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Assasins are way OP .. in 2.0


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No need to remove anything all is good.


Yup they are totally balanced. I said in general that my shadow was WAY OP compared to all the other classes I play and got told off in general chat (POT5).


Smash Guardian told me they weren't and he owns them. Good focus guardian (won't reveal his name).


We dueled, lost little to no health, told him the class was so OP I would let him have a charge on me and I would stay out of stealth in the next duel. This left me without blackout on the charge (25 percent mitigation).


He saber throwed me and charged, and I low slashed him, maul, pop immunity (immune to smash, force choke, force crush), potency project, slashed him a couple times for a big hitting breach while bunny hopping around, by this time he was well below half health, and I still of course had a stun a vanish, and a defensive cooldown up to block half his crap. Didn't need any of them.


I think the only thing I used was blackout (up every time you leave stealth to give you 25 percent mitigation). He eventually smashed me for like 3.8 k (LOL). Got to love 55 percent mitigation to aoe for 12 seconds while coming out of stealth (back to back blackout), or 6 if you are caught in a worst case scenario, and of course vanish would have reset it, so I can have another 12 any time I want.


Finished the duel with about 75 percent health.


So even in a worst case scenario (full saber throw charge against no blackout), against a heavy armor burst class? I was able to kill a good player quite easily.


I still had a 3 min defensive cooldown, a instant heal (that I combine with a WZ pot in warzones), and that instant heal also makes me hit harder on shadow technique (again I didn't need this).


Seems completely legit. If we would have done the same test with my scoundrel, I would have been below half health in the opener. Cus you know...stealth classes that get caught out of stealth with a full ramp up from a hard hitting melee? USUALLY get hit hard.


Yes I could have won the same duel easily before 2.0. I could not however, have done it in half the time, due to procced maul on low slash, and breach 3 stack hitting so hard. I also would have had to...you know...use all my abilities, when caught in a bad situation.


Maul needs tones down. It is going to be an even bigger problem when people figure out by taking defensive talents in the 12/31/3 spec, that force isn't as much of an issue as they thought.


Shadow/sin might be the worst played class in the game. That doesn't mean it should A) counter everything. B) Counter the other stealth class harder then any class is countered in this game. Even on a hard counter, my marauder vs my sniper, I can at least take 3/4 of their health sometimes. On my scoundrel against my shadow? I can't even do that.


One stealth class counters the other one harder then any class counters another in this game. They also counter everything else. They don't even need all their cooldowns to do this.


This class needs nerfed. If you don't think so? You are delusional.


My favorite was someone who said slingers counter shadow? Um? Shadow opens with spinning strike (takes off ballistic charge) and now the slinger gets hit harder then any class except a sorc without a bubble up, by my procced maul. They pop their dodge,try to CC me? I can go immune AND my breach/project (hit like a freakin truck) go through their dodge. They are damn near in execute range from my opener, and after that they are just getting low slashed, mauled again if they aren't. Oh yeah... I still have my stun left LOL. :)


In before "that will destroy our pve spec". Simple solution. Add dmg to shadow technique, make it proc more, make voltaic slash hit harder. It is a freaking END TREE TALENT. This would cut down on these stupid OP hybrids that people are going to be running, and also increase the TTK, and make you do more then spam maul with a project/breach thrown in.


Also the immunity to CC needs looked at. One stealth can go immune to CC and has WAY higher mitigation AND more burst out of stealth, and as much burst in it. This is just stupid. Scoundrels either need more mitigation, or something to make shadow dps spec vs scoundrel dps spec close in a 1 v 1. If they aren't one class becomes useless and the other is fotm, to take on the other fotm (snipers).

Edited by biowareftw
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Yup they are totally balanced. I said in general that my shadow was WAY OP compared to all the other classes I play and got told off in general chat (POT5).


Smash Guardian told me they weren't and he owns them. Good focus guardian (won't reveal his name).


We dueled, lost little to no health, told him the class was so OP I would let him have a charge on me and I would stay out of stealth in the next duel. This left me without blackout on the charge (25 percent mitigation).


He saber throwed me and charged, and I low slashed him, maul, pop immunity (immune to smash, force choke, force crush), potency project, slashed him a couple times for a big hitting breach while bunny hopping around, by this time he was well below half health, and I still of course had a stun a vanish, and a defensive cooldown up to block half his crap. Didn't need any of them.


I think the only thing I used was blackout (up every time you leave stealth to give you 25 percent mitigation). He eventually smashed me for like 3.8 k (LOL). Got to love 55 percent mitigation to aoe for 12 seconds while coming out of stealth (back to back blackout), or 6 if you are caught in a worst case scenario, and of course vanish would have reset it, so I can have another 12 any time I want.


Finished the duel with about 75 percent health.


So even in a worst case scenario (full saber throw charge against no blackout), against a heavy armor burst class? I was able to kill a good player quite easily.


I still had a 3 min defensive cooldown, a instant heal (that I combine with a WZ pot in warzones), and that instant heal also makes me hit harder on shadow technique (again I didn't need this).


Seems completely legit. If we would have done the same test with my scoundrel, I would have been below half health in the opener. Cus you know...stealth classes that get caught out of stealth with a full ramp up from a hard hitting melee? USUALLY get hit hard.


Yes I could have won the same duel easily before 2.0. I could not however, have done it in half the time, due to procced maul on low slash, and breach 3 stack hitting so hard. I also would have had to...you know...use all my abilities, when caught in a bad situation.


Maul needs tones down. It is going to be an even bigger problem when people figure out by taking defensive talents in the 12/31/3 spec, that force isn't as much of an issue as they thought.


Shadow/sin might be the worst played class in the game. That doesn't mean it should A) counter everything. B) Counter the other stealth class harder then any class is countered in this game. Even on a hard counter, my marauder vs my sniper, I can at least take 3/4 of their health sometimes. On my scoundrel against my shadow? I can't even do that.


One stealth class counters the other one harder then any class counters another in this game. They also counter everything else. They don't even need all their cooldowns to do this.


This class needs nerfed. If you don't think so? You are delusional.


My favorite was someone who said slingers counter shadow? Um? Shadow opens with spinning strike (takes off ballistic charge) and now the slinger gets hit harder then any class except a sorc without a bubble up, by my procced maul. They pop their dodge,try to CC me? I can go immune AND my breach/project (hit like a freakin truck) go through their dodge. They are damn near in execute range from my opener, and after that they are just getting low slashed, mauled again if they aren't. Oh yeah... I still have my stun left LOL. :)


In before "that will destroy our pve spec". Simple solution. Add dmg to shadow technique, make it proc more, make voltaic slash hit harder. It is a freaking END TREE TALENT. This would cut down on these stupid OP hybrids that people are going to be running, and also increase the TTK, and make you do more then spam maul with a project/breach thrown in.


Also the immunity to CC needs looked at. One stealth can go immune to CC and has WAY higher mitigation AND more burst out of stealth, and as much burst in it. This is just stupid. Scoundrels either need more mitigation, or something to make shadow dps spec vs scoundrel dps spec close in a 1 v 1. If they aren't one class becomes useless and the other is fotm, to take on the other fotm (snipers).



good post, but here is some truth.


If you made Voltic Slash hit harder, people would just run around spammying just that one ability. 100% truth. Then they would whine that assassins can't do anything.



sometimes, I respect those guys that try and balance these classes.

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After they fix bolster not just Tues patch but tune it we can really see where the put liers are. As I posted in another thread dropping someone in 4 hits shouldn't happen but I have done it however I don't think the person adjusted for bolster bug and had lower expertise as there was another sage in the same WZ I couldn't come close to the dmg I did on the other one as well as other classes in WZs there are many classes putting out insane dmg right now but I don't think any have the up front burst of Decep/Inf that I have seen.


Out of multiple WZs I have only hit 1 person with an 11k maul but worse then that I crit spike first then maul then a 7k assassinate totaling close to 20k in 3-4 globals that is op and shouldn't happen. However I am not doing that to everyone. Not to say Decep isn't strong it is but I would hate to see nerfs or buffs till bolster is fixed. As that will sway dmg and dmg reduction.


That said hopefully Tuesday will be the start if shorting it out.

My experience is all in the 30-54 lvl bracket no clue how 55 is it could be balanced for all I know.

Edited by Avicii
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good post, but here is some truth.


If you made Voltic Slash hit harder, people would just run around spammying just that one ability. 100% truth. Then they would whine that assassins can't do anything.



sometimes, I respect those guys that try and balance these classes.


I am not saying to make it hit hard as maul, or a 3 stack breach, or a double project lol :)


Make shadow technique hit harder or more often and make voltaic hit harder then the ability that most hybrids take, because it hits just as hard. ATM voltaic is basically just used to get procs.


Maul simply hits too freakin hard. You can't take away how good this spec is in a one on one, but you can cut down some of the burst.


Also scoundrels/op's need something to narrow the gap between the two stealth dps specs. Right now a scoundrel/op has zero chance against a decent sin/shadow. That is broke. :(


There are two whole stealth classes in this game. They should be able to have a decent 1 v 1, because those are the two classes who are going to be ninjaing nodes, having duels that decide games often.


When one completely clownstomps the other and is as good or better in all 1 v 1's? The other becomes pointless.

Edited by biowareftw
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Why do people always assume or give examples where maul crits every time? Crit chance (at level 51-55 currently) has been nerfed by about 10%.


Right now stealth class effectiveness has been artificially and temporarily increased by two things:

1) Reduced TTK for all classes- bolster really has made it so everyone can nuke each other in a short amount of time in lowbies. This especially benefits assassins with electric ambush, because its so much easier to drop combat from nuking someone.


2) Crit bug- right now crit for 30-50 is 10% higher than for lvls 51-55. This will likely be fixed, once the developers take off their blinders and notice it. Maul and deception as a whole are extremely crit dependent.


When, these are fixed, then we can talk about whats OP and whats not..

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  • 1 month later...
i agree atm shadow-assasins are to op,they are the nemesys of gunslinger-sniper as they should be,and an good mara-sent anihilation-watchmen spec should be able to kill of an assasin with ease aswell as an sorc-sage well played in balance-madness who are the natural assasins.shadow counterpart should be able to kill with ease due to the dots and slows, atm shadow-assasins are way to op for any class. this game whas brought out with every class having theyr nemesys classes in the game but shadow assasin well played has none atm!! period
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i agree atm shadow-assasins are to op,they are the nemesys of gunslinger-sniper as they should be,and an good mara-sent anihilation-watchmen spec should be able to kill of an assasin with ease aswell as an sorc-sage well played in balance-madness who are the natural assasins.shadow counterpart should be able to kill with ease due to the dots and slows, atm shadow-assasins are way to op for any class. this game whas brought out with every class having theyr nemesys classes in the game but shadow assasin well played has none atm!! period


Seriously? How many threads you going to bump on this?


We get it. You suck and got raped by an assassin. no need to keep telling us.

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i agree atm shadow-assasins are to op,they are the nemesys of gunslinger-sniper as they should be,and an good mara-sent anihilation-watchmen spec should be able to kill of an assasin with ease aswell as an sorc-sage well played in balance-madness who are the natural assasins.shadow counterpart should be able to kill with ease due to the dots and slows, atm shadow-assasins are way to op for any class. this game whas brought out with every class having theyr nemesys classes in the game but shadow assasin well played has none atm!! period


You have some serious L2P issues bruh.

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They're fine. I beat a few good assassins with my op, and knowing it shouldn't be possible, it happened. Stop asking for everything to be nerfed and get good.


Agreed. From my GS and Sniper I felt they weren't much of an issue.


Nerf threads need to be nerfed. Bad players need to learn to play.

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Assassins are overpowered but in a fairly subtle way. They can dominate leaderboards and have some of the best intangibles to bring, but they'd never be so dominant that it feels what they bring is insurmountable, even though it can be. You can finish a WZ with say 600K damage 50K protection as Deception and sure people say numbers don't mean everything but would you rather have someone who have 500K damage and no protection? Or even 700K damage with no protection? Tankasin in general totally crushes the combined DPS/protection/heal contribution. Is that enough to win a game by itself? No, but do you want to try to win a game with even less numbers in those 3 categories combined? Edited by Astarica
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Yup they are totally balanced. I said in general that my shadow was WAY OP compared to all the other classes I play and got told off in general chat (POT5).


Smash Guardian told me they weren't and he owns them. Good focus guardian (won't reveal his name).


We dueled, lost little to no health, told him the class was so OP I would let him have a charge on me and I would stay out of stealth in the next duel. This left me without blackout on the charge (25 percent mitigation).


He saber throwed me and charged, and I low slashed him, maul, pop immunity (immune to smash, force choke, force crush), potency project, slashed him a couple times for a big hitting breach while bunny hopping around, by this time he was well below half health, and I still of course had a stun a vanish, and a defensive cooldown up to block half his crap. Didn't need any of them.


I think the only thing I used was blackout (up every time you leave stealth to give you 25 percent mitigation). He eventually smashed me for like 3.8 k (LOL). Got to love 55 percent mitigation to aoe for 12 seconds while coming out of stealth (back to back blackout), or 6 if you are caught in a worst case scenario, and of course vanish would have reset it, so I can have another 12 any time I want.


Finished the duel with about 75 percent health.


So even in a worst case scenario (full saber throw charge against no blackout), against a heavy armor burst class? I was able to kill a good player quite easily.


I still had a 3 min defensive cooldown, a instant heal (that I combine with a WZ pot in warzones), and that instant heal also makes me hit harder on shadow technique (again I didn't need this).


Seems completely legit. If we would have done the same test with my scoundrel, I would have been below half health in the opener. Cus you know...stealth classes that get caught out of stealth with a full ramp up from a hard hitting melee? USUALLY get hit hard.


Yes I could have won the same duel easily before 2.0. I could not however, have done it in half the time, due to procced maul on low slash, and breach 3 stack hitting so hard. I also would have had to...you know...use all my abilities, when caught in a bad situation.


Maul needs tones down. It is going to be an even bigger problem when people figure out by taking defensive talents in the 12/31/3 spec, that force isn't as much of an issue as they thought.


Shadow/sin might be the worst played class in the game. That doesn't mean it should A) counter everything. B) Counter the other stealth class harder then any class is countered in this game. Even on a hard counter, my marauder vs my sniper, I can at least take 3/4 of their health sometimes. On my scoundrel against my shadow? I can't even do that.


One stealth class counters the other one harder then any class counters another in this game. They also counter everything else. They don't even need all their cooldowns to do this.


This class needs nerfed. If you don't think so? You are delusional.


My favorite was someone who said slingers counter shadow? Um? Shadow opens with spinning strike (takes off ballistic charge) and now the slinger gets hit harder then any class except a sorc without a bubble up, by my procced maul. They pop their dodge,try to CC me? I can go immune AND my breach/project (hit like a freakin truck) go through their dodge. They are damn near in execute range from my opener, and after that they are just getting low slashed, mauled again if they aren't. Oh yeah... I still have my stun left LOL. :)


In before "that will destroy our pve spec". Simple solution. Add dmg to shadow technique, make it proc more, make voltaic slash hit harder. It is a freaking END TREE TALENT. This would cut down on these stupid OP hybrids that people are going to be running, and also increase the TTK, and make you do more then spam maul with a project/breach thrown in.


Also the immunity to CC needs looked at. One stealth can go immune to CC and has WAY higher mitigation AND more burst out of stealth, and as much burst in it. This is just stupid. Scoundrels either need more mitigation, or something to make shadow dps spec vs scoundrel dps spec close in a 1 v 1. If they aren't one class becomes useless and the other is fotm, to take on the other fotm (snipers).


I have a sneaking suspicion that this guy either doesn't play one or gets crsuhed by them. That's just my feeling. He says he plays all the classes but hrrmmmm. Sounds more like a complain post disguised as an "I can crush people even if I give them free charges or whatever." Weird as s post imo.


If he is telling the truth, then hubris he has in spades...

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the last alt i've made is a shadow..it's *********** awesome..pve and pvp.

but alone it doesn't make you win a wz. the main issue are bad players. and there are also other classes totally competitive. i'll change cc immunity for sure..the rest i'm still pretty new with that so i don't know.

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