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Subscription: Advertisement vs Truth


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I currently get 700 coins a month, thats more then enough for the cathar, I dont have to pay extra for warzones or flashpoints and i dont have to pay a thing for operations or space. As it stands its alot more then what it costs for subs to get full access to all content so yes we pay less then f2p and prefered for this game and we get coins as a reward for being subscribers.


Added to this the value of 700 coins is very close to the cost of my sub per month.

Edited by Shingara
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In WoW did you gat access the blood elves, dranai, or Pandarin. NO you had to BUY the expansion pack to have ACCESS.

I've already covered this one. As soon as the patch went live, every player with a WoW account could create and play Pandaren characters, no Mists purchase required.

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I've already covered this one. As soon as the patch went live, every player with a WoW account could create and play Pandaren characters, no Mists purchase required.

And every subscriber in this game can get the Cathar w/out paying an extra dime as well... you're getting 500 coins a month. So, you don't have to pay any extra beyond your sub fee to get them.

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And every subscriber in this game can get the Cathar w/out paying an extra dime as well... you're getting 500 coins a month. So, you don't have to pay any extra beyond your sub fee to get them.


There's no room in there for someone else's opinion/interpretations is there?

I don't see what you contribute to this discussion/protest, all you do is tell everyone how wrong they are and repeat what you think over and over until I assume, we all cave and agree or something?


Sorry, I'm just going to stop discussing this with you.

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And every subscriber in this game can get the Cathar w/out paying an extra dime as well... you're getting 500 coins a month. So, you don't have to pay any extra beyond your sub fee to get them.


I dont understand! Thats impossible! Whyyyyyyyyyyy!

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There's no room in there for someone else's opinion/interpretations is there?

I don't see what you contribute to this discussion/protest, all you do is tell everyone how wrong they are and repeat what you think over and over until I assume, we all cave and agree or something?


Sorry, I'm just going to stop discussing this with you.

Because is there is no wiggle room. Flat out. You can't argue that the Cathar race costs subscribers anything, because it doesn't. You can't deny that. If your interpretation of the Cathar race is that they're trying to nickel-and-dime subs for new races, I can only laugh. Truth is that new races are usually released in much more expensive expansions. Truth is that subs won't have to spend an extra dollar to get the Cathar race. Truth is getting the Cathar race is an option which is a good thing because I won't be forced to unlock someone I never intend to play.

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There's no room in there for someone else's opinion/interpretations is there?

I don't see what you contribute to this discussion/protest, all you do is tell everyone how wrong they are and repeat what you think over and over until I assume, we all cave and agree or something?


Sorry, I'm just going to stop discussing this with you.


Im curious, if bioware increased the cartel coin reward from 500 to 800 would that make you happy? Or is it the principle of it being on the cartel the issue no matter the amount of coins given to you?

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And every subscriber in this game can get the Cathar w/out paying an extra dime as well... you're getting 500 coins a month. So, you don't have to pay any extra beyond your sub fee to get them.


A whole new meaning of :




So you're admitting that those so-called complimentary coins are no more complimentary but more like "you-gotta-save-them-for-the-content-we-said-you-wouldn't-pay" coins ?


Because this is what they call them every month we receive the email :


"Your complimentary cartel coins reward grant"

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A whole new meaning of :




So you're admitting that those so-called complimentary coins are no more complimentary but more like "you-gotta-save-them-for-the-content-we-said-you-wouldn't-pay" coins ?


Because this is what they call them every month we receive the email :


"Your complimentary cartel coins reward grant"


When was it said you would never pay coins for cosmetics? If for that matter is it really that important to play a cat?

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Thats never been said either.




If I’m a current subscriber, what will happen to me?


The addition of a Free-to-Play option will not change your current subscription unless you choose to change your account. Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy. Subscribers also receive rewards in the form of monthly Cartel Coin grants, which can be spent at the Cartel Market on new gear styles, consumables, and specialty items.

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But cathars are not content.... thats cosmetics. Plus rotHC was a expansion so doesn't count.


Also they said they werent sure if they would give makeb for free.


Actualy truth be told makeb was a patch 1st, they changed it to a dlc after and wernt even sure if they were charging for it, infact hickman point blank refused to answer and never said anything until they put it up for sale and said subscribers had to pay for it outside subscription and he refused 48 hours before makeb actualy was up for sale so he knew he was charging subs for it.


But that is besides the point as cathar are indeed fluff and well within the free realm provided by subscribers coins.

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I believe the issue that you wanted to have addressed is that currently it states "Full access to all character creation choices." As of this moment this terminology is still correct as subscribers do have full access to those choices. We will be updating that page (along with any others that make similar references) once Game Update 2.1 goes live.




When F2P first launched, you said that subscribers would not notice a difference with the game.


I'm beginning to notice a difference.

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I think alot of people assumed that the money made off the cartel market would be awesome because that money would be used to increase the frequency of updates and new content available for subscribers


It would seem those people were wrong and money made off the cartel market is just more money made

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Yes because I can buy it with credits.


f2p get ingame credits too so thats not part of your subscription. And i dont ever remember a time logging in it going here is 200k credits, thanks for subscribing have you.

Edited by Shingara
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Cosmetics isn't content ? Says who ?


Says many people. Seriosly you think being a cat is content? You think speeders are content? Story = content, not cosmetics. Im sorry I fail to see what story you acquire with getting a new hair style...

Edited by Ultramecha
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So do you get the skiffs as part of your subscription then......................


You are comparing apples to oranges in a nice straw man argument.


Fluff that you can get only get from Cartel Packs is entirely different from additions to the base game such as Races and Classes.


We know that certain fluff items will only come from Cartel Packs and we as subscribers have to decide if we want them or not. If we do, we have to purchase packs for credits on the GTN or with cash for CC's.


Races are basic content, as should any cosmetic changes to characters be. The fact that BW/EA made certain statements to the effect that subscribers would get these sorts of updates for free while F2P players would have to purchase them not withstanding, content updates such as Races and character cosmetic changes fall under an update...not a new Cartel Market introduction.


And the Dev response to this thread shows how much more often BW/EA will lie bald-faced straight to their players. More and more we will see "updates and improvements" go into the Cartel Market. If this trend continues I have no doubt we will start to see things like Crafting Schematics and High level mods go into the Cartel Market.

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