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*protest for bolster removal*


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If premades are removed from pug warzones then I'll grant your request...

but if not, honestly it is a befitting irony, one that gives me a sense of comfort.


I should tho mourn, and lift up my voice with wailing, and cast my body in ash


Oh, that premades would have their fun spoiled, when they never ceased to take advantage of pug warzones, it is fitting indeed, a sad sight to be sure, ill fortune, creepy crawly pestilence eating their stores. Hordes of locusts blotting out the skies, the seemingly upright stumbling at noon as though were the blackest night! no! not even one star twinkling.


I am so sorry, sad for you premades when there is a separate pug warzone that is premade-free get back to me for tea and strumpets and we shall laugh and say it was but a frightful and bad dream. :sul_angel:

Edited by mtsr
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I dont want to play lv 50, but I dont have a choice because eventually my character is at level 50.


I play for fun and lv 50 was not that. You say it takes only week to get competitive gear, but what about augments.


Rather remove bolster from ranked, make it easier to access, put all gear grind in there and make it so that starting gear for ranked you can grind from regular bolstered lv 55 wz. Leave regular 55 for us bads.


You wonder why there is bolster. Well, I assume because players complained about solo-queue option and something had to be done, so thus bolster.

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Gear gaps exist for a reason, you don't like it? Stop playing a MMORPG and go play Call of Duty where everyone is equal or Guild Wars 2...




I had to deal with recruit gear and did not cry about it


I played the objective learned my class and eventually got my WH gear, I found every moment enjoyable.

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/signed, but only for ranked.


I still think bolster has the potential to be more beneficial in 2.0 than it was prior, and do not wish to see it completely removed.


That is assuming it will be made to do more of what is supposed to, whilst not being so glitchy and exploitable.

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Take it out of 55 pvp. PLEASE listen to us. We are your fans. We play your game. Just scrap it.


This. Too many holes in it that won't be patched for weeks and weeks. BY then, all this 'new population' of lol PvErs you corral in will be playing by themselves when the actual PvPers mostly up and leave for another MMO.


Eric, your organization (note I'm not pointing YOU out!) claims it listens to its player base. Well, doesn't look that way to me. Put a poll on bolster here - or even better, do a pop-up poll about 55 bolster in live (you know, like you guys did in beta), see how universally panned it is.


Then end it - for good.

Edited by islander
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Again meet 13 k recruits or pve'ers with 0 expertise in wz team? No, thanks.


Bolster is fine. Stop being bad, stop crying on forums like 9-years kids, learn to play. :o


I kill bolstered fools just fine. Nobody wants PvE players to be irrepairably screwed either. Well, some people do, but they are in the minority.


If Bolster was fine, there'd be no means to exploit it via dishonest/off level gear.

When I see people rolling into warzone with sub 55 gear (and no, I'm not talking about exploiting augments) and having better stats then I have, that's where my issue is. When I see PvE gear bolstering up equal or better then my own conqueror gear, that's an issue.


If Bolster worked completely as intended, it WOULD be fine. I understand from the dev posts how bolster is SUPPOSED to work.However, there's still more holes in bolster then a block of swiss cheese, and they won't be found/fixed for months.

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First of all /signed of course!


I won't explain why here also, I did in two other threads I created after the RotHC release.


One is certain: BOLSTER NEEDS TO **** of level 55 warzones!


I will be taking a break for as long bolster stays. I won't renew my subscription, unless I see a change to bolster, that actually rewards PvP'ers.


Cyas all and good luck.

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If a bug free working-as-intended bolster -won't- be favoring players with mixes of endgame pve & pvp gear over full pvp-geared players, someone needs to explain exactly how because I'm not seeing it.

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Drop Expertise too and bring it back to how good a player is, like Sub 55 PvP


Sub 55 has nothing to do with how good a player is.

Sub 55 is nothing more then who's got the best bolstered leveling gear, and who's got the most skills/talents available to them.


Stop with that nonsense. You just sound lazy.

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Sub 55 has nothing to do with how good a player is.

Sub 55 is nothing more then who's got the best bolstered leveling gear, and who's got the most skills/talents available to them.


Stop with that nonsense. You just sound lazy.




but lowbie PvP is so pro! :rolleyes:

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Paying customers have become beta testers for a development team that's too small to fix anything in a reasonable amount of time. I can understand some bugs at launch, but this has turned in to a joke. Put bolster back on the PTS and give the beta testers some incentive to spend their time there.

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