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10 Good
  1. Hmm. Never really thought of it like that. I haven't gotten ROTHC yet so I don't know anything about the makeb story yet. But you do certainly bring up good points. Would you also say that with class story expansions would come companion story expansions as well?
  2. Agreed. I've been playing on and off for the past year now and finished my inquisitor a few weeks ago, and just started a Jedi consular. But from what I saw in the inquisitor ending , that particular ending doesn't seem to have anything to go from for a class expansion story. Of course, that is the only one Ive experienced for endings so the others could also have some sort of way to lead on into an expansion story. But for the most part, the class stories are extremely well done, as well as companion stories, so I would hate to see them not continue.
  3. What do you guys think the odds are that the storyline for our companions will be expanded upon in further expansions? I find it hard to believe that wouldn't continue the story of our own characters, and I would imagine that all of our companions have much to do with our own storyline. So it would make sense for BW to include companion story expansions as well right? What do you guys think?
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