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[spoiler] Your own game spoils itself!


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The problem is that even at level 50 you never have to finish your class quest. And it would have caused far more outcry if BioWare had either a) forced you to finish your class quest to unlock Makeb or b) not included any references at all to your class story.


I normally have no problem criticizing their choices, but this is one they are justified in.

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The problem is that even at level 50 you never have to finish your class quest. And it would have caused far more outcry if BioWare had either a) forced you to finish your class quest to unlock Makeb or b) not included any references at all to your class story.


I normally have no problem criticizing their choices, but this is one they are justified in.


I think they should just put in a warning (and break the story element a bit) warning you about the spoiler if you have not finished the main story.

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They can change the dialog so that it doesn't include storyline spoilers, if you absolutely must have access before your storyline is complete. Or they can make it available after your storyline is completed.


I agree. It should be available after the story line is completed. I also made the mistake of accessing the holocom and having the Makeb mission come up. And, I was tempted to pursue it since my character was level 52 at the time, yet still haven't finished with that ridiculously long Corellia!


That aside, the spoilers were annoying.

For example, the supreme chancellor was not in that role in my current story! As far as I had known, the SC is a male, and she is the governor of Taris....


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I have seen that the holoterminal had a quest marker on my Smuggler before I finished corellia (I stopped playing him after hitting 50 until RotHC), I also found this kinda annoying. But I held myself from clicking on it


As for what to do, I would suggest making a check if you completed your storyline, as you are called upon as "the hero" to serve your faction once again

Edited by Aries_cz
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This is my first time playing through on a warrior, so naturally I am listening to the story as I play. I have not completely my storyline.


I was very disappointed to see that once I hit 47, a quest pops up on my holotransmitter on my ship. Lo and behold, it is the Makeb transmission, telling me that I had killed my master... I did what now? Not as far as I know.


Why is this quest available, if it provides spoilers to the storyline, before I've completed my storyline quests? Unbelievable BioWare, after you've put such a heavy emphasis on the storylines yourselves.


Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is here. I've played every class save BH and Consular into at least the start of Ch. 3. By that point you already know who the "big bad" that's waiting for you at the end is. If you were playing the slightest bit of attention to your story, this "spoiler" would have been no surprise to you after the interlude mission on Quesh. Furthermore, killing one's master is a right of passage to Sith. From the first meeting on Korriban where I saw he was level 50 I had a pretty good idea what the end of my story was going to be.


Also, as others have pointed out, there are those who've leveled through WZs, FPs and space missions. They have not, nor do they care to finish their class story for whatever reason. Why do you think it's appropriate to restrict them from content they've paid for?

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Yeah that's no good if that's true. That shouldn't trigger until you have finished your class story. Time for a fix I'd say.


But OP....at the same time. Do you think it's cool for you to come here and spoil it for unsuspecting readers?


I mean with your post you are doing exactly what you are upset about. Spoiler tags ftw...


In their defense, unless the original title was something else and changed later, the title should give anyone reading pause before clicking the link.

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I can confirm this. My trooper still hasn't finished his class quests. When I go to my holoterminal I get the Mekab starting Cinematic too. But, because I have already been through Mekab and knew how it plays out. I just quit the cinematic.
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It's true. Same thing happened to me on my Imperial Agent.


....and the same thing with my scoundrel. I don't think I'm even halfway through chapter 2 of his storyline (got him to 50 mostly via PvP), but now I know how chapter 3 ends. Not a huge spoiler - I kinda figured things were going that way - but still, it's a silly oversight.

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I had this happen on my Knight. Clicked on my holoterminal to be greeted with,

"we sure could use the help of the guy who offed the Emperor"

. I already knew that was going to happen but, come one, that's just stupid. Why not just, "we need the help of the sexiest Knight ever"?


That's even worse than the Warrior spoiler, since as a Sith you should expect to be killing your master at some point. Anything less would be bad form.

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Making it so that the ship quest doesn't trigger until your storyline is complete but still being able to pick up the next quest in the line at the robot at the beginning of Makeb would not be limiting people who have purchased the expansion to not being able to play before they complete. It just means they won't be able to access the quest on the ship until then, for x amount of xp.
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I think I see part of what's going on here.


Unfortunately the spoiler aspect is a part of bad story writing on the part of the writers in this particular instance.


But I will say this, I have 5 level 50 characters, and I'm not interested in going through all of them for their full class stories, partially because I have some duplicates. At this point, I have a 50 Commando and Vanguard. Since I already completed the entire Trooper storyline using my commando on the first run through, I only ran class stories for the Vanguard up to Taris so that I could obtain Elara as a healer for him.


Otherwise, I won't be continuing any class stories with my Vanguard. That said, the Makeb expansion is set up so that it does not have to follow your other class stories. you can move on and engage in it whenever you wish, if you're of sufficient level. And I fully support this. I like the fact that we can skip those other class stories and use whichever character we like on Makeb.


And that's why a toon that hadn't completed its story was able to begin the Makeb quests and see the holo transmission. As I said though, unfortunately, it should have been written in such a way that it didn't spoil such a major plot line. Yet I am not familiar with that particular story as I don't really play Imperials.


Was there another way to write the story and start off Makeb while not spoiling the end of the class story for that particular character?

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I'm guessing you're never been to Makeb, if you have to ask that question. There is a quest in your ship that you receive that has a spoiler in it. You turn it in on Makeb, and pick up a different quest during the cutscene that allows you to continue on Makeb. They don't have to be linked, and the one on the ship can be reprogrammed to only become available after you've completed your storyline.
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I think I see part of what's going on here.


Unfortunately the spoiler aspect is a part of bad story writing on the part of the writers in this particular instance.


But I will say this, I have 5 level 50 characters, and I'm not interested in going through all of them for their full class stories, partially because I have some duplicates. At this point, I have a 50 Commando and Vanguard. Since I already completed the entire Trooper storyline using my commando on the first run through, I only ran class stories for the Vanguard up to Taris so that I could obtain Elara as a healer for him.


Otherwise, I won't be continuing any class stories with my Vanguard. That said, the Makeb expansion is set up so that it does not have to follow your other class stories. you can move on and engage in it whenever you wish, if you're of sufficient level. And I fully support this. I like the fact that we can skip those other class stories and use whichever character we like on Makeb.


And that's why a toon that hadn't completed its story was able to begin the Makeb quests and see the holo transmission. As I said though, unfortunately, it should have been written in such a way that it didn't spoil such a major plot line. Yet I am not familiar with that particular story as I don't really play Imperials.


Was there another way to write the story and start off Makeb while not spoiling the end of the class story for that particular character?


It's bad writing to acknowledge previous points of story in a continuation of story? The Makeb story takes place after your class story finishes. It would be worse writing to completely ignore that fact.


Do you also consider it bad story that Episode VI spoils the big reveal towards the end of Episode V? "Vader is Luke's father?! Oh my god, spoilers Lucas! I didn't finish Episode V."



I think they should make it more obvious that what you're clicking will start the Makeb storyline, other than that though I do not think it needs to be changed. If you care about story then you should be finishing that before going into the new content. However I don't think they should force people to finish their story in order to continue.

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Just happened to me on my Imperial Agent. I've been playing since launch and I had no idea what would happen in the Imperial Agent story. Why in the world would it give a mission icon for Makeb, which is clearly meant for post-chapter 3 play, when I haven't even gotten through Voss yet, with Corellia left to go in the story line??


Not only that, it took away the Chapter 3 splash screen and said I was on Chapter 4! Whaa??

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