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Just leave PvP, focus on PvE


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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.


This is all my opinion, please tell me if you agree or disagree constructively.


It IS a PvE game. Always will be. But that does not preclude PvP play content for people who enjoy it, so no.. I don't want to see them abandon it.


The key here is people need to balance their expectations about PvP in a PvE centered game. It will never meet the standards of hardcore PvP.. so if that is how you manage your expectations you are going to be perpetually disappointed. Play it for what it is.. warts and all. Play it for fun and a change of pace from PvE IMO. If you want hardcore PvP... go to a different MMO that actually caters to it.


And in closing... it's not like ANY MMO EVER met the standards of PvP players or actually pleased them. It's the most demanding segment of the player base (yes, even more then hardcore raiders) and it is NEVER HAPPY. Always complaining.

Edited by Andryah
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Why have they got PvE servers then? And the world is round btw, not flat.


Your counterargument would hold if I tried claiming this is a pvp game, not a pve one... But I never said that. The game is both pve and pvp

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Open world PvP is pointless, and no there isnt enough PvP content which is why they should just forget it and focus on PvE which mostly everyone does.


Your logic here: If they can't do it the way I want, they shouldn't even try.


I never said anything about removing PvP from the game or pushing PVPers from the game. I simply said they should forget about improving pvp because they clearly have no idea how to do it.


They clearly do have an idea how to do it. There are plenty of people who play warzones regularly. Your complaint isn't that they haven't created something that lots of people like... its that they haven't created what you want. You think they should stop supporting PvP because it isn't what you think is best. Take a moment to think about someone else for a moment. Do you care what they like? Have you ever had to actually balance the desires of a group of people? Have you ever considered the desires of anyone but yourself?

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It is kind of sad that world pvp is non existant. There is no reward for doing it and there is no real reason to go out there. Isn't there supposed to be a whole war going on? empire v republic? For being at war we sure arent directed to fight eachother at all we are always fighting npcs. Give us pvp world objectives to fight over please. And please reward valor etc. I really liked the original idea of mercenary commendations but it never really got fully implemented and then they yanked it. The engine can't exactly handle many people in the same area though but man I would still kill for some world pvp.

As for the OPs comments on ESO I'll say this...ESO only has ONE area to pvp period and its not heroic at all. Dont buy into the 200 people pvping on screen at once hyp...its the same engine base as this game. Also ESO videos all look terrible compared to swtor.


Dominion, you've never been to one of my events have you... You know, the one tht crashed the server maybe?

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PvP is an integral and fun part of this game.

Fun? For those who enjoy it, yes. Integral? No. But as long as it makes money, there's no reason to get rid of it.


This is obviously not a pve game, otherwise they wouldn't entertain warzones, PvP gear, PvP forums, PvP servers, etc.

Are you joking or trolling? PvP is an add-on. Not as much of an add-on as it is in DDO, but still an add-on.


Not to mention the large player base that supports pvp

The small QQing playerbase, you mean.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I've seen a huge drop among active PvPers, with about 30-50% of hardcore PvPers disappearing (unknown whether they unsubbed). And it's no surprise given the outrage over the broken bolster (broken in implementation, not in concept).


So the OP has a point: if BW lacks the competence to maintain the PvP side of the game, perhaps they should just concede defeat and stop wasting time on what is clearly too difficult for them to handle?

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It will never meet the standards of hardcore PvP.. so if that is how you manage your expectations you are going to be perpetually disappointed. Play it for what it is.. warts and all. Play it for fun and a change of pace from PvE IMO. If you want hardcore PvP... go to a different MMO that actually caters to it.


It may seem surprising to some, but it actually does almost meet the standards of hardcore PvP. There's no such thing as perfect balance in an MMO (and Bolster still needs some tweaking) but the mechanics, strategy, and gameplay are all there for a top-notch PvP game. All that's needed is a bigger pool of players to play with/against in ranked warzones (either cross-server or server transfers).


For comparison, WoW has a pretty active "PvP scene" but the PvP in that game has less depth than to SWTOR and is heavily focused on small-scale deathmatches (arenas) rather than medium or large scale objective-oriented battlegrounds/warzones.

Edited by Jenzali
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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.


You're off to a bad start, dude. I could easily say: "This is obviously a PvP game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server". See how logic works? Or rather, what it looks like when it doesn't work?


Gearing up for PvP is just a grind, now with bolster, its more about "skill" than gear.


And this is a bad thing? You want PvP where it's not mostly about skill? I'm starting to see why you're posting this....


Bioware/EA should just leave PvP as it is and focus on PvE


This is all my opinion, please tell me if you agree or disagree constructively.


And just be clear, I totally disagree with you.

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It IS a PvE game. Always will be. But that does not preclude PvP play content for people who enjoy it, so no.. I don't want to see them abandon it.


The key here is people need to balance their expectations about PvP in a PvE centered game. It will never meet the standards of hardcore PvP.. so if that is how you manage your expectations you are going to be perpetually disappointed. Play it for what it is.. warts and all. Play it for fun and a change of pace from PvE IMO. If you want hardcore PvP... go to a different MMO that actually caters to it.


And in closing... it's not like ANY MMO EVER met the standards of PvP players or actually pleased them. It's the most demanding segment of the player base (yes, even more then hardcore raiders) and it is NEVER HAPPY. Always complaining.


^^This. You said it best.

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It IS a PvE game. Always will be. But that does not preclude PvP play content for people who enjoy it, so no.. I don't want to see them abandon it.


The key here is people need to balance their expectations about PvP in a PvE centered game. It will never meet the standards of hardcore PvP.. so if that is how you manage your expectations you are going to be perpetually disappointed. Play it for what it is.. warts and all. Play it for fun and a change of pace from PvE IMO. If you want hardcore PvP... go to a different MMO that actually caters to it.


And in closing... it's not like ANY MMO EVER met the standards of PvP players or actually pleased them. It's the most demanding segment of the player base (yes, even more then hardcore raiders) and it is NEVER HAPPY. Always complaining.


DAoC from launch to end of first year (circa Oct. '01- Oct. '02) called and said to say you're wrong. ;)


You should be used to that (being wrong) by now. :D

Edited by LrdRahvin
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why play a computer when its so easy to beat, when you can play REAL people and test your might?


PvE is for kiddies, plain and simple .. Real men or women, PvP.


Real men and women use digital dolls to beat up other digital dolls of other real men and women.



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It IS a PvE game. Always will be. But that does not preclude PvP play content for people who enjoy it, so no.. I don't want to see them abandon it.


The key here is people need to balance their expectations about PvP in a PvE centered game. It will never meet the standards of hardcore PvP.. so if that is how you manage your expectations you are going to be perpetually disappointed. Play it for what it is.. warts and all. Play it for fun and a change of pace from PvE IMO. If you want hardcore PvP... go to a different MMO that actually caters to it.


And in closing... it's not like ANY MMO EVER met the standards of PvP players or actually pleased them. It's the most demanding segment of the player base (yes, even more then hardcore raiders) and it is NEVER HAPPY. Always complaining.


EVE online did pretty well with it.

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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.

Yeah, everyone knew it was a PVE game pretty much from the time it was announced. Not really a newsflash there

I mean, theres no open world PvP, and only 5 warzones over and over and over. Gearing up for PvP is just a grind, now with bolster, its more about "skill" than gear.


ESO is having one whole area for PvP, you can capture keeps, farms, villages etc....if you capture these, you get faction wide benefits or something. Theyre called campaigns, and rightly so, because everyone is fighting over to take it. If I did something like that, i know id get a real sense of achievement. Theyre also advertising 200 players on screen at once.


Do we have this in SWTOR? Do we have any Imperial vs Republic place we can fight over and get faction benefits? Can this game have 100 v 100 at once with everyone on the screen without lagging?

Open world PVP will never work in this game. First of all, there's always been too much of a faction imbalance in terms of player population that has thwarted most open world PVP attempts. Also, any attempts at objectives in open world PVP has quickly involved into people just trading objectives to grind their gear faster rather than fighting each other. Open world PVP is pointless and I hope they don't waste another penny of development money on it.

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It may seem surprising to some, but it actually does almost meet the standards of hardcore PvP. There's no such thing as perfect balance in an MMO (and Bolster still needs some tweaking) but the mechanics, strategy, and gameplay are all there for a top-notch PvP game. All that's needed is a bigger pool of players to play with/against in ranked warzones (either cross-server or server transfers).


For comparison, WoW has a pretty active "PvP scene" but the PvP in that game has less depth than to SWTOR and is heavily focused on small-scale deathmatches (arenas) rather than medium or large scale objective-oriented battlegrounds/warzones.


I wouldn't say SWTOR has any thing close to "hardcore" PVP, but then again my definition of Hardcore PVP may be different. PVP in this game is basically PVE but against other players instead of the computer. In most cases, its better than PVE.



1. No repair costs for deaths

2. You are guaranteed comms and significant amount of XP, regardless of how well you do.

3. Doing weekly/daily turn ins offer more comms plus medpacks and adrenals


I can queue up for a Warzone, run around hitting people and getting myself killed without really playing well and cap my comms by the end of the week. Its not hard. In fact, I've started to PVP along with my questing on low level alts because its actually faster to level doing just my class quest and PvP. Most warzones I've been in lately have mostly been that, people using it for XP and coms for some gear/boxes.


Hardcore PVP - being on a server where its only PVP and when you kill someone, you get more than XP, you obtain a piece of gear or item.

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