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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you leave the WZ at the first hint of losing?


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I do, all the time. Since there's no lockout timer, I can leave whenever I want! Thanks Bioware ! :D


Its really funny, sometimes 3..maybe 4 other people leave at once...which means the other 4 people in the ops group have to fight against 8 people and now have NO chance of winning ! Especially when we're against 2 pre mades.


Obviously I have no time to lose...which is why I leave the losing warzones...it's much quicker for me to do my dailies and weekly if I leave a losing game and stay in games that have potential to win.


Yes because staying with those 4 derps against a double premade would have been 15 minutes much better spent. ;)


Maybe some people just don't have as much time as you, and between work and family they just try to have some fun, not carry bads.

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But seriously, now:


I only bail if I have sudden RL-aggro, or if someone on my team's being a child and calling everyone names and screaming in all-caps text-speak about how bad we all are, when come end of match, he/she is the one with the worst K/D ratio and fewest medals.


(We've all dealt with that type, I'm sure: I really wish /ignore would keep you from being grouped with that person again in the WZ group-builder, as well as the PvE one.)


Used to be I'd stay to the end regardless, but as I approach age 40, I realise that life is too short to have to eat that **** from children over a bloody video-game.




It's "honour," by the way :)

Edited by midianlord
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Yes because staying with those 4 derps against a double premade would have been 15 minutes much better spent. ;)


Maybe some people just don't have as much time as you, and between work and family they just try to have some fun, not carry bads.


Took me a moment to figure out the OP was being sarcastic...haha.


Anyway, 15 minutes? I think the OP was talking about the morons who leave within the first 2 or 3 minutes---not nearly enough time to judge or make a game unwinnable. Seriously. just because they cap a node first and we cap ours three seconds afterward at the start of a match does not mean we'll lose (I've seen people do that, literally).


In any case, if you've already taken the spot in a queue and played through part of it, you've made your decision to be in the warzone. Instead of stupidly standing at a capped node and throwing up your hands, keep fighting, because things happen and matches can (and in my experience very often do) turn around unexpectedly. More than a few times I've seen huge comebacks, and usually those don't involve some self-appointed master of the game screaming at others what to do. By the way this is referring to non-ranked warzones.


Anyway the ones "carrying" everyone are usually too busy typing and so are in no position to criticize.


BioWare, please introduce penalties for people who bail, especially very early in warzones.

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“A competitor will find a way to win. Competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves just that much harder. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up. It's all a matter of pride.” - Phil Jackson
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Yes because staying with those 4 derps against a double premade would have been 15 minutes much better spent. ;)


Maybe some people just don't have as much time as you, and between work and family they just try to have some fun, not carry bads.


All of this ^


It's cute watching the RP nerds crying about IRL honor, lol.



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Almost never. If I'm on a team of bads I try to teach them or just rally to take at least on node.


If you can't handle going up against tough teams and have to quit till you get an easy win then PvP is too tough for you. Go play against Ai mobs on the starter planet.

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All of this ^


It's cute watching the RP nerds crying about IRL honor, lol.




Its cute watching you condone a quitter mentality, shows your true colors as a PVP'er.


No wonder you don't do ranked, you whine and make excuses too much.


I would suggest starting from scratch and learning the ropes of pride before you PVP again, that way you can match your so called skills with those that actual care about pride.


If you don't know what I just said then you have some serious issues.

Edited by Caeliux
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kind of. I'll rage quit when I block the natural node in CW, I hold up one or two ppl, but nobody else dropped down to cap the thing. happened 6 times in a row today. once while I was in a 4m grp of ppl who supposedly knew what they were doing.


then in hb, this combat sent goes over the strat. he'll get the ball. he marks himself. he'll have 2 trans as soon as he grabs the ball. so what happenes when match starts? a sage cuts right in front of him and grabs the ball. then walks as far as he can (no pass!) until he's killed. /facepalm


stuff like that builds until I've had enough and just leave. honestly, it felt like the weekend in WZs today, and I have no idea why.

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Its cute watching you condone a quitter mentality, shows your true colors as a PVP'er.


No wonder you don't do ranked, you whine and make excuses too much.


I would suggest starting from scratch and learning the ropes of pride before you PVP again, that way you can match your so called skills with those that actual care about pride.


If you don't know what I just said then you have some serious issues.


Another lecture on pride, honor, and fortitude in the context of a computer game. I don't know whether to take pity or laugh.

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Another lecture on pride, honor, and fortitude in the context of a computer game. I don't know whether to take pity or laugh.


the guy comes off as *cough* elitist in most of his posts, but I kinda agree with him here. I quit when I rage. it's not a preset thing, like if things don't look good, etc.


aristotle's definition of an emotion is useful here: emotions are feelings that affect judgment. well...anger affects judgment, and I tend to do things that I wouldn't otherwise do (or think I should do). that doesn't mean leaving was "right." I do think ethics comes into play, and the lack thereof causes quite a lot of grief/animosity for players in real life. "it's just a game," in other words, is a cowardly, bs excuse to act like a d-bag. just sayin.

Edited by foxmob
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Another lecture on pride, honor, and fortitude in the context of a computer game..


Another excuse condoning people quitting, and the old "Well it's a video game, lets ruin everyone else's time with egotistical quitting in PVP.


How cute.

Edited by Caeliux
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One time in huttball I passed the ball to our tank, he then decided to run it straight to our spawn, dance and wait to be killed.


I legit lost it and ragequitted like none have ever ragequit

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One time in huttball I passed the ball to our tank, he then decided to run it straight to our spawn, dance and wait to be killed.


I legit lost it and ragequitted like none have ever ragequit


I actually laughed in real life. :D

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