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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

8 Hour TTK? Good or Bad Change?


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It's not just the heals, there's an overabundance of mitigation that no one seems to be noticing, increasing survivability of every class, its not just the healing keeping everyone up. Yes I understand tactics can change and still have the better team on top. My question to the pvp community is as follows; Is it more fun or less fun to be on the battlefield for prolonged periods? Also will this not make focusing targets more difficult and lead to greater premade issues than we experienced previously? Should we view this as a frustrating experience or as just different? I was hoping you can answer that question for me and give your perspective since this is really EA's decision to go in this direction for whatever reason. I've felt some frustration at times, but i am not prepared to pass judgement until I've heard more views, particularly from more experienced pvpers.
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this is only a problem, imo, in random pugs. so we're talking reg WZs. I would like to see some sort of matching mechanic that tries to fill an ops with 2 heals and 1 tank before moving onto dps. this could only ever be a "first look" thing, though, or WZ queue times (and QQ) would increas astronomically. I doubt that would be easy to code. but who knows? Edited by foxmob
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I don't think its a only a reg wz problem. I watched videos of the pts rated and watched some of the best players struggling to kill, it took one rated team over 7 minutes to record their first kill. Maybe that has changed idk I haven't tried rated yet.
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this game requires a delicate balance for TTK b/c of the way the objectives work.


if its too long, it becomes impossible to cap in AC or Novare. if its too short, the game becomes far less tactical and is more like an FPS, which is a bad direction for MMOs.


the TTK is kind bass-ackwards right now. in PUGs, it seems low b/c of a lack of coordinated heals/tanks, but in organized fighting TTK has gone up a bit.

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On the one hand Damage has been increased, but healing output has been increased as well. The TTK is highly dependent upon healers. If the enemy team has no healers, then you have the ability to focus fire them down even faster (incredibly fast) than before 2.0. On the otherhand, if they have 2-3 healers (though more than 2 is rare), the fights will last much longer (as they should).


I think this is a step in the right direction, as it makes healers much more vital in warzones and encourages people to do something other than Deeps (which is almost all you saw in regular warzones pre 2.0). The prolonged fights (which, again, only happen if there are healers) makes the game much more skill-based and fun, because healing is the only means to prevent being focus fired down in a few seconds. At the same time, if your team doesn't have any healers you are punished by getting focus fired down faster than ever before.

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I thought pre 1.2 and dominant healers was the golden age of SWTOR pvp according to alot of the complaints pre 2.0. We get that back and now it's OMG heals are OP...lol.


It was according to some people but many disagreed... including BW. It's back now, though.

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