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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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^^ what he said


the only reason that people demand you have better than 192 (my sent is full 192 9/14 augmented and is 49.1k, therefore demanding 50k would be 192/198 mix) is because they are incompetent and need to be carried. Rather than admit this they shift the blame onto whoever is the easiest target, and damn, a guy who zones in saying "sorry I am undergeared" is an easy target.


I have lost count of the number of times my "undergeared" 186/192 mix tank has been kept alive by healers (or a particular healer, cant name them) who has 40k hp. Also when I first hit 60 with my sniper, brought full 186 and augmented it I had 43k. I geared to full 192 in hm 60's and daily elites and then did HM ops after learning sm with my sent. Not once when I was going from 43k 186 - 192 was I ever told I was undergeared.



Interesting pug ravagers. I ask to join with my sniper, we get 8 people and enter. It then turns out that the endurance-high geared jugg is actually a dps, not that anybody knew as they were stacked on endurance and had no accuracy. I therefore switch to my jugg tank and mention that I have never tanked the mission before.


First two bosses go fine, a bit of confusion on who is doing barrels as the other tank said they would, then did the first round, left them the second and, after the healers had been getting beat on for a while told me to take over barrels.


Get to third boss and the other tank informs me of the tank swap mechanic. I write "ok, ill focus you" (meaning the tank).

random dps: "lol why focus the tank?"

me: "so I can see his debuffs and know when to taunt"

random dps: "your meant to focus the boss?"

me: "why? As a tank the boss will be in my target, and when he isnt its only afew seconds while I grab some add or other"

random dps: "everybody always focuses boss"

random dps 2: "seeing as you said yourself you are new to tanking, you ought to listen to instruction" (I never said I was new to tanking, I said I had not tanked this op)

healer: "focus the boss"

me: "ok, sorry"


I left my focus on the tank, just claimed I had moved it to the boss. I taunted when necessary to tank swap and followed all other fight mechanics. No wipes, no deaths, only 1 close call from a sniper sitting in fire which has nothing to do with whom I decide to focus target.


Strange how the subject of my selected focus target causes me to be told I am doing everything wrong, then after not changing a single thing we beat it with no problems at all.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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random dps: "everybody always focuses boss"

random dps 2: "seeing as you said yourself you are new to tanking, you ought to listen to instruction" (I never said I was new to tanking, I said I had not tanked this op)

healer: "focus the boss"

me: "ok, sorry" .


Seems to me like these people had no idea what a Focus Target is. :p They just thought you wouldn't tank the boss. Or what do I know.


On another note, I have geared all my characters to 186 augmented once they hit 60. Basic commendation armourings and mods (186A that is) with crafted 186 low-endurance enhancements, crafted Ruusan relics, earpiece and implants + a 186 hilt or barrel for the mainhand. Every one of them has had 48k HP after this.

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Using HP as a proxy for gear as a proxy for skill is just bad.


Sadly, it sounds like for many groups these days, one would be perceived to be a better player or choice while wearing random stat distribution comm gear filled with endurance heavy mods and enhancements sitting at 54K HP than someone wearing a set of 192 optimized gear with set bonuses and optimal stat distribution sitting at 49K-50K.


My guardian was kicked from a Xeno HM (after doing SM with no problems and parsing 3.2K) because my HP was just under 50K (like seriously 49,995 or something) - while my gear was mixed crafted 186 (relics, implants, ear) augmented, with my HM, OH and all armor 192 (two piece set bonus) with 192 or better optimized mods and enhancements.


By comparison, a sniper that couldn't figure out how to click their panel during the SM run wasn't kicked as they were sitting at ~53K, though they were in full comm gear, including all high endurance random stat enhancements, and were quite a bit under the accuracy cap.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Ah well all HP problems aside ... lets keep fighting the good but hopeless fight. Apparently to a lot of people HP below 50k = undergeared. Hell I am gonna pull off a Black Talon HM today, where I put requirements down: achievement, lvl 60 and minimum of 50k HP.


Two tunny story, one not GF related, the other GF related:

1. I was running my story quests on Belsavis as my Guardian, never bothered to do any story quest after Chapter 2 on that toon (same toon as my previous post about gear and costume designer), when I got to the part of Executor Krannus. I have no trouble with it at all, but when I get to the entrance of the mission, I see a Sentinel sitting around 6k HP and a Guardian sitting around 7k HP. Their OH was missing, the Guardian had no stance on. I walked past them (I had 35-36k HP, my Treek had around 31k HP) and entered. Apparently they saw my name cause when I was inside the entrance, they resorted to SPAM whispering me to help them please. Now I am not the one who will never help but I was like sure, I'll help you but after I am done with my run. What they then did was spam invite me to the group and I whispered them many times saying I'll help them after I am done.


What they then did ... was try to extort me out of credits. If I wouldn't pay them, they would keep spamming invites till I accepted. Ignored them and reported them for harassment.


2.The GF story: me and two friends ran through a HM Hammer Station. Me on my Merc DPS main, my friends each were a Sin Tank and a Operative Healer. A random DPS was quickly found, but it was of the guild ... well if your on ToFN, you all know what guild I mean. Well he was the guild's clown I guess. Arrogant, pulled before the tank, didn't bother to wait until we were done healing ourselves up and of course on top of that ninja looted every single piece of gear, stuff neither of us needed cause we were all lvl 60, claiming he needed it. When asked he said to pay my bills.


Funny thing is we never wiped and he only died twice cause my healer buddy got fed up of the DPS, telling him to stop and when he tried to votekick me, he found out all three of us were in the same guild so he stood no chance. He said he was pulling us through the run, we should be happy and that he got a repair bill cause of us (sure ... he was the only one who died) and that he needed the gear drops to pay for it. Ultimately we kicked him, I pulled out HK and we finished Hammer Station easily.

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Thats been happening for months. Gf calls jedi guardians jedi sentinels and jedi sentinels jedi guardians. Funny bit is the picture on the right which denotes spec is still from the old class. So my sents gf pop refers to me as a watchman guardian.


You'll notice that in the Classes forum, the Sentinel/Marauder subforum is marked with the Guardian and Marauder icons, and the Guardian/Juggernaut is marked with the Sentinel and Juggernaut icons. It's been that way since they realigned the Classes forum way back whenever.

It's little stuff like that (and how the Holonet section of the website is still full of outdated information like a tutorial on the old skill trees) that makes me worry...

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You'll notice that in the Classes forum, the Sentinel/Marauder subforum is marked with the Guardian and Marauder icons, and the Guardian/Juggernaut is marked with the Sentinel and Juggernaut icons. It's been that way since they realigned the Classes forum way back whenever.


It's clearly Sentinel/Marauder and Guardian/Juggernaut. So icons are correct. Have you tried to Ctrl+F5 or completely clear your browsers cache?



Edited by Halinalle
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Decided to queue for HMs (55&60. Korriban pops and I say my typical thing about being undergeared.


Tank left few seconds after that followed by healer. We requeue and start doing the part before the first boss. We get replacements before the last pull before the first boss. We complete the FP without issues apart from me almost dying in droid fight.


Dude, ***.


First, stop saying you are undergeared; the net is full of sad and unhappy people that will lash out at whatever they can find.


Second, just to let you know, I clear HM ops bosses with a scoundrel that has like 47k.

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It's clearly Sentinel/Marauder and Guardian/Juggernaut. So icons are correct. Have you tried to Ctrl+F5 or completely clear your browsers cache?




Hmm, those icons actually make more sense.

But in-game I've seen the "Guardian" icon in red and applied to Sentinels and the "Sentinel" icon in purple and applied to Guardians.

Okay, the website is fine, but the game has it bass-ackwards STILL.

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Does that also mean I can get tokens on my sniper then spend them on, for example vanguard tanking gear and gear an aim-based, heavy armour, different role character?


Just be careful putting cartel crystals you haven't paid the cartel coins to globally unlock into weapons if you are doing that... I heard they were banning people for that awhile ago ("friend of a friend" scenario since of course those that were banned can't post about it).

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Hmm, those icons actually make more sense.

But in-game I've seen the "Guardian" icon in red and applied to Sentinels and the "Sentinel" icon in purple and applied to Guardians.

Okay, the website is fine, but the game has it bass-ackwards STILL.


So, it does that too?


This is what I've seen:

Icon is correct, role is correct but class GF window shows is wrong.

For example Guardian tank, correctly marked with Jedi Guardian class icon and role is tank. But when you hover your cursor over the name it tells that the class is Jedi Sentinel. You zone in and see that there's no Sentinels in the group, not even one.


Manaan HM

I queue for 60HMs and this pops. I mention that I'm in the HM version for the very first time. They just say it's not a problem and that I'm lucky it's the easiest one (after this they had quite lengthy conversation about the easiest one :confused:). I had some trouble: switching targets in first boss fight (I'm visually impaired so it's a bit difficult for me), getting stunned twice in bonus boss fight (I spammed aggro drop). But no deaths. Everyone just said "good run" at the end.

Edited by Halinalle
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Just be careful putting cartel crystals you haven't paid the cartel coins to globally unlock into weapons if you are doing that... I heard they were banning people for that awhile ago ("friend of a friend" scenario since of course those that were banned can't post about it).


Nah bro, it's officially kosher: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6346255&postcount=381

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Just a little pet peeve of mine being DPS who either ignore or just have no idea about he Hostage Situation in Ravagers, it’s all fun and games in a good group but not so when you end up having 2 of your 4 healers being hostages almost in a row go down well it ain't funny any more. Was doing a 16M SM today and this exact thing happened, the group leader told everyone to watch out for the hostage Situation (and you know the big red text on screen) but as usual (sadly) most DPS seem to ignore this and we had 3 healers go down (2 in hostage situation, one with bad luck went down not long later) with me being the last one standing, the guild leader is furious in chat that some DPS can't seem to read and we manage to beat him with only 1 healer (me on 10%!) 1 tank and 5 DPS left, way way to close for comfort. Seriously some DPS need a good smack in this fight I'm sorry but please read the bold red text people the fight is not hard at all :rolleyes: Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Hostage Situation in Ravagers.


Had one instance in 8m guild run where 2 of the DPS were Snipers. Both Snipers happened to be spamming Orbital Strike when hostage situation happened, killing the healer instantly with 10k damage per tick. Much lulz was had in guild chat. :D

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What is it with Battle of Rishi AND Blood Hunt? HM versions specifically.


I had Blood Hunt HM pop once, while I was doing Gree things so I was mid fight with a small pack just as the group accepted and Blood Hunt popped. By the time I killed the pack (like maybe 5 seconds later) BOTH dps had dropped group. Are people just scared of it? I'll admit, I've never done it but I'm also a quick learner. So I highly doubt I'd cause massive issues as the tank.

And my que seems to just love Manaan (think I've seen it pop like... 20 times now? with 5 days in a row in there).


As for BoR, it seems like you lose 1 person everytime that one pops up. I get that the last boss can be tough, but its also a measure of RNG on how tough. I've yet to clear it without 1 wipe on that guy, but at the same time that wipe is usually not due to players being bad but just do to sheer add numbers in a single spawn wave.




One day I shall understand things about the GF in this game... But I think that day shall be the day that I truly go insane.

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Had one instance in 8m guild run where 2 of the DPS were Snipers. Both Snipers happened to be spamming Orbital Strike when hostage situation happened, killing the healer instantly with 10k damage per tick. Much lulz was had in guild chat. :D


Not 100% sure about Story Mode, but on HM, hostage situation reflects a set amount of damage for each hit. So OS isn't that bad. What kills people are things that have multiple small hits like rifleshots. ;)

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Seem to happen a lot to me these days ...


Red Eclipse server - I went in on a pug TFB SM 8M. Jug Tank and Sin Tank, 2 Sorc Healers ... those were not the problem. I was on my Marauder DPS. Geared in a mix of 178/186, some of it augmented. However there were three DPS of the same guild, one particular Jug DPS that thought it was fun to taunt of the tanks whenever he liked it. The tanks spoke up against him, and the DPS said relax its SM, you'll survive, I'll survive. "We're all a happy family".


Apparently being with two friends of the same guild he thought he could get away with it cause he kept doing it. Eventually the Healers warned him to stop it or they would let him die on purpose. He left that instant saying "bah you're no fun ... noobs"


His other two guildies never spoke up afterwards and stayed with us until finishing the op.

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Not 100% sure about Story Mode, but on HM, hostage situation reflects a set amount of damage for each hit. So OS isn't that bad. What kills people are things that have multiple small hits like rifleshots. ;)


I can't say I know how hostage situation works, we just saw the OS going off and the healer dead the next second. We assumed it was the OS that had killed the healer. :D Admittedly my Arsenal Merc is guilty of a few deaths before I realized that I could interrupt Unload/Blazing Bolt by pressing Esc. :o

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What is it with Battle of Rishi AND Blood Hunt? HM versions specifically.


I had Blood Hunt HM pop once, while I was doing Gree things so I was mid fight with a small pack just as the group accepted and Blood Hunt popped. By the time I killed the pack (like maybe 5 seconds later) BOTH dps had dropped group. Are people just scared of it? I'll admit, I've never done it but I'm also a quick learner. So I highly doubt I'd cause massive issues as the tank.

And my que seems to just love Manaan (think I've seen it pop like... 20 times now? with 5 days in a row in there).


As for BoR, it seems like you lose 1 person everytime that one pops up. I get that the last boss can be tough, but its also a measure of RNG on how tough. I've yet to clear it without 1 wipe on that guy, but at the same time that wipe is usually not due to players being bad but just do to sheer add numbers in a single spawn wave.




One day I shall understand things about the GF in this game... But I think that day shall be the day that I truly go insane.


Combination effect of poor / excessive tuning and RNG, both the RNG you mentioned, the RNG of 'will the server actually recognize I'm not in the blue **** or will it hit me for 32K even while I'm jumping outside it', as well as the RNG of the people you get in your group (like the healer who just hit 60 and has pre-RotHC greens equipped).


I get its called HM - but as it is repeatable comm farming content (not progression), I'm not going to be bothered sticking around if it looks like we'll be wiping - especially since the rewards don't match the risk.


I'll do something else and queue later, get a better group, and draw something silly easy like Korriban.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Combination effect of poor / excessive tuning and RNG, both the RNG you mentioned, the RNG of 'will the server actually recognize I'm not in the blue **** or will it hit me for 32K even while I'm jumping outside it', as well as the RNG of the people you get in your group (like the healer who just hit 60 and has pre-RotHC greens equipped).


I get its called HM - but as it is repeatable comm farming content (not progression), I'm not going to be bothered sticking around if it looks like we'll be wiping - especially since the rewards don't match the risk.


I'll do something else and queue later, get a better group, and draw something silly easy like Korriban.


Way too much RNG-based BS in those two instances.


Such lazy, lazy game design, exacerbated by showing just how poor the engine and/or server-tech are.


Manaan is much better (my favourite HM actually), and shows what can be done without devs relying on RNGesus for an intellectual crutch.

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Blood Hunt HM

"I'm bad dps"


I queue'd for everything and this pops. Healer disconnects but reconnects after minute or 2. We get to first boss. Everything goes well until I get killed by two adds when boss is at 45% HP. Healer and other dps quits after wipe with "I don't think we can do this."


I'm group leader I decided to requeue but tank asks "do you really think we should wait" and quits.


I really am bad dps. I try to follow all the dps role guides to kill adds asap (I've heard adds in this particular fight are top priority) but still fail completing my role.

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Blood Hunt HM

"I'm bad dps"


I queue'd for everything and this pops. Healer disconnects but reconnects after minute or 2. We get to first boss. Everything goes well until I get killed by two adds when boss is at 45% HP. Healer and other dps quits after wipe with "I don't think we can do this."


I'm group leader I decided to requeue but tank asks "do you really think we should wait" and quits.


I really am bad dps. I try to follow all the dps role guides to kill adds asap (I've heard adds in this particular fight are top priority) but still fail completing my role.


What's the problem here? Is obvious that group cant do this fp if they wipe on 1 boss.

Its not like you need 4-man to kill (It's perfectly doable with only 1 good deeps i think, ok very good :D) and *** you died twice or what, as long as i know peps can rezz 1 time...

Edited by Dark_Mithrandir
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Blood Hunt HM


Everything goes well until I get killed by two adds when boss is at 45% HP.


What was the other DPS doing for you to get killed by the two adds?


It probably wasn't your fault if the other DPS stayed on the boss instead of taking out one of the adds. They hit hard.


Basically on this fight, each DPS has to take out one add and do it as fast as possible so that they can go back on the boss before he summons the next pair of adds.

If you see the other DPS attacking your add, switch add.

The adds can be stunned but not interrupted or CCed. So use your 4s stun on them.

Use any abilities you have that increase your damage when fighting the adds.

Be ready to use your defensive abilities when fighting the adds.


The fight isn't impossible as some have stated. It simply requires a level of play that many aren't used to.

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What was the other DPS doing for you to get killed by the two adds?


It probably wasn't your fault if the other DPS stayed on the boss instead of taking out one of the adds. They hit hard.


Basically on this fight, each DPS has to take out one add and do it as fast as possible so that they can go back on the boss before he summons the next pair of adds.

If you see the other DPS attacking your add, switch add.

The adds can be stunned but not interrupted or CCed. So use your 4s stun on them.

Use any abilities you have that increase your damage when fighting the adds.

Be ready to use your defensive abilities when fighting the adds.


The fight isn't impossible as some have stated. It simply requires a level of play that many aren't used to.


True, but doesn't that last line sound awfully similar to Sorcgate?

may require a higher skill level than many players are comfortable with.
Edited by idnewton
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