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The death of vanguard/pyro dps


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Yes, assault vanguards after 2.0 feels quite weak, ever worse than my scrapper scoundrel (at least not so fun to play) and cannot compared with my focus sentinel and guardian and most OP - my infiltration shadow... Burst from thermal detonator has gone, and what can kill 25-28 k hp enemies? When my focus chars crits on 8 k smashes, my shadow crits 9 k and my scrapper opens with 6.5-7.5 k?

5-6 k railshot looks laughable, with zero burst from detonator...

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The whole "L2P" argument always makes me laugh.


It's an MMO. If you can see, read and push buttons in a sequence based off what you read then you can play an MMO well. It's not like the skill level required to play is so above and beyond the average human being.


Either way, I'm not seeing many Vanguards/Powertechs at 55. They've all dusted off their Gunslingers and Commandos.


Looks like they should of called the expansion Rise of the Grav Round Commandos.


This game might not be the hatdest thing ever but pt are extremely easy to plsy and do well with compared to other classes and were op in 1.7. i think a slight buff would be ok but nothing more. also merc is worthlees in all specs and has been for about a year *** you talkin bout o.o. some classes need to be bufed including pt but these other classes deserve theirs before pt gets anything. also sniper and warrior need nerfs.

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You know I have a 50 pyro 50 sorc 50 mara and 50 op I feel like at any point one of the classes is just trashed into the ground during every patch. Now its my pyros turn. Why can they just not do slight nerfs instead of total class destruction.


"But the matrix shows".... Well that is because 3 decent players are left playing the class. This happened to my sorc for a long time. At least they haven't figured out yet* on how to trash all my classes at once.

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If you run a parser our burning tech damage used to account for aprox 25-30% of our total damage. now it is only about 15-20% and HIB adds up more over the course of a WZ. they cut its base damage. also they took half of thermal detonator/AP and tuned it into a dot making it no longer burst but another useless weak dot. i used to do 300k damage in my sleep in 1.7 and 750k in a good match. now at 55 i can barely hit 300k. until fixed vanguard/powertechs dont belong in any pvp or pve


dude u just kidding?


i did yesterday 310k on my lvl 11 pyro ... and it was my second wz only and was pressing buttons total randomly

and without healer... pyro rocks!

Edited by mrekxxx
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You know I have a 50 pyro 50 sorc 50 mara and 50 op I feel like at any point one of the classes is just trashed into the ground during every patch. Now its my pyros turn. Why can they just not do slight nerfs instead of total class destruction.


"But the matrix shows".... Well that is because 3 decent players are left playing the class. This happened to my sorc for a long time. At least they haven't figured out yet* on how to trash all my classes at once.


Yes, only way to pvp in this game is to have 8 characters. When they completely trash one class you move to the next until circle is complete again. -.-

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dude u just kidding?


i did yesterday 310k on my lvl 11 pyro ... and it was my second wz only and was pressing buttons total randomly

and without healer... pyro rocks!


Yah because you have auto shot with no cooldown. Every class can do that if they stay out of danger (no healer) the major problem arises when you get higher and go against really good teams. Most high teams will rather have another DPS right now.

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Yes, only way to pvp in this game is to have 8 characters. When they completely trash one class you move to the next until circle is complete again. -.-


Basically all of my classes have been gimped at one point or another. Some different extents. Honestly I remember when sorcs got the boot from the chain lightning wraith proc.. I watched at least 30 people we PVP with ditch the game. The stats must have shown it for BIO but I still don't get why they kick classes in the teeth still.



I am going to play a few rounds with my pyro tonight and see if I can be a little more viable but they really did a number on them.

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This game might not be the hatdest thing ever but pt are extremely easy to plsy and do well with compared to other classes and were op in 1.7. i think a slight buff would be ok but nothing more. also merc is worthlees in all specs and has been for about a year *** you talkin bout o.o. some classes need to be bufed including pt but these other classes deserve theirs before pt gets anything. also sniper and warrior need nerfs.


They weren't really any more OP than focus Sentinels/Guardians. As I've said there is minimal skill required on any class. Push buttons in the sequence which best suits your class. It's having some logic that players seem to lack. Blaming a bad nerf on "L2P" is silly, because one doesn't just suddenly forget to play.


As for Commandos, lol yes most people who play that class need to go to Button Pressing School, however I've been seeing them get their 600k in regular matches; which has been the highest in the warzone.

Edited by Aramyth
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Face it, after mass bubble stun and derpsmash rofl pwntech was the big joke.


The whole spec was a joke im glad its just gone. We cant know how good or bad pyro is right now because people were playing a joke of a spec for 6 months now the real game starts for the real pyrotechs.

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Face it, after mass bubble stun and derpsmash rofl pwntech was the big joke.


The whole spec was a joke im glad its just gone. We cant know how good or bad pyro is right now because people were playing a joke of a spec for 6 months now the real game starts for the real pyrotechs.


I have played many classes and roles well in pvp, ive hit almost 800k healing on both a scoundrel and sorc. and my vanguard is the class that I am best at and I am now nothing more than slight white noise. The "real" pyro's you refer to are useless no matter how well you play the class. Skill may make you "ok" but on average will do about half the damage of other classes at the moment.

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Ptechs were a burst class with an interesting set up. If you were good you could often stay out of melee range and still do some major dmg. You could also pick your targets well and set up burst and keep from being a tab target which is something that melee can't always avoid. You could even pillar hump kill the smashnoobs which was extremely hilarious.


These are skills that no other class really has to use in this game and it is why I always said that vguard has the lowest skill softcap in the game but is one of the hardest to really perfect in even matches when you are pressured. I still stand by that even though I have had all 8 classes in aug wh and did very well on all 8 of them.


orly? guess you never played a madness sorc then.

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Please stop keyboard turning and using the mouse to click your abilities.


Why should he, or anyone for that matter? Every patch Bioware nerfs classes based on what the lowest common denominator is crying about. This community needs to shut up and realize they aren't nearly as good as they think they are, and Bioware needs to stop giving in to their whining demands.

Edited by Silwyth
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I just wanted to get more attention brought to the nerf that made vanguard/powertech dps no longer viable for anything. They have destroyed this class utterly http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=624756


I would feel bad for this class had they not been one of the FOTM derp specs... Nobody felt bad after Scoundrel/Ops got their big nerf in 1.1.1 and they only enjoyed about 1 month of being the OP class. PT has been top dps along with smash spec for a long time, so sorry but welcome to the bottom...

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If you thought Powertechs were OP, it probably says more about your skill level than theirs. Very easy to counter class. Virtually no defenses. When I play on any of my other classes (I have all 8 ACs at max level), I rarely had an issue with Powertechs. In my experience it was mostly the bads that cried about this class. Ironic of course since they accuse us of lacking skill.
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I still dont get why they need to bash it to the ground. At least I have my 3 other characters but seriously... someone needs to remove the coffee from the gimp a class department.


I got pissed when my op got nerfed

I got mad when my sorc was nerfed to the ground

I am laughing right now with my pyro


Now it's looking like my op and sorc are better... ffs My advice to everyone is don't have one main and to Bioware... when you bash a class don't do it all at once because every time its been overkill except mara who after they buffed to the moon they are slowing reigning in. It's like you have a department that sole job is to effect a negative outcome... when they have nothing to do is when I am worried the most. Put them on public relations during the downtime or answering tickets.

Edited by Kegparty
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I am sure the Pyro is very good in PvE and the 3rd dot is imho a very good addition regarding talents and the talent tree.


It isn't. Well there is a hybrid that uses PFT that is semi-useful, but specing deep into pyro is just as worthless in PvE. CGC dot dmg was cut in half, which was 30% of pyro's dmg in pve. Also, TD was worthless pre 2.0 for pve specs, and just got worse with the new TD. There is actually a 60 dps loss just using the new TD in pve.

Edited by Silwyth
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It almost seems like Mr. Peckenpaugh has never even played the class. If he had he would know that the loss of crit dmg bonus to flameburst was very painful for AP, and that the spec's reliance on flamethrower would never let it be viable for ranked pvp. He would also know that because Pyro has very little utility and is extremely fragile, burst was all that made the spec viable.

while I agree that pyro pt got nerfed way too hard while other classes got big BUFFS, I really did lol when I read you (and others, including my own guildy) say that they have no utility. They have the best taunts in the game and a harpoon. their utility is very good. it's far better than their commando counterparts.


again, I fully agree that they got needlessly nerfed since literally everyone else was getting buffed, but don't rely on bs arguments to pad your reasons to fix the nerf.

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