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Worth coming back?


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[i know this is like the 1,000,000 post you've guys have seen but I would really appreciate the feed back]


I'll be honest not looking to start a forum war, but would rather like some simple feedback I used to be a hardcore player at the launch of SWTOR, I was the GM of <Temerity> on Iron Citadel (shout out to anyone who remembers haha) I fell in love with this game but the end game content was horrid, we would clear NMM EV and KP in one raid night crafting felt pointless and armor sets we're appalling. I have heard stories about the game being better since the F2P but I wanna here it from the community.


What I'm looking for is a reason to come back, I loved the overall story arcs with each character, but I can lvl a F2P all day I want is the nitty gritty end game aspect of the game (operations, HM FP's, crafting). I also am starting to get back in to PvP and I would like to hear some feedback on that.


I really like this aspect of this game and I would love to be a subscriber, but I'm afraid to be let down again :-( so I'm hoping I could get some community feedback cause that would be amazing, and Devs....I know secretly you read these (wink, wink)...feel free to respond here too


Thank you all I look forward to hearing from the community!

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I unsubbed during the mass exodus in April 2012, haven't logged in since resubbing now a year later.


Realizing it is a good game and I'm sorry I left. See for yourself and form your own opinion.

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Do silverback gorillas like pancakes with warm maple syrup? Of course they do, and that means it's totally worth coming back for.


I though they prefer to have extra butter as well?


To the OP,

I would say yes.... It is really is a good game. I left as well for a time, but coming back has been a blast.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Honestly, I think it's worth spending $15 to sub for one month, and check it out.


Mainly because of how poorly your view of the game will be if you don't have a subscription :-D




I left back before 1.3 dropped -- came back just around the time Early Access deadline was for RotHC (Mid-january). Played for a few hours, and immediately subbed for a month so I could get a better judgement on the game.


After that month was up, I realized that I was enjoying myself enough to spend the $15. I think the BEST way you can figure out if it's "worth it" -- give it a go. That way, you can also figure out what you dislike, and let BioWare know if you /unsub again.


Good luck either way! Hopefully you find something fun enough to stick around here -- but even any other game works. I know I personally hated going too long without an enjoyable game to play.

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Absolutely worth it, I was subbed since the beginning, then got unbelievably bored so stopped for about 4months. Recently came back and loving it ever since. The new content is amazing, Bioware seem to be really listening to the community.

And as the previous post says - it's not exactly expensive to try a one month trial as a sub - make your own opinion and see how it goes :)

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I re-subbed after quitting around 1 yr ago.


Would not recommend resubbing - the same problems that were around 1 yr ago that made me quit are still around and even worst in some cases.


Also it is clear the devs are taking the game in the complete opposite direction to what I want (bolster in lvl55 WZ's for instance).

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I think if you enjoyed the game at all in the past, just give it another try. There still isn't a ton of endgame, but it definitely got better since the days where there was only EV and KP. HMs and NiMs of the next two raids that came after actually became a challenge. Unfortunately most of those are now mostly outdated since 2.0, although they did raise TFB to 55. There's also a few new world bosses, and hopefully the Gree event will return soon and Xeno will be raised to 55 as well (I can't imagine why they wouldn't do that).


Also I think they've consistently improved their operation design. TFB was a big step up, and Scum and Villainy is definitely my favorite one now.

Edited by chuixupu
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All depends on how much you rely on others peoples opnions to guide your decisions ? As I am sure you know eveyone gets a little something different from these games, different, play style, like and dislikes, no one can really tell you if it is worth you coming back, you will just have to try it and see../shrug
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I'll be honest not looking to start a forum war, but would rather like some simple feedback I used to be a hardcore player at the launch of SWTOR, I was the GM of <Temerity> on Iron Citadel (shout out to anyone who remembers haha) I fell in love with this game but the end game content was horrid, we would clear NMM EV and KP in one raid night crafting felt pointless and armor sets we're appalling. I have heard stories about the game being better since the F2P but I wanna here it from the community.


What I'm looking for is a reason to come back, I loved the overall story arcs with each character, but I can lvl a F2P all day I want is the nitty gritty end game aspect of the game (operations, HM FP's, crafting). I also am starting to get back in to PvP and I would like to hear some feedback on that.


I really like this aspect of this game and I would love to be a subscriber, but I'm afraid to be let down again :-( so I'm hoping I could get some community feedback cause that would be amazing, and Devs....I know secretly you read these (wink, wink)...feel free to respond here too


Not sure how you are posting in the forum unless you are already back....


You defined yourself as hardcore (in the classic endgame sense), correct?


If so... either temper your expecations or you are going to be displeased again. Why? This is NOT a hardcore MMO. So I think you will again tire of the endgame and be disappointed. Is the endgame challenging? Yeah, but not in the classic hardcore end game raid context.

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I unsubbed during the mass exodus in April 2012, haven't logged in since resubbing now a year later.


Realizing it is a good game and I'm sorry I left. See for yourself and form your own opinion.


its ok for what it is. compared to what it could have been, thats a different story alltogether.

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I actually subbed for this month but it ends on the 1st. Wanted to get a good community opinion on the game all the good and all the bad so keep it coming haha


Here's a crazy idea...


Why don't you just log into the game and try it? Why not make a decision for yourself?

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its ok for what it is. compared to what it could have been, thats a different story alltogether.


Thats a ridiculously obtuse statement. My house COULD have been a mansion with 1000 acres of and, but its not. My house could be better designed and have more doors and windows, but it doesn't. My house could....you get the point.


You can't qualify the game against an imaginary "could have been" object that you believe it should have been. You qualify it by what it is, not what it isn't.

Edited by Arkerus
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Not sure how you are posting in the forum unless you are already back....


You defined yourself as hardcore (in the classic endgame sense), correct?


If so... either temper your expecations or you are going to be displeased again. Why? This is NOT a hardcore MMO. So I think you will again tire of the endgame and be disappointed. Is the endgame challenging? Yeah, but not in the classic hardcore end game raid context.

Haha you are correct I subbed at the beginning of the month, and what I did enjoy I really enjoyed. And I agree with what you say about my end game feelings but I think with a good guild it should be a blast. I do also have a wow account so something to move between.


So I guess what I'm saying is I guess I'm staying haha...now if anyone know a good guild looking for a skilled player I'd be more then inclined to check you out...Republic side preferred :-D

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I think if you enjoyed the game at all in the past, just give it another try. There still isn't a ton of endgame, but it definitely got better since the days where there was only EV and KP. HMs and NiMs of the next two raids that came after actually became a challenge. Unfortunately most of those are now mostly outdated since 2.0, although they did raise TFB to 55. There's also a few new world bosses, and hopefully the Gree event will return soon and Xeno will be raised to 55 as well (I can't imagine why they wouldn't do that).


Also I think they've consistently improved their operation design. TFB was a big step up, and Scum and Villainy is definitely my favorite one now.


Im very happy to know that, hoping that BioWare will realize that are apparently on the right track...now said track is very wide so there will be some obvious swerving here and there but they seem to be going the right way.

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