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Everything posted by waltersmom

  1. Go make a rated team. You will have more fun.
  2. Don't worry Reg Warzones are the real deal brother. Didn't you hear that SWTOR is real life? The more reg warzone heroes this game has the better. We need a community of people who have no idea how the game is play nor do they realize this is OBJECT BASED TEAM PLAY. Too bad reg warzones you don't control all factors of the fight thus nullifies everything "AWESOME" that is produced by any such player. If you are going to act like this is competitive PVP you first have to play competitive PVP .
  3. What is this trash? Have you finished college yet? Seems like you think you are super educated but honestly your actions speak louder. Please go play rateds and get back to the PVP community who actually pvp. Regular warzones mean nothing in this game and do not show the same skill level as rateds. You have played this game for a year saying you are awesome at pvp. Please show us and don't bust out it take time like a college degree. These comparisons are extremely terrible. Just because you know how to play the game doesn't mean you can execute it at all. Your Friend
  4. Just giving you a heads up to let you know the PVP community will only acknowledge people who have rating or have done rated warzones. Reg warzone heroes who write up guides have no place on these forums telling people how to play this game. How hard is it to do 10 rated warzones? Even a rating of 800 is better than your ZERO rating. Please tell us all why you have no rating but have been playing this game for 1 plus years? PROOF: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/norating.jpg/
  5. Was hit by a 12.5k smash in 55 warzone. Not one other aoe in this game hits that hard. Orbital strike doesn't do this? This aoe attack is unbalanced and needs to be looked into. There is no reason it should hit this hard.
  6. I would like to know how any class in this game can hit 4 targets all for 8.5k every 6 seconds? Not one other class in the game can do damage like this and its out of hand. About 90% of all warzones are smash monkeys. So if you don't have 4 or more smash on your team you just lose. No one can put up the same about of dps with less global cool downs than smash and it is making warzones very unbalanced. Basically if you don't roll a warrior class you will just lose this game. So please bioware tell me why smash is still buffed and the highest hitting move in the game yet? Why does 1 class get to hit some one for 3k more than another? I wait your response.
  7. Cilas did smash rateds with me and few other swtor players. I have to say we did have fun and win.
  8. He can't since all they are doing is BUFFING INSTANT CLOAK! So you can use it more often not a 2 mi cool down for cloaking...................
  9. Why so much lag! Please fix! I pay you money!
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