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[VIDEO] Ability Failure to Fire Bug


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When will we ever get a answer on this issue? Even if its impossible to fix at the moment, we would like to know.


I would like to know this as well. If they absolutely 100% can't fix this, I would like to know that this is the permanent state of the game....

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now try doing the new NiM ops where almost every second counts


So lately while doing NiM Writhing Horror, I noticed that my cleanse isn't always firing yet still goes on cooldown every time. Of course it doesn't wipe the group, but it gets very annoying after a few times.


I posted this in another thread before, but I don't think it was the right one.


Even if this *can't* be fixed, or the devs say it's our computers fault, I just hope this gets commented on.

Edited by Radzkie
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Unless combat isn't a core system in this game, then this is a major bug. It prevents players from being able to play the game at some level. They make a conscious decision to perform x ability but the game forbids them from doing so.


It would be incredibly appreciated if the player base could get some clarification on this bug. What causes it to occur? Will it ever be fixed? Can it be fixed? I realize these may have polarizing answers, but openness and honesty would be a refreshing change of pace.

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I haven't been paying attention to the GCD, but I have been noticing recently that my static barrier doesn't trigger half the time I press it. At first I thought it was me not pressing the key hard enough but it was never a problem before so why the last few weeks?


Now that I read this, I do start to wonder...gonna check this out next time I play.

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This bug has gotten really bad in the last few weeks, I'm now regularly getting kicked out of warzones because the "RETURN TO MEDCENTER" isn't firing off when I click on it. I'd say about 25% of the warzones I play in I get kicked because of this bug(the bug leads you to dying since you have no abilities then you time out from not being able to respawn). I'd have to say my abilities not working is happening 1-3 times a game but if I'm lucky, I don't die and time out of the game. I'm sure my teammates love a player who can't do anything to help... or have to wait the entire time it takes for a teammate to time out, get kicked out and their 8th teammate to accept and zone into the warzone.
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Still happening, even a response that indicated you aren't going or cannot do anything about it (similar to what was given on the Revan's robe coloring) would be greatly appreciated.
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Hello, devs? Are you there, can you replicate the bug? Anything? What a wonderful time it is to play 1/2 way through a warzone only to be kicked out because you timeout while clicking(and it displaying it's being clicked) the return to medcenter and nothing happen.
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Still happening, even a response that indicated you aren't going or cannot do anything about it (similar to what was given on the Revan's robe coloring) would be greatly appreciated.


Indeed. I wonder how long its gonna take until we can have an official word on this... It cant be they dont see this thread.

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I honestly cannot believe that Bioware are so reluctant to even discuss this issue. Its like the relative you don't talk about despite their prevalence.


thats probably because all they can say is : there is no issue with gcd its your pc, or it ca not be fixed.

So they just ignore us and hope it will go away

Edited by JymmyMorison
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thats probably because all they can say is : there is no issue with gcd its your pc, or it ca not be fixed.

So they just ignore us and hope it will go away


I would love to hear they can't fix it or they aren't willing to. At least they'd be open about it, rather than the reason being a mystery.

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