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Possible Companion Story Expansion?


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What do you guys think the odds are that the storyline for our companions will be expanded upon in further expansions? I find it hard to believe that wouldn't continue the story of our own characters, and I would imagine that all of our companions have much to do with our own storyline. So it would make sense for BW to include companion story expansions as well right? What do you guys think?
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What do you guys think the odds are that the storyline for our companions will be expanded upon in further expansions?


I think the odds are terrible; BW has shown no inclination to develop such highly specialized content as extra material that has to be done eight times in parallel - some for each class. Just the same, I wishfully dream of seeing additional companion content - continued conversations, side quests, and participation in ongoing class storylines.


I haven't purchased Makeb in large part beacuse, while I'm sure its story content is very nice, it isn't the content I want - the content that would build off of our fifty levels of class experience and NPCs and our forty-plus levels of interactions with companions in particular.

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Makeb's "companion banter across the planet" minor addition was a very unwelcome one. Half of the banters happen midway through or immediately after combat... defeating the whole purpose of the VO when there's gunfire and saber slashes on top of it.. yeah... However some others are pretty silly. Kira has a hilarious line after

destroying Toborro's droid and looting its isotope-5.



When Bioware produces a new expansion, I sincerely hope that Kira doesn't stand behind me silent and apathetic while Lemda tries to steal my heart away. I'm a loyal Jedi and I wouldn't dare cheat on Kira.. but c'mon. Kira's "snappishness/sassiness" would have been as overwhelming as a mesa collapse (pun intended :p) after Lemda's first advance.

Edited by DarthGile
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We need not only companion story expansion, but also class story. Makeb was good, but still it seemed wrong without story+companions part. So I would really like to have such expansion.


Agreed. I've been playing on and off for the past year now and finished my inquisitor a few weeks ago, and just started a Jedi consular. But from what I saw in the inquisitor ending

with your character becoming a member of the dark council

, that particular ending doesn't seem to have anything to go from for a class expansion story. Of course, that is the only one Ive experienced for endings so the others could also have some sort of way to lead on into an expansion story. But for the most part, the class stories are extremely well done, as well as companion stories, so I would hate to see them not continue.

Edited by jpuvey
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Agreed. I've been playing on and off for the past year now and finished my inquisitor a few weeks ago, and just started a Jedi consular. But from what I saw in the inquisitor ending

with your character becoming a member of the dark council

, that particular ending doesn't seem to have anything to go from for a class expansion story.


I could not possibly disagree more. The Sith Inquisitor ending leaves open the most interesting possibilities for future content, way more than any other class, and it shows in the Makeb dialogue where the Inquisitors has by far the most interesting "class" choices.


Every single one of the class stories leaves room to grow



Becoming a member of the Dark Council is only the beginning. BioWare could write a class story where your position on the Council is challenged by an up-and-coming Sith Lord...or maybe the other Dark Council members team-up to destroy you. Or maybe you won't rest until you've become the Emperor or the Voice. Millions of possibilities


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I could not possibly disagree more. The Sith Inquisitor ending leaves open the most interesting possibilities for future content, way more than any other class, and it shows in the Makeb dialogue where the Inquisitors has by far the most interesting "class" choices.


Every single one of the class stories leaves room to grow



Becoming a member of the Dark Council is only the beginning. BioWare could write a class story where your position on the Council is challenged by an up-and-coming Sith Lord...or maybe the other Dark Council members team-up to destroy you. Or maybe you won't rest until you've become the Emperor or the Voice. Millions of possibilities


Hmm. Never really thought of it like that. I haven't gotten ROTHC yet so I don't know anything about the makeb story yet. But you do certainly bring up good points. Would you also say that with class story expansions would come companion story expansions as well?

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Hmm. Never really thought of it like that. I haven't gotten ROTHC yet so I don't know anything about the makeb story yet. But you do certainly bring up good points. Would you also say that with class story expansions would come companion story expansions as well?


I'll be honest, I don't think BioWare is planning on expanding companions. I think in the future we will see them rework the companions into a more manageable model where each companion can fill any role, and going forward we will be limited in these "expansions" to "expansion-only" companions that are the same for every class. The same thing is going to have to happen for the class voice actors...at some point they're going to run out of pre-recorded dialogue and have to rework dialogue into a more manageable format, possibly even silent protagonist.


I honestly don't expect future class or companion content for existing companions. As much as I want more class content going forward, I don't think the current team at BioWare Austin is capable of delivering it on a scale it would need to be delivered. Thankfully I'm content with Rise of the Hutt Cartel style content for now, as long as they can pick up the pace.

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I'll be honest, I don't think BioWare is planning on expanding companions. I think in the future we will see them rework the companions into a more manageable model where each companion can fill any role, and going forward we will be limited in these "expansions" to "expansion-only" companions that are the same for every class. The same thing is going to have to happen for the class voice actors...at some point they're going to run out of pre-recorded dialogue and have to rework dialogue into a more manageable format, possibly even silent protagonist.


I honestly don't expect future class or companion content for existing companions. As much as I want more class content going forward, I don't think the current team at BioWare Austin is capable of delivering it on a scale it would need to be delivered. Thankfully I'm content with Rise of the Hutt Cartel style content for now, as long as they can pick up the pace.


+1 for the need to pick up the pace. The Hutt Cartel expansion feels more like a patch in for example World of Warcraft. I rellay don't ind paying, but it should be out every 4 months or so.

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I too would love to have more to the companions. However, with games such as these I feel like they are least worried about the companions which is unfortunate. Once I reached 10000 on the affection and their story ended I felt kind of disappointed that it was in many ways so short. I feel like with adding stories they should add to the companions as well but, I feel like they will neglect that as it's not such a big deal to everyone.
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I couldn't agree more. Once I maxed out all of my companions I felt sort of disappointed. Sure you get messages from whomever you chose to have a romantic relationship with but, that only lasts so long and then they're there. I think with the additions of story lines I believe they too should have an expansion as well. It would most definitely make things interesting. However, I feel like they won't do that given the fact it's not as big of a deal to most people. Hell I can dream though.
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One of TOR's biggest and unique features are companions. First it started out where you could lose them, and change their combat roles. Testers complained and you couldn't lose them anymore. Then for story-based reasons, the combat roles were removed. Finally, production winded down and deadlines approached and we wound up getting 1 companion with 2-3 engaging offworld missions, and the others with random ship/cantina chatter. As useful as they are during leveling, they quickly fade away upon reaching endgame. Dailies are their only use now.


Bioware has to sit down and consider what companions could be other than assistants in dailies and crew skills. I'm sure when Lord Scourge was developed/written, he wasn't envisoned to be a crew skill gopher when the character finishes his/her storyline. There must be a way where a companion could actually be summoned and viable during a raid (slightly less viable than a player, of course). There has to be Dragon-Age esque cinematics, where you can ask them how they're doing.. and give them 5 or 6 random lines or trigger-based lines.


For example. You haven't used Sergeant Rusk except for Crew Skills. This registers in the game that he has not been an active companion for 2 weeks. Next time you ask how he's doing, he should reply with something like "Sir, I request action. My combat efficiency is less than 88.4%. I should join you in the next conflict."


And for romance companions. I can't be alone when I say I loved how Dragon Age presented romances. It triggers, and once it becomes established, you could literally right-click Morrigan and be like "Hey, gimme a kiss!".


Once the SWTOR romance arc completes, something similar to this should be available. As of right now, my wife is not talking to me. And I did nothing wrong! If anyone knows Kira, they know that if she could say something.. she would.

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One of TOR's biggest and unique features are companions. First it started out where you could lose them, and change their combat roles. Testers complained and you couldn't lose them anymore. Then for story-based reasons, the combat roles were removed. Finally, production winded down and deadlines approached and we wound up getting 1 companion with 2-3 engaging offworld missions, and the others with random ship/cantina chatter. As useful as they are during leveling, they quickly fade away upon reaching endgame. Dailies are their only use now.


Bioware has to sit down and consider what companions could be other than assistants in dailies and crew skills. I'm sure when Lord Scourge was developed/written, he wasn't envisoned to be a crew skill gopher when the character finishes his/her storyline. There must be a way where a companion could actually be summoned and viable during a raid (slightly less viable than a player, of course). There has to be Dragon-Age esque cinematics, where you can ask them how they're doing.. and give them 5 or 6 random lines or trigger-based lines.


For example. You haven't used Sergeant Rusk except for Crew Skills. This registers in the game that he has not been an active companion for 2 weeks. Next time you ask how he's doing, he should reply with something like "Sir, I request action. My combat efficiency is less than 88.4%. I should join you in the next conflict."


And for romance companions. I can't be alone when I say I loved how Dragon Age presented romances. It triggers, and once it becomes established, you could literally right-click Morrigan and be like "Hey, gimme a kiss!".


Once the SWTOR romance arc completes, something similar to this should be available. As of right now, my wife is not talking to me. And I did nothing wrong! If anyone knows Kira, they know that if she could say something.. she would.


I know, couldn't agree with you more. Need more interaction with our companions. Would be great to be able to talk to them again. Would be really cool if they could help out in a Operation in some way. No idea how that could be implemented but it would be fun to see them out and about. Everyone fights their way into an area with their companion active. Then the companions "stays behind" to defend the previous location and the players continue onward. Well, that would assume that all people gear up their companions. Oh well, just daydreaming a little.

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  • 6 months later...
I found this thread while doing a search for possible companion storyline expansions because I too was wondering about them and really wish they would continue them. They add so much to the game and when they are over, you miss them greatly. I am hopeful now, as I saw during my search for an answer to this that Joseph Gatt (who voices Lord Scourge) said on his FB page that he was heading into the studio for SWTOR for more recording sessions, and that was posted on August 2nd. There is hope yet!! LOL :i_evil:
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