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what's your swtor score?


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8.5/10. Absolutely having a blast, some things should have been done differently from the start. We'll see how active Bioware is in the service department, it will determine my re-occuring subscription. Edited by Dekadez
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Nope. Opinions are opinions are opinions. ;)


most of the 10s are like:




The best ones are 4-7s. Most of those are typed coherently and provide good justification to the reviewer's opinions.

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Calling All forces , register on metacritic and start outvoting the angerbois, give SWTOR a 10 to show these guys they are useless chumps voting 0 for nothing


No one should pay attention to metacritic, writing up a review on metacritic would be a colossal waste of time, if people that have never played the game want to write a bad review on metacritic, let them, they're lame. Metacritic is lame.


With that being said I give the game a 6.8/10


It has A LOT of room for improvement, but it has a very solid foundation and I think I will be playing for a while as long as Bioware can put solid content updates out in a timely fashion.


MMO's constantly evolve and no score that I could give will stay the same for an MMO, I anticipate my 6.8 will be going up to a higher score very soon.

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I gave WoW a 3/10 the first day I played... in BC it was a 8.5/10, WotLK arguably 9/10 I thought they did great things with PvP and the heroic 25 mans weren't very easy, I don't really mind average players in purples. Cataclysm -10/10 :p

THAT being said, I give SWTOR a 6.5/10. I'm going to play it because for one, it's Star Wars and BioWare story telling, and I think in the upcoming months patches will boost it to at least a 7.5 with solid rated PvP along with balancing, and PvE should be difficult enough with a nightmare mode. What I don't get is people saying it's going to die even in 2 years. It's Star Wars, and I honestly don't think end game will be bad, at all. I think the hype and IP just might be the reason it succeeds, along with Blizzards continued failure to recover WoW.

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Not to burst all you guys bubbles but how long did they have that?


if you want to put it into perspective you can fairly much say they changed that nearing the EOL of the game(end of life).



we are discussing a brand new launch here with a decade of development ahead of you.


comparing crap WoW did the last few years/months is seriously rediculous and stupid :)


While I have no doubt that TOR will see improvements over the next few months and further into the future, It is very much a fair thing to compare it against WOW as it is now regarding features and game design. TOR is competing against WOW of today, not WOW of five years ago and the developers very much had the opportunity to look at where their competitors had innovated since they launched and skip ahead into modern capabilities.


Im not out to dump on the game; I am playing and enjoying it, but this apologistic line of reasoning does not help the developers or gamers. We want to encourage them to continue innovating and refining; pushing the edge. Not just getting by with what is safe.

Edited by serrasin
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I'm seeing a bunch of low scores here, mainly because at this point in time 90% of people who visit the forums are here to cry. Most people who arent here are probobly having a great time.


9.5/10 right now. Hopefully it holds up.

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This game is nothing new, its cookie cutter, and bugged to hell.

I suppose the bugs will get better, but really, its like WoW with a (considerably) better storyline. As much as I like the storyline, the gameplay is as mediocre as the other MMOs out there.


Also, I despise hand-holding in MMOs, but alas, the only MMOs that don't hold peoples hands and guide them through everything were SWG (Pre-CU noobs), EVE-O, and Perpetuum.



Considering that those types of games are more my type, I'd give this game a 6/10, maybe a 6.5/10. I hope it will get better, and I have a sliver of hope that it may be slightly more player driven as opposed to NPC driven...


If this were some other company, I'd probably give it a 7.5, but BioWare are known for their creative ability. Of course, it could be Lucas' fault, because Lucas is a *********** idiot who should not be permitted to even involve himself in his own franchise any more... *********** alchemist he is, turning gold into crap.



Also, the game is way too kid-friendly, humour is nice, but you have a T rating. Make the humour slightly less childish when you try it.

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6/10 from me, its just not as polished as it needed to be given its 5 years dev time

& the $100 million spent on it, it still looks rushed out the door, the low rez textures are seriously bad for 2011, pvp is a joke, given the huge budget & all we got are 3 crapulous epic fail warzones, I wanted to see big open air battles with 40 players a side..

The amount of walking required at low levels is just painfull, either speed up the walk speed alot or place the quests closer together, just getting from one planet to another is a ridiculously tedious multi step process, it needs to be as simple as going to a taxi stand that hooks you up to wherever in the galaxy you wished to go.

On a positive note, the story lines are excellent & the voice acting is just fantastic :)

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8/10 if it was singleplayer with free co-op ( which is really how it's designed ).


6/10 as it's current incarnation as an mmo requiring a monthly fee.


Not a "bad" game, but nothing that really stands out about it either outside of the IP.

Edited by Zorvan
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  • Awesome stories, nifty characters, and good dialogue
  • Combat is fun
  • Space missions, while limited, are a nice diversion I've had fun with
  • Crafting system makes me smile knowing I'll never again spend hours circling Uldum and hoping to get to the resource before bots do... and is generally a well-thought out, if simplistic, system
  • Flashpoints are awesome
  • I have a freakin' SPACESHIP




  • Galactic Market needs an overhaul, or at least the ability to IMMEDIATELY type in and search for what I'm looking for.
  • Weird helmet bug that makes my facial hair randomly change
  • Queues suck, but every MMO with a sizeable launch has em' and they'll go away in time... and not part of gameplay, just prevent me from enjoying it
  • XP gain feels just a touch too fast, meaning I'm consistently just a little higher leveled than what I'm dealing with.





My rating: 9/10



Admittingly, I'm a huge sucker for story, and Bioware have done a fantastic job in that department. Combined with enjoyable combat, and I'm hooked. There's plenty of room for improvement, but for a freshly launched MMO it's absolutely fantastic. Queues will go away, as will some of the more annoying bugs, and I'd bet a pretty penny that the GTM gets looked at. Unfortunately, the XP gain issue is likely here to stay (though I'd love it if they didn't make find a new codex/exploring a new area worth as much as completing a freakin' mission), and I think long term it might be one of my few real knocks against the game.


But the point is, so far I've had a blast. Bioware promised to give me KOTOR as an MMO, and as far as I'm concerned they've lived up to that promise. I just wish, solo, there was a wee bit more challenge while I level up. I don't like outright outleveling content, and it's the one thing I really wish they could've found a way around.

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Would be able to rate it higher if I was able to get past the queue. Frankly the queue times are bringing down my whole experience of the game due to the fact that I only have a few hours a night and most of those hours are being spent waiting in a queue.


It's becoming a gamebreaker tbh, and only looks like getting worse.

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9.2 if it gets regular updates and content


8.5 if not and it will die in a year. ;)


Considering how much money they're already making off of it, and I'll say we'll see regular content updates.


I just hope the voice actors know what they signed up for with SWTOR.

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Considering how much money they're already making off of it, and I'll say we'll see regular content updates.


I just hope the voice actors know what they signed up for with SWTOR.


And that's why you're not going to see a lot of regular content updates, outside of sidequests where they can grab the janitor to say a few lines. The main voice actors are professionals, they don't sit around "on call" to do voices just for EAware.


Notice how the biggest project they've hinted at for the future is the space part of the game?


It's not just because space sucks ( which it does ), it's because space doesn't require any new voicework.

Edited by Zorvan
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