's up on the 3rd floor and we clear. Not once did we hit enrage, or bang our heads on the wall. Yay!

If I may quote myself:

My guild killed UL HM with 4 mDPS on friday. One-shot. It was the first time my healer has seen a HM 60 ops and I was sitting at 48.5k HP.


One of our mDPS is disabled and can't tell left from right. He has never messed up a cross.


So much for the UL2hard and <50k=undergeared ppl.

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My first ever run on UL dps was:

my sent: first time there 186 comms gear, replaced enhancements for 100% accuracy, 162 MH 9/14 purple augments

Shadow dps: some person in the guild who doesn't speak much English. Has blue 178's, 3 of which are tank stuff plus his ears and implants, rest dps gear unaugmented

sent dps: mix 192/186 purples 6 augmented 2 piece set

shadow dps: first time there 186 comms, not got 100% accuracy no augments


We beat UL on third try, first wipe was both shadows not getting in cross, second was tank DC.


I don't get what all the fuss is about with mdps on UL.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I don't get what all the fuss is about with mdps on UL.

Lurkerlings have 2 melee attacks that make melees eat alot more damage than ranged. At least if they ranged position themselves properly ;)

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Lurkerlings have 2 melee attacks that make melees eat alot more damage than ranged. At least if they ranged position themselves properly ;)


This. The key is to stand at the maximum range allowed by melee attack (4m) and face the adds' back. I admit that my Sorc has been responsible of several times pulling mDPS away from adds; they were standing between the adds and taking double damage for no reason. That wasn't very fun to heal through when everyone else was also taking damage, and unfortunately letting them die is not an option. :(


Imo the rationale of asking achievement is, regardless their contribution, the people who have the achievement have seen how a successful pull looks like. Guild oneshots this boss in SM and HM, but sometimes we get orange cross, green cross that kills someone, rocks that don't shield you from Rage Storm, etc that make you want to be sure that the person you're pugging knows how to cope if things go wrong.


Not a benchmark by any means; it definitely is a trend that the people who ask for achievement and gear tend to mess up cross the most... :rak_01:

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Yeah I know that, but if a group from a guild which still struggles with HM 55's can do UL sm with 4 mdps, of which 2 are new and 1 is low geared half-tank then there really is no reason to make a fuss over m vs ranged.


Personally, despite the force leap CD, and the fact its an "oh ****" ability for resource management in watchman, which often leads to it being on CD and me having to run/sabre throw while waiting I still prefer my sent to my sniper on the basis that most sniper abilities are cast and I keep having to work out "by the time I cast this, considering what the rest of the group is doing, how much hp will that enemy have and therefore which ability do I use?"


So many times with sniper I would just do a rotation, switching target when something dies only to have a high number of my abilities interrupted during cast by other people killing it. At least with watchman I can just do a rotation with very little care for the current enemy hp.

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Two weird tanks in two days

HM Lost Island

The two DPS and I (healer) are around 25k and the tank is at 17k. Nobody is bothered by this at first and we get started. During a couple of mobs I see the tank taking damage a little too quickly but he's managing the mob like a proper tank, so again, not bothered as I figure I'm just going to spend most of this run healing and little else. We get to the first boss guarding the little bridge and we wipe twice after the tank gets one shot. At first I'm thinking my rotation is slow (haven't played Sawbones in a long time) but the dps think we're just missing some mechanic (I didn't think there was one for this boss). The third time I don't know what happens exactly but I think one of the dps grabbed aggro so the tank wouldn't die so quickly. We beat the boss smoothly and continue on.


At this point I'm starting to wonder if the tank realizes this is HM, because after each fight he's jumping to the next mob without healing up. He's squishy enough to begin with so it's really hard for me to catch up when he jumps and I'm trying to bring him back up when he's already lost over 50% health by the time I get there. Though it's a little harder than it needs to be, we don't wipe again until the big box droid with the fire, lightning, and adds bursting from the kolto tank. All hell literally breaks loose when the fire starts, because everyone, including me, had only done this on SM before and were not expecting so much damage so quickly. All four of us are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. I'm frantically trying to find a place to stand where there is no fire and lightning, but the tank has melted and the adds find me real quick while I'm trying to save everyone and myself.


After the wipe the tank apologizes and says he screwed that one up. I don't know what he was doing at first, but the second time it's really smooth. Everyone stands and moves to the right places and we have no trouble this time. After this fight, the tank starts getting really aggressive in jumping to mobs. He actually gets himself killed twice before the three of us have even come into range. One of his jumps actually gets all four of us killed. I ask in chat to please slow down on the pulls, to which there is no reply. He again jumps to another mob before I can get there. We're in the holding cell area and there's another big boss that melts us of course, because again he jumped in before we were ready.


Now, all these wipes aren't bothering me so much because I can stealth out of combat when I'm invariably the last one standing. So I'd like to get through this without losing my cool or having the other two guys lose theirs (they've been pretty laidback up to this point). So I type into chat that this boss is skippable, to which the tank jumps onto the boss (who has evaded back into its cage and is not close to us), dies quickly, gets the two dps killed, and I have to stealth out again. While he's still on the floor the tank simply leaves the group without a word. The other two just kind of shrug and leave, too (this GF had taken about an hour and half to pop, I'm sure they didn't want to wait for a replacement, I can't blame them for giving up, since their repair bills were going to be much higher than mine).


HM Esseles

Right before the group gets to the first conversation point the tank shouts in ALL CAPS (as he will continue to use throughout this encounter), in the general chat window which dye he should choose. Three of us are a little dumbfounded at this and just continue on without answering (since it was in general, I don't know who he meant to ask. The group had already been formed so he would have had to manually type into general chat). During the conversation on the bridge he's yelling into chat to HURRI (sic) (group chat this time). I kind of smiled when the other two in the group started chatting about one of their appearances. The conversations were still getting skipped, just not mashing the spacebar type skipping so the tank continues his yelling. After convo finishes, one of the other guys just drops without a word. The tank has the gall to ask why the guy left. I want to be really sarcastic but I think anything I say will go over this guy's head. I do however, want to say he picked one of the worst FP's in the game to "hurry" through thanks to the long and plentiful conversations, but he's already speeding to the next fight.


So at the first boss we're skipping the conversation preceding (but still not fast enough, apparently). The tank then runs over to the boss and immediately loses half of his health. I keep him up til the first adds and then he dies, and the remaining group member dies soon after. They both respawn and run back into the fight. The tank immediately dies again and so now I'm just focusing on keeping the dps alive, since I would be wasting channels on the tank at this point. Doesn't work out very well, we both die, the tank has since run back for more, we both stay back a little and by this time the adds have multiplied three times and we're all getting overrun constantly.


I have never quit a FP before, but the guy's incompetence and rudeness are enough. I combat stealth out, apologize to the dps and leave (she does too). I feel bad for the guy that joined the group right as I was getting ready to leave. He had no idea what he'd just been pugged into. Right before I left, I did a quick check of the tank's hp, and it was 11k, while the rest of us are around 25k. Was this due to his armor being damaged from about three or four consecutive respawns from this boss fight alone? I don't know, I don't look that closely, I just roll my eyes and leave, putting the guy on ignore (I did see before I ignored him that he screamed into chat if we had ever done this before :rolleyes: )

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A bit weird. Extremely rare:

People who don't ragequit as soon as someone accidentally pulls trash during boss fight in tactical (Tython 1st boss). Let's just ignore the fact that this fight is mind numbingly boring.


What's this talk about melee and endgame? I did Battle of Rishi HM today on Guardian, no issues dps'ing. It was my first time in HM too. I did die once but that was because Jedi boss decided that I was much better target than the tank. Got battle rez, healed to full and jumped in.

Edited by Halinalle
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A bit weird. Extremely rare:

People who don't ragequit as soon as someone accidentally pulls trash during boss fight in tactical (Tython 1st boss). Let's just ignore the fact that this fight is mind numbingly boring.


What's this talk about melee and endgame? I did Battle of Rishi HM today on Guardian, no issues dps'ing. It was my first time in HM too. I did die once but that was because Jedi boss decided that I was much better target than the tank. Got battle rez, healed to full and jumped in.


Some mechanics are a pain in the a. for melee, i.e.:

Quartermaster Bulo HM: explosive carts (DPS or Tank have to move away from the boss)

Torque: floor vents (If boss is in between several fires melee can't do damage without taking massive damage)

Underlurker: lurkerling melee attacks (Any sensible rDPS stays at >10m, only tanks and mDPS are getting hit)

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A bit weird. Extremely rare:

People who don't ragequit as soon as someone accidentally pulls trash during boss fight in tactical (Tython 1st boss). Let's just ignore the fact that this fight is mind numbingly boring.


What's this talk about melee and endgame? I did Battle of Rishi HM today on Guardian, no issues dps'ing. It was my first time in HM too. I did die once but that was because Jedi boss decided that I was much better target than the tank. Got battle rez, healed to full and jumped in.


I've seen this on my last three runs through Tython, and I never saw it before that. One guy joined the group in the middle of the fight after someone left, and just ran right up the middle to us, pulling that whole staircase with him. Another time someone was thrown back into the mob, pulling the whole staircase with him (I never knew there was a knockback from that boss, but I literally watched the guy get thrown right down the stairs). And finally, one guy thought instead of just running around the side like the three of us were doing, he'd just stealth up the stairs. Somehow he got to the top with the mob following him. I don't know how he did it, but there was the mob right on his heels :confused:

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