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Just leave PvP, focus on PvE


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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.


Pretty much everyone does PvE, they do PvE to level up (I dont know anyone whos levelled up purely through PvP). Instead of putting company resources and time into making PvE gear, why don't you put that time and effort in making more PvE content or something.


I mean, theres no open world PvP, and only 5 warzones over and over and over. Gearing up for PvP is just a grind, now with bolster, its more about "skill" than gear.


ESO is having one whole area for PvP, you can capture keeps, farms, villages etc....if you capture these, you get faction wide benefits or something. Theyre called campaigns, and rightly so, because everyone is fighting over to take it. If I did something like that, i know id get a real sense of achievement. Theyre also advertising 200 players on screen at once.


Do we have this in SWTOR? Do we have any Imperial vs Republic place we can fight over and get faction benefits? Can this game have 100 v 100 at once with everyone on the screen without lagging?


Bioware/EA should just leave PvP as it is and focus on PvE


This is all my opinion, please tell me if you agree or disagree constructively.

Edited by DarthWoad
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To scrap PVP would be to "leave money sitting on the table."


For many years and over the course of many MMOs, there has been a crowd of people who enjoy PVP way more than PVE, and only use the PVE content to level to max, then focus soley on PVP.


I'm not saying PVP is their "biggest" cash generator by any means - there's no possible way I could know that. But if the option is there now, and they scrap it, that could possibly amount to a fair chunk of lost subs.


Just my 2 creds...

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To scrap PVP would be to "leave money sitting on the table."


For many years and over the course of many MMOs, there has been a crowd of people who enjoy PVP way more than PVE, and only use the PVE content to level to max, then focus soley on PVP.


I'm not saying PVP is their "biggest" cash generator by any means - there's no possible way I could know that. But if the option is there now, and they scrap it, that could possibly amount to a fair chunk of lost subs.


Just my 2 creds...


By scrap i mean just leave it as it is...they've only given us two new warzones since launch, havent fixed any open world pvp, havent fixed ilum...they should just forget about it and focus on their money grabbing content.

Edited by DarthWoad
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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.


Pretty much everyone does PvE, they do PvE to level up (I dont know anyone whos levelled up purely through PvP). Instead of putting company resources and time into making PvE gear, why don't you put that time and effort in making more PvE content or something.


I mean, theres no open world PvP, and only 4 warzones over and over and over. Gearing up for PvP is just a grind, now with bolster, its more about "skill" than gear.


ESO is having one whole area for PvP, you can capture keeps, farms, villages etc....if you capture these, you get faction wide benefits or something. Theyre called campaigns, and rightly so, because everyone is fighting over to take it. If I did something like that, i know id get a real sense of achievement. Theyre also advertising 200 players on screen at once.


Do we have this in SWTOR? Do we have any Imperial vs Republic place we can fight over and get faction benefits? Can this game have 100 v 100 at once with everyone on the screen without lagging?


This is all my opinion, please tell me if you agree or disagree constructively.


I actually really like the 5 WZs, but they have gotten old, except for Ancient Hypergates (probably my favorite, simply because it looks great and the middle zone is fun to fight over).


If the development team were to add more WZs at a decent pace, I'd be alright with the PvP in this game.


The engine will never support large amounts of players - it is simply fundamentally flawed since launch, and at the very best now too expensive to fix. EA isn't going support doing so.


Considering we've heard nothing of a new WZ or new maps coming any time soon, I agree with you that playing the same 5 (4 of which have been the same since March 2012), doesn't really provide for much of a PvP experience a year and a half into the game.


Consider it a mini-game for leveling, or a distraction at level cap.


Personally, my impression is they cut way too much of the staff that would have been capable of putting out PvP content to make it worthwhile. The real, consistent efforts are going into new Operations and the Cartel Market. Which is disappointing, as I'd much rather play WZs than be in a raiding guild.


SWTOR is what it is, a great game with a ton of potential which probably won't be met due to budget constraints, but with enough to still enjoy casually for those of us who have stuck around since launch.


I bet all the new players are still having a blast in the WZs.

Edited by arunav
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I kind of know what you mean.


It's surely the reason why Sentinals have to use two lightsabers or why Gunslingers have to use two blasters (and cover) i.e. so they can be identified in PvP very quickly - ditto other classes. And why in each talent tree there will be talents scattered around that are essentially PvP only that sometimes you have no alternative but to take if you're building up to the top of a talent tree, but only for PvE.

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By scrap i mean just leave it as it is...they've only given us ONE new warzone since launch, havent fixed any open world pvp, havent fixed ilum...they should just forget about it and focus on their money grabbing content.


You sir are wrong. Novare Coast and Ancient Hypergate were both released. And besides, they have plans for pvp. No reason to give up on the smaller portion of the community. Many people do pvp in this game even if it's not their focus. Adding more gives people more incentive to queue. Plus it's fun.

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You sir are wrong. Novare Coast and Ancient Hypergate were both released. And besides, they have plans for pvp. No reason to give up on the smaller portion of the community. Many people do pvp in this game even if it's not their focus. Adding more gives people more incentive to queue. Plus it's fun.


OH yeh i forgot about the first one. I havent played it in a while due to the warzone rotation bug :/

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By scrap i mean just leave it as it is...they've only given us ONE new warzone since launch, havent fixed any open world pvp, havent fixed ilum...they should just forget about it and focus on their money grabbing content.


Thanks for the clarification, I do understand what you mean better now. :)


However, I still think my point remains valid. If they totally halt PVP development, there's still that crowd of people that might just up and quit.


And as far as no new PVP content, how much does there really need to be? I mean, when i quit WoW jut before TOR was released, they had something like 5-6 WZs and a small handful of arena layouts (don't quote me, I don't remember that far back anymore). How many do they have now even? How many would it take for you (or other PVPers) to consider it "enough"? I'm not trying to flame or instigate, just curious.

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Fully agree with OP!


the PVP in SWTOR has been a fail since the start and the last Ilum revamp was a spit on the face for every hardcore PVPer.


they dont even have any idea how to make an open world pvp, if you say that we need pvp some of the short sighted people in this comunity say that the PVP is there and all what you need to do is go out and flag your self for pvp etc.... with out getting ANYTHING out of it, then when EAware added the Achievement system many of us thought " Oh great a motivation!" but nope its just crap cause you get Nothing worth the effort other than the 40 CC which brings you nothing.


so yeah just leave the dame PVP cause no hope you get it right and just focus on the dame PVE, thank you!

Edited by saremun
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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.


Pretty much everyone does PvE, they do PvE to level up (I dont know anyone whos levelled up purely through PvP).


No thank you, I leveled pvp only and don't like pve lets not just focus on what you want. I have pvp needs to and RoHc has been all about pve. Making less content so you get more pve content is not smart most of the sub loss have been around pvp not pve.

Edited by Neoforcer
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This is obviously a PvE game, otherwise every server would be a PvP server.


Illogical conclusion. A PvE-centric game can still support PvP world modes. More importantly, even PvE servers have Warzones.


I mean, theres no open world PvP, and only 5 warzones over and over and over.


As opposed to running TFB or S&V over and over and over?


More importantly: You keep switching your target between world-PvP and Warzones. Which do you hate? If its world-PvP, then there are virtually no resources being spent on it now. If its Warzones, then you need to decide whether you're complaining that there is too much content (and its taking away from PvE resources) or that there's not enough. At the moment, you're just sort of vaguely complaining and saying that because it doesn't fit your desires, they shouldn't do it. There is such a thing as wanting a game feature because you recognize it would make other people happy. You don't need to only think of yourself.


And thanks for fixing your mis-count (originally, you posted there was only four... which shows how much you play them...)


Gearing up for PvP is just a grind, now with bolster, its more about "skill" than gear.


You say it like that's a bad thing. How is this different from running Ops? Aren't they just: "Rinse and repeat until you win drops/comms for better gear"?


Bioware/EA should just leave PvP as it is and focus on PvE


PvP is a significant portion of their peak server load. Why push them away when it they take far less resources to make happy then PvE players?


This is all my opinion, please tell me if you agree or disagree constructively.


I constructively disagree.

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No thank you, I leveled pvp only and don't like pve lets not just focus on what you want. I have pvp needs to and RoHc has been all about pve. Making less content so you get more pve content is not smart most of the sub loss have been around pvp not pve.


Lets not focus on what you want.

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I disagree. Every of the last 3 days I was able with couple of friends to get into scrap with a bunch of pubs, every time on different planet. This is one of the best parts of this game for me and I'd like EA/Bioware to do more to support this happening on regular basis, so it wouldn't be a problem for people to find players PvPing somewhere every night.
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Illogical conclusion. A PvE-centric game can still support PvP world modes. More importantly, even PvE servers have Warzones.




As opposed to running TFB or S&V over and over and over?


More importantly: You keep switching your target between world-PvP and Warzones. Which do you hate? If its world-PvP, then there are virtually no resources being spent on it now. If its Warzones, then you need to decide whether you're complaining that there is too much content (and its taking away from PvE resources) or that there's not enough. At the moment, you're just sort of vaguely complaining and saying that because it doesn't fit your desires, they shouldn't do it. There is such a thing as wanting a game feature because you recognize it would make other people happy. You don't need to only think of yourself.


And thanks for fixing your mis-count (originally, you posted there was only four... which shows how much you play them...)




You say it like that's a bad thing. How is this different from running Ops? Aren't they just: "Rinse and repeat until you win drops/comms for better gear"?




PvP is a significant portion of their peak server load. Why push them away when it they take far less resources to make happy then PvE players?




I constructively disagree.


It was a simple error, I meant 5. So dont assume i dont play warzones. Typical response.


TFB and S&V have lockouts and different modes.


Open world PvP is pointless, and no there isnt enough PvP content which is why they should just forget it and focus on PvE which mostly everyone does.


I never said anything about removing PvP from the game or pushing PVPers from the game. I simply said they should forget about improving pvp because they clearly have no idea how to do it.


And just do you know, ops take more coordination and focus to complete..with pvp...you can do absolutely nothing in game and still get rewards.

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I disagree. Every of the last 3 days I was able with couple of friends to get into scrap with a bunch of pubs, every time on different planet. This is one of the best parts of this game for me and I'd like EA/Bioware to do more to support this happening on regular basis, so it wouldn't be a problem for people to find players PvPing somewhere every night.


Thats great, what in game rewards do you get for it?

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It is kind of sad that world pvp is non existant. There is no reward for doing it and there is no real reason to go out there. Isn't there supposed to be a whole war going on? empire v republic? For being at war we sure arent directed to fight eachother at all we are always fighting npcs. Give us pvp world objectives to fight over please. And please reward valor etc. I really liked the original idea of mercenary commendations but it never really got fully implemented and then they yanked it. The engine can't exactly handle many people in the same area though but man I would still kill for some world pvp.

As for the OPs comments on ESO I'll say this...ESO only has ONE area to pvp period and its not heroic at all. Dont buy into the 200 people pvping on screen at once hyp...its the same engine base as this game. Also ESO videos all look terrible compared to swtor.

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This is obviously not a pve game, otherwise they wouldn't entertain warzones, PvP gear, PvP forums, PvP servers, etc.


Your logic fails hard.


Not to mention the large player base that supports pvp


Why have they got PvE servers then? And the world is round btw, not flat.

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It is kind of sad that world pvp is non existant. There is no reward for doing it and there is no real reason to go out there. Isn't there supposed to be a whole war going on? empire v republic? For being at war we sure arent directed to fight eachother at all we are always fighting npcs. Give us pvp world objectives to fight over please. And please reward valor etc. I really liked the original idea of mercenary commendations but it never really got fully implemented and then they yanked it. The engine can't exactly handle many people in the same area though but man I would still kill for some world pvp.

As for the OPs comments on ESO I'll say this...ESO only has ONE area to pvp period and its not heroic at all. Dont buy into the 200 people pvping on screen at once hyp...its the same engine base as this game. Also ESO videos all look terrible compared to swtor.


1.Are you aware of how big this PVP area is?

2.Im buying into the 200 people on screen at once because they've shown a video of it...

3. Theyre not using this game engine, they simply used it for testing.

4. Its in Beta, its not even released yet....

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Great fun is the best reward, but I agree this aspect of the game is overlooked which is a great mistake by the devs.


I KNEW youd say something about "satisfaction" or "fun"..so typical :p But yeah, sometimes its fun to kill people while theyre out questing

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