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Account-wide friends and ignore lists?


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No, account wide friends would not encourage you to be friendly to other players, since you have a pretty guaranteed group friends to ask for heroics.


Account wide band would mean that nobody learns to modify their behaviour, since if you get ignored by people for all your characters you will continue to be a idiot, no point in improving your social skills.

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No, account wide friends would not encourage you to be friendly to other players, since you have a pretty guaranteed group friends to ask for heroics.


On the contrary - i would be more inclined to give pugs the benefit of doubt knowing that they aren't on one of my alt's ignore lists. If your supposition was true, then we would need to get rid of guilds too.


Account wide band would mean that nobody learns to modify their behaviour, since if you get ignored by people for all your characters you will continue to be a idiot, no point in improving your social skills.


Sorry, but I'm not here to play social worker or kindergarten teacher. Once I write someone off (and it takes alot to cause me to do this), I don't care if they "reform themselves". They are dead to me.


I'd love to see account-wide listings. I dislike having to manually add ignores & friends to my 8 characters on each side.

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On the contrary - i would be more inclined to give pugs the benefit of doubt knowing that they aren't on one of my alt's ignore lists. If your supposition was true, then we would need to get rid of guilds too.

A legitimate point, and i feel that people who have a strong guild presence their current planet, or members who will drop in on them when they desperately need it, can be more abrupt than others.

Sorry, but I'm not here to play social worker or kindergarten teacher. Once I write someone off (and it takes alot to cause me to do this), I don't care if they "reform themselves". They are dead to me.


I'd love to see account-wide listings. I dislike having to manually add ignores & friends to my 8 characters on each side.

I can agree that if someone is that bad I don't want to hear from them again, however I know of people with a very small threshold of tolerance, and giving them the ability to ignore all of someone's alts is a bad idea. I don't want to come across as a kindergarden teacher or social worker or anything like that, but I have seen some real finicky pillocks out there.

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Account wide band would mean that nobody learns to modify their behaviour, since if you get ignored by people for all your characters you will continue to be a idiot, no point in improving your social skills.


I hate to break it to you but in that point of their lives you cant teach them anything, people that are douchebags are going to continue to he such.


I support account wide ignore and friend lists.

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Probably already mentioned: if there were account-based ignore lists, there'd have to be a mechanism to prevent you from seeing the auto-added entries. Otherwise it would become a tool for stalkers and harassers. For friends, there could be a reciprocal component and the player being friended would decide which of his or her characters to allow to be added to the requester's friends list. Edited by branmakmuffin
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No, account wide friends would not encourage you to be friendly to other players, since you have a pretty guaranteed group friends to ask for heroics.


Account wide band would mean that nobody learns to modify their behaviour, since if you get ignored by people for all your characters you will continue to be a idiot, no point in improving your social skills.


And we should ban guilds then since they do the same...

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Really have no opinion about a global friends list (be in a good guild and you don't need it) but i still don't get it why there are no account wide ignore lists! I mean if i put someone (for whatever reason) on the ignore list, i don't want to ignore the character, i want to ignore the PERSON behind it ...
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No, account wide friends would not encourage you to be friendly to other players, since you have a pretty guaranteed group friends to ask for heroics.


Account wide band would mean that nobody learns to modify their behaviour, since if you get ignored by people for all your characters you will continue to be a idiot, no point in improving your social skills.


Seriously? Has anyone ever changed their conduct after getting ignored by someone they've been abusing? Come on.


Account-wide friends and ignore lists are a must for any MMO.

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Seriously? Has anyone ever changed their conduct after getting ignored by someone they've been abusing? Come on.


Account-wide friends and ignore lists are a must for any MMO.


I'd say earlier on in the life of MMO's there was a whole lot less trolling and narcissistic entitlement. Back then, group pressure probably did change some players' behaviour. Now.... not so much. The decent people tend to stay quiet and in their own circles, and general chat can truly be a cesspit of idiocy and ignorance, intolerance and abuse. Most days I reach my threshold and turn chat off altogether.


This may, of course, just be the server I'm on, but I would use a global ignore... without hesitation.

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yes to both.account wide friends would be spectacular... with a caveeat. ability to go on invisible status. sometimes, you just want to play alone.


if someone is super finicky to ignore, why would you want to play with them anyways?


however. if someone pisses me off enough to add them to ignore list? I don't want to play with them ever again. them the person, not them the character. because chances of them acting like an idiot on other characters are pretty damn high and why should I have to deal with it multiple times exactly when I could just block them?

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I think account-wide friends is a bit more problematic.


It would put a bit too much power in the hand of stalkers.


People may have medical conditions that require them to step away from people for a while. They may wish to avoid someone, or not want their guild to know they're online and leveling their alt when they should be raiding. There are many reasons why someone might want to disappear, so if there is account-wide friends, I think there has to be an "offline" mode. Some sort of toggle that removes you from everyone's visibility should you wish to use it.

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Account-wide (or at least legacy-wide) ignore and friend lists would be great.


To make it harder for the stalkers, perhaps limit the friend list to people that have added you as a friend as well. Until then they will be on your list as pending, with no notification of being online or not or which character they are on.

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I use my guild as my friends list. Even more so since 2.0 hit, because I am hesitant to PUG any of the new stuff. I'm more interested in the account-wide ignore list idea. I vote a big "yes" for that. Edited by Radzkie
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I think account-wide friends is a bit more problematic.


It would put a bit too much power in the hand of stalkers.


People may have medical conditions that require them to step away from people for a while. They may wish to avoid someone, or not want their guild to know they're online and leveling their alt when they should be raiding. There are many reasons why someone might want to disappear, so if there is account-wide friends, I think there has to be an "offline" mode. Some sort of toggle that removes you from everyone's visibility should you wish to use it.


You are making a huge assumption that there would be no ignore list, or a way to hide that you're online. I'll point you to WoW that already has this system. You can add a character, or the actual friend to your list. There is also a toggle if you want to be seen, idle or hidden. Pretty basic chat features. So I don't know why you want to talk about this feature as if they would not take into account the very basic premise of chat programs.

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I would love to see both added! This was one of the features I loved with CoX (which included an option to hide). I play alts and rarely bother to friend people because it might be a week or two before I play that character again, but with global friends, we'd be able to meet up regardless of which 50 I'm currently on.


That, and this game has by far the worst general chat of any game I've played, and I've played a lot of them :(

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I fully support this idea. MMO's should be more social, and should push the boundaries of what that means. SWTOR, which is a game I love, severely lacks in any of that kind of innovation.

MMO players are as social or non-social as they want. Don't see how account-wide friends lists would make people more social (and account-wide ignore lists definitely wouldn't make people more social).


You are making a huge assumption that there would be no ignore list, or a way to hide that you're online.

I shouldn't have to completely hide my online presence just to avoid, in this hypothetical scenario, having one person see that I'm on with an alt.


I'll point you to WoW that already has this system. You can add a character, or the actual friend to your list. There is also a toggle if you want to be seen, idle or hidden. Pretty basic chat features. So I don't know why you want to talk about this feature as if they would not take into account the very basic premise of chat programs.

For an account-wide friends list, the privacy problem could be solved by having friending be reciprocal (so a friend request would really just be an invitation to become a friend) and by giving people the ability to exclude characters from being auto-added as part of an account-wide friend list. For ignore, assuming TOR works like other MMOs and you can see the contents of your ignore list, the list would have to exclude the auto-added characters. Without one or both of these safeguards in place, account-wide (more properly server-wide) friend and ignore lists would be a tool for stalkers and harasser.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Fully support the idea. As it stands, if I put one person on ignore, I have to log in each of my characters for that faction (six of either faction) and manually enter the name to be ignored on each one. That's five additional character swaps to add a name five additional times. And that's just the one character to be ignored, and we won't even get into gold sellers who stand in the fleet hawking their wares. It's a pain in the tush.


Why? So I don't have to play with the person at the keyboard on ANY character (or listen to a gold spammer on any character). Not the mass of pixels that represents them, but the person driving that mass of pixels. The earlier-cited CoX system was perfect for this - there are so many things about that game that I sorely miss.


And, of course, if I make a new friend that I enjoy grouping with for (enter game activity here), it would be nice to be able to not have to manually enter the name five additional times on each character. But I realize this would be a convenient feature that all sorts of people would appreciate - thus, we'll never see it. :rolleyes:

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