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[Bug??] Did /Whisper just get changed???


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I can certainly understand, and relate to that, but I still feel that the option to do "your thing", is entirely in YOUR hands. I fully appreciate your position, I've been there myself, just dying for that 15min of doing "MY" thing, but I still feel that that option is available to you if you WANT it. You don't NEED to reply, if you get crap from someone, you can tell them you turn off ALL chat on some characters or simply explain that at times, you need YOUR space. Anyone who doesn't understand your position, isn't really your "friend". It's OK to take your own time...it really is. You don't need to feel guilty, nor do you need to "hide" from others. This isn't a "privacy" issue, it's people wanting Bioware to make it easy for them to ignore others...and that's not fair to Bioware (and trust me, I have very little sympathy for them atm).


Exactly what i have been trying to say ignore and turning chats off has worked wonderfully for me for over a year now when i need that just me and swtor time. once again what is allowed is what will continue!

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I can certainly understand, and relate to that, but I still feel that the option to do "your thing", is entirely in YOUR hands. I fully appreciate your position, I've been there myself, just dying for that 15min of doing "MY" thing, but I still feel that that option is available to you if you WANT it. You don't NEED to reply, if you get crap from someone, you can tell them you turn off ALL chat on some characters or simply explain that at times, you need YOUR space. Anyone who doesn't understand your position, isn't really your "friend". It's OK to take your own time...it really is. You don't need to feel guilty, nor do you need to "hide" from others. This isn't a "privacy" issue, it's people wanting Bioware to make it easy for them to ignore others...and that's not fair to Bioware (and trust me, I have very little sympathy for them atm).

While it's great to say people should be strong and not give a damn if their friend whispers them, a lot of people simply aren't like that. They like the ability to take the phone off the hook when they want privacy, so to speak, rather than have to listen to people they care about call without answering them. It's not such a big thing, is it? To ask that privacy controls be implemented with this?

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While it's great to say people should be strong and not give a damn if their friend whispers them, a lot of people simply aren't like that. They like the ability to take the phone off the hook when they want privacy, so to speak, rather than have to listen to people they care about call without answering them. It's not such a big thing, is it? To ask that privacy controls be implemented with this?
Myself I agree with both sides,this NEEDS to be done right so everyone is happy.It shouldnt be forced on everyone there NEEDS to be options to control everyones privacy is the number one priority.


Sadly it seems some people feel that because they invite harassment and trolls into there gaming habits that the rest of us shouldn't be allowed better communication and quality of life.

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While it's great to say people should be strong and not give a damn if their friend whispers them, a lot of people simply aren't like that. They like the ability to take the phone off the hook when they want privacy, so to speak, rather than have to listen to people they care about call without answering them. It's not such a big thing, is it? To ask that privacy controls be implemented with this?




Also there is the Roleplaying angle for those of us who role play. To most RPers, separation of player and character is essential for roleplaying.

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I'm a little baffled that whenever someone asks if there's a way to hide your online status, they're met with replies that range from, "No." to "No, of course not, you moron, THIS IS AN MMO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE, PLAY SINGLE PLAYER GAMES", but this is met with such concern. Curious.


That said, I wouldn't mind some refinement, either, but generally speaking I think this could be a really cool feature. I have a lot of alts and I certainly wouldn't mind if someone who only knows my main whispers me on one of them. I can understand people's concern, of course, but even if it stayed as-is, it wouldn't be a deal-breaker to me.

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This game does and has always needed some version of /anon or /invisible. All something like this really needs is that. Then make it so that not only are you searchable/viewable on a friends list (this game doesn't require consent for someone to add you), but if you get whispers it could auto reply with a message that would be identical to that person being offline and actually let the whisper through (hey, you might want it). There's no reason to let the whisperer know that you're actually getting it if you're hiding your online status.


And yes, there are people you don't want to talk to at any given moment without going so far as to block them or anything. Why not?

Edited by AnaxagorasZ
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I'm a little baffled that whenever someone asks if there's a way to hide your online status, they're met with replies that range from, "No." to "No, of course not, you moron, THIS IS AN MMO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE, PLAY SINGLE PLAYER GAMES", but this is met with such concern. Curious.


That said, I wouldn't mind some refinement, either, but generally speaking I think this could be a really cool feature. I have a lot of alts and I certainly wouldn't mind if someone who only knows my main whispers me on one of them. I can understand people's concern, of course, but even if it stayed as-is, it wouldn't be a deal-breaker to me.


The only time I have seen that adamant level of resistance has been whenever someone complains about doing group content... which I perfectly agree that if you don't want to group then don't, but don't complain because you can't esperience the content.


However hiding you online status is perfectly understandable. If it wasn't, then why do programs like Sype and GTalk have offline and away statuses... when their ONLY purpose is to communicate with others. At least one could reasonably make the argument that there is a large single player element to this game and want to be alone... that suchargument ddoesn't exist in a chat program where this feature is considered "standard".


Just thought I would explain why there has been more of a curious discussion happening here instead of hatred.

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My only comment on this is that it is confusing as hell if you play toons on both factions and you get a lot of whispers from strangers. I have sith and pub toons both in my legacy, and I have alts that are guildmasters for large guilds on each faction. If someone whispers to the name of a sith alt and I get the message on my pub toon asking for an invite, I now have no way of knowing which guild they want into.


Privacy concerns aside, if this allows whispering one toon and having the message routed to another currently logged toon, it sure as hell needs to let me know which name the person sending the /whisper thinks they are talking to, otherwise it just becomes an escalating game of "telephone" trying to figure out what is going on and who wants what, where, from whom.

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