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what's your swtor score?


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And that's why you're not going to see a lot of regular content updates, outside of sidequests where they can grab the janitor to say a few lines. The main voice actors are professionals, they don't sit around "on call" to do voices just for EAware.


Unless, of course, they're under contract and obliged to add in some lines when EA/Bioware need them to. They've done a solid job in the past with DLC for their single player games getting folks back in the studio.

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All I wonder is why Skyrim scores so high, the game's performance is awful without LAA, the engine is outdated, the game's physics are far off, sloppy character animations, combat is slow and clunky, textures are not in high resolution and the story is virtually non-existent. It's an Oblivion clone at best.


As for SWTOR I cannot say what my score is atm, cause after 48 hours of gameplay my judgement might be off. I'm leaning towards 8.0 atm, but I fear the game lacks in endgame content, PVP and the ability to properly customize your character.

Edited by DaniWes
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Unless, of course, they're under contract and obliged to add in some lines when EA/Bioware need them to. They've done a solid job in the past with DLC for their single player games getting folks back in the studio.


Voice actors don't work like that. They work similar to freelance writers. EAware can make a contract with them for a specific day in the future or even a specific small block of time, but those people have other companies to do voice work for as well and they need a very specific schedule to fit everyone in. They will not sign a contract that says "You come when we call".


A couple of DLC which, by the way, were most likely already made ( like Shale for DA1 ) and just cut from the game at release so it could be sold separately for more money, is very different to the requirements of YEARS worth of content.

Edited by Zorvan
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8/10 I enjoy playing it and I see room for improvement. All in all a fun game that keeps me wanting to play.


I think some people don't get the 1-10 scale btw. 5/10 for example is not average. The score 6/10 is the lowest passing score....a 5/10 on a test in school for example (we use the 1-10 scale here) is a failed test already.


And 8/10 is a good score.


To give a general idea:


1-2 abysmal

3-4 bad

5 poor

6-7 average

8-9 great

10 perfect


I would suggest to the OP to adopt something like this, so the grades people give actually can be compared.

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8.5 /10 and you need to watch the Launch video where a Bioware guys says at the end there are things coming not long after launch. Companion system is bar none (my opinion only) the best I've ever seen. The story line with all the voice acting intergrated is superb. Each class story line is different and very interesting as well as well acted.


Also let me say this, most who like the game will never post here that they just love the game, they prove they like it by just playing it, a normal person whom may not like the game just doesn't resub and simply quits. The next set of people are for whatever reason haters of anything and post day in and day out why they so dislike a game or post literary volumes of how "they" think said game can better just because they say so. I pay no attention really to them because honestly nothing at all makes them satisfied and is futile to even try.

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This is NOT the Metacritic score. This is the user score. And the most interesting thing about the user reviews is that is that they are so very polarised - 50% highly positive, 40% highly negative.


The actual Metacritic review score is not available yet - but judging by the three reviews they have posted it will be over 80 (on a 100 point scale).

Edited by MoxinRift
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This is NOT the Metacritic score. This is the user score. And the most interesting thing about the user reviews is that is that they are so very polarised - 50% highly positive, 40% highly negative.


The actual Metacritic review score is not available yet - but judging by the three reviews they have posted it will be over 80 (on a 100 point scale).


Which is an important distinction because there are a million professional critics out there who will keep this game afloat financially, therefore it is only their opinion that matters.


And if/when the professional critics aren't giving the game glowing reviews (and no, an 80 is not "glowing," it just means it's a solid game) people will be saying critics scores don't matter, and that it's only the players who matter.

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7.5/10 so far. Good, but needing more love in key areas.


I don't understand why people bother with Metacritic. Anybody giving 0-3 on a typical game is deluded (because very few games are truly that bad, I've played some that deserved that score), and 9-10 is pushing the bar pretty damned high too.


It's more like a popularity contest of who can write the most scripts to bombard Metacritic with scores.


Oh well, welcome to human gullibility.

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This is NOT the Metacritic score. This is the user score. And the most interesting thing about the user reviews is that is that they are so very polarised - 50% highly positive, 40% highly negative.


The actual Metacritic review score is not available yet - but judging by the three reviews they have posted it will be over 80 (on a 100 point scale).



I was about to post the same thing. The user reviews are so biased it's untrue, if you click on a few usernames and check out other reviews for Bioware games you'll kinda notice that some people have a vendetta against BW. But saying that, some of the good reviews can be considered biased too in that respect.


I personally think the game is a solid 8/10 and I can't wait to see it improved.


I find that fact that Star Trek Online (terrible, just terrible) has a rating of 66/100... so yeah, I think BW did a lot better job than Craptic.

Edited by Reaulsy
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I'd give a 9.8. This is the best mmo I've ever played. Perfectly balanced pvp and Bioware was absolutely brilliant in mirroring classes so that if someone cries nerf, they will have to face the ire of members of their own guild/faction lol. BRILLIANT balance strategy.


The voice acting and story are the best of any mmo by leaps and bounds. I would even say up there with the best single player. The writers they have are brilliant, and please don't bring up how awful Dragon Age 2 was as story goes (we know). I would say TOR story is right up there with first Dragon Age.


Space combat is fun and probably going to see more evolution in this aspect, not that I'd expect an EVE type space experience in TOR.


I'm very excited to see how this game continues to evolve and become even more addicting and epic as the years go by.

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I think the gameplay is pretty solid, looking past all the bugs that should be worked out fairly quickly.


A couple things they need to do in pretty short order, as in the next month. They need to fix the UI, while I don't think it's terrible, it takes up so much space, it would be really nice to resize this. Customizable UI is something they said they were working on.


They also need to fix the galactic market, as it is it's not very functional, I've said in another post that I'm not expecting anything along the lines of eve, though it would be cool, but the search doesn't work well, if at all, and the categories aren't very well thought out. Crafting materials shouldn't be sorted by how they are found. Other changes I would like to see in the next little while would be an improved group finding system, I like the one wow had for dungeons that grouped people automatically, made a lot of good players to group with that way, far easier than sitting in chat LFGing.


The next couple of months they need to begin adding a whole lot more pvp content. Seems like they just have scratched the surface with PVP.


Star Wars has a great deal of potential, the space combat right now is keeping me amused, reminds me of the arcade game from the 1980s and I think thats what they were going for, I think if they can focus their first expansion around taking it off rails and developing it into something that more closely resembles an open galaxy system that exists in Star Wars it would really give a whole new depth to the game.


With those changes implemented I could easily see revising my score to an 8.5 or a 9.


I've played a lot of MMOs in the past, and had some good experiences, Eve was fun and super sandboxy, though a little on the intimidating side, also had the best market system. Wow I played for many years, but lost interest after Cataclysm. Star Trek had a great space combat system, but the away missions seemed like an after thought and thus the whole game got old really quick. Fallen Earth was lots of fun, but was buggy for the longest time, had always meant to return to it. Thought Perpetuum was an interesting idea. There were a couple others I can't think of off hand.

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Pretty much average.

Would give it a much higher score if not for all the useless travel.


I spend more time traveling in this game than any other activity...its really pretty lame. :(




*edit* scratch that, traveling time is second only to queueing time...


My god, leave this game please!


I like the travelling, I feel like im in a fricking big galaxy and im glad for that! Sod your silly desires to be spoon fed everything in your computer chair, go work for it.

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My god, leave this game please!


I like the travelling, I feel like im in a fricking big galaxy and im glad for that! Sod your silly desires to be spoon fed everything in your computer chair, go work for it.


I agree with this sentiment, Every MMORPG I have played, and even the best RPGs I've played have had large worlds that involve a great deal of travelling. It really makes the games so immersive and so different from other types of games. I remember when I first started playing fallen earth I had to go back to help a friend and it took me nearly an hour to reach his location they hadn't implemented fast travel yet. The journey was part of the experience. I find Swtor in that regard has a fairly happy medium, I find travel to be fairly easy, and can get around quickly if I need to.

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Pretty much average.

Would give it a much higher score if not for all the useless travel.


I spend more time traveling in this game than any other activity...its really pretty lame. :(




*edit* scratch that, traveling time is second only to queueing time...


New to MMO's huh?

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I cant give a score just yet, im still yet to pvp and have only run one instance so far (which i enjoyed - BT). I was majorly disappointed with my beta experience, but decided to purchase anyway at least for a month.


This time around i set my expectations super low and changed my perspective from viewing this as an MMO to more of a co-op RPG with a great story. Im enjoying it but know i wont be playing beyond 6 months

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