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Assasins are way OP .. in 2.0


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I still had a 3 min defensive cooldown, a instant heal (that I combine with a WZ pot in warzones), and that instant heal also makes me hit harder on shadow technique (again I didn't need this).


Stopped reading here. When somene copy pastes the talents text including the battle readiness "increase" on shadow tecnique damage then it's evident you are just a forum warrior wanting to stir up a flame fest.

Edited by Vaerah
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I have played Sage, Shadow, Scoundrel, Vanguard and Sentinel.


The only thing that is OP'd in this game is the whine of those that can't handle losing.


You want to be good at PVP, then put in the time and effort. Fighting other people is nothing like fighting AI.


Losing is part of PVP'ing and don't PVP if you can't handle it.



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I have played Sage, Shadow, Scoundrel, Vanguard and Sentinel.


The only thing that is OP'd in this game is the whine of those that can't handle losing.


You want to be good at PVP, then put in the time and effort. Fighting other people is nothing like fighting AI.


Losing is part of PVP'ing and don't PVP if you can't handle it.




The most intelligent post I've seen in months. Hat's off to ye, sir. ;)

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I'm currently leveling a shadow so let's put the nerf threads on ice for a while :)


I'm gonna tank as much as I can on it. Not sure if that spec is considered OP too. Which one is the OP spec, if there is one at all?


Assassins, especially Tankasins, are overpowered on a strategic level. Basically if they killed you they're killing the wrong guy (should be trying to kill DPS or healers), and if they don't kill you, as far as you're concerned that's pretty good too. They're not overpowered in the sense that they just faceroll over the opposition, but rather with the tools an Assassin have available, you usually force your opponent to prepare for them in a disadvantageous way.


If there's a way to measure some kind of weighted contribution of DPS/tanking/heailng, a Tankasin is almost certainly always the #1 on that. Now winning the leaderboard doesn't win you the WZ, but it's far easier to win the WZ when you also won the leaderboard than not.

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Assassins/shadows are in design silent expert killers.. so they should kill you with ease and without more difficulties 1 vs1 . I have played Mercenary/Sniper in WZ... so they are the greatest threat when guarding an node but they are not invincible you jjust have to catch them with all defense/evasion abilities on CC and they fall pretty fast..... They are my top priority to kill in wz
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no, all classes now pretty balanced ...


I love how one guy gives explicit numbers, moves and descriptions and you just say "it's all pretty balanced" that is not a response to something so well laid out. It actually comes out as more of a plea to not be nerfed. You must play an assassin

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Assassins/shadows are not OP as such. Tanks are. Not only assassin/shadow tanks, but actually all tanks. The survivability that they have, paired with the dmg output that was given to them makes me wonder why people are still playing anything other than a tank.I Edited by Cretinus
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Assassins/shadows are not OP as such. Tanks are. Not only assassin/shadow tanks, but actually all tanks. The survivability that they have, paired with the dmg output that was given to them makes me wonder why people are still playing anything other than a tank.I


because they cant kill anything healed.

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Maul simply hits too freakin hard. You can't take away how good this spec is in a one on one, but you can cut down some of the burst.



I agree and disagree at the same time. Maul hit perfectly fine and too hard at the same time. Its wierd but imo its because of the crit nerf vs no power diminishing return. Every assassin/shadow is stacking power and almost ZERO crit. There is the power proc relics. High power + double relic proc + crit= the overpowered maul.


Our burst potential is too high but its an ''uncontrolable'' burst. If the RNG god is on our side its too much. If nothing crit, we need to work a lot to win.


If bioware FIX the crit rating and main stat diminishing return and add a diminishing return on power, you will see less ''OP'' maul. Assassins and shadows are going to stack more crit rating, we wont crit for 8.5k. We will crit more but its going to be 6.5k to 7.5k. More total damage in more hits. And 6.5 to 7.5k is perfectly fine in 2.0


If I'm not mistaken it would push the game toward what BW wanted in 2.0, higher time to kill.



I'm not min/max yet but I'm pretty close to it and my maul are usualy in the 6.8k to 7.2k range depending on the target (light armor or heavy armor, armor debuff or not). It can reach 8.2k to 8.5k but I need a relic proc.

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I have played Sage, Shadow, Scoundrel, Vanguard and Sentinel.


The only thing that is OP'd in this game is the whine of those that can't handle losing.


You want to be good at PVP, then put in the time and effort. Fighting other people is nothing like fighting AI.


Losing is part of PVP'ing and don't PVP if you can't handle it.




I constantly find myself agreeing with you and I find it icky; THB. LOL no but seriously. You are right.


There are 2 types of players involved here. Those that when they lose; look at what they, themselves and their team; could do differently to change the results and then those who blame anything and everything else. Only one of those 2 really get better.

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Assasins are way OP .. in 2.0


yes they are !! finally, after whining about healers, snipers..... this is the real op class : assassin/shadow.


great dps, great survivability, they can steal a point easily, they are the best to save a point (with sniper, Engineering tree) they are good in huttball...


the all-around class

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WZ stats do not prove anyone or any class as OP'd.


When you have 1 or 2 pocket healers and you are on a premade team against a PUG, I can see those stats happening for almost anyone that knows how to play their class.


Only way to prove any one class as OP'd is in real 1 v 1 matches with people of similar skill. That is called testing and that is BW's responsibility.

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yes they are !! finally, after whining about healers, snipers..... this is the real op class : assassin/shadow.


great dps, great survivability, they can steal a point easily, they are the best to save a point (with sniper, Engineering tree) they are good in huttball...


the all-around class


Then roll one and level up and find out for yourself.

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I did roll one, and yes they are way OP. It's fun being the FOTM.


Assassins are OP in the lowbie bracket, so what?

You're only level 10-29 for like 2 days tops.


At 55 they aren't OP in the slightest. Hell, I'd even say BW done some sort of secret patch to lower maul damage because I haven't even hit a decent maul recently.


Anyway, thread title says Assassins are OP in 2.0, this is 2.1 so it's obsolete.

Edited by Jayshames
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I have to lol at this thread. I destroy Assassins and Shadows on a daily basis.


and thats why sniper need to be nerfed too.

*Force Leap and Pulls should be allowed on players under cover.

*Entrenchment needs to be on a 3 min CD

*Orbital Strike needs to be a 3 min CD and interruptible

Edited by Ramtar
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and thats why sniper need to be nerfed too. Force Leap and Pulls should be allowed on players under cover. Entrenchment needs to be on a 3 min CD. Orbital Strike needs to be a 3 min CD and interruptible.


Take away Assassin's and Op's stealth, Warrior's leaps, Sorc's force speed, etc. -- and sure!. Since we're talking about destroying the basic concept of different classes.


There's a 5 to 6 second window between a sniper beginning an OS cast and the first tic hitting the very obvious huge ground reticule. If you take a single tic of damage for that, you have only yourself to blame.


Engineering is a very good dueling spec, and it's the only sniper spec that can fight Assassins. It also has great utility and area denial. But it gives up a lot for that. Only get decent burst every 25.5 second, and it's single-target damage capabilities are mostly otherwise very meh. (The poster you were responding to runs Engineering) It's probably the least-used Sniper spec in regular warzones, despite being the most fun.

Edited by stringcat
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Take away Assassin's and Op's stealth, Warrior's leaps, Sorc's force speed, etc. -- and sure!. Since we're talking about destroying the basic concept of the class.


There were never Assassins or Operatives in KotOR so they need to remove those abilities. Sorry, but Warrior's have always had a leap.

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