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Due to itemization changes, Expertise has been removed from all War Hero and Elite War Hero pieces except for weapon crystals


FROM patch notes


dont know about you but i worked hard to get my elite gear if they take away my expertise thats a smack in the face

i could have spent those countless hours farm col or rakata instead and got something useful



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I worked hard to put optimized WH gear on 10 characters. And you're gonna take away the expertise on it all?


Fine, I'm done with PvP.


that's ok Bioware, Elder Scrolls Online and the WoD MMO are coming out later this year. I'm sure one of them would like the oodles of money I've dropped on your game.

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you folks are seriously crying that your level 50 PvP gear is made obsolete for level 55 PvP?


please, tell me more


bolster gives everyone a pretty good amount of expertise.


Yeah. It actually will make your WH stuff usable in sub-55. Should be happy with that much to not have to go get PvE gear anymore.


That said; I feel this addresses a symptom rather than a cause in bolster. Maybe it is just an issue in sub-55 and it will work itself out as not other armor gives expertise anymore before 55 (although the weapons and crystals are still there)

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no i got my war hero gear a few weeks before xpac so i would have it before 55, i would not ahve spent countless hours doing that if i knew they were gonna nix it i coulda ahd full columni and some rakata in time it took me to lvl that Edited by Ayrial
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I don't have a full set of EWH yet, but if I did.. I'd be pretty pissed off right now.


Those pieces of gear take a while to collect, but just got nerfed to the same level as Rakata (Stats are similar to <Rakata as Expertise replaced).


WOW - Bioware I didn't think it was possible to tick off the PVP community anymore than after the Bolster Mess up (Even after PTS discovered that). I was wrong. :D


SO.. after Tuesday it's better to run PVP in new (69) gear only and a couple Expertise Crystals?


Plan B: Hmmm... Where did I put my Recruit Gear and/or Battle Master set. (Since it appears only WH/EWH is losing Expertise). Couple Aug 28's and those should be narly now. LOL

Edited by dscount
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Expansions make gear obsolete. This is the way of things. The way of The Force.


The problem is that the gear in question may be dated, but it's certainly not obsolete. Partisan gear has a rating of 150, the same as EWH. Based on core stats the Partisan has a slight advantage on some stats, however parts of my fully augmented EWH stuff is still better in some ways as well. I have a partisan set for my gunslinger and sniper, however items being older shouldn't mean that BioWare be allowed to destroy the items I purchased in the past specifically for PVP.

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I wouldnt even be mad if they gave me my damn coms back, but i literally just bought all that stuff few weeks before xpac IT was a goal of mine. they should have stated that somewhere, it was firs toon ive pvp that high and will probably be my last
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Aww you poor things. I grinded away to get a full set of champion gear back when getting gear was buying a box for a tiny chance that it not only had a gear token, but also a token I didn't already have.
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You do realize that removing the expertise is what will actually allow you to use ur old WH gear again right? Currently bolster has no idea *** to do with WH, so it gives you subpar stats, which is why going naked was better. Removing the expertise means WH is now treated like PvE gear, which means it benefits properly from bolster. BW is doing you a favor, and if you would actually read the details they gave you before crying, you would understand that.
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I feel bad for people that didnt understand this previously but when an expansion drops gears changes. Like noted, was everyone pissed when your Battlemaster gear was outdated? No you just moved on and grind new gear. This MMO is a gear grind (sorta, I wouldnt say its bad anymore not like the bag days).


Yes the I-level might be the same but the intent from the devs wasnt for you to use that gear at 55, if you can use it in someway at 55 just be happy about that before they make a change so that you cant use it.


This is pretty much the way of certain MMOs and given SWTORs past with PvP gear and releasing new gear killing the older gear this should be no shocker what so ever and I am shocked there are this many threads about it.

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Aww you poor things. I grinded away to get a full set of champion gear back when getting gear was buying a box for a tiny chance that it not only had a gear token, but also a token I didn't already have.


LOL. What kind of damn fool would willingly submit themselves to that sort of BS for PVP armor? I'd have just found another game to play.

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I don't have a full set of EWH yet, but if I did.. I'd be pretty pissed off right now.


Those pieces of gear take a while to collect, but just got nerfed to the same level as Rakata (Stats are similar to <Rakata as Expertise replaced).


WOW - Bioware I didn't think it was possible to tick off the PVP community anymore than after the Bolster Mess up (Even after PTS discovered that). I was wrong. :D


SO.. after Tuesday it's better to run PVP in new (69) gear only and a couple Expertise Crystals?


Plan B: Hmmm... Where did I put my Recruit Gear and/or Battle Master set. (Since it appears only WH/EWH is losing Expertise). Couple Aug 28's and those should be narly now. LOL


Pve will not be better then pvp gear thats what they have already said

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I think this is a buff to Warhero gear since by ditching expertise and uping the other stats they make it better . Gear with no expetise gets bolstered with expertise which is why naked is better than gear. So removing expetise and replacing it with better stats makes the old War Hero gear better in warzones because bolster adds on the expertise. Just becuase the gear doesn't have expertise doesn't mean you won't get expertise.


55 warzones still have bolster so Warhero gear will work but they've said it won;t work as well as the new stuff which is how it should be.


Also the War Hero gear with better stats will make PVE easier for those PVPers who want to do Makeb once to see what the fuss is about and to level quicker to 55, cos warzones are painfully slow to level 50-55.

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You do realize that removing the expertise is what will actually allow you to use ur old WH gear again right? Currently bolster has no idea *** to do with WH, so it gives you subpar stats, which is why going naked was better. Removing the expertise means WH is now treated like PvE gear, which means it benefits properly from bolster. BW is doing you a favor, and if you would actually read the details they gave you before crying, you would understand that.


You realize, though, that that old EWH armor can be upgraded with the level 55 mods and enhancements, right? If I have a level 55 character wearing augmented EWH gear with a rating of 150, my still viable EWH PVP gear will effectively be destroyed needlessly. That's the problem I have with it all.


For those advocating just using the bolster, I hope you're not planning on getting new 55 gear, because you'll have bolster. /sarcasm

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No matter what they do, someone is going to complain. You can't make everyone happy. I've grinded for pvp gear on close to 5 or 6 toons. If they did away with expertise all together, I'd be happy. If they bolstered expertise for everyone in matches from now on I'd be happy. Chances are they won't and I will continue to grind for gear. One day that gear will be obsolete too.
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So no more expertise for open world PvP? Not that there was much open world PvP, another great failing of this game.


Making gear obsolete only a few months (EWH) after it has been released just show complete lack of planning and foresight. Why make it obsolete, its perfect for 50-55 content. its the bolster system that's broken, I am sick of this games bugs that come with every new update.


Of course I expect better gear with each expansion, had my Coms capped ready for the Conqueror grind., but will Conqueror gear be obsolete in 3 months? Seems completely pointless to me, time to find a new game.

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i could have spent those countless hours farm col or rakata instead and got something useful




So if your WH/EWH "turns into RAK gear", wouldn't it be "useful"?


Just checking....:)


Be happy, hopefully they put it on par with BH/CAMP gear from a main/end perspective, but they probably won't since PvE gearing@ 50 now has a cap (which is dumb IMO, but I understand why they did it.).

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i almost feel bad for the devs.


people cry that something is broken

the devs fix it

people cry that it got fixed


simply mind bottling


They didn't fix it, they broke something else to accommodate it.. We had the naked issue on PTS, they shouldn't have gone live with it .

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i almost feel bad for the devs.


I think "almost" is the key word. In the PvP arena they tend to do "knee-jerk" type reactions or nothing at all, when discretion should be called for.



They need to be put on blast for using a guillotine instead of a scalpel and also for not being able to change direction when a coming change is not going to be fixed/addressed prior to launch... I just don't know if they have contingency plans if something is pretty screwed up (well, in PvP that is) and bolster is the creme of the fails right now...

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