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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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how did you gear up? in mm fps? just like 99% of the players?


that kind of behaviour is very anti social


No, what is anti-social is using group-finder and expecting other players to carry your inexperienced, undergeared butt through the harder MM flashpoints. Unfortunately players that have been carried usually don't realize it.


I don't know about the player you are quoting but I geared up in Vet fp (on 2 servers) and didn't even queue up for the easier MM until I had 280 plus gear AND a tactical. I don't queue for ALL MM flashpoints until I have 306 gear, set bonus, and a decent tactial. For dps specs I do a quick parse on the 3.5 mil target dummy. If I can't hit 15k dps (which is a pretty low, easy to get, parse nowadays) I don't queue for MM fp on that class. Most flashpoints can be done with one good dps, and one mediocre (or even bad) dps, but the harder ones just cannot be done with TWO mediocre/bad dps. There is only so much a good tank/heal can do without having proper dps.


Now, if you want to pre-form a group then by all means run with whatever level and gear you and you teammates want to.


HOWEVER if you are using group-finder for MM flashpoints then you should have at least 2 out of these 3 area's checked off:


1. Be geared (decent stat balance, tactical at the very least)

2. Know the fights

3. Know your class abilities and how/when to use them (including dcds, interrupts, and cc's)

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i would like to know which fps are demanding any kind of dps nowadays?

a properly geared vg tank deals the dps which is needed from a dps...


short list:

Korriban 2nd boss

Manaan 2nd boss (more mechanics, but dps/tank need to know how to avoid taking damage)

Tython 1st, 3rd boss (again mechanics and avoiding taking damage rather than actual dps check)

Blood Hunt

Lost Island

All Traitor Arc fp



Do you even use group-finder as a heal or tank spec?


I like heals, I prefer playing heals, but lately have been queueing as dps even with the longer times to pop because that way I know at least one dps in the group will be good. As a dps I can compensate for weak heals or for a weak tank, but as a heals I can't do much about weak dps. I can only do decent off-dps when the tank/dps are good players. Poor tanks/dps tend to take more damage then normal, meaning more heals are needed leaving no energy for decent off-dps.


I am really tired of getting 5 or more bomb stages on that 2nd Korriban boss. I had one LI group that I babied through to the last boss only to have then go to six (6!) tanks before getting to the burning rakghoul stage. That's a stage that good dps can get to after only 2 tanks, or 3 at the most.


Having smug elitists, who probably don't even do full pug groups, constantly blathering on about how easy MM is, only ensures that even more crap dps will be in the queue. Meaning your chance of getting 2 bad dps popping in to the harder MM flashpoints is pretty high.


Thanks for that. Thank you very much.

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short list:

Korriban 2nd boss

Manaan 2nd boss (more mechanics, but dps/tank need to know how to avoid taking damage)

Tython 1st, 3rd boss (again mechanics and avoiding taking damage rather than actual dps check)

Blood Hunt

Lost Island

All Traitor Arc fp




Thanks for that. Thank you very much.

korriban- not really a dps check 6k per dps is sufficient

manaan - has only the 5 min timer on the last boss. everything else including bonus boss its no matter of dps

tython - has no enrage timers at all

blood hunt - you need 4.5 k dps per dps which is what the tank should do

lost island - only sav-rak has a real enrage which is at 4m 40s which is an eternity

all traitor arc - none of the bosses has any enrage

meridian - no enrages either


the point is that if you have autohit cowboys- then you have autohit cowboys.

gear doesnt matter at all. and what the guy says is that he will quit if their gear is too low, which is just stupid.

you can have super shiny 306 and only autoattack or you can have green ******** gear and press the right buttons and will still do more than 2 the damage of an autohit cowboy.

if you have shiny 306 set gear 1 dps will do enough for every flashpoint boss there is.

e.g. blood hunt first boss: back in the days on lvl 70 before the increased enrage timer and the 500th nerf of the adds you needed 16k raid dps. now a vg/pt can pull off 14k at this boss. and you have 1 min more time than when you needed the 16k. this means the 2nd dps, the tank and the heal-pet need to get on a combined whopping 2k of dps. if we calculate wth the old timer.

there are literally no dpschecks which are in any world gear dependent.

gf is a lottery. and gear means absolutely nothing.

and a good heal and tank can carry even the *******st dps nowadays.

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@Opiklo Just don't discuss with Little Dragon. He has his own viewpoints. You can't change them. It is, what it is.


She, stop assuming everyone who plays swtor is a guy. Just stop it. I've seen the theorycrafter discord, and yes it's a dudebro lockerroom atmosphere there, but that is not a good sample of the playerbase in the game.


My viewpoints are based on actual in-game experiences with using group-finder. Something which is used by all classes and specs, btw, not just the current NiM raider favorites.


If any of you 'ooh things are so easy types' want to put me on legacy ignore then please do so. I doubt you use group-finder so it doesn't matter to me.


One of my Star Forge characters if you want to ignore me: Signald

Satale Shan character: Drel Ruf

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...If any of you 'ooh things are so easy types' want to put me on legacy ignore then please do so. I doubt you use group-finder so it doesn't matter to me.

Funnily enough, I have your correspondent on ignore on the forums (*) but not you.


I have to say it is a pain to have people on the later FPs in MM (not talking about MM Hammer Station here) who don’t have/do the following, especially because such people also tend to not wait for or listen to mechanics and PoA discussion:

1. Be geared (decent stat balance, tactical at the very least)

2. Know the fights

3. Know your class abilities and how/when to use them (including dcds, interrupts, and cc's)

To bring this back to topic is the experience from last week: Level 75 healer in decent gear who spent MM SoV spamming basic attack and throwing random heals to break up the tedium. We had to abandon the effort.


(*) I never seem to remember why I ever did that with any poster.

Edited by mike_carton
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Looks like you haven't played Blood Hunt with 3 bolstered Lowbies recently. Especially when they are under level 30.

Well, he was talking about MM FPs where he can't really meet characters lower than 70.

But isn't there a level restriction in VET FPs now (since Onslaught)? As in what is available in GF opens up as you level, so BH only should come into play at level 50 or 60 anyway?


Generally MM Fps aren't really gear dependant but looking at someone's gear might give a clue of how well they will listen and follow directions. Though looking at how many FPs (especially the more difficult ones) they did probably is more helpful for that.


To return to the actual topic of this thread:

Spirit of Vengeance MM a few days after release, group of three from my guild, tank and two dps (that usually play healers until recently) and a random healer.

Since we did the FP a few times before the mechanics were mostly clear though the execution not always the best since the two main healers struggled with playing the dps role too.

The healer didn't say hello but already moaned in chat for getting into that FP again yet he didn't leave the group. He clearly wanted to get through quickly though and had an annoying habit to pull stuff himself.

The bosses went not perfectly but alright, nobody blamed the healer for dying from their own faults and the healer only died once at first boss, also due to himself ignoring the mechanic and not using any ability to get free from the root.

Then comes Troya Ajak as far as we understood at that point the player targeted by that canalised shot moves to hide behind a corner or edge to avoid the damage and not get one shot (the run was still before the patch that lowered the damage significantly). Unfortunately it didn't work either due to players being to slow or the shot still killing them despite being behind cover, the boss died in the first attempt though and it was us who died and nobody complained towards the healer.

The healer though started writing condescendingly about whether we did the FP before (again, it was a few days after release) and knew what we were doing there, one of our DPS wrote truthfully to have been there once before.

No answer given to that, not an explanation what we did wrong there or anything, just the vibe of *gods, are you bad! what do I have to put up with here* and more pulling trash and last boss by the healer plus leaving at the end without any further word.

That player was collectively ignored then. We have no problem with being told being bad, but without specific explanation of why and how that's not just rude but simply utterly useless.

How do players expect inexperienced players to learn and do better next time if they don't even tell them what went wrong.

Edited by Khaleijo
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  • 3 weeks later...

2 weeks without weird people post? O.o


Anyway, here’s mine.


Doing the daily GF ops which is Dread Palace, this tank a full augmented 306 sin but weirdly stat that have 1k-ish acc, 200 ala and maybe some crits. There’s this new thing about GF ops q where either tank/heal q outside but this tank keep insiting to have 8 members on the group. Shrug it as “maybe new guy”, never tell the group that it was their first time. Finish Bestia with no problem at all. Then Tyrans where all went wrong (not really but still went wrong.)


This tank also keep insisting that they already beat DP for couple of time but their cheevo still at 1/5. Wipe at first try then the DwT take the mantle to properly place the boss. We cleared.


3rd boss oh well, now its my sniper turn to become a makeshift tank where i got most of the agro and that tank actually die when on first portal where they keep attacking boss. Everyone who have brez decided not to brez this tank, they dont say anything but they all dont brez them.


4th boss, the lead now try explaining the fight coz its a little complicated but guess what? The tank start pulling when lead still in “get crystal in next room” explaining phase and this is where everyone start voicing their discontent toward the tank, tank got kicked after we wipe. After that the DwT swap to tank gear and we finish without problem.


This newer generation of new player really baffles me, they never listened nor want to admit its their first try and yet always wonder why everyone in group hates them. For new player reading this, please learn to listen and not be a d*ck toward others or you will turn like this tank where at least 4 player put them on ignore.

Edited by Zechalakazam
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As a fairly new player, the attitude of the ""new"" players are terrible.


Example 1:

I was leveling my ~lv55 merc tank (didn't realize I haven't got all classes to lv75). Got D7 with at least one lv75.

The group clearly have no idea where they should go, can't follow kill order, pull trash multiple times when I lead and zip-zapping through the map. But that's ok, I always went back for them, taunting the trash they accidentally pulled away from them, and saved their asses multiple times.

When we were going through the last part, where you can run through 2 groups of trash that spawned, I waited for everyone before the triggering point, ran together, and when unsurprisingly, they were too slow and aggroed the trash, I ran back, group taunt the trash to save them.

THE *********** RAN AWAY AND LEFT ME TO DIE. I struggled for about 30 sec and none of them thought of going back to kill the big group they aggroed??



I should let them *********** wipe. They would wipe at least 5 times if I was not around. **** them.


Example 2:

Cademimu. 4 lv75. 2 Jugg tanks. 2 Snipers (me and the other)

Should be a piece of cakes right?

One of the tank kept aggroing everything. And I mean everything. LITERALLY.

He was clearly not 306 geared, he didn't los, no guard, no nothing, just jump at random trash in the corner when we were avoiding it, got himself and us almost killed multiple times.

The other sniper typed -_- and o_o every time the tank pulled another random trash. I finally fed up before the first boss and vote kicked him. Vote went through fast.

The guy got kicked whispered me saying "you are not very nice, I'm new to this game"

I said "when I was new, I didn't pull ****" (tbh I thought he was the kind of jerk who aggros everything for kicks)

He had the audacity to say something like "I pulled but no one died I don't see what's wrong"

WE DIDN'T DIE BECAUSE WE HAVE 3 OTHER LV75, ONE OF WHICH WAS A TANK, AND THE TWO DPS WERE FULLY GEARED AND KNEW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. If he's with a team who were new or simply too low a level to handle the big groups with elite droids, that's guaranteed wipe, multiple times, and that's a fact. I told him so and he stayed silent after that.


Fast forward to the boss fight.

The other tank, turned out, didn't know about the fight either. HE STOOD UNDER THE FIRE WHEN BOTH US SNIPERS RAN TO THE SAFE CORNER and watched the tank showing under fire.

The other sniper made another o_O face because, shockers, I, too, had no idea this tank was also a noob.

(Un)fortunately my lv50 Theron was too good, he healed through the burn and we killed the boss with no one died.

I whispered the other sniper "Damn those Sith, we can't trust them"

She whispered back "Nope."

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Not really a "weird" experience but I just don't understand what really happened here.


Queued into MM FP Crisis on Umbara. For background, I've healed a number of MM FPs and HM op's before and I'm fully geared, but I hadn't done this particular FP in MM before. The tank quit the group before we even phased in, so we queued again for another tank. Finally we got one but he waited a bit outside of the FP for a few minutes. We said Welcome and we let him know we hadn't started yet. He ignored that and said "Have you healed this before?". I said not this one yet. And then he immediately quit.


Does the DPS not matter, just the healer does? He hadn't phased in so he couldn't have checked my achievements. We couldn't find a third tank and had to quit :(


Anyway, I was just baffled why players even queue for MM fps if they are going to quit immediately without giving anyone a chance.

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Does the DPS not matter, just the healer does? He hadn't phased in so he couldn't have checked my achievements. We couldn't find a third tank and had to quit :(

For Umbara? I've finished it a dozen times or so (and wiped about the same number). I would say having good dps who can both deal damage, and avoid taking damage, is more important than just having a good healer.


You probably just had a bad tank there. You know the type. They stand in avoidable aoe, ignore mechancis, and then yell at the healer for not healing them enough.


Anyway, I was just baffled why players even queue for MM fps if they are going to quit immediately without giving anyone a chance.

That seems to be happening a lot lately. I keep getting players who drop as soon as a flashpoint pops up. There's no real pattern either. I've had them drop from more than one flashpoint, some are hard flashpoints but some are faceroll easy flashpoints.


They don't say anything, just 'poof', and they're gone. I'm not sure if they're trolling or what game they're playing, but they go on my ignore list.


There is a filter for flashpoints. Use it if you are not willing to run all the flashpoints.

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He stands in the middle of the arena and tanks the boss. The healer does an extraordinary job, but eventually the group gets low and it is a wipe. Right before everyone dies, our tank says „Healer? Why are you not healing?“. He simply has not the situational awareness to grasp, what is going on.


Thats why I main sorc heal - I pull him where he has to go or write it.

Sometimes they get the hint after I fracture their spine :)


The problems you adress are Biowares and the players fault.

If something is too difficult, players complain so long about it that BW makes it easier.

I remember when Umbara and Chiss were difficult ... but at least you can do it with randoms now.

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When I was new (started a year ago, never even played mmo before)

I said "Hi, i'm new to FP, pls show me how to kill boss etc."

And people taught me. Both how to go around the map and how to kill boss.

Typing that line isn't difficult if you can play this game.



Me: Anyone new to this FP?

No response. Wipe because no one except me has a clue of what's going on.


Me: (Hammer Station) Healer, please cleanse "laser" when it reaches 5 stacks.

No cleanse half of the time. If I was really lucky, no heal either (lv75 healer who doesn't heal... *** are you even here?)


Me: Stealth class, please use sleep dart/mind trap on marked enemy.

No response.

On a good day, the stealth class ask what a sleep dart/mind trap is and actually learn it.

On a normal day, there will be no response at all so I simply sigh and pull.

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When I was new (started a year ago, never even played mmo before)

I said "Hi, i'm new to FP, pls show me how to kill boss etc."

And people taught me. Both how to go around the map and how to kill boss.

Typing that line isn't difficult if you can play this game.



Me: Anyone new to this FP?

No response. Wipe because no one except me has a clue of what's going on.


Me: (Hammer Station) Healer, please cleanse "laser" when it reaches 5 stacks.

No cleanse half of the time. If I was really lucky, no heal either (lv75 healer who doesn't heal... *** are you even here?)


Me: Stealth class, please use sleep dart/mind trap on marked enemy.

No response.

On a good day, the stealth class ask what a sleep dart/mind trap is and actually learn it.

On a normal day, there will be no response at all so I simply sigh and pull.


This is what bothers me ALOT, newer player these days dont even told the group its their first time and some of them even says that they complete said FP/OPS multiple time even though their cheevo says otherwise.


Someone on earlier post have a good point of saying “since its easy to run through content, new player will just assume its easy and its the healer fault on wipe”


I mean, if a new player told at least me that its their first time, I will spare the time to explain mech to them. But, if they dont tell group its their first time even though I check cheevo, I wouldn’t bother to explain.

Edited by Zechalakazam
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New players, just say you are new (even if you have done the Vet version, some MM have different mechanics).


I have had good experiences with new'ish players. I have pugged all the harder flashpoints (including Umbara) where 2 or more players in the group were new to them. ... I have BEEN that player who is new to fights. Everyone is new at one point.


Assuming a player has learnt their class properly and has decent gear (not max, just decent)*, then they should be fine with any MM flashpoint. If they let people know they are new to MM and also listen to explanations of the fight then the run will go much smoother.


... most flashpoint boss explanations are 'like Veteran only things hit harder and have more hitpoints'. There are only a few where you will need more than a couple if sentences to explain mechanics.



* pay attention to your stats when gearing. That 258 gear that was great on your level 70, will be terrible gear on your level 75.

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I did got a new player who said he's new.

It was Cademimu and he's the only lv75, a tank even.


It was fun because even though we died a few times, we knew he was trying so no one's being a dick about the accidents. We did lol at him jumping on the long lift and died of fall damage... it was amusing watching new players do that and learned it the hard way (like I did). He even remembered what I asked him at the beginning and put guard on me (heal) every time after he died so hey, that's good. Better than that one "veteran" jerk tank I got from a MM FP who said I was a noob for asking for guard, after he stood there and watched me used up all my DCDs and killed by the whole group of trash because the jerk tank can't hold aggro so I ended up getting all the aggro trying to keep the whole team, especially the poor DPS, alive. That earned my rage quit and the tank on my ignore list.

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A tank puts guard on healer, if he does not know better.

A tank puts guard on healer, if the healer is whining, and he just wants him to shut up. And he is confident enough, he don't need it to hold aggro against dps.

Guard actually does reduce incoming damage on guarded player, it's only 5% though, and 25% less threat, which (as you pointed out) does not change anything if no damage is going out to the adds and only heal threat is generated. :)

Still there are fights where the tiny reduction still comes in handy, when there is lots of unavoidable damage coming in for example, then healer can benefit and heal others more, e.g. Umbara last boss I'd say. Still a matter of taste maybe?


Anyway, I guess I know the streamer you mentioned before, at least there is one who went into Nathema undergeared and not knowing the FP and lacking knowledge of the damage mitigation parts of the rotation of his PT. Seeing how self-conscious I am (I don't dare going there knowing the fights at least as DPS/Heal and with a well equipped tank I know the spec pretty well) I thought it amazing how different people are. I wish I had a similar confidence, because in the end they got things done, which is what counts.


Last week I had a "I am tank, I am boss" type: Rishi, tank asks for bonus, one guy in the group doesn't want to try, tank quits. I mean, come on.


And just yesterday Nathema popped, tank insta quits. One Stealther still starts stealthing through, the other DPS quits (maybe he didn't know the tactics even though I whispered what was going on) without a word. Before the first boss we luckily got replacements, tank says he was a returning player and didn't know the fights except for Story, so we took a little time trying to explain the fights in chat. One shoted everything with minor hickups, except for last boss where we had a wipe at 12%, killed it in 2nd try. Tank asked for areas of improvement after every fight, that as pretty awesome.

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Not again this "guard on healer" topic. Some people simply don't understand. As i said in my last post...


Healers only gets attacked, if nobody is attacking the mobs. Every basic attack from tank or dps will gain aggro. Guard will not help you/prevent it, if nobody is building aggro an adds.


You just answered why a healer ask for guard because 99% of the time no one is following kill order, everyone is killing their own thing, and the heal gains the most aggro after 5 sec just by throwing basic heal probes.


Maybe I should just try the No Heal No Aggro trick. Won't gain aggro more than ****** tank and dps if I do nothing.

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One. If this happens in master mode, speak up, remind them on kill order. If nothing changes ignore tank and dps. They are bad. You ignore them, because they are bad, and not because tank doesn't gave you guard. Again, guard will not help in this situation. 25% aggro reduction does not help, when they all ignore basic gameplay. But you should never put a tank on ignore, because he does not want to give you guard right at the start. You should never tell a new tank, guard is for healers.


Two. If this happens in veteran mode, with an all-dps group, okay... it happens alot, because people learn in veteran mode. And you have to learn as a healer as well ... protect yourself. Either you heal through it, if you're good enough. Honestly, this situations are the most fun part as a healer, because you finally have to heal something on veteran mode. Or, as you said, you don't start healing, if you can't handle the aggro. Wait till somebody is under 50% and than you start healing. Remember, your main focus as a healer is to stay alive. After that you can rescue others. Don't heal, if you know, you will die. They have DCDs. They can use them.


An example... last boss Hammer-Station. Master or veteran, does not matter. Tank and two melee dps burning the boss. Once in a while two adds appear. Let's assume everbody is ignoring them, and you as a healer have to deal with them. How do you deal with them? How do you protect yourself? Simple. Don't stand at 25m range. Go grap the adds and walk over to tank and dps. They do one aoe attack, and you will lose aggro. Don't stand there and wait, that one dps comes over to rescue you. Play more proactive and help your group. Same with the Korriban boss, the droid in front of the gate. You gain aggro as a healer on the spawning melee adds. Grap them, go to boss, aoe from tank or dps, done. Or Mandalorian Raiders... this cute little doggos, jumping at you. Don't panic, run to group members, they will at one time have to cast an abilitiy with aoe damage. If we are talking about range adds, go position yourself around a crate/corner or something. Nathema, last boss. The beams from the alkoven-phase. Run and hide behind a pillar. Don't stand in the open and let them wreck you. Learn to protect yourself.


I have seen this so often, so much. Healers thinking it is enough, if they heal. You have so much more to do as a healer, than pressing small heal, big heal,.. etc. Positioning. Your most valuable defensive cooldown. Just don't stand there and let adds wreck you. Think.


It is unfortunate, but you will get these kind of groups. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. But in all these cases, a 25% aggro reduce with guard will not help you, if no tank or dps is attacking the target, that is attacking you.


This is simply a thing you have to learn as a healer. Which trash groups are giving me trouble, and why? What can i do, to change that? And if your answer is, "random tank at the start of the flashpoint, give me guard or i quit". Nope. You can improve in other ways.


I have something like 95% Flashpoints achievements. 85% i did in random groups. 80% as a healer. I've seen it all. And honestly, you should be totally capable to keep yourself up against any trash group in veteran or master, till incompetent teammates kill them. If they pull like three or four groups,.. yeah... you should be good.


Usually MM is good, and I've only got one terrible tank so far. Bosses are fine because the numbers are small and I can hit kolto in VM anyway if things go south. It's big group of trash that's the problem. Maybe it's because I ranted about all my worst experiences in a short time so it looked bad but I can keep myself alive if the team is half decent, but some teams are just *that* bad, and nothing I do can save me.


I only ask guard whenever I ended up being the hot target of literally the whole group of trash. Maybe 25% threat and 5% damage off is very little, but it's better than literally nothing. I'll take that, thanks. It's not like the tank is using it on the dps either... most of the time they don't even know it exist so why not take it for myself...


I guess if I wanted to be fair, I should complain about those heals who don't heal at all...

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You just answered why a healer ask for guard because 99% of the time no one is following kill order, everyone is killing their own thing, and the heal gains the most aggro after 5 sec just by throwing basic heal probes.


This conflict purely stems from dps not knowing or caring about kill order when there's more than one enemy.


Consider the following mob: 1 Elite ranked NPC, 2 or 3 Strong ranked ones, and a few normal ones interspersed; each one of them is grouped close enough to be hit with a general AOE or by stepping one pace closer to hit them, except for 1 or 2 Normal ranged enemies.


The Tank's main job is to fight the ones that are like him, which have the most endurance (the Elite and Strong ones), while the dps focus on the weaker ones that would go down to their superior power quickly; they have weapons that can hurt just as much, but they have so little health compared to what a dps can dish out that it doesn't matter.


A good dps generally works from the outside of the fray to the middle, but so many see what the tank is heading for and think "Oh, that's what I should be hitting too!" when it's not. Their job is to target those ranged snipers that will hit the healer without some other interference. Mobs are almost never bunched up as nicely as I described, and it's ridiculous to expect the tank to run all over the place making sure he has aggro on all of them before they overwhelm the healer. Kill the ones that can be killed quickly and join in the tank's battle royale with the leader Only. When. It's. Needed.


It also doesn't help matters when a veteran teaches noobs harmful stuff in the name of a quicker record on clearing like "ignore adds burn boss" simply because damage is so badly tuned for certain fights and the boss will die before the adds become a problem for survival.

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The bosses went not perfectly but alright, nobody blamed the healer for dying from their own faults and the healer only died once at first boss, also due to himself ignoring the mechanic and not using any ability to get free from the root.


And this is what you are supposed to do. The boss gains stacks when people get free from the grapple either knowingly or because they are using a skill that does that as a side effect. DO NOT break free from the root. DO interrupt Full Auto.



Then comes Troya Ajak as far as we understood at that point the player targeted by that canalised shot moves to hide behind a corner or edge to avoid the damage and not get one shot (the run was still before the patch that lowered the damage significantly). Unfortunately it didn't work either due to players being to slow or the shot still killing them despite being behind cover, the boss died in the first attempt though and it was us who died and nobody complained towards the healer.


While LOSing the telegraph may work, most of times she just won't care no matter how well hidden you are. So this is not the most efficient way of dealing with this mechanic. If EVERYONE stands on the telegraph the damage will be shared between everyone, that is a trivial damage to heal up (any decent healer should top you off with an AOE heal, that's another advice: everyone in melee range of the boss for AOE heals) compared to one person losing 80% of their HP or possibly being one shot, especially as it is followed by the small AOEs at your feet.

Edited by demotivator
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If EVERYONE stands on the telegraph the damage will be shared between everyone,.


Are you sure the damage is shared? I've mostly just healed through it, or popped a dcd when targeted by it.


It seems like an odd mechanic. Most times with a shot like that everyone standing in it will just take a big hit, not mitigate the individual damage taken. It's a bit counter-intuitive to have everyone stack for a big hit.

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It happens to be, that he never did Czerka Core Meltdown. Neither Veteran- nor Master-Mode. This time he queues alone, 100% random groupfinder. They reach the Sandstorm-Generator-Boss. He says to his Twitch-Chat, „Never been here. Is this a boss? What does he do?“, and pulls. He does not inform his group or wait for explanation from his Twitch-Chat.


He stands in the middle of the arena and tanks the boss. The healer does an extraordinary job, but eventually the group gets low and it is a wipe. Right before everyone dies, our tank says „Healer? Why are you not healing?“. He simply has not the situational awareness to grasp, what is going on.



if the healer would have done a extraordinary job no one would have died.

you know that extraordinary means "außergewöhnlich"?

i have seen scoundrels pull 19.5k ehps at that boss. that is extraordinary.


some healers tell the tank not to move because it is fun to heal


but with an average healer this wont work.



but i am all with you in the guard on heal debate.

as long as 1>0 guard wont help. because 1*0.75 is still bigger than 0.

its a tank issue. if a tank cant grab aggro of all of the mobs in a group he is failing his job. and if you pull aggro as heal and you are attacked by melee mobs. dont run away - run to the group. all tanks do splash dmg .and if they hit those mobs 1 time he will take away that aggro from the heal.


the only heal i guard all the time is my girlfriend <3 but thats just for symbolism and has nothing to do with game mechanics xD

usually i dont guard any random player i dont know in the beginning of a fp.

if someone (usually only vanguards/pts) should pull aggro he will get the child safety leash.

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