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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Augment glitch still here


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I don't think you read what she said.


Yes, I did. Removing bolster for level 55 would work fine, of course.


However, without the new bolster system, any level 50-54 player running Battlemaster or Recruit gear in the 20-54 bracket would have an enormous advantage over anyone who is not because of the expertise on this gear.


Even those running War Hero, Elite War Hero, Black Hole, and other old level 50 Operations gear would have an enormous advantage in the way that twinks in all level 49 purples with 49 purple augments used to have.

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OK enough is enough, just did another warzone (thank god they were on our team though) with this "guild again" and 3 of them had the same setup pulling damn near 40k HP and the final hit of the warzone was 13,221. On a gunslinger.


Now I'm kicking myself in the nuts right now for not screenshotting the end warzone but i was able to find him on fleet and inspected his gear. This is what he was wearing. *NAME IS EDITED SO I'M NOT VIOLATING RULES ToS*




as you can see that gear is appalling, ranging from lvl 37, to some of it being 47, 52, 53, etc. etc.

using lvl 10 augments of any type (willpower, aim, strength, etc.)


It takes alot and I mean ALOT to get me at the point of giving up, but until this is fixed, I'm not doing rateds for sure and i'm considering giving up on PvP in general. It's not fun anymore. I live longer in the Black Hole Blue toxic chemicals than i do against a premade team of augment exploiters. This is more degenerate than the enhancement bug. I have good friends and guild members considering leaving this game as PvP was our sole focus, and bioware is killing that! I don't want to lose them. I don't want to leave either as I love this game.



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OK enough is enough, just did another warzone (thank god they were on our team though) with this "guild again" and 3 of them had the same setup pulling damn near 40k HP and the final hit of the warzone was 13,221. On a gunslinger.


Now I'm kicking myself in the nuts right now for not screenshotting the end warzone but i was able to find him on fleet and inspected his gear. This is what he was wearing. *NAME IS EDITED SO I'M NOT VIOLATING RULES ToS*




as you can see that gear is appalling, ranging from lvl 37, to some of it being 47, 52, 53, etc. etc.

using lvl 10 augments of any type (willpower, aim, strength, etc.)


It takes alot and I mean ALOT to get me at the point of giving up, but until this is fixed, I'm not doing rateds for sure and i'm considering giving up on PvP in general. It's not fun anymore. I live longer in the Black Hole Blue toxic chemicals than i do against a premade team of augment exploiters. This is more degenerate than the enhancement bug. I have good friends and guild members considering leaving this game as PvP was our sole focus, and bioware is killing that! I don't want to lose them. I don't want to leave either as I love this game.




That is just craziness!!! Something needs to be done about this now before more people quit the game.

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OK so this will be my final post on the matter as I provided enough PMs, links, screenshots, info, etc. on this matter and now i'm leaving it in dev hands. This will be screenshots showing what I found through inspecting some other exploiting players' gear, and trying to recreate it based on what I've noticed. This is what I found and it's absolutely disgusting. What's even worse is that this is primarily GREEN LVL 37 GEAR with LEVEL 10 AUGMENTS. Those who are saying that it's an expensive glitch are WRONG. These augments cost 25 credits to remove!


START OF WARZONE--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the underlined stats:




AFTER THIS EXPLOIT IS APPLIED--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the circled and underlined. Notice the change





If this doesn't alert you guys to how bad this bug is. I don't know what will. And this is just from my best attempt at recreating it. There are people WITH 45k HEALTH and 1600+ Force and Tech Bonus damage. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! fix this bioware before it gets too out of hand. Or better yet at least aknowledge theres an issue.

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OK so this will be my final post on the matter as I provided enough PMs, links, screenshots, info, etc. on this matter and now i'm leaving it in dev hands. This will be screenshots showing what I found through inspecting some other exploiting players' gear, and trying to recreate it based on what I've noticed. This is what I found and it's absolutely disgusting. What's even worse is that this is primarily GREEN LVL 37 GEAR with LEVEL 10 AUGMENTS. Those who are saying that it's an expensive glitch are WRONG. These augments cost 25 credits to remove!


START OF WARZONE--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the underlined stats:




AFTER THIS EXPLOIT IS APPLIED--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the circled and underlined. Notice the change





If this doesn't alert you guys to how bad this bug is. I don't know what will. And this is just from my best attempt at recreating it. There are people WITH 45k HEALTH and 1600+ Force and Tech Bonus damage. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! fix this bioware before it gets too out of hand. Or better yet at least aknowledge theres an issue.

BIOWARE DEVELOPERS. What more proof do you need than this? PLEASE acknowledge this issue.

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BIOWARE DEVELOPERS. What more proof do you need than this? PLEASE acknowledge this issue.


Exactly communication is the key right now pushing off a patch going silent disheartens the community and pisses us off.


So now it's wait another 5 days at least for patch and then hope it works. Man this is very very annoying. The naked rumble was better then this. The worst part is they can't freaking make balance changes till they fix this crap.

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Check the sig. They don't care. The majority of players are sub 55. It's not a priority.


Think of ANY MMO you've ever played before. Was there a massive game breaking exploit? At some time or another, sure. Were the players who took part in it penalized (ban, temp-ban, loss of items, gear, or money)? You bet they were.


Has BW EVER penalized players for exploiting the HE !1 out of this game? Not a single one. Go back to Illum on 01/17/12. Do you know how many people made level 100 valor that day?

Edited by Ossos
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Whats the optimal set up for most +% from the exploit? All green or blues? Any other tricks?


if you're on Pot5 server ask <Hoth Ski Patrol>


There. After all this i said it. They know EXACTLY how to reproduce this. I only know from what I've tested and I'm out of credits to test it anymore.

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There are several people over several guilds doing it. I honestly don't understand it. Why the heck would anyone want to do this to get an upper hand? There's no money or other tangible reward to be earned from warzones. The only thing you get out of it is the satisfaction of having been better than the other team, so bolstering for the win would take absolutely every bit of fun out of it for me. If I can't even perform better than the other team because I am just exploiting for the win, then what is the point?
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There are several people over several guilds doing it. I honestly don't understand it. Why the heck would anyone want to do this to get an upper hand? There's no money or other tangible reward to be earned from warzones. The only thing you get out of it is the satisfaction of having been better than the other team, so bolstering for the win would take absolutely every bit of fun out of it for me. If I can't even perform better than the other team because I am just exploiting for the win, then what is the point?


I don't like being at a gear disadvantage, so if anyone is doing it i fell forced to do so as well, just to get on equal footing

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There are several people over several guilds doing it. I honestly don't understand it. Why the heck would anyone want to do this to get an upper hand? There's no money or other tangible reward to be earned from warzones. The only thing you get out of it is the satisfaction of having been better than the other team, so bolstering for the win would take absolutely every bit of fun out of it for me. If I can't even perform better than the other team because I am just exploiting for the win, then what is the point?


If people are willing to actually cheat to gain an advantage which may potentially get your account suspended/banned then spending credits for an advantage doesn't seem all that far fetched. It seems like a lot of credits to just have an edge for one game but who is to say spending 50K credits for an edge in a PvP game is any more wasteful than saving up 5 million or whatever Revan mask goes for these days?

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If people are willing to actually cheat to gain an advantage which may potentially get your account suspended/banned then spending credits for an advantage doesn't seem all that far fetched. It seems like a lot of credits to just have an edge for one game but who is to say spending 50K credits for an edge in a PvP game is any more wasteful than saving up 5 million or whatever Revan mask goes for these days?


it's not that expensive, you can use level 9 augs. Also if bioware would come out and say they consider it an exploit that would already be a pretty big improvement. As of right now i consider it working as intended, this is the new min maxing in pvp, get some level 34 gear and low level augs, the stats don't even matter, and be BIS

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it's not that expensive, you can use level 9 augs. Also if bioware would come out and say they consider it an exploit that would already be a pretty big improvement. As of right now i consider it working as intended, this is the new min maxing in pvp, get some level 34 gear and low level augs, the stats don't even matter, and be BIS


Usually events like this are clearly exploits but since it's only possible because Bioware screwed up (multiple times even) and it doesn't have any serious permanent impact to the game (you might win a few more games than you otherwise would've and gotten your gear a bit sooner), they'd rarely punish people for doing so.

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it's not that expensive, you can use level 9 augs. Also if bioware would come out and say they consider it an exploit that would already be a pretty big improvement. As of right now i consider it working as intended, this is the new min maxing in pvp, get some level 34 gear and low level augs, the stats don't even matter, and be BIS


This pretty much sums it up. QFT


It's working as intended until someone comes out and says something. I won't stoop to that level and I will continue working towards my conquerer gear hoping bioware fixes it, but i'm gonna hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I was destroying people and putting up big numbers before 2.0 hit,


I can do it without this BS floating around.

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OK so this will be my final post on the matter as I provided enough PMs, links, screenshots, info, etc. on this matter and now i'm leaving it in dev hands. This will be screenshots showing what I found through inspecting some other exploiting players' gear, and trying to recreate it based on what I've noticed. This is what I found and it's absolutely disgusting. What's even worse is that this is primarily GREEN LVL 37 GEAR with LEVEL 10 AUGMENTS. Those who are saying that it's an expensive glitch are WRONG. These augments cost 25 credits to remove!


START OF WARZONE--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the underlined stats:




AFTER THIS EXPLOIT IS APPLIED--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the circled and underlined. Notice the change





If this doesn't alert you guys to how bad this bug is. I don't know what will. And this is just from my best attempt at recreating it. There are people WITH 45k HEALTH and 1600+ Force and Tech Bonus damage. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! fix this bioware before it gets too out of hand. Or better yet at least aknowledge theres an issue.


BUMP for Dev attention

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OK so this will be my final post on the matter as I provided enough PMs, links, screenshots, info, etc. on this matter and now i'm leaving it in dev hands. This will be screenshots showing what I found through inspecting some other exploiting players' gear, and trying to recreate it based on what I've noticed. This is what I found and it's absolutely disgusting. What's even worse is that this is primarily GREEN LVL 37 GEAR with LEVEL 10 AUGMENTS. Those who are saying that it's an expensive glitch are WRONG. These augments cost 25 credits to remove!


START OF WARZONE--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the underlined stats:




AFTER THIS EXPLOIT IS APPLIED--NOTICE STATS: Pay attention to the circled and underlined. Notice the change





If this doesn't alert you guys to how bad this bug is. I don't know what will. And this is just from my best attempt at recreating it. There are people WITH 45k HEALTH and 1600+ Force and Tech Bonus damage. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! fix this bioware before it gets too out of hand. Or better yet at least aknowledge theres an issue.


Quoting for Page 13, waiting on a Dev response!

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