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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

8 second pylon caps


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At this point its null and void to play a pylon game without a shadow or scoundrel. The game isn't even about skill anymore. If you leave a single defender you cant hold your pylon against them and two sometimes doesn't even work. So your team has to either sacrifice two defenders and lose middle or lose the pylon. Your left with no options and they just stun you every time you try to recap till that's useless then they just interrupt you and restealth. They need to introduce new items for detecting stealth like wow did just items that when you get them they give you stealth detection and they need to raise the cap on the pylon to 8 seconds. if you break the cc the shadow puts on you all they have to do is whirlwind you and they proceed to cap there is no stopping them especially if there's two.

Cant count the games where the whole match is a fiasco cause two shadows are just sitting behind your goal the whole game just waiting to cap your goal and there's no way to detect them. unless your a trooper/bounty hunter with a lucky stealth detection. Every other cap in this warzone is 8 seconds what is different with this warzone. Nothing demoralizes people from playing like wasting there time and there's several times I go into this game knowing that I am wasting my time to be there cause there's no way to defend the pylon.

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Try a 51+ vanguard/PT tank. Once you get the shoulder launcher ability, you are a pylon/turret guarding beast! If the operative/assassin/shadow/etc. stuns you, activate the shoulder launcher and call for help. When he is about to cap, hit him with a rocket. If you do it right, he will see the futility of trying to cap and will instead start tearing into you. If you are like me and are a tank, you can just laugh and soak up damage. Keep doing this until help arrives, take him out, repeat. I have successfully defended a turret against two operatives using this ability (2 of them vs me + backup arriving). I think that they would disagree with your assessment. Edited by teclado
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Try a 51+ vanguard/PT tank. Once you get the shoulder launcher ability, you are a pylon/turret guarding beast! If the operative/assassin/shadow/etc. stuns you, activate the shoulder launcher and call for help. When he is about to cap, hit him with a rocket. If you do it right, he will see the futility of trying to cap and will instead start tearing into you. If you are like me and are a tank, you can just laugh and soak up damage. Keep doing this until help arrives, take him out, repeat. I have successfully defended a turret against two operatives using this ability (2 of them vs me + backup arriving). I think that they would disagree with your assessment.


That's all well and dandy for the only class in the game with a dmg ability that can be used whil CCed. :rak_01:


But really though, I've never had a problem defending a node with any of the subclasses (against a single attacker, anyone will have a hard time against 2). Vigi juggy, shadow, op, sniper, merc, sorc stand out as some of the easiest to guard with.

Edited by RiChess
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It's not particuarly hard to defend the node because the overall distance required to travel is much smaller, but I always thought it's pretty weird that this particular objective just takes 2 seconds less than any comparable ones and it forces you play it slightly differently compared to normal. I'm for putting it on 8s just for the sake of consistency.
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That's all well and dandy for the only class in the game with a dmg ability that can be used whil CCed. :rak_01:


Theres also snipers with stealth detection and entrench, and 2 stealth classes that potentially could be on your team. Heck. likely someone is on your team that can handle this role when halve the ACs can do something about it pretty well.

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Theres also snipers with stealth detection and entrench, and 2 stealth classes that potentially could be on your team. Heck. likely someone is on your team that can handle this role when halve the ACs can do something about it pretty well.


This is true but getting them to guard is another issue all together. I cant even count all the times my healers have been left guarding nodes due dps hungry folks running off or not even attempting to cap.


Only thing I can suggest is do what I do now, I only run with at least 1 or more guildies so we can split up responsibilities.

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This is true but getting them to guard is another issue all together. I cant even count all the times my healers have been left guarding nodes due dps hungry folks running off or not even attempting to cap.


Only thing I can suggest is do what I do now, I only run with at least 1 or more guildies so we can split up responsibilities.


They just can't keep dumbing down this game to combat stupidity. i know it sucks to have to live with stupid, but even if you cover all the electric outlets in the house so they can't lick them, stupid is still there.

Edited by Technohic
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Wait, are you telling me there is a warzone that encourages something other than solo guarding and 7v7 in the middle? That's unacceptable.


It's quite confusing because this one in particular is quite alluring to the center death match. It's too hard for people to let go and guard nodes when they are best suited.

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It's quite confusing because this one in particular is quite alluring to the center death match. It's too hard for people to let go and guard nodes when they are best suited.


I actually enjoy guarding here more than being in the middle, especially with my scoundrel. Mid means usually too quick death when some aoe unstealths me when I'm trying to sneak my way to their healer.

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I didn't even want to touch it... makes me feel dirty just thinking about it.




imagine a utopia in which most people asked questions (e.g "what is the best way for a non-stealth to guard a hypergate node?") rather than making unhinged proclamations. I know, I know, that is crazy talk!

Edited by funkiestj
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imagine a utopia in which most people asked questions (e.g "what is the best way for a non-stealth to guard a hypergate node?") rather than making unhinged proclamations. I know, I know, that is crazy talk!


Sadly, the thought of that kind of constructive conversation is pure insanity around these parts.

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Shoot...forget increasing cap time in hypergates. ALL other nodes/caps should be reduced to 6s. Nodes should be turning over more often, as it is makes games more exciting.


Honestly... never crossed my mind but I kinda like it... maybe... sort of...

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At this point its null and void to play a pylon game without a shadow or scoundrel. The game isn't even about skill anymore. If you leave a single defender you cant hold your pylon against them and two sometimes doesn't even work. So your team has to either sacrifice two defenders and lose middle or lose the pylon. Your left with no options and they just stun you every time you try to recap till that's useless then they just interrupt you and restealth. They need to introduce new items for detecting stealth like wow did just items that when you get them they give you stealth detection and they need to raise the cap on the pylon to 8 seconds. if you break the cc the shadow puts on you all they have to do is whirlwind you and they proceed to cap there is no stopping them especially if there's two.

Cant count the games where the whole match is a fiasco cause two shadows are just sitting behind your goal the whole game just waiting to cap your goal and there's no way to detect them. unless your a trooper/bounty hunter with a lucky stealth detection. Every other cap in this warzone is 8 seconds what is different with this warzone. Nothing demoralizes people from playing like wasting there time and there's several times I go into this game knowing that I am wasting my time to be there cause there's no way to defend the pylon.


Moaning because he got outplayed priceless

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It's incredible how many players will break CC on the first stun...


I can not count how many times I see this in any given night. My favorites are when people break carbonize or the stun bubble.


I go out of my way to ensure they eat a full mezz or stun.

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Good old grass is greener thinking by the OP.


You said you have to have 2 guards so you're down at mid. does the other team have 10 people on it? Because if they don't then should be down some players too; at least one guard, plus the 2 jokers stealthing around your node. If your team can't handle mid that way you are going to lose no matter what.


L2count too. If you only see 4 guys in mid for more than it takes for a door to drop, guess what? They are probably about to sneak up on your guard! Really it works. You can practically set your watch by it sometimes. If there is a minute left get some extra folks to your node. That is prime time for a ninja cap. If you are really worried about it head over there your self and follow these easy to remember steps for guarding in AH:


- DON"T stand on the node. I know it looks cool and green and you're all like "they can't see me in here with all this green" but don't do it.


- DO stand far away from the node. After mezzing you they have about 2 seconds to get to that node and start capping before the mezz will be over before the cap. Remember these slippery ****s both have a sprint/roll so take that distance into account when selecting your guard post.


- DON'T try to 1v1 them. I don't care how easy you think it is to kill an Op, LOS him and avoid him. Even if you win you'll be in no shape to deal with the Assassin that is about Maul > Maul > Maul (all the good ones do this) you to death.


- DO type "stealther at pylon" as soon as you get sleep darted/mind mazed. If you stayed far away form the pylon he won't be able to cap in time and you won't need your breaker. If there is 2 of them type faster and now is the time to use all your CD's. If there is 3 of them, tough luck I guess.


- DON'T chase them. If he runs for the health pack let him get it. The last thing you need is to run back there and not even see the other one start capping.

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Shoot...forget increasing cap time in hypergates. ALL other nodes/caps should be reduced to 6s. Nodes should be turning over more often, as it is makes games more exciting.


It would probably have to be accompanied by some smaller tweaks but I agree.

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