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Disappointed on how the story is going!


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The Emperor is now confirmed dead, so is Darth Malgus. When does the story starts getting interesting and republic heroes like Satele Shan die?. Where did the drama from the story went?


Just because Disney is now in control doesn't mean that we have to deal with more fairy tale good guys always win nonsense.


If the devs kill Darth Marr I'm canceling my account.


How do you guys feel about?.

Edited by tiguelinus
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Uh... Emperor confirmed dead? Afaik Sith Warrior can threaten Marr with accusing him of blasphemy when he suggests it. :] The Hand assured us that they have recovered and are taking care of his essence.


Key republic characters probably won't die anytime soon, they're too old to take part in action, as opposed to the Sith who are not afraid of dying in battle :l


Satele will probably spend her days hiding behind the entire Jedi order with her Grand Master title. Jace Malcom, being a supreme commander, will hardly ever have to put battle armor again. It's surprising that an Imperial Grand Moff had enough guts and enough honor to stand, outnumbered, against the Republic boarding party :l Normally you'd expect such people to remain safe.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Just because Disney now controls what Lucas Art was doesn't mean that we have to deal with their fairy tale good guys always win nonsense.


After watching Disney's Once Upon a TIme -series, all I can say to this is LOL. The actual SW-films have much more "good guys always win"-stuff. Not to mention that the "good guys, bad guys"-distribution is much clearer in sw. It actually seems to be SW-way to support the "good guys". I mean, isn't the canonized storyline of KotORs the light side version?


Anyway, good guys win seems to be the SW-way. But I would too be pissed if they would decide to kill Marr now. Unless the Emperor doesn't die, finds a new body and decides to get his Empire back.

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After watching Disney's Once Upon a TIme -series, all I can say to this is LOL. The actual SW-films have much more "good guys always win"-stuff. Not to mention that the "good guys, bad guys"-distribution is much clearer in sw. It actually seems to be SW-way to support the "good guys". I mean, isn't the canonized storyline of KotORs the light side version?


Anyway, good guys win seems to be the SW-way. But I would too be pissed if they would decide to kill Marr now. Unless the Emperor doesn't die, finds a new body and decides to get his Empire back.


1) What in the world is once upon a time?. I hate to say it like this, but not everyone watches Disney garbage.


2) I agree with the second part, but keep in mind that this is an mmo, not a 2hr movie that you know that the good guys win and the bad guys die. The problem here is, if you notice, that they are killing key figures for continuing the story too fast. They should have kept Malgus alive and let him be emperor for awhile and do his thing, but no, they had to kill him and the emperor. Now imperial players have no leader, while the republic haven't lost key heroes. That in my personal opinion makes the story sour.

Edited by tiguelinus
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I am a fan of the Empire but the Emperor is boring, it's better to let him stay dead and let Marr or some cool Sith lead the Empire.


They had this with Darth Malgus. I couldn't care less for the emperor being dead, but Malgus is a different story. I wanted him to take charge and make his new sith empire a reality and be part of it.


Watch this trailer:


What happen with this concept where Malgus was in charged and empire players fought with him against the republic?, or was this just false advertisement?.

Edited by tiguelinus
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1) What in the world is once upon a time?. I hate to say it like this, but not everyone watches Disney garbage.


2) I agree with the second part, but keep in mind that this is an mmo, not a 2hr movie that you know that the good guys win and the bad guys die. The problem here is, if you notice, that they are killing key figures for continuing the story too fast. They should have kept Malgus alive and let him be emperor for awhile and do his thing, but no, they had to kill him and the emperor. Now imperial players have no leader, while the republic haven't lost key heroes. That in my personal opinion makes the story sour.


1. I didn't assume you know it. I assumed that my post was clear enough to explain what it is. It's a tv-series. You can watch trailer

, but it's a trailer. You have to see the series to see that in there, the "good" and the "bad" both get minor wins in different episodes. That is not a 2 hour movie either, it's something where you got to keep things moving, and it means that you have to let the bad guys succeed sometimes and good guys succeed sometimes.

I love it how you judge a show without seeing it. I take it you hated Pirates of the Caribbean too? And that Marvel thing everyone seems to keep complimenting (haven't seen it myself).


2. Doesn't some high-raking republic guy get killed in bounty hunter story?

Supreme chancellor or something.

Haven't played it myself. So, that's high ranking republic politician and Malgus dead, Republic claims that Emperor is dead, but Emperor's Hand claims that he's recovering. I think it's actually not that bad.

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They had this with Darth Malgus. I couldn't care less for the emperor being dead, but Malgus is a different story. I wanted him to take charge and make his new sith empire a reality and be part of it.


Watch this trailer:


What happen with this concept where Malgus was in charged and empire players fought with him against the republic?, or was this just false advertisement?.


Like I said, the Dread Masters could bring Malgus back, overall, nobody saw his corpse.

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depending on choices made in the course of the game...


... at least 4 members known to be on the jedi council can die, to my recollection (bakarn, kaedan, braga, orgus din...). Two are canonically dead, as well as jun seros in the bh storyline. janarius as a major republic figure is dead or as good as such...



if the reasonable setbacks the empire has faced are too much for you, you may not be happy with its eventual fate...

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1. I didn't assume you know it. I assumed that my post was clear enough to explain what it is. It's a tv-series. You can watch trailer
, but it's a trailer. You have to see the series to see that in there, the "good" and the "bad" both get minor wins in different episodes. That is not a 2 hour movie either, it's something where you got to keep things moving, and it means that you have to let the bad guys succeed sometimes and good guys succeed sometimes.

I love it how you judge a show without seeing it. I take it you hated Pirates of the Caribbean too? And that Marvel thing everyone seems to keep complimenting (haven't seen it myself).


2. Doesn't some high-raking republic guy get killed in bounty hunter story?

Supreme chancellor or something.

Haven't played it myself. So, that's high ranking republic politician and Malgus dead, Republic claims that Emperor is dead, but Emperor's Hand claims that he's recovering. I think it's actually not that bad.


1) Dude you are missing the point. Just because I don't know what Once Upon a time is doesn't mean that I hate Pirates or marvel super heroes. What I meant by Disney garbage is things like prince and princess fairy tales, Hannah Montana and you can probably figure out the rest. Don't get me wrong, Disney have great things like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but things like Enchanted or Hannah Montana movies makes me nauseous and leave me with an upset stomach.


2) The republic lost one, "One", the empire lost the emperor, Darth Malgus, Darth Angral, Darth Baras, Darth Thanaton, Darth Decimus and the list goes on. See the pattern here?

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Like I said, the Dread Masters could bring Malgus back, overall, nobody saw his corpse.


I'm also not happy that the developers made the dread masters our enemies. Sith players could have a blast working and doing missions for them, but no, Bioware and killed or made an enemy any advantage the Sith Empire had.

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1) What in the world is once upon a time?. I hate to say it like this, but not everyone watches Disney garbage.


2) I agree with the second part, but keep in mind that this is an mmo, not a 2hr movie that you know that the good guys win and the bad guys die. The problem here is, if you notice, that they are killing key figures for continuing the story too fast. They should have kept Malgus alive and let him be emperor for awhile and do his thing, but no, they had to kill him and the emperor. Now imperial players have no leader, while the republic haven't lost key heroes. That in my personal opinion makes the story sour.


MMO has nothing to do with it. When does being an MMO mean the Empire side has to win? Mind you, I suspect at some point, they'll give the Empire some big win to have you cheering, but just because you choose to play fraction exclusively, or more than the other, doesn't mean storywise that fraction has to win big. That could be the fraction that's just going to lose all the big battles.

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I'm also not happy that the developers made the dread masters our enemies. Sith players could have a blast working and doing missions for them, but no, Bioware and killed or made an enemy any advantage the Sith Empire had.


I think their betrayal is reasonable. Of course, I think it would be better to let them to work for the Empire but at the same time working on their own ambition, like Jadus and Baras.

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1) Dude you are missing the point. Just because I don't know what Once Upon a time is doesn't mean that I hate Pirates or marvel super heroes. What I meant by Disney garbage is things like prince and princess fairy tales, Hannah Montana and you can probably figure out the rest. Don't get me wrong, Disney have great things like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but things like Enchanted or Hannah Montana movies makes me nauseous and leave me with an upset stomach.


2) The republic lost one, "One", the empire lost the emperor, Darth Malgus, Darth Angral, Darth Baras, Darth Thanaton, Darth Decimus and the list goes on. See the pattern here?


You did refer to the show as "Disney Carbage" without knowing what it is. That is pretty hostile attitude, since you have no idea what the show is. You dislike the Disney things that are meant for children and then start throwing around "Just because Disney let's the good guys always win doesn't mean it has to happen here!"-comments?


Oh, and if you're gonna count every Darth, then you should also count every jedi master. I'm terrible at names, but I can at least add master Syo Bakarn to that list. If you count the Emperor at the "lost"-list, you also have to count Syo Bakarn. Oh, and master Orgus Din, too, of course. Both respected and powerful jedi masters. And then there's all those I can't remember right now.

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MMO has nothing to do with it. When does being an MMO mean the Empire side has to win? Mind you, I suspect at some point, they'll give the Empire some big win to have you cheering, but just because you choose to play fraction exclusively, or more than the other, doesn't mean storywise that fraction has to win big. That could be the fraction that's just going to lose all the big battles.


You are missing the point and yes MMO has everything to do with it. Since this is a game and not a movie, devs need to extend the story as long as possible to keep both audiences interested. My statement, if you read and analyzed it carefully, is not amount the empire wining. We all know cannon wise the sith empire losses and Palpatine takes over the republic 3000 years later. However, this is about taking out key hero figure that will keep people wanting to play that faction.

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You did refer to the show as "Disney Carbage" without knowing what it is. That is pretty hostile attitude, since you have no idea what the show is. You dislike the Disney things that are meant for children and then start throwing around "Just because Disney let's the good guys always win doesn't mean it has to happen here!"-comments?


Oh, and if you're gonna count every Darth, then you should also count every jedi master. I'm terrible at names, but I can at least add master Syo Bakarn to that list. If you count the Emperor at the "lost"-list, you also have to count Syo Bakarn. Oh, and master Orgus Din, too, of course. Both respected and powerful jedi masters. And then there's all those I can't remember right now.


Disney is a love/hate attitude that differs from people and when you read tittles like "Once upon a time" you can't help but to think prince/princess lame stories. It's just my personal perception I didn't mean to offend you if you like the show or Disney for that matter.


You are missing the point, a faction is as interesting as the hero's in it. if Bioware keeps killing the hero's like Malgus, no one will play the Sith empire faction. That's what this thread is about.

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Disney is a love/hate attitude that differs from people and when you read tittles like "Once upon a time" you can't help but to think prince/princess lame stories. It's just my personal perception I didn't mean to offend you if you like the show or Disney for that matter.


You are missing the point, a faction is as interesting as the hero's in it. if Bioware keeps killing the hero's like Malgus, no one will play the Sith empire faction. That's what this thread is about.


The picture that I'm getting is not that you think that Empire is getting too much people killed, but that you didn't like it that Malgus particularly was killed. Am I right?

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The picture that I'm getting is not that you think that Empire is getting too much people killed, but that you didn't like it that Malgus particularly was killed. Am I right?


Ok, let me put this in a different perspective so that you can understand my position. As of right now, Darth Marr is the "Only" hero left to make this faction playable and interesting. If the devs kill Darth Marr, there is no reason to play as part of the Sith faction (Story wise that is).


The answer to your question is yes. The dev that determined that Malgus needed to die that early in game needs to get shot,lol.

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The Emperor is now confirmed dead, so is Darth Malgus. When does the story starts getting interesting and republic heroes like Satele Shan die?. Where did the drama from the story went?


Just because Disney is now in control doesn't mean that we have to deal with more fairy tale good guys always win nonsense.


If the devs kill Darth Marr I'm canceling my account.


How do you guys feel about?.


It has nothing to do with DIsney. :rolleyes: They started writing for Makeb shortly after release and they've said many times that the writers have a long lead and long-term planning on where the story is going.


Having parts in the story where things aren't going your side's way is very important to a proper dramatic arc! How boring is a story where everything goes well all the time? Things will undoubtedly bounce back and forth, but then we should always be aware that the Empire is destined to lose anyway, since we're playing in the past. ;)


Wonder how you deal with something like Game of Thrones where so many awesome characters die all the time, lol.

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Ok, let me put this in a different perspective so that you can understand my position. As of right now, Darth Marr is the "Only" hero left to make this faction playable and interesting. If the devs kill Darth Marr, there is no reason to play as part of the Sith faction.


The answer to your question is yes.


Okay, now we are actually in the same page in this matter. I do agree that killing Malgus did remove the main "hero" that we see doing all those cool things in the trailers. Marr is probably taking his place, and I do agree that killing Marr anytime soon would be pretty bad thing. It would be very bad for the story if the character that gives orders would change every time new planet/fp/something like that comes. It's like...you would have a different watcher briefing you in every planet in agent's story.


But bringing people like the Emperor or Thanaton into the conversation doesn't really benefit you. I mean, you never even see The Emperor, I personally couldn't care less about him. And Thanaton? He's hardly any kind of "hero", and neither is Baras. They're just sith lords, just like Syo Bakarn or Orgus Din are jedi masters.

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Okay, now we are actually in the same page in this matter. I do agree that killing Malgus did remove the main "hero" that we see doing all those cool things in the trailers. Marr is probably taking his place, and I do agree that killing Marr anytime soon would be pretty bad thing. It would be very bad for the story if the character that gives orders would change every time new planet/fp/something like that comes. It's like...you would have a different watcher briefing you in every planet in agent's story.


But bringing people like the Emperor or Thanaton into the conversation doesn't really benefit you. I mean, you never even see The Emperor, I personally couldn't care less about him. And Thanaton? He's hardly any kind of "hero", and neither is Baras. They're just sith lords, just like Syo Bakarn or Orgus Din are jedi masters.


I want Darth Severin and Darth Malgus back.

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Whoa, wait. Good guys? Bad guys? Since when have the Sith considered themselves bad guys?


Sith are supposed to justify eating kittens with righteous dark fury and entitlement privileges or some such. In between calling Jedi out on their hypocritical horseplay. The Sith Empire may very well lose, the setting of the verse may even require that, but the individual Sith will survive and flourish while having as much fun as possible for as long as they possibly can.


Chin up darksiders, you get to rule the world for a while. And everyone else gets to hope that's enough to satisfy you.

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The Republic may win, but at great cost. Most of us Imps knew that when we signed on. Being disappointed is pointless---it's all about making the Republic tremble before we fall.


Besides, this is just wrong. Why be disappointed that there's a little tension? It's only logical that the Empire would suffer with all of its inner turmoil lately. You act like it's the definite beginning of the end for the Empire, but this makes no sense. The Empire has a long way to go yet. The way I see it, let all the overly ambitious, downright evil Sith destroy each other. A stronger Empire will rise from the ashes, because it will be led by those who put the interests of the Empire above all else, and who put strong tactics before opportunistic power-grabbing.

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depending on choices made in the course of the game...


... at least 4 members known to be on the jedi council can die, to my recollection (bakarn, kaedan, braga, orgus din...). Two are canonically dead, as well as jun seros in the bh storyline. janarius as a major republic figure is dead or as good as such...



if the reasonable setbacks the empire has faced are too much for you, you may not be happy with its eventual fate...


Orguns Din, unfortunately, is definately dead. There's no choice to be had with that one. Also, Jun Seros was a Battlemaster of the order but he didn't sit on the Jedi Council.


Another weird detail... Master Braga is confirmed to be dead in the Imperial Agent storyline, despite the fact his death is optional in the JK storyline.


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