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Bioware stick to classic star wars


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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.
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If you want to see more races (iconic or otherwise) buy the Cathar when they come out. The developers have stated that they're going to take under heavy consideration how well the Cathar unlock does on the Market before putting out new races. I'd love to play a Nautolan, so I'm going to buy Cathar and roll up a character.


Before the game was released, Bioware polled the fans and Cathar at the time was top one or two among the races fans wanted to see in the game. So we're being given Cathar.


Edit: And when I say buy, I mean I'm going to save my monthly CC gift for subbing and use that.

Edited by Morgani
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If you want to see more races (iconic or otherwise) buy the Cathar when they come out. The developers have stated that they're going to take under heavy consideration how well the Cathar unlock does on the Market before putting out new races. I'd love to play a Nautolan, so I'm going to buy Cathar and roll up a character.


Before the game was released, Bioware polled the fans and Cathar at the time was top one or two among the races fans wanted to see in the game. So we're being given Cathar.


Edit: And when I say buy, I mean I'm going to save my monthly CC gift for subbing and use that.


While I agree with the OP this is what I am doing in the hope that the next species will be something more Iconic and Alien. So a Kel'dor, Gran, Trandoshan, Mon'Cal etc. I just hope the next species take a lot less time than Cathar did to make it out.

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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing?


The current excuse is that we're unable to identify with any race that isn't very human-looking. It's nice of them to decide for us what gives us a sense of immersion. The runner-up is technical issues in regards to gear.

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Because this is an extension of the KOTOR saga, not the movies.


But perhaps more importantly lots of people voted and put Cathar near the top of the lists. OP might not want them but many do.


And here is a fact that you will have to live with, any race that is not a bipedal humanoid will be far, far down the list if on it at all because of the work required for modelling. Any race that does not speak basic is pretty much never going to make it into the game.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


Ithorians should be around, especially as they were major players in rebuilding Telos, but Mon Calamari are still on their homeworld and have not deveoped spaceflight.


Also their name is Mon Calamari, calamari is just food.

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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


How were Ithorians "influential" in star wars when we grew up?

The only one that even had an tiny bit of influence was admiral akbar and he was a Mon Calamari (not just calamari, thats just italian for squid).


The only times we saw aliens were in the cantina on tatooine and then once in the falcon in ROtJ.


Ok, lets say you are young enough to hold the prequels to be from "when we grew up" but even there alien species had hardly any importance at all.


So how can you say that any of them had more influence than the cathar just because the cathar were not in the movies?


Fess up instead and admit that you just dont want the cathar in the game because you want the aliens that you already have seen in the movies.

Just like alot of people keep asking for more planets from the movies.

Just like alot of people keep asking for the exact outfits from the movies.


Seriously, theres a whole galaxy out there but everyone just wants the same rehashed stuff over and over and over again. Anything new is instantly shot down as being "not true star wars".

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Ithorians should be around, especially as they were major players in rebuilding Telos, but Mon Calamari are still on their homeworld and have not deveoped spaceflight.


Also their name is Mon Calamari, calamari is just food.


What are you smoking?

There was a mon calamari supreme chancellor in 3653 BBY.

There are plenty of mon calamari in the game already.

Theres more than a few ithorians too.

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Yes, im sure you wear the same outfit now as your ancestors did 300 years ago.


Apparently they do. KotOR II had robes like the movies. So that style was around before and after this game. As said in what you quoted. Or did you just read part and put on the white knight outfit?

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Apparently they do. KotOR II had robes like the movies. So that style was around before and after this game. As said in what you quoted. Or did you just read part and put on the white knight outfit?


No no, you said they were "closer" to how they looked in the movies.

Doesnt mean they were the same.

Kinda like how a suit is a suit, but they still change throughout the ages.



Of course, you are saying that these: http://www.freewebs.com/darthmoeller/tsljedirobes1.jpg

Look alot like these: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/ja/images/b/ba/Jedi_masters1.jpg

Whilst these dont: http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/indignition2.jpg




And thats just BS.


The robes we have in the game now still look like jedi robes.

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Ithorians should be around, especially as they were major players in rebuilding Telos, but Mon Calamari are still on their homeworld and have not deveoped spaceflight.


Also their name is Mon Calamari, calamari is just food.


And because of that my smuggler got Mon Calamari failed-jedi-but-great-healer Guss? Right ...


And calamri isn't food, in SW there is no calamari food, only race, so ...

Edited by RixoFutu
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Alright so we play star wars correct? So why can't we be more of the classic races that we grew up seeing? Ithorians? Calamari? any of them. I want this game to feel more like star wars. Cathar? I don't remember Cathar being that influential in the star wars universe growing up for them to be put in such a big game as this.


1) wrong timeline. no non-human race was really influential in the movie timeline. Yeah, there were a few super hero protagonists in the movies... but so what. The imperial lore is all about minimizing non-human races and in case you had not noticed.. in this timeline.. things are pretty chaotic and there is a lot of imperial influence in the story arcs.


2) this is not the movies.. this is an MMO..... where there is no carefully choreographed and carefully presented cinematography controls in effect..... it's an interactive MMO setting where there must be almost infinite degrees of interaction between elements in the game. Take a cinematography course or two and then get back to us. If they gave you wookies in the vein of the movies.. then you would be complaining about seeing the velcro strapping holding the back of Chewbaccas fur pants to his codpiece....not to mention the fake fur and scratched up fake eyes, etc. etc.

Edited by Andryah
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I would just like people to stop ************ about Cathar until they are actually here. It's already been decided, what's the point of crying? You don't like it, don't buy it. It's pretty simple.


That is very reasonable suggestion, except that it's not whole truth. BW already stated that Cathar will test how willing players are to pay for new spieces, and if new spieces are profitable. So "You don't like it, don't buy it." doesn't cover "You don't like it but but it anyway, because otherwise there is chance race you actually want, will never be created".

Still, there is hardly any reason to complain about that right now, as it serves absolutely no purpose at all.

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The developers have stated that they're going to take under heavy consideration how well the Cathar unlock does on the Market before putting out new races.


They've actually come out and said that huh. Nice way to drive up sales so people that don't even want a cat will buy one.


I agree op, start with the races more people are familiar with/ look like badsses. Especially if this is going to be another cash grab

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