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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Travel costs


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Am I just visualy impared or have travel costs really gone up this much?


I traveled from Kaas to Taris and it now costs 800 credits, used to be like 20 credits or some such low price. Taris to Tattooine was 1000 credits. That is a major jump in price. I realize in the big picture that's not much but with the new binocs and seeker driod there is alot of planet hopping and those costs can add up.


Is this as intended?

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From the patch notes:

Travel costs on the galaxy map are now based on the destination selected instead of the distance travelled. As a result, higher level areas now cost more to travel to than lower level areas.

Plus, you've gotta admit that they were absurdly low before anyway.

Taxi to the other side of the city: 300cr.

Starship to the other side of the galaxy: 14cr.

Edited by Rankyn
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I'm okay with this change. It always seemed silly to me to charge so little for ship travel. I mean, what's the point? If you're going to charge anything, it shouldn't be such a ludicrously small amount like 17 credits.


Oh, and...

I imagine its a "docking cost" rather than fuel because otherwise it makes no sense to me.

... this makes a lot of sense.

Edited by nateslice
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I will adimt that interplanetary travel costs were quite low before, to a ridiculous degree, yet now the polarities have shifted. The ridiculousness is now on how muchthe cost for travel is:confused: It costs me thousands of credits to get around. Perhaps some just plain don't care and that's fine, no biggy, please don't chime in. For those that do care this conversation is for you;) The new costs have really changed the game for me. Should I buy this new gear? Maybe I should hold off on crafting and gathering, to ensure I can get to my next mission? If I go to fleet for supplies, am I going to be able to get back? Start hording people, the recession has come to SWTOR:(
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It's really not that hard to earn money.

10 minutes of killing and looting junk items from pretty much any MOB in the game will give you more than enough money to travel anywhere you want to go.

The money only multiplies from there.

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I will adimt that interplanetary travel costs were quite low before, to a ridiculous degree, yet now the polarities have shifted. The ridiculousness is now on how muchthe cost for travel is:confused: It costs me thousands of credits to get around. Perhaps some just plain don't care and that's fine, no biggy, please don't chime in. For those that do care this conversation is for you;) The new costs have really changed the game for me. Should I buy this new gear? Maybe I should hold off on crafting and gathering, to ensure I can get to my next mission? If I go to fleet for supplies, am I going to be able to get back? Start hording people, the recession has come to SWTOR:(



I agree. I was shocked at the rise in price. Before, I traveled where I wanted, when I wanted. I would often jump back to fleet just to pop in and take care of some miniscule business, or run a couple of space missions for a change of pace. I don't do that stuff any longer. I go somewhere and stay as long as possible before making the next move.


If nothing else, It would be really nice to be able to take a fleet transport (such as from Taris) both directions, instead of just one direction. I mean, how much sense does it make to to be able to travel to Fleet from the planet, where my ship is docked, and then have to take my ship from the fleet to get back to the planet?!


I don't mind that the rates increased (they were so low as to be a complete non-factor in deciding where to go), I only mind that it was so extreme (from a rate/inflationary perspective).

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From the patch notes:

Plus, you've gotta admit that they were absurdly low before anyway.

Taxi to the other side of the city: 300cr.

Starship to the other side of the galaxy: 14cr.




They were never right to begin with. But any change that costs a credit will garner lots of free complaining from this audience. So they properly scaled them to level... which is the right thing to do.


2500 credits to Makeb... sounds about right to me actually and is what 3 minutes of random killing in the zone.


Basically.. credit costs (like currency in any MMO) scales with the level of the play... and therefore with your natural income from random killing and looting of mobs. I really don't see the problem.

Edited by Andryah
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They were never right to begin with. But any change that costs a credit will garner lots of free complaining from this audience. So they properly scaled them to level... which is the right thing to do.


Why is it the right thing to do? Why is it important to wring every possible credit from players just for the privilege of moving around the game? What breaks by increasing the mobility of characters moving from planet to planet by having relatively low, fixed cost based on the premise that the farther you go, the more fuel you burn?


Your argument is all well and good, except that the travel costs were scaled, not to the player level, but to the level of the destination. For example, from the Imperial Fleet to Balmorra (a 16-20 planet) is now 200 credits. From the Imperial Fleet to Nar Shaddaa (a 20-24 planet) is 300. From the Imperial Fleet to Nal Hutta (a starting planet) is free. From Nal Hutta to Nar Shadda, its moon, is 300. Jumping thousands of parsecs across the galaxy is free, but going from a planet to its moon is a noticeable expense for a low-level character. You will forgive me if I find this to be more than a little immersion-breaking.


If Bioware needs to make it more expensive for higher-level characters to zoom around the galaxy, then make the travel costs scale with player level and return the base cost to a distance-based computation as it was before.


But then they'll have to justify why, with a ship's droid to do all the maintenance, your ship becomes more and more inefficient to operate as you gain level, and are better able to afford quality maintenance.

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I understand why the changed the price of planets, and many people who have existing Char's and accounts have no problem shelling out 900 - 3k credits to fly to a planet to level / quest / crewskill.


But if you start all over on a never server, and ARE a subscriber to where you are leveling 3 professions, training your abilities and doing basic repair costs, the very LAST thing you want to discover once your done with a planet is that your out of credits and can't fly to your next planet in your story line.


I'm not begging for 20 credit flight cost or anything, but maybe if there a lil more scaled to raw credits / vendor drops from about 15 min of killing on a planet's basic mobs. That way, if worse comes to worse, you can get to your next quest area.



Not all players are as skilled to kill lots of quickly, also not everyone levels as a DPS.

-Food for thought

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People need to NOT make sure they spend all their cash before leaving a planet


If you want to get into town from home you either need money for the bus train taxi or petrol for your car unless your within walking distance but for arguments sake lets say not


Adding to the above argument imagine if it cost less than a ride on the bus to fly 3000 miles away for a holiday its just wrong


The prices are fine its the players thats the problem dont skint your self if you want to fly to another planet there is a cost implication that should be factored into your way of playing stop being so intitled

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I've recently started playing the game and levelled - all too quickly really to 53 and not once have I found that I'm so low on credits that I can't fly from planet to planet. Even with the new costs I don't see as a problem. If it was 5 or 6 figures to travel around I'd see the problem.


And I too see it as more of a landing fee than a travel cost after all there is no fuel in this game.

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these space costs are a turn off from playing the game. if you add in repair costs and training new abilitys buying personal speeders and weapons and gear from some vendors on planets using credits. and sending companions off on crew skills missions. and buying med packs/stims and companion custom look things. and taking out mods of armour pieces it adds up. i would not recomend this game to my friends to play.
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I imagine its a "docking cost" rather than fuel because otherwise it makes no sense to me.


Actually, a refinery on Tantoonie exploded, possibly due to an act of terrorism, Sand People are suspect, they can't stand the fact Jawas live next to them, because it's "their land" and resorting to terrorism is their new norm. Expect to see prices remain high...

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The main problem I have with the increased travel costs is that is now costs 2-3K credits to fly to a planet right next door to you, but 0 credits to fly from the outer rim back to the fleet. Fuel costs should be higher the further you travel, not based on the some fake level you give a planet.
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The main problem I have with the increased travel costs is that is now costs 2-3K credits to fly to a planet right next door to you, but 0 credits to fly from the outer rim back to the fleet. Fuel costs should be higher the further you travel, not based on the some fake level you give a planet.


Newbies wouldn't be able to afford to travel to their planets. That's the whole reason they changed it from distance to level.

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I don't mind the travel price, I do mind the repair prices. It cost me 1300+ credits to repair, I didn't even die. Now that is bad. So out of that 55K credits we get from doing Black Hole dailies, 1300+ is gone for repairs. And they still have the repair bug where you lose a lot of credits. I lost again another 100K credits at a repair droid, it was after 1 death and trust me, I know what I lost, I'm scrooge and count every credit. I wasn't happy. This has been happening since the game came out. A guildie of mine had the same thing happen. She repaired with over 100K and ended up with 5K. She's level 29 and died a couple of times on Tat. No way should she have paid out 100K in repairs if she wasn't even in a HM but was just questing. This game is so buggy. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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really travel cost ......


Dude, these people will complain about ANYTHING!

They can offset travel costs by killing 1 or 2 mobs, and if the price of the kill doesn't refund the cost, the loot they can vendor surely will.

OMG 800 credits to travel to Tatt! OMG 2500 to Makeb! How will I ever pay that? 30 seconds later, I'm rich again!

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these space costs are a turn off from playing the game. if you add in repair costs and training new abilitys buying personal speeders and weapons and gear from some vendors on planets using credits. and sending companions off on crew skills missions. and buying med packs/stims and companion custom look things. and taking out mods of armour pieces it adds up. i would not recomend this game to my friends to play.


Yeah the credit sinks are getting pretty intense. So far I'm still at a net profit but we'll see once I start getting more heavily into crafting. If crafted items aren't desirable, that's going to suck.

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these space costs are a turn off from playing the game. if you add in repair costs and training new abilitys buying personal speeders and weapons and gear from some vendors on planets using credits. and sending companions off on crew skills missions. and buying med packs/stims and companion custom look things. and taking out mods of armour pieces it adds up. i would not recomend this game to my friends to play.



you're joking right?

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