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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Enough to never use Speed Shots?? Or Snipe?? Or Incendiary Grenade? Because I doubt someone would have missed these. And to not use Hunker Down during HM HS bonus boss?? Epic Fail 'Slinger.


You need to use Flurry of Bolts or free Quick Shots to manage energy if you use Speed Shot on cooldown (you should). Charged Bursts is useless unless you find that weird empty spot in your rotation. I know it is there... :p

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Enough to never use Speed Shots?? Or Snipe?? Or Incendiary Grenade? Because I doubt someone would have missed these. And to not use Hunker Down during HM HS bonus boss?? Epic Fail 'Slinger.


Yeah, no Speed Shots ever by that guy. It was bizarre. The weirdest thing was the doubled-up Obroan relic...

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HM rakata, im jugg tanking. I have pretty much given up queuing for FP's on my dps because both the imp guild I am in and the rep guild run daily gf ops and dps is the easiest role (sometimes I tank on rep side to break the mind-numbing dullness of dpsing lvl 55 ops in a level 60 group) and the timing of the runs is such that I can do the imp ones then the rep ones about 30 minutes after. I get all those comms from every weekly op mission along with a stack of ulti's from gf.


The group was my tank, sniper, sorc dps and merc healer. We get to the first boss and I jump striaght in. The merc doesn't cleanse and we wipe. On the way back I apologise for causing the wipe (by now I have decided if a PUG tank pulls before checking the group is competent they share the blame for a wipe, at least by asking, even if the pug keeps quiet, all the blame is shifted onto them).


The sniper asks what I did wrong, I say "I should have checked everybody knew the fight before I pulled, sorry." The merc then put a vote kick on me reason: elitist. Then then told me not to be so condescending and think I am the font of all knowledge. Of course when I asked the merc if they knew the fight they said yes, they have done this mission 7 times. I ask if any of those times was as a healer and queary why it is their achievements say only 1 run. By now the kick has failed and the merc drops group.


Seems some people think that me accepting blame is elitism. Strange.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I got one! and I only resubbed two days ago.......Force save me :eek:


Beginning FP here. Rolling with my jugg tank. I say hi. No one answers. I try it again. No one says anything. Maybe it's just me, but when no one replies, I just feel this is gonna suck.


The healer is no where anywhere near us, I mean... we all just logged in. Didn't even get into the first room, and the health starts droooooooping. I think he pulled something?


No convos between anyone. I just quit. I wasn't going to deal with this.


This was Hammer Station. HAMMER. Station.



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Had a level 60 merc just using whatever ability they wanted when we were in a Depths of Manaan HM FP he had no rotation. I think it was also his first time in that specific flashpoint.


Also I don't think people realise Blood hunt has been nerfed. People rage quit that as soon as they get it as a FP. Waste of my time to wait for someone new, especially as a tank. I end up putting the rage quitters on ignore so I don't have to deal with them in the future.


Also waaaaaaaaaaay too many people are guarding the healer these days. As a result I purposely try to attain aggro and make our healer work harder, and make the FP more difficult so that it's more fun. I'm tired of correcting idiot tanks all the time.

Edited by MasterFeign
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very peculiar Gunslinger



So there I was, healing HM Hammer Station on my 60 Commando, with a Guardian tank and a Telekinetics Sage and another Commando. The Commando is...peculiar in an eerily familiar way. He runs around pulling groups and spamming Hammer Shot and Explosive Round and Sticky Grenade on cooldown, not really using any casts or channels. The only non-instant attacks I ever saw him use were Mortar Volley, Advanced Medical Probe (even though nobody got low on health), and Serrated Bolt. Now, it wasn't until I saw Serrated Bolt fire off HALFWAY THROUGH THE INSTANCE that I realized he was Assault Specialist, because he ran the whole darned thing in Armor-Piercing Cell!


Amazingly, there were no deaths. During the Mining Droid, he asked if we could run this one four more times afterwards. I think back to that Gunslinger who was similarly bad (autoattack spam, no sense of tactics) and who had asked for another seven runs of the instance (presumably for 'cheeves) and put two and two together. I could hardly heal I was laughing so hard!


During the Asteroid Beast, the other Commando sets up at mid range and gets hit by the Rampage stun every single time. Still just Hammer Shot spam with a few other instants thrown in. What a surprise.

During Riflor's Champions, I ask if he has a 60 'Slinger, and when he allows that he does, I guess that previous bad's name. And the Commando is just like "yup, that's me!". And when tell him to use his casts and put a Grav Round on the target (assuming Gunnery due to APC) he freely admits that he doesn't know what most of his attacks do.


On Battlelord Kreshan, the Commando facepulls (making us all eat the conal), ignores adds, stands in floorcandy, and generally does exactly what I expect. Easy kill, though, and the Sage and Guardian have been just fine throughout the instance. I take my minecart decoration and di di mao.

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Blood Hunt HM on my 49,1k Gunnery Commando (186/190, 192 OH, 9/14 186 Aim, 186 SA&FR), Guardian 50+k (can't remember exactly because he left before 1st boss), 50k Sage and 52k Vanguard tank.


I explain it's my first time. Not exactly but I haven't defeated the 1st boss ever in HM so I felt it is safer to say small white lie instead of claiming something I have never done. Well, this starts a small verbal war between Sage and Guardian dps. "In that case we can't even beat the first boss" etc. Sage wants to kick the Guardian but it never goes through and Guardian left shortly after. We wait for a replacement few minutes but decide to call it a day.


I know I'm undergeared but... seriously?

Edited by Halinalle
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You are not, you've been told you are not several times, why do you continue saying that?


Does it ever feel like we need a "The weird people who post in "The weird people you meet in Group Finder" thread?"

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What could be the other reason for them to leave? After all they kept inspecting me all the way to first boss.


Because you said you don't know the mission?? Maybe?




Next time say "I only know first boss"

Not killing something doesn't necessarily mean not knowing it.

I.e. I haven't killed Torque HM but I still know what I have to do.


Edit: and how do you want to know they kept inspecting you?

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Is Hammer Station SM one of the "roles not important" flashpoints? I was queuing up my gunslinger for it and twice it popped with a sentinel as a tank. Declined both, though wait time for DPS is long enough I'll chance it if it happens a third time.


(...and yes, I know sentinels have a reputation for "tanking" but I don't expect GF to admit it.)


Oh hey, third time popping and a sentinel tank! Here goes.

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Is Hammer Station SM one of the "roles not important" flashpoints? I was queuing up my gunslinger for it and twice it popped with a sentinel as a tank. Declined both, though wait time for DPS is long enough I'll chance it if it happens a third time.


(...and yes, I know sentinels have a reputation for "tanking" but I don't expect GF to admit it.)


Oh hey, third time popping and a sentinel tank! Here goes.


That is a bug. GF is confused by sents and guardians and indicates the wrong class.

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So, a week ago after doing HM progression for a few hours, me and 2 guildies decided to run DF GF at 12 AM... On our PT DPS toons... With grapples. What could possibly go wrong?


So we pug the spots we don't have, with a random juggernaut solo tanking. The first 2 bosses go perfectly smooth, and after Draxus me and my guildies, all in TS3, decide to see who can kill the most people. On the first group of death droids, me and one guildie both pull two droids at once, killing ourselves, and the 5 pugs. The following convo takes place.



Me-for fun

Juggy-are you paying my repair bill?

Me-Nah, if you're really low on creds stay back and you won't die.


On the next group the jugg still leaps in, i fail to pull a droid, but a guildy pulls one and kills himself, me, juggy, and some other pug. The jugg decides to vote kick me anyway. The reason? B****. The vote goes through, and me and my guildies have a good laugh. Being the jerk i am, i decide to switch to my sin tank, queue as DPS, and get the insta pop. I zone in after grobby dies, pull a droid, and kill jugg. For some reason, whether it's because of my gear level (198s+204MH), or my of the ruined world title, i don't get a vote kick this time... Even though I'm a tank with the same guild tag as my PT dps. We kill the last 2 bosses, loot, thank everyone for group, and let everyone know im the same dps that was kicked earlier. The Jugg calls me and my guildies bad, zones out, and my guildies have a good laugh again.

Edited by AndoEyrune
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So, a week ago after doing HM progression for a few hours, me and 2 guildies decided to run DF GF at 12 AM... On our PT DPS toons... With grapples. What could possibly go wrong?


So we pug the spots we don't have, with a random juggernaut solo tanking. The first 2 bosses go perfectly smooth, and after Draxus me and my guildies, all in TS3, decide to see who can kill the most people. On the first group of death droids, me and one guildie both pull two droids at once, killing ourselves, and the 5 pugs. The following convo takes place.



Me-for fun

Juggy-are you paying my repair bill?

Me-Nah, if you're really low on creds stay back and you won't die.


On the next group the jugg still leaps in, i fail to pull a droid, but a guildy pulls one and kills himself, me, juggy, and some other pug. The jugg decides to vote kick me anyway. The reason? B****. The vote goes through, and me and my guildies have a good laugh. Being the jerk i am, i decide to switch to my sin tank, queue as DPS, and get the insta pop. I zone in after grobby dies, pull a droid, and kill jugg. For some reason, whether it's because of my gear level (198s+204MH), or my of the ruined world title, i don't get a vote kick this time... Even though I'm a tank with the same guild tag as my PT dps. We kill the last 2 bosses, loot, thank everyone for group, and let everyone know im the same dps that was kicked earlier. The Jugg calls me and my guildies bad, zones out, and my guildies have a good laugh again.


Fun? For who?


Remember: it is only "funny" when *everyone involved* is enjoying it.


When only the person having "fun" is enjoying it, it isn't funny.

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Fun? For who?


Remember: it is only "funny" when *everyone involved* is enjoying it.


When only the person having "fun" is enjoying it, it isn't funny.


if you get upset by dying on those droids and having to pay repair i fear you have caused worse things to your groups...

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if you get upset by dying on those droids and having to pay repair i fear you have caused worse things to your groups...



A guy purposefully causes people to die by pulling droids to them.

He gets called out on it and eventually kicked from the group (funnily enough his guild mates didn't leave the group... wonder what that says about what they thought about what was being done even though they participated in it).

I basically explain that people generally don't enjoy being on the receiving end of someone else's idea of what is fun.


Then you come along and accuse me of being worse than him... really?


Let me set your mind at ease: I never ever have fun at someone else's expense.

Edited by ZeroPlus
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A guy purposefully causes people to die by pulling droids to them.

He gets called out on it and eventually kicked from the group (funnily enough his guild mates didn't leave the group... wonder what that says about what they thought about what was being done even though they participated in it).

I basically explain that people generally don't enjoy being on the receiving end of someone else's idea of what is fun.


Then you come along and accuse me of being worse than him... really?


Let me set your mind at ease: I never ever have fun at someone else's expense.

I didn't really care that my guild mates didn't get kicked.. heck the fact i got kicked and they didn't was more funny than anything, since me and my guildies are pretty tight.


Also,i do the stupid things i do knowing there may be a consequence, like being kicked from the group.

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A guy purposefully causes people to die by pulling droids to them.

He gets called out on it and eventually kicked from the group (funnily enough his guild mates didn't leave the group... wonder what that says about what they thought about what was being done even though they participated in it).

I basically explain that people generally don't enjoy being on the receiving end of someone else's idea of what is fun.


Then you come along and accuse me of being worse than him... really?


Let me set your mind at ease: I never ever have fun at someone else's expense.


I agree that this kind of behaviour has nothing to do with fun. Also, to me it seems the only weird people were the group of friends to begin with.

It's okay to do that kind of thing in a guild group if all members are okay with this. It's not okay to do this with strangers who queued wanting to get the OPS done and instead find their time and credits wasted just because a couple of people want to have fun in a selfish way.



Anyway, I recently grouped for a 55 HM flashpoint (the more difficult CZ one) on my healer. Tank was DPS in tank stance who didn't even bother trying to get aggro on trash mobs. I ended up tanking most of the flash point.

On the sandstorm boss we wiped because they didn't stand together for aoe heals and didn't run to the generator. Despite already knowing we wouldn't beat the bosses, I followed them to the jungle boss. They clicked the terminal and the boss jumped at us. I ended up tanking the entire, short fight, because no one pulled aggro ôff me.

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A guy purposefully causes people to die by pulling droids to them.

He gets called out on it and eventually kicked from the group (funnily enough his guild mates didn't leave the group... wonder what that says about what they thought about what was being done even though they participated in it).

I basically explain that people generally don't enjoy being on the receiving end of someone else's idea of what is fun.


Then you come along and accuse me of being worse than him... really?


Let me set your mind at ease: I never ever have fun at someone else's expense.


that happened so frenquently during DF/DP era that almost everyone ended in that situation, i've been killed by knockbacked droids, extricated into explosion, had droid pulled into group..sometimes with lines approaching the droids like ''let the fun begin, droid boss, hard part'' etc. i've never complained for the repair bill and usually the guy who does it is the one getting carried or causing wipes so bills for everyone.

you can always stay back or stun the droid right before the channel..

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Theres a difference between messing around in a guild run with ts and deliberately trying to wipe a PUG.


Tbh the fact you find its strange that a pug would want to get rid of the person deliberately not pulling their weight and trying to wipe the group makes you the weird one.


PUG's aren't there because they want to joke around and kill eachother, they want their easy comms.

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