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You Might Be a PvPer If...


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Gonna add the OP part. Aside from the tautology of the statement, most people probably think Smash is overpowered.


Wow, you said "tautology". I loved the list and the ideas, and now I love them even more.

Edited by MelliMelon
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que as DPS for flashpoints and HMs and then compete for all the aggro just to wind up the healer.


Feel like the world is judging you on every aspect of your gameplay and therefore have to explain everything with excuses.


Regularly state that you beat other players not because you are good but because they suck.


get mad even when you win


have unsubbed more than once in a single day


never trinket CCs


Called someone a noob in real life

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N+1:you never hit 'repair all' button and wonder why all gear is broken

N+2:you don't wait for tanks to pull aggro

N+3:you taunt champions and mass taunt trash to get protection medal

N+4:you think tanks are waste of space :rolleyes:



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N+1:you never hit 'repair all' button and wonder why all gear is broken

N+2:you don't wait for tanks to pull aggro

N+3:you taunt champions and mass taunt trash to get protection medal

N+4:you think tanks are waste of space :rolleyes:




i am guilty of the bolded on several occasions.... :o

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Social 1


Oh yeah heh, that definitely needs to make the list. I was social 1 for the best part of a year. I eventually caved and farmed Esseles to get social 2, just so I could wear the balmorran resistance headgear.

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Comment with your quips, and I'll add them!


You might be a PvPer if...


1. Your regular stats are crap.

2. You have your camera zoomed really, really far out all the time.

3. You subconsciously think “Killing Blow” every time you drop a mob.

4. You turn with a mouse.

5. Your stunbreaker is hotkeyed.

6. You know what is meant by “grass” and “snow.”

7. You are surprised when PvE medpacs don’t heal 30% of your health.

8. You think Operatives/Scoundrels are OP.

9. You get an 80% or higher in the Killer category on the Bartle Test.

10. You look at all of the other classes’ changes in Patch Notes first, so you can view yours with the balance changes in mind.

11. Throw the Huttball is permanently on your skillbars, if it isn’t keybound.

12. You know where ALL of your CC skills are.

13. You have no idea which talents or skills increase or decrease threat.

14. You heal, move, heal, move in regular play.

15. You died to standard mobs because you forgot you were naked for an entire week when the expansion came out.

16. You are disappointed with most of the Updates because PvP is mostly ignored.

17. When they removed skills from the game in Update 2.0, you didn’t even notice, because they weren’t on your bars to begin with.

18. You spend a lot of time on the fleets, dancing around terminals.

19. You instinctively flinch when you hear either the stealth sound or the vibroknife sound.

20. You use in-combat stealth skills so you can use your opener again, only to remember that in regular combat, it resets the mobs.

21. You're playing a pick-up game of basketball and as soon as you see one player on your team with out the most expensive shoes on possible, you insult him and walk off the court

22. You circle strafe around a regular mob, even though it just keeps facing you..

23. Know how to counter every single spec, but for the life of you don't know any boss strategies in Ops.

24. You feel strange if you stop moving while fighting a mob.

25. you havent done a flashpoint or operation since 1.4

26. The few times you run flashpoints the healer yells at you and says to stay still when attacking mobs.

27. You get knocked back 3 times in a row in PvE and scream that Resolve is broken.

28. It always takes you a second to use your CC break before you realize that your resolve bar is NOT going to fill.

29. You post needless whine threads on the forums based on incorrect information, bloated stats, and little to no understanding of how other classes work...and likely very little of your own class as well.

30. You have no idea what EV, KP, TFB, and S&V stand for.

31. You keep telling yourself that you are going to try a Flashpoint one of these days, but your mouse just keeps automatically moving from the top left to the bottom right of your mini-map.

32. You keep going to bed at 3 AM because warzones are like crack, and "just one more won't hurt me."

33. You think Smash is OP.

34. You remember Ilum's Western Ice Shelf the way it was when people went there to PvP.

35. You discovered the Rakghoul event by getting slimed in a 1v1.

36. You actually own the Outlaw's Den Priority Transport, on all of your toons.

37. You roll alts, not for the story, but for the knowledge on how to beat other classes on your main.


TY for some reality and a good lol

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This is great. I'm guilty of most of these things.


You could add, "You might be a PvPer if you have Ventrilo, Mumble and Teamspeak, and access to every other guilds server that play RWZs."

Edited by DimeStax
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