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[Petition to BW] Remove bolster from 55 and put it back on PTS


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As much as I hate bolster in lvl 55 and in particular the current (still bugged) iteration of it:


Simply removing it seems like not an option, now that expertise has been so ridiculously bumped in 2.0 and there is no recruit gear for new lvl 55.


The whole system is a mess, really.


They should have done the opposite, imo: Drasticially decrease the effectiveness of expertise in 2.0 and give pvp gear only slightly lower stats than pve gear.


This way, pve gear would only be slightly worse than pvp gear for pvp (as it should be) and pvp gear would only be slighlty worse for pve = NO BOLSTER NEEDED in lvl 55.

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Not signed. Bolster is amazing. Real balance now. Skill>Gear. Bravo, Bioware.


I understand this point of view and agree to an extent. However, I came to a personal conclusion I play SWTOR for the gear progression. Doesn't everyone want the biggest and baddest toon possible?


The other "epiphany" I had was there really was not a gear issue pre 2.0. Premades are still going to roll face, and I was still viable in recruit gear.


I challenge those like me to really draw a conclusion on what you want/expect after playing the game for a period of time. Balance is great, but if you think about the game was already balanced; Everyone had access to the same characters and equipment. Only you prevented yourself form progressing further.

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It's still too early to start screaming about this. I would agree totally with removing it from ranked warzones. Personally? After yesterday's patch(they stole my expertise...could care less), the level 55 warzone action was freaking stellar. I have no problems or complaints about the current system. I haven't played ranked yet, but ranked warzones should represent the best of all a player has achieved, ergo...no free lunch.


Restrict bolster from ranked warzones, keep the rest the way it is.

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Agreed, remove bolster from level 55. Put in recruit mk-3 gear or upgrade everyone to a free set of War Hero with expertise back in. There is no room for confusing stat boosting in ranked warzones. Every piece of mod, armoring, enhancement, and crystal should be giving me exact numbers both in and outside of a warzone.


I want to be able to stand on the fleet and look at my stats. Then i want to go into a warzone and have those stats be exactly the same. I don't want to be able to equip a level 33 green and have my dmg skyrocket. Bolster is NOT ready for primetime, put it back on the PTS.

Edited by revcrisis
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Do you guys posting that bolster is fine realize that it has severe bugs and exploits that are game breaking? And even without those game breaking exploits, how is rewarding players who put in minimal effort with low level green gear by giving them better stats than best in slot pvp gear fair? How about the fact that pve gear with enhancements removed is cutrent best in slot for pvp? No, this system is beyond broken. We are better off simply turning bolster off until its ready. In comparison, this would be like buying a new car and having a wheel fall off as you drive it off the lot. Its ridiculous. /Signed
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You can't seriously advocate balanced PvP around a system that is easily exploited... We can't even determine what effects the skill tree changes have had since it is easily exploited.


Not only is it exploited easily, there is also some major underlying issues with where benchmarks need to be.. By that, I mean, since we really don't know what all stat floors/ceilings are, we can't make a really valued determination on whether bolster is too strong or too weak. PvP might "seem balanced" but really it still depends on stats/exploits/diceroll(meaning who is in the WZ with you). "Balanced playing field", but you don't ever wonder if someone is exploiting the mechanic, whether for or against you and still call it balanced? The last PvP build didn't have stat exploits so by default the game was more balanced then.


I agree with some, we do need bolster in all levels of PvP. We need it in order to grow PvP and eliminate some barriers to entry. The problem is the current version is SO bad, that BW should seriously consider shutting down PvP entirely and work 24-7 on a fix. As I said ealier, I signed this petition, but my heart is calling for extreme measures to save this portion of the game. And yes, this game is in serious jeopardy because of this. The bolster advocates should stop blowing smoke, because this is gamebreaking and needs to be 100% resolved (but then BW will probably root us:D), soon™.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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it hurts me to say so but signed


competitive pvpers will min max their gear, that should be no surprise to anyone. Not to rip apart undergeared players but to be on equal footing with other competitive players.


The fact that i now have to get pve gear and experiment with removing mods, enhancements or augments in order to get best in slot is utterly ridiculous and should never have been allowed to go live, it makes competitive pvp a complete joke.


I do support the idea of bolster, but it has to work. It didn't work on the pts and it doesn't work now. Please turn it off, release emergency recruit gear for fresh 55s and stop this farce.


edit: Or remove gear from pvp altogether, i'm fine with that as well

Edited by sanchito
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