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Please remove the OTP system


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Dear Bioware


I understand why you put in the OTP system to improve account security, but it's clear by now that your system just does not work.


After spending an hour today trying to get a OTP that works (for my account, still can't get one to work for the client) my interest in actually logging in has fallen to all but zero. I haven't really wanted to play the game for a while, my interest was already waning, but this has just put the icing on the cake.


Of course, this wouldn't be so bad if your OTP system wasn't so pedantic. Rift's system worked brilliantly. You see, like many other security minded people my partner and I switch off our modem when it's not in use, but to your system that means we're fresh IPs every single time. At least with Rift's system, the need to unlock your account was a hell of a lot less, whether this is because they recognised our computers or noticed that our IPs weren't all that different (ie we weren't logging in from Australia one day and Korea the next) I don't know but their system worked. Yours doesn't. It is by far the most pathetic security measure I've ever seen. It doesn't just prevent hackers from getting into your account, it stops the player from getting into their own account!


What makes this even worse is that the only way you can remedy it is to CALL you. In America. You haven't been considerate of anyone living outside of the US like most other games and provided local call numbers for your major customer bases. No, you expect us to make international calls just to fix a problem that YOU created.


Fix it Bioware, revert back to the old system until you can get one that actually works. Or continue to lose even more subs.


Oh and while you're at it, hurry up and merge the Oceanic servers already.

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Agreed wholeheartedly. This has to be removed asap. I am all but out of patience right now, and if I have this same issue any more, I will be unsubbing. I do not see the point in having to use a "one time" password every time I wish to play this game. I find it hard to log in as it is without this messing me around as well. So the choice is yours. Remove it or I am taking my money elsewhere.
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You don't have to enter it when you log into the client. The problem is clearly on your end, as has been pointed out in quite a few threads. The emails are instant (or 30s to 1min), and you don't have to enter it each and every time you log in.
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to Hockaday:

you obviously don't have this problem, that doesn't mean others like OP are that lucky. If customers have problems, then Bioware has to do something about it, or risk losing some clients.


I also had/have problems with One Time Pasword. Last week I waited about 10 minutes for each email, and the passwords in them were incorrect. It was ok in the third email, which meant for me about half an hour waiting to log in.

I'm from outside US, was very close to calling international customer service -was figuring out how to do it from cellular phone (which zero to put in, which to omit). It is really annoying, when you have only a couple of hours to play (e.g wife and kid away). I wonder what could I do if my mail provider went off for some reason?

Mostly it is faster, but I still need to log in to my mail (which is work -risk finding emails from work and getting stressed when I want to relax) or have a cell phone with me (risk getting calls when I want to relax and play SWTOR)


I have numerous secure accounts (banks, work etc), and none of them recquire waiting for email every single time. And no, I will not change my internet provider/connection just to match SWTOR login recquirements.


OTP is not a good idea, I hope you guys will replace it soon with something more convenient

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Several people are having problems with their e-mail provider deleting their messages, or just taking ridiculously long to deliver them for some reason (probably not BW's fault, they should send the e-mail instantly, but it gets stuck somewhere on the way to your mailbox)


OTP is a great idea for almost impenetrable account security, but obviously someone forgot to take in account dynamic IPs, which wreak havoc on the usage of this system. I guess a location check could be implemented to lower the need for it every time you login (same town, same provider), which was not a intended system


Also, it is a very good idea to buy yourself a key chain fob, which eliminates OTP (they should be restocking European stores soon, according to Phillip_BW), or get yourself free Android/iOS application if you have the device for it

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I wouldn't even mind it that much if they just sent the passwords quickly. But it always takes 5 minutes or more, and it takes even longer at night for some reason- sometimes they just don't send at all. I was just fine with the old system of answering a personal question. It's getting annoying that I have to wait for a password every time I get disconnected. That's even longer that I keep my friends waiting if it happens in an ops.


OP's got my support. I wish there was something people could sign to protest or petition that it be changed back.

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