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Gathering mats on Makeb...Such a pain...


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Anyone else notice how much of a pain it is to gather mats on Makeb? It really boils down to three reasons.


1) Zones are small. It's like they designed the planet to basically be different buildings that you go in. A result of this is even if you get all the nodes in the zone you are in, the ones you gathered in the beginning have not respawned. I go around with bio-analysis and archaeology and even with two different kinds I still have to wait for respawns. This leads me to reason number 2.


2) If there is more than one person gathering mats, then it's very hard to find nodes to gather from. Designing a system where if more than one person is gathering mats then finding any nodes become difficult is a bad design considering it's expected to have multiple people gathering materials at any given time. Each zone should at least be able to support two people.


3) This is my biggest pet peeve with the planet, and that's that many nodes contain old materials. This morning I was going around and over half of the bio nodes were immunity seeds and the other one from corellia (sorry, the name alludes me right now). The same was happening with archaeology nodes. I could understand if say the area with level 51 enemies contained lower nodes to help people transition a bit better, but after that it should all be the level 51-55 mats (according to crew skill mission tab). Aside from vastly prolonging the time required to gather mats, the only thing it adds is a major annoyance.


So basically in my opinion they need to do two things to make gathering new mats on makeb a better experience. One, reduce the time for node respawns and/or increase the amount of nodes. And two, remove the old materials from the planet when you get passed the level 51 part of the planet. Because currently, gathering mats on Makeb is nothing but a painful experience.

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I agree with all of this.

Nothing to add except: please make this change soon, because I don't know how much longer I can take farming mats and needing to change instances because someone else shows up to farm.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that feels this way. I was doing some more gathering today and it was sort of frustrating. Normally I enjoy gathering mats because I get to turn off my mind and know that I am able to progress something such as my crafting skills. But the way Makeb is set up, I just get annoyed most of the time.

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The good about leveling 2 pjs to 55 these days doing basicly MAkeb is that you can find some nice spots where gathering deserves the time. :p


However, i dont like 2 things.


1. I dont get it why there are plenty of nodes with old stuff. If wanna old stuff i travel to Black Hole o Section X, for example.

2. Nodes should give a bit more mats.

Edited by Nyaara
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Last night I was gathering on Makeb and I asked the guild where to find Biological Compounding Agents on Makeb. A guild mate said he was getting them from noxious ferns... I had been getting them, but instead of what I was asking about I was getting Metabolic Enhancement Agents. I asked him where on Makeb he was getting them and I went to where he was (grappling hook 7 or something like that) and I was still getting the same thing.


I ended up looking them up and it turns out that while there are four new mats, there are only two different nodes on Makeb and the nodes have a chance to drop different items... What..The..Eff? How about replacing all the old crafting item nodes with the two other kinds of mats you need for crafting the newer items?


With the huge pain that comes with gathering mats on Makeb, the price of mats on the GTN far out price the actually stuff you make with them. For example, ONE Metabolic Enhancement Agent goes for 10k (cheapest I've seen was 8k). Once again the way they set up gathering on Makeb makes the gathering professions much more profitable than the actual crafting professions so it's actually cheaper to gather mats, sell them, them buy the things you need/want.


They REALLY dropped the ball on this aspect of the expansion...

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Gathering mats on makeb is fine for scavenging and bioanalysis, where you can search a good area and just slaughter mobs, but there are way to few nodes for archeology to make up for it not being able to loot any mob. Edited by Never_Hesitate
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I agree with the OP. I spent an hour on Makeb and went to three platforms and I found maybe 10 nodes most of my mats came from killing mobs. But if someone else is farming mats then there are any mobs to kill.


Please up the number and frequency of the material nodes on Makeb or REDUCE the amount required in the schematics.

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Gathering mats on makeb is fine for scavenging and bioanalysis, where you can search a good area and just slaughter mobs, but there are way to few nodes for archeology to make up for it not being able to loot any mob.


And then you find one of those elusive nodes and it returns 3x Perfect Carbonic Crystals. :mad:

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You'd think they would try to encourage crafting in this game. But from what I have been reading and hearing from guild mates, they have done the complete opposite and have left crafting to the most devoted with all their changes with material gathering and recipes. Such a shame, I was planning on raising a crew skill for augment making. But now? No thanks. I will say this though. After reading this thread I went to the GTN to see the prices of the new crafting materials and they must really be a pain to get. On harbringer server a majority of the new mats are selling for 9-10k for one of them. Looks like it's time to raise my gathering skills so I can make lots of cash.
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Sorry for this question in advance. How do you get from gathering 400 to 401 so you can start gathering those new nodes on Makeb? The old nodes don't seem to be bumping my level and I can't harvest the level 401 nodes. /eternalgratitude :) Edited by Raginkage
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Sorry for this question in advance. How do you get from gathering 400 to 401 so you can start gathering those new nodes on Makeb? The old nodes don't seem to be bumping my level and I can't harvest the level 401 nodes. /eternalgratitude :)


Make sure you go train the Advanced Skill from the crew skill trainer.

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Only about 1/4 of the strength or willpower armor that drops - armor that SHOULD be RE'able by a synthweaver - isn't.


My husband kills a strong+ robot - he scavenges it - he gets mats to make his crap.


I kill NOTHING that automatically gives me archeology - even though biomats drop from strong+ creatures for biochem...


So the ONLY material I could add to my stockpile besides the infrequent nodes was disassembled str/wp armor that dropped from mobs... and now on Makeb... MOST of what drops is NOT disassemble-able. . (and YES I need on ANY str/wp armor that drops off mobs 100% - not like anyone is going to WEAR it =)


SO - is this a screwup - that I cannot RE str/wp armor on makeb?

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