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Becoming a PVP MASTER Guide.


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It has come to my attention that there are many "PVP Guides" on these forums. They are all providing you with incorrect information.

Becoming a PVP Master




Many of the "greatest pvpers" use keybinds. These people however, are the greatest of keybinders. Not greatest pvpers. The worst clicker can destroy the best keybinder easily.






If you want to be the best, you need to realize that gear gets you no where. Who's more B.A., the ARMOURED guy on a killing spree, or an UNARMOURED guy on a killing spree?


The question does not even need to be answered. Don't use any gear except your weapon.


On to the "maps"




Many players think the objective of the game is to score. This is not the case. With so many players playing S.W.T.O.R., who's going to kill the ones attacking you? No one. No one is out there watching your back.


In an ideal Huttball game, neither team should touch the ball. Focus on getting as much DPS/Heals/Protection points possible.






Do not watch the doors! Focus, focus, focus on killing/healing.




Do not touch the doors. If the defenders are doing their job correctly, they will be trying to kill you. Kill them back.



Novare Coast


Grab the closest bunker, which will be East/West depending whether you're yellow or purple.


Neither teams need South, South is a waste of time. Let countless groups of enemies run there and fight your team mates.




If you don't have stealths, then just leave the WZ. Stealths- Your job is to sit at the enemy pylon the entire round, and cap at the last 10 seconds. Do not focus on DPS or heals or protection.


Civil War


0/8/0 wins EVERY time. Leave the other nodes. The entire team should be sat at mid, racking up those defender points. Those things are pretty much gold.


Follow these tips and tricks, and you'll be on your way to PVP mastery in a matter of hours.

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Becoming a PVP Master continued


Many have asked about the so called "rage quitting". Here, I shall explain.


"Ragequitting" A.K.A. Smart quitting


Smart quitting, or as some may call it, "ragequitting" is leaving a wz when your team shows any sign of losing.

This is one of the smartest things to do in pvp. Say you're playing Novare Coast, you take East, they take West. Stupidly, both teams also decide to attempt to take South.


The enemy team takes South.


Smart quit. It saves you time and effort. It also shows that you are too good for your teammates, and it was a privilege for them to even be in the same group as you.



Your role in PVP




If you use a tank in pvp (Vangaurds/PT, Sins/Shadows, Guardians/Juggs, healers.) your main goal is to slap your guard on a low level DPS, and just rack up the protection points. If your map allows it, slap on your guard and hide behind a pillar/rock/whatever.




If participating in the main fight, and not sitting at a node like you should be, then you're going to want to focus your heals on one person, and one person only. If your other team mates need heals, then they're PVPing wrong. Focus on the low level DPS.


If sitting at a node, like any great healer should be doing, then use your sacrifice ability. This button sacrifices some health for extra force points, allowing you to heal yourself continuously, letting you rack up not only defender points, but heal points too. Your team mates will show you mad respect for all the heal points too,


Smugglers/Agents, Commandos/Merc...blabla I know they heal as well, and don't have the "sacrifice" ability, which is why you only heal as a Sorc/Sage. Not only that, Sorcs/Sages also have long cast times, which is a huge advantage over the other classes.


Long cast times are a good thing, seeing as no one uses the interrupt ability anyway.





As a DPS, your main goal is to run around killing literally everything you see. If it moves, kill it.


Stay away from enemy healers however, they're just not worth it. (Too squishy, not worth the time)


I've also seen someone mention backpedaling


Back pedaling is the art of holding down the back pedal button, while attacking or running away from an opponent. This technique is really helpful for you, because if you're attempting to run away, you can still fire/use force abilities against them.


What's funnier than killing an enemy who thinks your running away?

The answer?^


The extra 60% movement speed you gain from back pedaling.



Leaving space for updates.

Edited by Lordmird
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Man I was reading that post and was getting ready to totally flame you, until the 0-8-0 part, where I finally figured out what was going on.


Where's my coffee, I think I need to wake up...:eek:

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LoL. This little touch was wonderful.


But, seriously, can you add some tips on the proper way to rage quit please. I'm not sure I'm doing that right.


had someone call me a fu***** retard in about every way possible then told me i should be shot in the head and need to die then left the warzone.


so far thats my favorite rage quit :D

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You forgot to mention that backpeddling actually raises your overall speed compared to panning the camera left and strafing.


You literally go faster than a trollrolling operative if you backpeddle and force speed at the same time.

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If you don't die you won't lose. Don't do anything that might get you killed.

Don't leave your spawn without a healer and a tank. If you die it's their fault for not using teamwork: lecture them.

Also, they may not hear you in ops chat - use general.

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In Voidstar, the best thing to do once the attackers have a door opened is to stay in the room where the door was opened and try to kill as many people as you can. Don't run past any enemies to stop a guy from opening a bridge, it's just a bridge and it won't help them at all. In fact, if you are the only one on your team left alive on the side where they are trying to open a bride, just hide and hope they don't find you.


Oh, and when they do get a bridge up, be sure to run on the bridge towards them. Just make certain that you are either running on the very right or the very left of the bridge, as if you run in the middle you will certainly get killed.

Edited by DiscipleXIII
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