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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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That's great, except you're just as guilty of not reading. Do you understand the concept of 'ex post facto'? No, I didn't think so. You should look that up, and then apologize.


Feel free to throw your tantrum after broaching the subject of the photos which do, infact, demonstrate beyond any doubt that it is possible to have 48.5k and be 186 geared.


I may also point out, using legal terminology does not add any weight to a point when said point is:

48.5k is not good enough for a mission with suggested gear level of 178 (though as I conceeded, the community often demands 186).


Though what I would say on the topic of those photos is haliallne is going way over the top optomising at a level which doesnt really required optomised stuff. All I did at 186 was buy comm stuff, replace afew enhancements with acc high to get 100%, augment the moddable stuff (I dont bother augmenting 186 implants, earpieces and relics as they get replaced quick) and jobs a gud'un as they say.


vv Tbh seb I was annoyed with it myself, I was hoping what I wrote top of this page would end it, sadly not. I'll stop now.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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3.2 has been great to me so far. My only discontent is because getting Elite/Ultimate comm is so easy, I'm seeing the rise of "I have more HP than you, therefore I'm the better player" attitude.


8m Ravagers SM. Tanking on my Sintank 198/192 with set bonus and 14 augments, health is a bit over 55k (I'm guilty of using B mods, I know). The other Sintank has 60k, vendor 198/192 with no augment. He immediately designated himself as "maintank" because he "had more health", and I was stuck with gathering adds on Sparky, running barrel on Bulo, tanking Master and Pearl. (Funny how "main tank" never wants to tank Master or Pearl. :rolleyes: )


Predictably his health melted fast; I ended up solotanking Bulo (with DPS running barrel, bless him), ripping aggro off Blaster (and I wasn't even using high threat abilities), and tanking both Master and Blaster (that was... fun). The whole time he was whispering me about how to gear up properly. :rolleyes:

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Not my own story, as I am currently avoiding gf, but a guildmate of mine had the opposite problem a lot of other people seem to have been having recently.


He zoned in to a Ravagers run as a merc dps, only to immediately switch to heal spec as one of the healers was a bit low on health.


By a bit low, I mean 38k, with several pieces 156 and below, and no augments to speak of. And some of the other people in the group called him "elitist" for calling the guy under geared :confused:

It took a while, but they ended up finally finishing one of the oddest runs I've heard of personally in a while.

Edited by ChampionCobra
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Tanking on my Sintank 198/192 with set bonus and 14 augments, health is a bit over 55k (I'm guilty of using B mods, I know). The other Sintank has 60k, vendor 198/192 with no augment. He immediately designated himself as "maintank" because he "had more health


Had something very similar back in the 2.x cycle. Was tanking a pug with my guild co-tank, we were both on our mains with BiS gear(don't even remember wich item level it was). But due to the fact that I was on my Sin and he on his Jugg I had more life due to passive Skills. Raidlead said, that only I should tank, cause I had more HP :D

Needless to say we just ignored him and kept doing what we do best^^

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hm Athiss lvl 60.. jugg tank 47k, mara 42k, op healer 44k and my 186/192 comm-geared arsenal-merc 49k.

Helaer said that he haven't played in 5 months so tank votekick healer, but not gone through.

I tanked first boss half of time. before last boss we get 2 guardians and one electric-guy. I get aggro straight at first rotation and died, 'coz tank can't keep aggro at all and I burned my dcd at last pack. (i used chaff flare and it was at cd) So after res i said to tank "nice tanking.." tank votekicked me and say "bye noob" :confused:


That is way at ToFN when u get tank from "über"pvp-guild and they don't know how play pve properly.

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hm Athiss lvl 60.. jugg tank 47k, mara 42k, op healer 44k and my 186/192 comm-geared arsenal-merc 49k.

Helaer said that he haven't played in 5 months so tank votekick healer, but not gone through.

I tanked first boss half of time. before last boss we get 2 guardians and one electric-guy. I get aggro straight at first rotation and died, 'coz tank can't keep aggro at all and I burned my dcd at last pack. (i used chaff flare and it was at cd) So after res i said to tank "nice tanking.." tank votekicked me and say "bye noob" :confused:


That is way at ToFN when u get tank from "über"pvp-guild and they don't know how play pve properly.


I think I know that tank, who tries to kick everyone who doesnt abide by his exacting standards yet at the same time Opens with taunt -> charge -> ravage all on same target?


hyphonated name M(letters)-D(letters)? Is in guild S-my-W?

Edited by BobFredJohn
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hm Athiss lvl 60.. jugg tank 47k, mara 42k, op healer 44k and my 186/192 comm-geared arsenal-merc 49k.

Helaer said that he haven't played in 5 months so tank votekick healer, but not gone through.

I tanked first boss half of time. before last boss we get 2 guardians and one electric-guy. I get aggro straight at first rotation and died, 'coz tank can't keep aggro at all and I burned my dcd at last pack. (i used chaff flare and it was at cd) So after res i said to tank "nice tanking.." tank votekicked me and say "bye noob" :confused:


That is way at ToFN when u get tank from "über"pvp-guild and they don't know how play pve properly.


In one of the hm 55's like Athiss, tbh, any one gives any grief, just kick them instantly. Life's too short... use a companion instead. That tank should have been kicked as soon as his votekick on the healer failed.

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Get a pop for Cad SM on my scoundrel healer. Still cant heal properly with it, constantly having resource issues and have given up hotting everybody constantly, just hot the tank and decide on other hots on case-by-case way.


Group is sage dps, commando dps and guardian tank. By the time I zone in the commando is dead because the guardian is los pulling the first group of enemies (first time I have ever seen that).


First pull takes AGES. about 50 trillion times longer than it should. So does the second pull and the champ at the top of the tall lift. I decide to watch dps:

commando: hammer shot (basic attack) spam with sticky grenade on CD

sage: disturbance spam. Unless the pull has only 1 enemy, in which case its force quake spam.


Now I am not to fussed about the sage as at least its not basic attack spam and the fact he spams single target in multiple enemy pulls and spams resource expensive aoe in single enemy pulls suggests he is beyond help. However for the commando I write "Im not sure about commando dps rotations, so correct me if I am wrong, buts is it supposed to be hammer shot spam?"


Nobody replies. We get to the first boss, tank pulls before asking if everybody knows it and commando gets frozen (seems the freeze is now a dot too, so I let him die). He ninja loots the willpower body. I whisper him "no ninjaing please" but get no reply.


Get to second boss, kill it and the commando ninja loots the nice guardian piece. I write "no ninjaing please" this time in group chat so that the entire group knows they are a ninja (thats the way I always do it, whisper first time then announce to group, without naming them, the second). The guardian wins the roll but is still annoyed, telling the commando 1 more ninja and they are gone (seems they noticed the ninja on first boss too). I point out that the only loot rolls left are the final boss, so waiting till then is too late.


The commando now writes "just get moving and shut up"


I pop a vote kick on them, reason: ninja and it goes through. He has the 30s timer and asks why.

me: "ninja looting"

commando: "lol"

me: "I dont mind if you do it then apologise because you didnt know how loot works. But ninjaing then telling the group to shut up is not on."


The commando leaves and we complete.

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Two of my guildies asked if I wanted to come for some level 60 HM flashpoints. I turned them down, as yesterday we did quite a lot of them already, and felt like uninstalling if I had to do korriban/tython again. Would have gone for blood hunt though (my favourite), but didn't like my chances.


They (PT tank and dps sorc) go for random, and, of course, get blood hunt. I wish them good luck and queue for pvp. After a min, they ask again if I want to come. Apparently, right after they zoned in, the pug dps and healer quit without saying a single word. They re-queued, got another healer and dps, who, after seeing it's blood hunt, also left immediately.


I relog to my merc, and queue for blood hunt only as heals: I got the pop, saw my guildies, and zoned in. We also got a dps, who surprisingly left right after he realised it was blood hunt... We re-queue, got an other dps, and stared in disbelief as he left the group. At that point we started telling people not to leave as we can totally do that flashpoint, and finally got a dps jugg who did not leave upon zoning in.


We go to the first boss: jugg dps tunnels boss, while tank and the other dps takes down adds. This way, however, sorc does not get lot of uptime on boss and it enrages at around 5%. We wipe. Sorc then tells the jugg to help with adds, and we kill the first boss in no time.


We clear the flashpoint with no further problems (though jugg dps did not move out of flamethrower on the last boss and took a lot of dmg, but I didn't mind the extra challange).


Why do people still leave if they get blood hunt? It got nerfed with 3.2, which was more than 2 weeks ago.

But if people still struggle with it, shouldn't they at least stick around until the first pull and see if they are going to beat the boss or not?:confused:

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HM Tython. I'm on my Guardian DPS. The others are a guardian tank, balance sage, seer sage.


The guardian is in 186's, giving him 49k. We don't comment, or say anything. Instead, we mush on to the first boss where we don't even talk strats. AOE phase, everyone but the tank run away.


The moment I see that, I turn around, and help drop AOE's on the adds. The tank eventually dies, but the shields on all 4 adds are down by then because the others see what's up and react.


Tank gets rezzed while I hold the boss after saber reflecting full-autos and getting a ton of damage on everything. He regens a bit of health before he leaps back in and taunts.


2nd AOE, none of us run, but we don't go to separate adds, so the AOE's last a bit long. Not one person panics or stands in stupid. Shields are eventually downed, adds die, boss dies, no one else dies.


It was messy, but it didn't have that feeling of frustration. Instead, it broke the usual monotony of strats as we go nuts and it was fun as hell. The tank, despite being in way less gear than us, knows what he's doing. He spams his taunts to stay on top of the aggro table, uses his CD's as needed, and doesn't stress the heals at all. Lots of skill this guy.


The rest of the group is awesome too. No one panics, shouts out stupid crap, or whatever. We all adapted, knew the dangers and weakness, and got through with only one slight hiccup.


Overall, we stomp through the FP with no problems at all. Gotta love the messy fun ones. :cool:

Edited by LuxDragon
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Feel free to throw your tantrum after broaching the subject of the photos which do, infact, demonstrate beyond any doubt that it is possible to have 48.5k and be 186 geared.
HAHAHA! You seriously think that's what we're talking about? Learn to read before you run your mouth.



Check yourself before you wreck yourself, please.

Edited by idnewton
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Feel free to throw your tantrum after broaching the subject of the photos which do, infact, demonstrate beyond any doubt that it is possible to have 48.5k and be 186 geared.


Just skip his posts. He is obviously bored.


I know that I would be over 50k with vendor 186/192 enhancements but Power is better than Endurance.

1 Endurance = 10 HP

Power = increases all damage dealt


Tbh, I lost few Acc points too from 192s, but since I still stay above 100/110 it's fine. In fact, pointed by one person in another thread, I could replace one of Acc augs with Overkill.

Edited by Halinalle
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Just skip his posts. He is obviously bored.


I know that I would be over 50k with vendor 186/192 enhancements but Power is better than Endurance.

1 Endurance = 10 HP

Power = increases all damage dealt


Tbh, I lost few Acc points too from 192s, but since I still stay above 100/110 it's fine. In fact, pointed by one person in another thread, I could replace one of Acc augs with Overkill.


If your interested, min/max acc is 3 purple acc augments and 5 acc high 198's for a total of 759 giving 100.01%

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If your interested, min/max acc is 3 purple acc augments and 5 acc high 198's for a total of 759 giving 100.01%


Not there yet. :cool: I'm probably good for SM Ziost ops boss/SM ops in general but HM ops... Not yet.


Just noticed something really weird. My Scoundrel is mostly in 190s w/ 9/14 (3x178, 6x186) @ 47,8k. No min/max apart from putting 190 enhancement from offhand to mainhand when I got 192 offhand. 186 barrel/mod in mainhand. They did quite good job itemizing those 190s. :eek:

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forgot one weird run with my TK-Sage.

Blood Hunt HM and all from different raiding-guilds. ALL bosses gone down at one shot :D


edit: first time when I even dropped first boss there

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forgot one weird run with my TK-Sage.

Blood Hunt HM and all from different raiding-guilds. ALL bosses gone down at one shot :D


edit: first time when I even dropped first boss there


Because it got nerfed hard in 3.2.

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Afew stories, one isnt gf.


Levelling my scoundrel, got to tatt and was ganked by a lvl 55 sorc. I switched to my sent and go and kill the sorc, then again, and agan....7 times. He starts to get really annoyed that I interrupted his ganking and throws a tantrum at me along the lines of "you are level 60, im 55, its not fair leave me alone" and I respond along the lines of "thats rich coming from a 55 ganking low 20's"


They carry on moaping and moaning while I tell them that if they want, I can get them into the guild my imps are with and they can teach this person to pvp so they wont need to gank. They aren't interested in learning to play, they just want to gank so I continue killing them another 4 times before they call me a ganking noob and never come back.


Go on my sniper and queue for 60 HM, get tython. The other dps is sniper, a jugg tank and sorc healer.


We set off and get to the first boss, at which point the other sniper shows himself to be an obsessive min/maxer. He stops and says "can I offer you guys some advice?"

tank: "sure"

sniper: "tank needs to swap out 1 of his absorb augments for shield, you are meant to split 33% on each. sniper (me) needs to lose 2 points on accuracy, its 2 points over 100% and swap out 50 or so of your crit rating for surge".

me: "or I could just gear up when I have comms/tokens/etc available to get a higher rating"

sniper: "I used to have gear similar to you, but I changed some crit and surge and on my parse I get an extra 12 dps"

me: "the boss has afew hundred k HP, i dont give a flying toss about 12 dps, especially on a dummy where you can just sit still. Out of interest how many times did you use an interrupt, how many times did you get up in the middle of a ambush cast to avoid an aoe, how often did you use shield probe?"

sniper: "lol yet another noob happy to remain ignorant of how to play, tank you got an augments to switch over, gear up better?"

tank: "no, does it matter?"

me: "how many times has the healer said they are struggling to keep the tank up? how many times have the dps ripped aggro off him, how many times has he died?" (the answer to all these is mostly 0, he dropped afew enemies but nothing 2 dps cant cope with"

sniper: "lol shut up noob just because you can be bothered to learn to play doesnt mean everyone else should be as dumb as you"

tank: "i dont have any augments ready to switch over, lets just start"


we start the first boss and the sniper ignores all mechanics, never drags os towards the adds and doesnt even move out of them. He quickly dies. We complete the fight largely down to the overgeared tank and healer, res the sniper and continue. I point out that perhaps they "ought to stop worring about 1 or 2 points on crit or suge and instead learn the fights, learn to play dps with dcd's and interrupts and so on"


The sniper vote kicks me but it fails. The healer vote kicks the sniper, it goes through and I imagine the last thing the sniper sees as they leave is the healer writing "tosser" in chat.


Now I can understand min/maxing at 198 rating, just as something to do, but telling someone to lower their crit by 50 points and increase surge when they are in mixed 186/192 is rediculous.


Learning the fights, when to interrupt, where to stand and using DCD's is far more helpful that getting an extra 50 surge.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Mando Raiders SM

My Deception Assassin, Jugg tank, Mara and Merc healer.


As soon as we start I notice something: this is going to one of those runs.


Tank tunnelvision one enemy at time most of the time. And ripping aggro wasn't even difficult. But we get to first boss Merc spam healing everyone. First attempt: tank tries to tank guy and dogs = we wipe. When running back me and one of the others points out what to do. I mark one of the dogs. I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Tank jumps to marked dog. We managed to defeat dogs and boss though. Barely. We continue and same aggro issues continue. I have to waste Blackout and Force Cloak to aggro dump, not great for my resource management. Next boss, Boarding Party... with this tank. We, somehow, manage it though with only two alive on our first attempt. Aggro issues continue. We get to last boss and down it on our first attempt. Even Mara was most of the time on same turrets with me so not too bad. Wait a minute... a decent Mara... :eek:


Not a bad run. Kinda refreshing run this one too (like my previous story). Nothing really bad but also no "these characters must be played by robot or something" feeling I get in most groups.

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The commando now writes "just get moving and shut up"


I pop a vote kick on them, reason: ninja and it goes through. He has the 30s timer and asks why.

me: "ninja looting"

commando: "lol"

me: "I dont mind if you do it then apologise because you didnt know how loot works. But ninjaing then telling the group to shut up is not on."


The commando leaves and we complete.


The number of people that just don't get why ninja looting is a problem baffles me. The total disrespect for their fellow players. I've even on occasion been in a group and been kicked for "whining" when I called out the ninja. Apparently they were all ninjas.


While I still don't accept it as an excuse, at least classes other than a commando can make the "I need it for a companion" excuse, but troopers can't make that claim, and if they do that's a kick right there... cause they are either a troll or a hopeless case.

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While I still don't accept it as an excuse, at least classes other than a commando can make the "I need it for a companion" excuse, but troopers can't make that claim, and if they do that's a kick right there... cause they are either a troll or a hopeless case.


"But all healers use Cunning. Noob."

"Yuun is melee so uses Strength."

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Go on my sniper and queue for 60 HM, get tython. The other dps is sniper, a jugg tank and sorc healer.


We set off and get to the first boss, at which point the other sniper shows himself to be an obsessive min/maxer. He stops and says "can I offer you guys some advice?"

tank: "sure"

sniper: "tank needs to swap out 1 of his absorb augments for shield, you are meant to split 33% on each. sniper (me) needs to lose 2 points on accuracy, its 2 points over 100% and swap out 50 or so of your crit rating for surge".

me: "or I could just gear up when I have comms/tokens/etc available to get a higher rating"

sniper: "I used to have gear similar to you, but I changed some crit and surge and on my parse I get an extra 12 dps"

me: "the boss has afew hundred k HP, i dont give a flying toss about 12 dps, especially on a dummy where you can just sit still. Out of interest how many times did you use an interrupt, how many times did you get up in the middle of a ambush cast to avoid an aoe, how often did you use shield probe?"

sniper: "lol yet another noob happy to remain ignorant of how to play, tank you got an augments to switch over, gear up better?"

tank: "no, does it matter?"

me: "how many times has the healer said they are struggling to keep the tank up? how many times have the dps ripped aggro off him, how many times has he died?" (the answer to all these is mostly 0, he dropped afew enemies but nothing 2 dps cant cope with"

sniper: "lol shut up noob just because you can be bothered to learn to play doesnt mean everyone else should be as dumb as you"

tank: "i dont have any augments ready to switch over, lets just start"


we start the first boss and the sniper ignores all mechanics, never drags os towards the adds and doesnt even move out of them. He quickly dies. We complete the fight largely down to the overgeared tank and healer, res the sniper and continue. I point out that perhaps they "ought to stop worring about 1 or 2 points on crit or suge and instead learn the fights, learn to play dps with dcd's and interrupts and so on"


The sniper vote kicks me but it fails. The healer vote kicks the sniper, it goes through and I imagine the last thing the sniper sees as they leave is the healer writing "tosser" in chat.


Now I can understand min/maxing at 198 rating, just as something to do, but telling someone to lower their crit by 50 points and increase surge when they are in mixed 186/192 is rediculous.


Learning the fights, when to interrupt, where to stand and using DCD's is far more helpful that getting an extra 50 surge.


What server was that on? Sounds like someone I know...

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Low level Sniper, lvl55 Mara and my Assassin tank


I Guard the Sniper and we get going. Sniper pulls before me every time so he ends up dying a lot in first scenario. I don't bother to put Guard on him after 3rd death. Mara only uses Channel Hatred when his HP drops below 10%. I barely survive fights vs Elite Defenders. Mara also run to blue boxes without paying attention to enemies between him and box. There goes my AoE taunt again... 12xXP is starting show its face.

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