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Assassins/Shadows are OP


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Yes, that's exactly what it looks like when I play my assassin in warzones. Sages standing still for me to double maul crit them, and critting on every tick of crushing darkness plus chain shock proc. Empty force bar too, because who needs force when I crit on everything. :rolleyes:
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how about you level to 55 first? when that crit rating drops,hp and armor rating goes up you will notice a big difference.


I have a 55 sniper I know (and take into account) the damage scaling.


Even Pre- 2.0 this class was a issue.

Needs to be fixed. Assassins are still OP.


Yes, that's exactly what it looks like when I play my assassin in warzones. Sages standing still for me to double maul crit them, and critting on every tick of crushing darkness plus chain shock proc. Empty force bar too, because who needs force when I crit on everything. :rolleyes:


Clearly you missed the point of this post.

Testing damage.

Edited by Arcanesin
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I have a 55 sniper I know (and take into account) the damage scaling.


Even Pre- 2.0 this class was a issue.

Needs to be fixed. Assassins are still OP.

Pre-2.0 the issue was hybrids - tank hybrids and Deception hybrids. Deception is what it should be - strong spike damage spec with a few GCDs of rampup time, relatively squishy and isn't impossible to kite.


Because 3 global s to kill is not fast enough.



You spent like 6 globals (including cast time) to set this damage up. And, if the enemy was actually fighting back, they wouldn't let you to pull off those "3 GCDs".

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Pre-2.0 the issue was hybrids - tank hybrids and Deception hybrids. Deception is what it should be - strong spike damage spec with a few GCDs of rampup time, relatively squishy and isn't impossible to kite.



You spent like 6 globals (including cast time) to set this damage up. And, if the enemy was actually fighting back, they wouldn't let you to pull off those "3 GCDs".


And no pre-2.0 I couldn't be touched 1v1 the bust is too much.

Stun properly and a assassin should NEVER lose to ANY foe.



You know what Low slash does right?

Just checking.

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Yes even against a Operative.

Force Shroud = Bye bye Operative.

You're speaking as if it has a 10 sec duration and a 30-second cooldown (it does not). Ops have bigger uptime on Dodge (Concealment spec with SOE talent) than Sins have on Shroud.

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Clearly you missed the point of this post.

Testing damage.

Testing damage from draining all your force and getting lucky crits all over the place. You're right, I do miss the point of this post.


Now take your sniper, flash bang the sage, line up a orbital strike, explosive probe, ambush, takedown followthrough.. Record and repeat until you crit on 90% of your attacks, and upload it. Thank you.

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You're speaking as if it has a 10 sec duration and a 30-second cooldown (it does not). Ops have bigger uptime on Dodge (Concealment spec with SOE talent) than Sins have on Shroud.


Shroud will disallow the assassin to be stunned.

It will also cleanse off the DoTs.


Recklessness + Overcharge saber + Shroud + Electrocute


Lets say the OP blows his trinket. To avoid the burst. (If he doesn't its already GG)


Vanish + Sap + Seethe

Now the assassin is back at full hp and in stealth.


If you really don't know that assassins are and always have been the kings of 1v1 you need to L2P.

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Testing damage from draining all your force and getting lucky crits all over the place. You're right, I do miss the point of this post.


Now take your sniper, flash bang the sage, line up a orbital strike, explosive probe, ambush, takedown followthrough.. Record and repeat until you crit on 90% of your attacks, and upload it. Thank you.


L2min-max assassin?


If someone did not save his Trinket for the Flash Bang against a sniper then they deserve to lose.

Assassins having trouble getting force back? You must be kidding me.

Edited by Arcanesin
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Deal with it OP class is OP.

With Partisan gear you will hit for 7,5k maul max when it procs, smash will hit over 10k, ambush will hit for 9k ofc when crit (smash do not need crit, it is a crit by talents). Meanwhile healers will do 9k healing as instant so you will barely scratch them. Stop saying sins are OP, the dps tree is still broken.

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Shroud will disallow the assassin to be stunned.

It will also cleanse off the DoTs.


Recklessness + Overcharge saber + Shroud + Electrocute


Lets say the OP blows his trinket. To avoid the burst. (If he doesn't its already GG)


Vanish + Sap + Seethe

Now the assassin is back at full hp and in stealth.


If you really don't know that assassins are and always have been the kings of 1v1 you need to L2P.

Eh, you realize that Operative can reset the fight just as well, right? Hit and run talent, roll, as well as the regular boring stuff that you are aware of.


No they "always" weren't (pre-1.2 comes to mind). Sins became strong when Deception got its first revamp, and people began hybriding it with Madness. Not denying that Sins are very strong 1v1 - I run a Shadow (haven't brought him to 55 yet, working on gearing Marauder, Operative and Commando), and I enjoy every moment of it.

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Eh, you realize that Operative can reset the fight just as well, right? Hit and run talent, roll, as well as the regular boring stuff that you are aware of.


No they "always" weren't (pre-1.2 comes to mind). Sins became strong when Deception got its first revamp, and people began hybriding it with Madness. Not denying that Sins are very strong 1v1 - I run a Shadow (haven't brought him to 55 yet, working on gearing Marauder, Operative and Commando), and I enjoy every moment of it.


Any non-carebare in the game will tell you that Assassins cannot lose 1v1.


ps. Love the sig.

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Any non-carebare in the game will tell you that Assassins cannot lose 1v1.

"If you disagree with me then you suck" argument really works only on people who are not certain about their knowledge and depend on the opinion of others to feel accomplished.


I don't know what sort of agenda you're pursuing in this debate, but "internet tough guy" attitude does nothing to improve (or even establish) your credibility.


Also, read your own sig and reread your posts. Your attitude is, at the very least, shameful.

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