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Armor Dye Restrictions, Please let it work for SOME Lore sets.


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I'd just like to reiterate that it doesn't make much sense that you wouldn't be able to recolour a replica of one of these famous items (and that's what we have - replicas). From an in-universe perspective, we're not defacing history. We're simply personalizing a look from it.
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Lore armor pieces are mere replicas anyway.. so im not sure why Bioware decided that.

(written down on a few items.)


They only did that on a few items, then got lazy, and I am not spectating that. All the recovered hero items yellow quote say they are all a chestpieces.

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Leave LORE sets as it is. Original, period.


I want to turn my Valiant Jedi armor in black dark for my siths and some brown for my jedi.


How are they lore sets? They're replicas. You (nor thousands of others) do not have Revan's Mask, nor anything else. You have a knock-off. And the majority of these "lore" items, including the most iconic - such as Revan's Mask and Malak's Jaw - are able to be recoloured through unify already. Only the chest pieces are exempt.


The decision is arbitrary and illogical. The only reasoning behind it I can think of is if BioWare was planning to release recolours of those chestpieces eventually.

Edited by CelCawdro
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Speaking of lore sets...


I wonder what category the Dreadseed and Starforager armors fall into? Are those also considered special or lore-bound in any way? Can we dye those? I hope so, would really like to make the Starforager armor a lot more... brown.

Edited by GhostDrone
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The reason is probably simple and petty, there's no other logical explanation:


The guy in charge of making their art decisions may have been forced to admit that the armor someone else designed for this game's prequel was better than his, but sure doesn't have to let us enjoy it if he doesn't want to.


There's no real logical explanation for this restriction, other than it being a restriction that someone decided to impose. It harms no one, we'll pay the money for the dyes, and we'll all be happy. The decision that was made on this appears to purposely prevent those goals.


It would probably also help if Bioware actually said something. So far, all the information we have on 2.1 is from little ditties on fan sites, and a 20 second clip showing some armor changing colors; along with some yellow posts reiterating the things on the fan sites.


They're probably embarrassed that all the feedback we've paid $15 each month to give them since launch has gotten turned into cartel market ****. And they should be.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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the fact that Jolee's set doesn't look much like his suit from Kotor kind of nullifies their idea imo.


I see minor diferences in the style and design of the inner collar, cuffs/gloves, and trim.


I honestly don't see how you get to "doesn't look much like". The two look very much similar, with minor style changes as I noted.

Edited by Andryah
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How are they lore sets? They're replicas. You (nor thousands of others) do not have Revan's Mask, nor anything else. You have a knock-off. And the majority of these "lore" items, including the most iconic - such as Revan's Mask and Malak's Jaw - are able to be recoloured through unify already. Only the chest pieces are exempt.


The decision is arbitrary and illogical. The only reasoning behind it I can think of is if BioWare was planning to release recolours of those chestpieces eventually.


I got your point and you're right.

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I am disappointed that I won't be able to dye the Handmaiden top. I really love how it has a proper hood, but still lets me see my character's face from the side in cutscenes (as opposed to his head looking like a blob half the time lol). It is a very beautiful brilliant white, but that's, uh, a little too much white for my Inquisitor.


But I guess they have this restriction because they had a plan to add recolors of these lore sets, and didn't want to have to scrap that idea and think up something else to add. So though I am disappointed, I am glad we can dye so many other things, and I really hope they will actually add recolors of these lore sets to the CM. 'Cause if they don't add recolors, then, well, this restriction is just silly IMHO. :p


Given how expensive the dye color I want might be, buying a recolored version of the Handmaiden top from a future pack on the GTN might actually save me credits. xD

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I see minor diferences in the style and design of the inner collar, cuffs/gloves, and trim.


I honestly don't see how you get to "doesn't look much like". The two look very much similar, with minor style changes as I noted.


I think it's the color that is bothering him. The cuffs and shirt look off color-wise.

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Leave LORE sets as it is. Original, period.


I want to turn my Valiant Jedi armor in black dark for my siths and some brown for my jedi.


Yeah, because this game adheres to lore so well. Try again.

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Lore items should be able to be dyed. The whole purpose of adding more modable gear and dyes in the first place was to give us options so we wouldn't all be running around looking the same. Lore items are merely replicas of the real thing anyway and the average player wouldn't even notice or care about the difference -- *gasp* the horror!


As was pointed out, there are already many lore breaking things in the game, such as the white crystals and dozens of other color combinations that make no sense other than to look cool. Lore sets can already color matched to the chest, so at the very least let us dye chest pieces. Throw us a bone here, BW.

Edited by Basil_Evenstar
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restricting any armor from dye's makes no sense.




and before you give me some spin on "well it's an iconic set and it should look like it did originally"...to that I say. ok...well then explain to me why there can be THOUSANDS of THE SAME SET OF CLOTHES worn by various people? they can duplicate an "iconic" set of clothes but they don't quite know how to throw some paint on it? whatever


if you restrict these sets from being dyed...then there should only be ONE version of the set that only ONE person can have per set. ie only ONE Revan's set out there...a unique item..that NO ONE else can get but the first person to get it.


otherwise..like I said...it makes no sense to not allow them to be dyed

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restricting any armor from dye's makes no sense.




and before you give me some spin on "well it's an iconic set and it should look like it did originally"...to that I say. ok...well then explain to me why there can be THOUSANDS of THE SAME SET OF CLOTHES worn by various people? they can duplicate an "iconic" set of clothes but they don't quite know how to throw some paint on it? whatever


if you restrict these sets from being dyed...then there should only be ONE version of the set that only ONE person can have per set. ie only ONE Revan's set out there...a unique item..that NO ONE else can get but the first person to get it.


otherwise..like I said...it makes no sense to not allow them to be dyed




Considering Revan's Mask and the Mask of Nihilius(even if this one doesn't show) BOTH have Dye Module slots on the rep vendor versions... I fail to see what the Dye Kit restriction on these sets hold other than keeping the chest peices' specific of their nature.

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Lore gear should NOT be dye-able.


Would people that want this also be ok with a pink and blue Darth Vader running around if that lore set were somehow in the game? Wearing lore gear helps pay hommage and honour the legendary warriors that made them special in the first place, dying them would diminish their aura.


Is nothing special in this game anymore? Almost everything you needed to be 50 to use before have been made so that you can Legacy them to level 10, and even 1. So now you can get some wicked gear with your 50 and you can't even enjoy it cuz you'll see a noob running around with the same stuff.

Edited by PetFish
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Personally I've noticed that not many use these awesome gears sets just because they are dye restricted. Personally I don't really care about lore stuff, I just care about making my individual toon epic!


The moment the Sith Trooper Armor becomes dyeable.



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You act as if having 100+ Revans in full outfit and mask running around doesn't break lore. Allowing you to dye it makes it so that it would benefit things from a lore standpoint it in my opinion, you'd have more variety rather than a bunch of (Insert character here) clones running around. Just wanted to point this out, but like you said it's all our own opinions.


OT: They probably don't want the several recolors they've made to become absolutely useless.


A few people here have little imagination, and will defend every dev decision even it makes no sense. It's like some are desperate for people to blindly accept the company line, and be happy with everything they deign to give us.

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