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Now that everyone has had a taste of the game


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I thoroughly enjoy the game, and I hope to play it for years to come, but there are a lot of glitches in the game that really need to be fixed (graphical glitches mostly, but when entering a specific room makes the whole city disappear, something's wrong).


The LFG function needs to stand out more so that people will actually use it.


Pvp is especially laggy and it makes it difficult to actually compete when your abilities have a full second of lag before activation.


Also, unfortunately a number of the LS/DS dialogue options are approximately gradeschool level morality.


Other than those gripes, the game is pretty brilliant.

Edited by Greyfeld
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Quite simply, I would give it a ten. Right before this game I was playing Skyrim, which is a great game, and I like this game a lot more. I don't believe ten means perfect, I think it means best. I do have significant experience with several MMOs, and this is vastly superior to all of them.


I am definitely a big Bioware fan, but that isn't the reason for my rating. This game improves my opinion of Bioware.

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Although I've been granted access on the 13th I didn't had time to play a lot, so my Gunslinger is a mere level 10. So I split it up to the zones I've seen so far:


- Ord Mantell: 8. Lots of fun.

- Space station what's name I've forgot: 1. Bland and boring. Felt like STO, yuck.

- Coruscant: 5. Large area, lots of traveling, lack of fun.


Overall TOR seems enjoyable though.

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7 for me.


Was very disappointed that the instances after BT are so "bland". Was hoping for BT quality throughout most of the instances...


This I can live with though, however what drags the score down for me now is the performance. My computer's specifications are well above target, and still the game runs very poorly (yes, even with shadows and bloom off). During the last two weekend betas, I did not have this problem so not sure what is going on.

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Overall rating for me is an 8.5. If they patch out the game's bugs and technical issues it will be a solid 9.0 or above. I'd like to say that it's a solid 8.5 though... not an 'mmo I'll play for a week and toss' kind of 8.5.




Game is large, deep, and fun. I will likely be playing this for some time and enjoying it. The planets are VERY well designed and enjoyable. The world feels particularly alive for an MMO space. And yes, the storied quests make the trip through the lower levels worth playing. It really does play like an RPG that you move through with thousands of other people which is a substantial accomplishment.




Some graphics problems on a machine that shouldn't be having them (primarily in warzones). Some UI customization options are glaringly absent. Many of the UI tools present in other MMOs are not there for players and that needs to be addressed A.S.A.P. Long server queues require planning before play (but this is expected and is really only a minor annoyance).




I really like the game. I didn't think I would care for it but it's way more than the sum of its parts. More importantly, they actually tried something a little different in the MMO genre and pulled it off with a little bit of class which I respect and appreciate.


Keep up the good work Bioware. Patch this thing and patch it good. You're 9/10 of the way toward dominating the MMO space. Stay on your toes!

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8/10 - I think that when they start adding new content (not expansions- content patches) then that score could very well go up. It's a fantastic game.


I am also well impressed how they have handled the release of the game and EGA. I live on a continent far far away,Africa- yet Bioware took control and allowed retailers to ship the game to get to me on release day which is due to their dilligence.


Thumbs up!

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so far rank 25 and rank 10*2


PvE 6/10


Reason its so low is the zones are just too empty with not nearly enough interactable objects or puzzles, npcs are boring. As far as Flashpoints and Heroic Quest's I am completely turned off by them - Just not for me I think..


Warzones 10/10


perfect design - I WANT MORE!!! Cosmetic fixes regarding handling is all that is needed...


Environment 9.5/10


There are some stunning world views nearly everywhere you look... except the Imp ships look pretty dull and boring to me... Occasional objects come across as very plain at times


GUI - 8/10


Simply not enough customization and option


Combat - 8/10


Clunky response time - especially compared to WAR


Presentation - 10/10


I'm disappointed that it does not have more depth and micro-detail in more areas than it does.




Glossy finish but lacks depth and details, innovative yet misses previous success formulas. Patches will bring more content but will they satisfy PvP hard-cores?


Looking ahead I don't see much changing except for added features galore. I wouldn't expect any other big changes to come through because it's obvious they made the design concept the way they did on purpose. Things like more interaction, RvR, and animation will not change that is for sure.


Another thing that is coming to attention is the instancing that is going on automatically, we will have to see if they will raise world pop caps which is a good bet that they will.


PvP'er if you want good PvP go to Warhammer because it's WAY smoother game that is almost identical engine and WAY better combat... just too bad that game is dead for it's customers, a good indicaton of where this game will be in 3 years



Edited by WLpride
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5/10. Great base, TERRIBLE design choices. Far, FAR too much "exploring" (time sinking). Far, FAR too little UI control.



Being a WoW clone is not a bad thing, despite all the *********** whining WoW has 10 times as many players as any other game in existence for a reason. For some reason, despite the insane amount of things that were directly translated, some choices that were left out are just mind blowing.



Has potential, needs fast capitalisation to go anywhere. Will still maintain a good user base regardless due to the strength of the brand, similar to how WoW did when it was so awful on release.

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