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Need Official statement from bioware about SMASH/SWEEP!


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I would like to know how any class in this game can hit 4 targets all for 8.5k every 6 seconds? Not one other class in the game can do damage like this and its out of hand. About 90% of all warzones are smash monkeys. So if you don't have 4 or more smash on your team you just lose. No one can put up the same about of dps with less global cool downs than smash and it is making warzones very unbalanced. Basically if you don't roll a warrior class you will just lose this game. So please bioware tell me why smash is still buffed and the highest hitting move in the game yet? Why does 1 class get to hit some one for 3k more than another?


I wait your response.

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Almost everytime I die I see the same message spammed across my UI 90% of the time. "Force Sweep/Smash hits you for 8000 damage" That is simply ridiculous. If a melee class is going to put out burst damage like that, then it's game breaking to give them so many defensive cooldowns along with it. On my server, at least half of each PUB team is comprised of smash monkeys. I wonder why?
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I'll worry when its over 9000.


Was hit by a 12.5k smash in 55 warzone. Not one other aoe in this game hits that hard. Orbital strike doesn't do this? This aoe attack is unbalanced and needs to be looked into. There is no reason it should hit this hard.

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I'd like to clarify that they cannot do that amount of damage every 6 seconds. IIRC, Force Sweep's cooldown is more than double that. Anyway, they would not have the relevant buffs ready for every single force sweep, as the abilities to grant those buffs are on higher cooldowns anyway.


Focus/Rage spec was nerfed with 2.0 afaik, though I have no idea why they're still hitting so high. Possibly gear imbalances? I couldn't even guess to be honest.

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Health pools have gone up, my jugg is rocking over 35,000 and is mid geared. He will top 40k when min/max. All toons will be around 28,000 when geared (which means 2k expertise and no 9k smashes without bloodthirst, stacked debuffs, etc.)


-Smash isn't the hardest hitting ability anymore

-it's even easier to shut down now then pre-2.0

-2.0 is about ranged

-heals are OP right now, hitting for 10k and hots ticking over 1k

-don't embellish when you whine, people won't take you seriously even if you are just trying to make a point. 6 seconds?


I also assume you are talking pug matches.

Edited by CharterMonkKent
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I would like to know how any class in this game can hit 4 targets all for 8.5k every 6 seconds? Not one other class in the game can do damage like this and its out of hand. About 90% of all warzones are smash monkeys. So if you don't have 4 or more smash on your team you just lose. No one can put up the same about of dps with less global cool downs than smash and it is making warzones very unbalanced. Basically if you don't roll a warrior class you will just lose this game. So please bioware tell me why smash is still buffed and the highest hitting move in the game yet? Why does 1 class get to hit some one for 3k more than another?


I wait your response.


Nothing but QQ, move along nothing to see here ladies/gents.

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I would like to know how any class in this game can hit 4 targets all for 8.5k every 6 seconds? Not one other class in the game can do damage like this and its out of hand. About 90% of all warzones are smash monkeys. So if you don't have 4 or more smash on your team you just lose. No one can put up the same about of dps with less global cool downs than smash and it is making warzones very unbalanced. Basically if you don't roll a warrior class you will just lose this game. So please bioware tell me why smash is still buffed and the highest hitting move in the game yet? Why does 1 class get to hit some one for 3k more than another?


I wait your response.


If you've got actual facts I'd like to see them. Right now you just look like a troll.

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Health pools have gone up, my jugg is rocking over 35,000 and is mid geared. He will top 40k when min/max. All toons will be around 28,000 when geared (which means 2k expertise and no 9k smashes without bloodthirst, stacked debuffs, etc.)


-Smash isn't the hardest hitting ability anymore

-it's even easier to shut down now then pre-2.0

-2.0 is about ranged

-heals are OP right now, hitting for 10k and hots ticking over 1k

-don't embellish when you whine, people won't take you seriously even if you are just trying to make a point. 6 seconds?


I also assume you are talking pug matches.


Yes, smash is the hardest hitting ability. There have been numerous posts on the forums posting the numbers, both during test and since then.

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I would like to know how any class in this game can hit 4 targets all for 8.5k every 6 seconds? Not one other class in the game can do damage like this and its out of hand. About 90% of all warzones are smash monkeys. So if you don't have 4 or more smash on your team you just lose. No one can put up the same about of dps with less global cool downs than smash and it is making warzones very unbalanced. Basically if you don't roll a warrior class you will just lose this game. So please bioware tell me why smash is still buffed and the highest hitting move in the game yet? Why does 1 class get to hit some one for 3k more than another?


I wait your response.


l2p issue

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I would like to know how any class in this game can hit 4 targets all for 8.5k every 6 seconds? Not one other class in the game can do damage like this and its out of hand. About 90% of all warzones are smash monkeys. So if you don't have 4 or more smash on your team you just lose. No one can put up the same about of dps with less global cool downs than smash and it is making warzones very unbalanced. Basically if you don't roll a warrior class you will just lose this game. So please bioware tell me why smash is still buffed and the highest hitting move in the game yet? Why does 1 class get to hit some one for 3k more than another?


I wait your response.


Let's break this down piece by piece :


1) You cannot (as far as I know) legitimately hit people for 8.5k. I have not done this at all since the patch (and I never exploited that mod thing). 5k is average.


2) It's not every 6 seconds. It's 21 seconds (18 CD + 3 seconds to stack) unless you blow your enrage or berserk cooldown. Berserk you need 30 stacks of fury which you can either blow another 2 min (IIRC, been a while since I played my sentinel) CD or generate them over 20 seconds or so.


3) I actually don't know any classes that *can't* hit people for 5k in 2.0 in most DPS specs.


4) The single target damage of rage spec is not very good. So if you're getting owned by rage specs then you're doing something wrong. They get good damage numbers for the same reason that any AOE spec gets good damage numbers and I don't know a single dedicated AOE DPS spec that can't put up the same numbers as rage spec other than AP PT/Tactics vanguard.

Edited by dcgregorya
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the auto crit is the issue... remove that and put something else in its place, and its fixed. its the only skill that in game actually wasnt affected by the whole derp lets lower crit chance derp. Edited by xxIncubixx
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Almost everytime I die I see the same message spammed across my UI 90% of the time. "Force Sweep/Smash hits you for 8000 damage" That is simply ridiculous. If a melee class is going to put out burst damage like that, then it's game breaking to give them so many defensive cooldowns along with it. On my server, at least half of each PUB team is comprised of smash monkeys. I wonder why?

would you rather a ranged class hit you like that? a ranged class meaning someone you cannot even attack or CC? I'd rather deal with a smasher than be a fish in a barrel for a sniper (vstar guard, trying to fight a melee in any WZ, etc.).

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For example? HSM? Tell me.


The AoE-component sucks. Split the damage between all hit targets... but that would be a quite strong nerf for AoE... but... reasonable.


Let's be generous a with a 10k Smash spread between 3 people would only be ~3.3k each. So it would behoove the Smasher to try to hit as small amount of people as possible. An AOE spec actively trying to hit only one person.


And just like that you have completely gutted Smash spec. Still sound reasonable? Never mind what it would do to PvE.

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I want to know how to get full buffed smashes every 6 seconds. Please tell me! They even nerfed force choke giving shockwave stacks in 2.0, so only two ways to get stacks, instead of three. I have said all along that countering smash is more of a learn to play issue, than anything else. Glad to see more people understand that.

(OP: If you are going to troll, at least try to base it on facts.)

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Let's be generous a with a 10k Smash spread between 3 people would only be ~3.3k each. So it would behoove the Smasher to try to hit as small amount of people as possible. An AOE spec actively trying to hit only one person.


And just like that you have completely gutted Smash spec. Still sound reasonable? Never mind what it would do to PvE.


I just suggested it.


Maybe lower the damage dealt on more than 1 target to 75% or less. One target gets full damage, the next two target 75%, the other 2 get 50%.


Right now it's overpowered.


And hell... gut Smash spec? Hahaha you serious? You know how many specs are gutted out there? :)

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All they would have to do is the same thing they did to bright wizards. First smash hits, any others don't hit same people for a certain amount of time.


But honestly since 2.0 while I have seen killed by smash a good bit on my screen, smash wasn't what took me so low so that a 8k smash could kill me, it was the sniper or gunslinger sitting way over there. The smasher was just the guy who noticed someone with low health and pounced.

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Was hit by a 12.5k smash in 55 warzone. Not one other aoe in this game hits that hard. Orbital strike doesn't do this? This aoe attack is unbalanced and needs to be looked into. There is no reason it should hit this hard.


As a healer, i can attest to this statement. Ive seen it. Ive seen it done to my face. Its not pretty. Healing through it is very well possible. But not when you have two smashes hit your face back-to-back for 10k+ ....Why doesnt my TK wave hit for 10 k as well? most i get out of that is 5-6k.

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