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Scheduled Maintenance: April 24th, 2013 [Servers Available]


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It always fascinates me whenever they delay a patch.

Do the QA or the internal testing even doing their job in making sure the patch that they're planning to release is good to go? The delay in patch always happen last minute... We wouldn't have this problem if in the first place, the QA is making sure that the patch is good to go and will not break the game...


I think bioware should just wait till they fix everything and release one patch fixing all problems. And yet they wonder why SWTOR is criticized this much :(


Please Bioware, fix the game and next time, release a content where well see less bugs. Thanks and good luck keeping your loyal customers. Don't worry ill still be here :)


Delaying a patch last minute because QA forgot to log something shows poor quality :(

Edited by Mark-JPS
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Bioware releases a buggy patch, despite the fact they know it's buggy? People complain. Bioware postpones the release of said patch, going so far as to actually say what's the issue? People STILL complain. Bloody amazing... Kudos to you guys. I envy you since, even though I don't know your line of work, you must be ABSOLUTELY perfect at it.



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It always fascinates me whenever they delay a patch.

Do the QA or the internal testing even doing their job in making sure the patch that they're planning to release is good to go? The delay in patch always happen last minute... We wouldn't have this problem if in the first place, the QA is making sure that the patch is good to go and will not break the game...


I think bioware should just wait till they fix everything and release one patch fixing all problems. And yet they wonder why SWTOR is criticized this much :(


Please Bioware, fix the game and next time, release a content where well see less bugs. Thanks and good luck keeping your loyal customers. Don't worry ill still be here :)


Delaying a patch last minute because QA forgot to log something shows poor quality :(


The game is criticized so much because even when they do something good, like finding a game breaking bug and delaying to fix instead of releasing with the bug, people still try to find something wrong with it.

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The game is criticized so much because even when they do something good, like finding a game breaking bug and delaying to fix instead of releasing with the bug, people still try to find something wrong with it.


There will be no delay if in the first place, it was thoroughly tested before proudly announcing that they'll release a patch this Tuesday. Also sure, the game is awesome but when it comes to the quality, I would say its not that good.

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It always fascinates me whenever they delay a patch.

Do the QA or the internal testing even doing their job in making sure the patch that they're planning to release is good to go? The delay in patch always happen last minute... We wouldn't have this problem if in the first place, the QA is making sure that the patch is good to go and will not break the game...


I think bioware should just wait till they fix everything and release one patch fixing all problems. And yet they wonder why SWTOR is criticized this much :(


Please Bioware, fix the game and next time, release a content where well see less bugs. Thanks and good luck keeping your loyal customers. Don't worry ill still be here :)


Delaying a patch last minute because QA forgot to log something shows poor quality :(


What you're forgetting is that if they spotted the bug earlier they would have time to fix it and you would never hear about it (which probably happens alot). What most likely happened is that they where working on fixing the bug and realized they wouldn't have time to fix it by today and therefore had to postpone it.


Also I'd like to thank BW for not deploying such a huge bug that would have ruined our operations.

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What you're forgetting is that if they spotted the bug earlier they would have time to fix it and you would never hear about it (which probably happens alot). What most likely happened is that they where working on fixing the bug and realized they wouldn't have time to fix it by today and therefore had to postpone it.


Also I'd like to thank BW for not deploying such a huge bug that would have ruined our operations.

Just because the bug is there doesn't mean it was missed or ignored by QA, deploying things on a live server can give odd results on rare occasions. All MMO's have that trouble, hence rapid patch deployments, hot fixes and postponements.

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There will be no delay if in the first place, it was thoroughly tested before proudly announcing that they'll release a patch this Tuesday. Also sure, the game is awesome but when it comes to the quality, I would say its not that good.


In software development. Patches or part of patches get delayed all the time. The difference with SWTOR any really anything that we get patch notes... we know when releases happen.


Things come up, this patch may not have been "set" until wednesday or thursday. SO QA are testing during that time but at any point if something changes a bug could pop up somewhere.


Unless you are in software development you cant understand how a seemingly small change and ripple though a system and bring it bucking down.


Also. Bug free code is the holy grail of programming. Never going to happen...

Edited by ninjonxb
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First up, thanks Eric. I think I can safely (??) say that most of us appreciate the extra detail into what caused the delay, and I hope that level of transparency can continue going forward.


(Minor downside of getting patch notes/Cartel Market notes ahead of time, though... want stuff! *grabby hands*)



It always fascinates me whenever they delay a patch.

Do the QA or the internal testing even doing their job in making sure the patch that they're planning to release is good to go? The delay in patch always happen last minute... We wouldn't have this problem if in the first place, the QA is making sure that the patch is good to go and will not break the game...

Based on personal experience programming in a group made of several separate teams -- they might have mostly tested what they fixed, and not thoroughly regression-tested everything. Notice that the bug they're stopping the patch for doesn't (on the surface) seem to have much to do with the stuff that was fixed. (Granted, still not great QA, but this sort of thing is how really random-seeming bugs get through in the first place.)


I think bioware should just wait till they fix everything and release one patch fixing all problems.

That patch would probably never be released. :p And in the meantime, the people waiting on various fixes will have up and left.

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Thanks for being open about the problem.


I am amazed that some people freak out even when you do explain the problem - is it any wonder that some games developers choose to keep their players in the dark when people lose the plot when things are transparent?


Thanks again for the communication - I for one welcome it.

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I got the all clear to explain to all of you what the bug we encountered was to hopefully give some visibility into our decision. What we encountered was a user interface bug where buffs and debuffs were no longer displaying any form of graphical countdown to show their duration. AKA that little white overlay which disappears slowly as an ability is timing out was gone.


I know at first glance that might sound really minor, but think about it during your actual gameplay. Any class which has a DoT, HoT, debuff, buff, or proc that has a duration would no longer be able to "at-a-glance" see how long was remaining on that skill.


When looking at this bug we felt that it would make some Classes, especially those based around DoTs and HoTs very difficult to play. The last thing we want to do is introduce a bug which, for a subset of entire Advanced Classes, makes the game frustrating to play. Because of this we opted to push this Game Update until we could work on correcting the bug.


I hope that gives you all a bit of insight into the bug and our decision to delay the patch.




Eric this may sound harsh, but on the PTS they knew bolster was still bugged...which leads me to...


Why didn't they heed this same logic before pushing 2.0 live?

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I got the all clear to explain to all of you what the bug we encountered was to hopefully give some visibility into our decision. What we encountered was a user interface bug where buffs and debuffs were no longer displaying any form of graphical countdown to show their duration. AKA that little white overlay which disappears slowly as an ability is timing out was gone.


I know at first glance that might sound really minor, but think about it during your actual gameplay. Any class which has a DoT, HoT, debuff, buff, or proc that has a duration would no longer be able to "at-a-glance" see how long was remaining on that skill.


When looking at this bug we felt that it would make some Classes, especially those based around DoTs and HoTs very difficult to play. The last thing we want to do is introduce a bug which, for a subset of entire Advanced Classes, makes the game frustrating to play. Because of this we opted to push this Game Update until we could work on correcting the bug.


I hope that gives you all a bit of insight into the bug and our decision to delay the patch.




Thanks for being honest and giving us the reason. I truly do appreciate that...now if you could be just as straight up and honest and show us a PVP roadmap for the year...

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Eric first and formost I want to say thanks for keeping us informed on what happened. CS is a rough job and you rarely feel appreciated. I will keep checking here to look for an ETA on the patch.


But I also want to give a little constructive advice. Most times where you guys have had the playerbase in a tizzy has been because someone said something that probably shouldn't have been announced at the time. Cathar were going to be free now they are cartel market...people got upset. Makeb was going to be a patch and it ended up being a DLC...people got upset. This patch was going to come out today but now it can't be...people got upset. All of these could have been avoided if we hadn't been told greatly in advance that these things were happening at a certain time or a certain way. I hate to sound like I don't like transparency because I do but some things would be better as a surprise. That way if last minute changes had to be made no one would be the wiser. Just my opinion.

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Eric first and formost I want to say thanks for keeping us informed on what happened. CS is a rough job and you rarely feel appreciated. I will keep checking here to look for an ETA on the patch.


But I also want to give a little constructive advice. Most times where you guys have had the playerbase in a tizzy has been because someone said something that probably shouldn't have been announced at the time. Cathar were going to be free now they are cartel market...people got upset. Makeb was going to be a patch and it ended up being a DLC...people got upset. This patch was going to come out today but now it can't be...people got upset. All of these could have been avoided if we hadn't been told greatly in advance that these things were happening at a certain time or a certain way. I hate to sound like I don't like transparency because I do but some things would be better as a surprise. That way if last minute changes had to be made no one would be the wiser. Just my opinion.


I agree with you. If we're to look at the track record and the things they've said, we can see how bad they keep their word/promises and that makes people very upset. My suggestion is, don't announce anything if its not going to happen. People wil expect and hope... Now we wonder why those millions of people who bought SWTOR left. Tsk tsk.


Also, frequent patching, almost every week is bad. Look at other established MMOs.


We're not yelling... We're expressing our opinions because we want this game to succeed. If we don't care, you will not see ppl complaining and that's bad. We are giving them our hard earned money and all we expect is a good service.

Edited by Mark-JPS
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I agree with you. If we're to look at the track record and the things they've said, we can see how bad they keep their word/promises and that makes people very upset. My suggestion is, don't announce anything if its not going to happen. People wil expect and hope... Now we wonder why those millions of people who bought SWTOR left. Tsk tsk.


Also, frequent patching, almost every week is bad. Look at other established MMOs.


Do you ever have anything positive to say?

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Eric first and formost I want to say thanks for keeping us informed on what happened. CS is a rough job and you rarely feel appreciated. I will keep checking here to look for an ETA on the patch.


But I also want to give a little constructive advice. Most times where you guys have had the playerbase in a tizzy has been because someone said something that probably shouldn't have been announced at the time. Cathar were going to be free now they are cartel market...people got upset. Makeb was going to be a patch and it ended up being a DLC...people got upset. This patch was going to come out today but now it can't be...people got upset. All of these could have been avoided if we hadn't been told greatly in advance that these things were happening at a certain time or a certain way. I hate to sound like I don't like transparency because I do but some things would be better as a surprise. That way if last minute changes had to be made no one would be the wiser. Just my opinion.


Give me a break. It would tick people off a lot more if they released the patch on time and it was buggy as hell. So now they're going to delay and fix it then release it. Bravo Bioware! You know what, so they said they were going to release a patch then found something and pulled it. So what.

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would it be possible to ask why elite comms are being pulled from "heroic" space missions? ( that ever since their launch always provided a few of the best comms available ..back then Black hole)



thank you

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Thank you for being clear on the communication with this delay and the reasons why. The openness is very appreciated, and being able to clear up speculation with a simple 'this is why' is really really nice. The few complaints you're seeing here aren't representative of the reaction most people are having, which is 'oh, we have to wait a couple days *shrug* least we know.'


Please keep up the good work on open communication.

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I got the all clear to explain to all of you what the bug we encountered was to hopefully give some visibility into our decision. What we encountered was a user interface bug where buffs and debuffs were no longer displaying any form of graphical countdown to show their duration. AKA that little white overlay which disappears slowly as an ability is timing out was gone.


I know at first glance that might sound really minor, but think about it during your actual gameplay. Any class which has a DoT, HoT, debuff, buff, or proc that has a duration would no longer be able to "at-a-glance" see how long was remaining on that skill.


When looking at this bug we felt that it would make some Classes, especially those based around DoTs and HoTs very difficult to play. The last thing we want to do is introduce a bug which, for a subset of entire Advanced Classes, makes the game frustrating to play. Because of this we opted to push this Game Update until we could work on correcting the bug.


I hope that gives you all a bit of insight into the bug and our decision to delay the patch.




Sounds like a good catch, hopefully a sign of things to come :)

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