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Is Assault Cannon Needed?


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Depends on the spec. If you're healing, you don't need to worry about the weapon, rifle is fine. If you're gunnery, you'll have a hard time without the cannon. If you're assault spec, then you can probably make off with just a rifle. You won't be able to use charged bolt, but that's fairly useless anyways.
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is it opposite day again?


charged bolts is to assault as grav round is to gunnery


Not so strictly but yeah.


Also, rifle has lower damage. Yes you can use it but in the end you'll be gimping yourself.

It doesn't matter for healing as the difference is only in weapon damage (which combat medic doesn't use ofc).

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I'm starting to think that all these posts are just an elaborate troll meant to eat away at my reason and sanity.


Yes. You can level without an assault cannon. Do I recommend it? No. You lose a couple good abilities and why sell yourself short for no reason?


I never would.

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I leveled just fine with a rifle as Gunnery.


And I leveled as assault spec. Had no problem at all too, nor even people complaining at me for using a rifle.


I also PvP with a rifle... I find myself much more mobile with a rifle than with a cannon and as assault I'm impressed that i sill can lots of damage. Every now and then I end up in top 3 of dps output in my team.


The old 50's HMs I run with rifles, since I'm already 55 with lv66 purple gear, so the dps is more than needed and as for the new 55's HM flashpoints, when it's the 1st run, I use the cannon, but if it's not that hard, on the next runs, rifle all the way.


I like the ranged thing, it feels more realistic in my opinion, rather than being face to face and firing like hell.


But one thing I do for sure, I always carry a cannon just for the cases when it's really needed and I keep it just as updated as the rifle.



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Prior to the expansion there was a trooper on my server who leveled to 50 without ever picking an advanced class.


Sure, it's possible, but you're pretty much just trolling anyone you play with cooperatively, whether that be in PvE or PvP groups.

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I also PvP with a rifle... I find myself much more mobile with a rifle than with a cannon and as assault I'm impressed that i sill can lots of damage. Every now and then I end up in top 3 of dps output in my team.


How is using a rifle over an assault cannon going to increase your mobility?


Answer is, it won't.

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I use a Rifle on my Grav Round Commando and Healer Commando. I don't notice any difference at all. Only thing is I can't used Charged Bolts or the AoE attack we have. Oh well...I think it looks a lot cooler and it shocks the hell out of people when I do it.
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As combat medic (healer) you can roll with assault rifle just fine. I've also noted that it fools my enemies aswell, and I've mistaken commando healers with rifles to be just vanguards when I roll with sith character. Should pay more attention to AC icons.


It's one of those split second decisions when I jump into battle with my marauder: ''vanguard at the back ? LoL whatever, let's jump on this shadow right here. What, who heals this shadow ?!'' *Green beam of death* ''What the, vanguard is healing ? No, wait, damn !'' :D

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How is using a rifle over an assault cannon going to increase your mobility?


Answer is, it won't.


I usually focus commandos because they can sit at range, out of the fray and shoot at stuff and deal quite a lot of damage if left in peace. What's the most noticeable thing about a commando? A HUGE CANNON.


I guess you could say that being overlooked as a Vanguard who is far out of his optimal DPS range is classified as a "mobility improvement."

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I guess you could say that being overlooked as a Vanguard who is far out of his optimal DPS range is classified as a "mobility improvement."


I actually like the range factor and the ability to kite people from a longer range, specially now with electro net... I tag a juggernaut with it and kite him but what he doesn't know is that the more he moves, the more hp he loses, so I just keep throwing grenades at him and dps'ing him.


Also the confusing factor... people see me with a rifle and don't notice my class symbol, confusing me with a vanguard... so they think "WTH is that vanguard doing back there? Oh... nvm... he won't dps anything so why bother!". Then when the imp player less expect, there are grenades and all ther other **** commandos can send from distance, rainning down on their heads.


But, as I said before, in Ops and in places that high dps is extremely needed, I use the cannon I also keep updated in my inventory.


I don't know why people rant so much about the players that want to play their commandos with a rifle. To me, the range factor is key.


If I wanted to be face to face with my enemy I'd use a sentinel or dps guardian, not a vanguard. I can understand that vanguard shield specialists are an exception, but what about the other trees?


I know this is not real life, it's a game, but you don't see assault soldiers in real life shooting their enemies 10 meters from them.


I had a vanguard, but when they nerfed their range, I deleted and made a commando.



My intention in this community is not to make enemies at all, but you can rant all you want, it won't make me lose my rifle in favor of the cannon 100% of the time, except the situations I already mentioned.

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Also the confusing factor... people see me with a rifle and don't notice my class symbol, confusing me with a vanguard... so they think "WTH is that vanguard doing back there? Oh... nvm... he won't dps anything so why bother!". Then when the imp player less expect, there are grenades and all ther other **** commandos can send from distance, rainning down on their heads.


The only people you'll confuse are baddies who you should be beating handily anyway. Everyone else is looking at your cell buff.

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It's sad the only ranged/healer class on republic that uses blasters is Commando. I'd rather not be so limited to something that looks ridiculous in actual combat. (I have a 50 commando, but refuse to play it because of the cannon.)


That's why I use a blaster rifle, because 1st I want to use one, 2nd I want the range from the commandos, 3rd the name "commando" is much more appealing to me than "vanguard" and 4th some cannons are ridiculously looking.


For PvP, SM FPs, HM FPs, dailies and general quests, I always use blaster rifles.


The only exception I make are operations, where heavy DPS is extremely needed. Then I understand the situation, other than that, I don't see a reason I cannot use a blaster.


And I've run dozens of Lv.55 HM FPs to this moment using a blaster rifle and NOT A SINGLE PERSON complained at me about that.

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That's why I use a blaster rifle, because 1st I want to use one, 2nd I want the range from the commandos, 3rd the name "commando" is much more appealing to me than "vanguard" and 4th some cannons are ridiculously looking.


For PvP, SM FPs, HM FPs, dailies and general quests, I always use blaster rifles.


The only exception I make are operations, where heavy DPS is extremely needed. Then I understand the situation, other than that, I don't see a reason I cannot use a blaster.


And I've run dozens of Lv.55 HM FPs to this moment using a blaster rifle and NOT A SINGLE PERSON complained at me about that.


I hope/wish Bioware will embrace this and allow us to use blaster rifles, it gives us options. Jedi can use Swords/Staves/Sabers. Why can't we use rifles? Now I know BH's will complain about this and I've got a solution. Let them choose between rifle or dual wield? Maybe?

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i like to use the rifle, i bought it when i had a lot of tionese comms and all the companions i use were in columi, added some better mod, enhancement, crystal and i joined a HM FP, all went as it was supposed to go and no one said a word about the green ray from a blaster instead of a cannon..but i have to say that the look of a commando with his cannon calling a MP is really cocky.
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After playing some HM FPs with vanguard with the same kind of gear that I use or same level mods, I realized that my primary dps ( ~ 1100 - 1360) with the rifle is as just as equal as a vanguard.


In other words, what I understood is that using a rifle and being a dps, we just equalize our dps with a vanguard making us a "ranged vanguard".


I also saw that I did have more primary dps and bonuses than some other dps vanguards with same kind of mods that I use.

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After playing some HM FPs with vanguard with the same kind of gear that I use or same level mods, I realized that my primary dps ( ~ 1100 - 1360) with the rifle is as just as equal as a vanguard.


In other words, what I understood is that using a rifle and being a dps, we just equalize our dps with a vanguard making us a "ranged vanguard".


I also saw that I did have more primary dps and bonuses than some other dps vanguards with same kind of mods that I use.


Which vanguards are we talking about? The good ones aren't gonna be going full assault. You should be going gunnery, at which point this discussion becomes moot somewhat. If you're going assault though you're severely gimping yourself in a PVE situation using a rifle because you're missing you're spammable HiB reset.


And if you're gonna compare to a vanguard, keep in mind they don't use FA in their rotation, but have SEVERAL talents which boost HiB damage which we lack. We lack them because assault cannons have much more weapon damage naturally, so our HiBs shouldn't need as much help, but that's only true so long as we're using an assault cannon.


I never understand people who willingly lower their performance in the name of fashion =/


Still, as long as you aren't hitting an enrage, it's your account. Do what you want, but don't try and sit here and claim your damage isn't any worse than it would be if you used an assault cannon. That is factually inaccurate. Just admit you're sacrificing performance you don't think you need for the sake of fashion. We'll all have a lot more respect for your honesty.

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