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Anyone else getting extreme lag?


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Ever since tuesdays patch, I and others in the guild/friends have been experiencing severe lag, especially in warzones. It's basically freezing, then dying. Respawn, repeat. It sort of cleared up a bit late last night, but right now i just got out of two matches where all I did was freeze and die. Saw a few others complaining in chat about it as well, but wondering if more are experiencing this from here specifically. I know other servers are reporting the same issues. Can't really pvp when your screen is essentially a screenshot for most of the game. :(
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I'm on Begeren Colony, and play sub-55, 55 (non-ranked) WZs

regularly. No lag at all since 2.0 patch. I'm on the west coast,

on a high end PC with 2560x1600 screen. Using graphics settings

suggested by Nividia (all pretty much at highest settings).


Once in a great while, I'll run into the ability activation lag issue.

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I am not sure if it has something to do with the 2.0 patch or not, someone said something about Disney buying Star wars and the game being effected through the transition of servers... I honestly have no idea what they meant. BUT I am getting so much lag its getting to the point where I don't care to play the game anymore. I NEVER lagged before, my connection is great, yet It lags like crazy and its SUPER annoying. Location: Houston, Texas.
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The multitude of people in the CS forums, including me, have had the issue since 2.0, specifically the last patch from this past tuesday. It's not my internet, and its not my computer. I sincerely doubt a large portion of player PC's or routers will just malfunction at the same time.
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I'm on Begeren Colony, and play sub-55, 55 (non-ranked) WZs

regularly. No lag at all since 2.0 patch. I'm on the west coast,

on a high end PC with 2560x1600 screen. Using graphics settings

suggested by Nividia (all pretty much at highest settings).


Once in a great while, I'll run into the ability activation lag issue.


If you're using suggested settings odds are just max it out and it'll run fine.

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I've been seeing both, more lag than usual in Fleet, and network latency to the point of dc in warzones. Really annoying in Novare last night where I lost west twice because I was "server stunned". I'm sure the latency is on their side and its the worst I remember it since launch. They're pretty proud of their new server architecture, but I think the influx of interest because of RofHC is taxing them.
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I have hit lag spikes that have compleetly disconnected me. I get the red x every three minutes ans spend most of the game now on only one bar. This has only started since 2.0b. Maybe it will be fixed with the next patch...
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Last night I was experiencing the same issues and after running network diagnostics back to my ISP confirmed that it wasn't my connection to my router or via the ISP as I had a consistent 15 ms ping and a 35 MBps connection to my ISP.


As most of the hops back to Bioware are blocked the best guess is that one of the ISPs on the route was causing this issue, normally these issues can be traced to an overloaded switch. Unfortunately this may not be Biowares fault and there may not be a lot that they can do. It appears that most of my fellow guildies were fine, a couple of us based in N. California were experiencing the lag (I was geting server lag reports from the game upto 15000ms, but more commonly 70-1000ms, my normal is 45ms)


The only possible solution Bioware could do is to add another backbone into their server location allowing an alternative traffic route, i.e. if they are currently leasing a Comcast line, maybe add a Hurricane line etc... This would relieve some of the traffic issues from the clients.

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and the possible reason (speculation) why this has just started occurring since the release of the patch could be that the machine that is hosting Begeren Colony when rebooted released it's IP address and routing information and was put on a different backbone. I have noticed that after every major reset there is typically one of the servers that are experiencing major lag. A competent network analyst or systems administrator should be able to pinpoint where the issue is, whether it is internal (a switch, router, server etc..) or on one of their leased lines (if so they should contact their ISP and demand a better route)
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