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Is Cybertech useful?


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Is Cybertech useful?


Right now my char is only lvl 17 and the mods I've been able to make this far is not impressive at all. Taking out the mods from existing good equipment for later use might prove handy but I still wonder where the useful part really comes in. Good equipment you purchase often really is good to start with that needs few modifications what I've seen, and they certainly do not need the modifications I this far can create.. green garbage.


So I am wonder.. if and if so, when does cybertech become useful?

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Most crafting skills are only useful if you dedicate to them.


For a lvl 17 character you should have (or could have) an upgraded blue version of your earpiece, an upgraded blue version of your companions earpiece, fairly levelequivalent mods and armoring upgraded to blue versions for your own stats.


That's assuming you're not going with a companion with fully moddable armor in which case you could also have upgraded versions of the mods for that stat-type as well.


But to get all that you have to level it all the time and RE every green object until you get a blue upgrade. Then make that.


I'm currently about 3 levels ahead of my own level on mods and earpieces at lvl 30. And I do have all my skills and my speeder. And I'm not a CE-owner. But it takes at least learning the game-mechanics.

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No, cybertech sucks. Reverse engineering doesn't always give you the purple recipe before you've made enough green/blues to grey out that level. Purple armoring and mods certainly don't make your orange items massively more useful at level.


Ok, ok. The worst thing about cybertech is that underworld trading feels like it takes forever to level to keep you in blue/purple metal.

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I disagree.

Im at ~300 cybertech, scavenging and underworld trading and i found it useful.

I make purple mods, armorings etc for me, my companions and for my friends, so yeah maybe mod u can create can be bought from a vendor but not the purple ones. From underworld trading i have some recipes for armortech, and its quite easy to lvl imo.

Edited by Zorpen
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Cybertech is rather useless as an income source. The first items to earn you money are the earpieces.


When leveling it I recommend to concentrate on the green items. Do not go for the purple ones, they are not worth it, and you need the prototype metals to make enough prototypes to reengineer.


Furthermore there are not many buyers for the mods. Every item with slots (except for crafted oranges) come with mods in them, and these are so good that an upgrade to blue or purple is hardly worth it. That might change in higher levels, though. Add on top of that you usually have reward tokens from the different planets that can be spend on mods (since you rarely arrive at a number of tokens to buy exactly a certain item), and there is hardly any need for anyone to buy your product.


Best bets to make money are the earpieces and the droid equipment. Maybe ship parts, if you happen to have the recipes (although the basic level 1 ship equipment is sufficient to cruise easily through the first 5 missions).


In the end I am currently at around level 165 Cybertech, and it isn't anything apart from a moneysink for me. I'll check out what I can do to my orange items tonight, though. This is a benefit, but the only one I can currently think of.


All of this might change in the endgame. But then it might not.

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I disagree with the nay-sayers, the purple mods\armour are well worth it at any level (agreed they cost a bomb to learn) i havn't really made any money with it yet but am persevering because at high level people will be snapping your hand off for those top-tier mods. Also the occasional exceptional version earpiece with additional augment slot is a nice bonus.


Wishing i had taken Underworld Trading because those metals cost a bomb on our server. Still making more than i need from slicing so i can afford it ;)


Keep crafting!

Edited by Danup
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Wishing i had taken Underworld Trading because those metals cost a bomb on our server. Still making more than i need from slicing so i can afford it ;)


Yup, this is my biggest problem. Slicing is up at 340ish and there's just so much money coming in but it seems that everything I need is from UT and there ain't much selling of that going on. At least not yet anyways. Soon I hope!

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At 400 you get a few epic grenades which are amazing for PvP. You can get the BOP 110% speeder, the mods you can make are crazy. I have proced the 2nd from last blue mod and it is pretty nuts.


Everyone is always going to want mods fast. Also you can make the epic grade 7 ship upgrades and there is something that ports a whole raid group to your location.


Pretty decent overall I would say.

Edited by Kuchi
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I imagine so, I have two of the rank 2 blue upgrade patterns at the moment and I know for sure the epic rank 7 ones are recipes from cybertech. Again price per server will make it interesting. However .... Having all of those should constantly bring in massive credits.
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You may proc some of the blue recipes, then if you have underworld trading too you can make a few and sell as you go. I sell most of the rank 2 ship upgrades for 3-4k each. But again it depends on server who wants to buy what.
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I dont think mods sell that well at lower levels because of how fast people blow through the levels on the low end. IMO sell your left over materials once you level passed them and just RE the stuff you make unless you get something ultra rare ect.


Didnt think about selling the ship mods Ill have to try and see if I can get those out there.

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I've sold several prototype mods, all of them have been armoring. Which makes sense as those are the only ones I'd buy if I couldn't make them. Same with barrels. It's just to costly to keep all your slots fully upgraded if you have to buy every mod off the market or even from commendation vendors. Problem is I can actually make more selling the mats used to make them so I make most of my money off underworld trading.


Is Cybertech worth it? Definitely. At 36 all of my gear is lvl 35 thanks to being able to created my own mods. I've already got lvl 37 armoring mods waiting for me. I take out the ones I replace and equip them in my companions gear. While you can spend commendations on mods, they don't always have the best for your level. They may have commando armoring 15's but only have reflex 14's for example. Plus this frees you up to spend all of your commendations on equipment for your companions rather than spending them on yourself.

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After your gear is all modded and upgraded at late game then what does cybertech have going for it?


1 grenade every 5min is hardly a boost in pvp compared to say a stim an adrenal and a heal pack every 90s.


For the long term is cybertech worth it? I'm no so sure now. If the grenades had a lower cooldown or seperate cooldowns then maybe.

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For sure there were Epic grade 7 ship upgrades although I cannot see them on darthater or torhead now .... But as pointed out this makes the best mods/armoring in the game you will consistently make money. It is almost like jewelcrafting in wow.
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I find so far early leveling on Republic side, that the Driod armor sells really well. There are plenty of new Jedi out there looking to gear up their first companion.


As I'm leveling, I craft droid armor with any UT mats I get and have well over 40k at level 20 with purple mods in my PVP chest, pants and gun along with a store of grenades.


It's been realy easy and fun to level.

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The problem is that, unlike jewelcrafting, u can use a mod over and over. Without the need to buy new mods all the time, the mod part of cybertech will dwindle in profitability in the end game unless they give us some super retarded modd from hell that we can just really make a crap ton off of on single pieces, similar to the alchemy dragon mounts.


Cybertech will need a consumable commodity in the endgame to be profitable. I'm sticking with it for now though.

Edited by DarthHovak
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