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Why am I a Subscriber?


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So I’ve been thinking, and I’d like everyone who is a subscriber to chime in on this.


1. This is a dead horse I know but I really would like to know. I bought the collector’s edition box with the expectation that the CE vendor would have some cool stuff just for us which bioware clearly stated there would be. But there hasn’t been an update to it at all but the cartel market gets new stuff every week. Should I look into taking legal action since they clearly lied about that? I’m retired so I have all the time in the world to sit in litigation.

2. As a sub should I be restricted as if I were a free to play account? Should I have a weekly cap on anything since I’m paying a sub every month? Should I not have a better experience than a free to play account? What benefit do I have as a sub when I’m restricted to basically one piece of gear a week? What am I paying bioware for? Right now there is no point to being a sub right? Being able to do flashpoints over and over again but have restrictions on the amount of coms I can get a week? Doesn’t that negate each other?

3. Is my only option, to have an equal experience with what I’m paying for, to unsubscribe? I like this game and I have meet a lot of cool people. Until this recent expansion I wasn’t playing at all since there was nothing to do and I got burnt out on pvp. But I got thru the story line at lv 53 and now I’m on to getting geared for ops but with the restrictions I won’t be able to participate in them for months.

4. So why should I still be a subscriber? What should I do?


Any response is welcome.

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So I’ve been thinking, and I’d like everyone who is a subscriber to chime in on this.


1. This is a dead horse I know but I really would like to know. I bought the collector’s edition box with the expectation that the CE vendor would have some cool stuff just for us which bioware clearly stated there would be. But there hasn’t been an update to it at all but the cartel market gets new stuff every week. Should I look into taking legal action since they clearly lied about that? I’m retired so I have all the time in the world to sit in litigation.

2. As a sub should I be restricted as if I were a free to play account? Should I have a weekly cap on anything since I’m paying a sub every month? Should I not have a better experience than a free to play account? What benefit do I have as a sub when I’m restricted to basically one piece of gear a week? What am I paying bioware for? Right now there is no point to being a sub right? Being able to do flashpoints over and over again but have restrictions on the amount of coms I can get a week? Doesn’t that negate each other?

3. Is my only option, to have an equal experience with what I’m paying for, to unsubscribe? I like this game and I have meet a lot of cool people. Until this recent expansion I wasn’t playing at all since there was nothing to do and I got burnt out on pvp. But I got thru the story line at lv 53 and now I’m on to getting geared for ops but with the restrictions I won’t be able to participate in them for months.

4. So why should I still be a subscriber? What should I do?


Any response is welcome.


1. Its been added to it twice now. If you want to try some litigation without even being aware of the circumstances, you're welcome to, but once a year probably falls under a court's definition of reasonable, and it makes up such a small portion of the CE that winning would result in only nominal restitution.

2. Try f2p and get back to us on how a sub is exactly like f2p.

3. If you won't be able to play them for months, clearly, you're not actually capping your commendations. Gear through 50 HMs to be able to do 55 HMs, which will allow you to get gear for the 55 SM OPs. Pretty straightforward.

4. Entirely up to you. Its possible to end game without a subscription through the use of weekly passes, and you'll also need a bunch of unlocks before unsubbing as well. This is more of an option for those who have a bunch of credits(though of course credits are capped as f2p).

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So I’ve been thinking, and I’d like everyone who is a subscriber to chime in on this.


1. This is a dead horse I know but I really would like to know. I bought the collector’s edition box with the expectation that the CE vendor would have some cool stuff just for us which bioware clearly stated there would be. But there hasn’t been an update to it at all but the cartel market gets new stuff every week. Should I look into taking legal action since they clearly lied about that? I’m retired so I have all the time in the world to sit in litigation.

2. As a sub should I be restricted as if I were a free to play account? Should I have a weekly cap on anything since I’m paying a sub every month? Should I not have a better experience than a free to play account? What benefit do I have as a sub when I’m restricted to basically one piece of gear a week? What am I paying bioware for? Right now there is no point to being a sub right? Being able to do flashpoints over and over again but have restrictions on the amount of coms I can get a week? Doesn’t that negate each other?

3. Is my only option, to have an equal experience with what I’m paying for, to unsubscribe? I like this game and I have meet a lot of cool people. Until this recent expansion I wasn’t playing at all since there was nothing to do and I got burnt out on pvp. But I got thru the story line at lv 53 and now I’m on to getting geared for ops but with the restrictions I won’t be able to participate in them for months.

4. So why should I still be a subscriber? What should I do?


Any response is welcome.

1) At what point did BW state that they would continuously provide items to the CE vendor? For the record, they have added a few items to it since launch.


2) There's a lot more restrictions than you think if the caps are a major concern when comparing the two.


3) Not sure what to tell you here.


4) Unsub and remind yourself of what the true limitations are of F2P and then resub.


And finally, you clearly seem very bitter about the game. Maybe it's time to move on to something else? Nothing wrong with doing that if you're not happy here. Just my 2 cents...

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1. Its been added to it twice now. If you want to try some litigation without even being aware of the circumstances, you're welcome to, but once a year probably falls under a court's definition of reasonable, and it makes up such a small portion of the CE that winning would result in only nominal restitution.

2. Try f2p and get back to us on how a sub is exactly like f2p.

3. If you won't be able to play them for months, clearly, you're not actually capping your commendations. Gear through 50 HMs to be able to do 55 HMs, which will allow you to get gear for the 55 SM OPs. Pretty straightforward.

4. Entirely up to you. Its possible to end game without a subscription through the use of weekly passes, and you'll also need a bunch of unlocks before unsubbing as well. This is more of an option for those who have a bunch of credits(though of course credits are capped as f2p).


So how is a sub better than free to play?

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So how is a sub better than free to play?


well for a start, as a subscriber you can run as many flashpoints as you damn well please. a free to play is IIRC, limited.


secondly you can go do operations, F2Ps need to buy weekly access to that.

Thirdly... you can actually equip that pretty purple gear. F2Ps can't.


you can hide your headpeice (which is a blessing) F2P can't.


you have match to chest... F2P doesn't.


you can PVP all you want. F2P can't.


and I'm sure there's more

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OP, I didn't read your post because to be honest I cherish my brain cells too much to subject them to your self-entitled drivel.


However, based on the title of your thread, I can tell you that I subscribe to SWTOR because for $15 a month I get hours upon hours of entertainment value. In comparison, $15 gets me a movie & popcorn or two beers at the local pub in real life.


If $15 per month causes you so much angst, step away from the keyboard and get a real job.

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If you can't make up your mind on whether or not something is worth a dollar value, I feel like maybe you have bigger problems than people on a website ignoring you.


Just read the FAQ on the differences between a subscriber and a F2P member and decide if it's worth the money. I think it would also be nice to just try F2P yourself (since you don't risk anything by not paying money) and give the credit card back to your parents before you make any more stupid mistakes.

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well for a start, as a subscriber you can run as many flashpoints as you damn well please. a free to play is IIRC, limited.


secondly you can go do operations, F2Ps need to buy weekly access to that.

Thirdly... you can actually equip that pretty purple gear. F2Ps can't.


you can hide your headpeice (which is a blessing) F2P can't.


you have match to chest... F2P doesn't.


you can PVP all you want. F2P can't.


and I'm sure there's more


But doesn't the weekly cap make that null?

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Why be a subscriber? Simple, it's called we still care about this game. The F2P person does not, otherwise they would be subscribers. 15 a month is a small price to pay for more unlocks than the F2P person. However, anymore it feels as though EAware caters more to the F2P and cartel market instead of giving more incentives to be a subscriber.
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Why be a subscriber? Simple, it's called we still care about this game. The F2P person does not, otherwise they would be subscribers. 15 a month is a small price to pay for more unlocks than the F2P person. However, anymore it feels as though EAware caters more to the F2P and cartel market instead of giving more incentives to be a subscriber.


So you think it's worth the unlocks to beat your head against a wall? I don't mean that to sound rude but that is in essence what we're doing with a cap right?

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But doesn't the weekly cap make that null?


No, because a free or preferred can get the rewards from 3 FP a week unless they buy weekly passes. They can't do Ops at all unless they buy a weekly pass. That limit really slows down the amount of Basic or Elite comms you can earn.


So you think it's worth the unlocks to beat your head against a wall? I don't mean that to sound rude but that is in essence what we're doing with a cap right?


Not anywhere close to beating my head against the wall. I might hit the basic comms limit (currently at 198 of 300) on 1 character this week but I have been putting a lot more hours in on that 1 character than I normally would.


And your item 3 in the OP is rubbish. After a whole 4 days my JK is running HM 55 FPS with ease in majority 66 gear and getting the Underworld gear as drops. If you want to gear up fast then run FPs for drops because subs have no limit for those and run TFB SM for Arkanian gear then HM for Underworld.


Even if you did it with just comms then the 300 cap is 2-4 pieces of gear each week.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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OP, I didn't read your post because to be honest I cherish my brain cells too much to subject them to your self-entitled drivel.


However, based on the title of your thread, I can tell you that I subscribe to SWTOR because for $15 a month I get hours upon hours of entertainment value. In comparison, $15 gets me a movie & popcorn or two beers at the local pub in real life.


If $15 per month causes you so much angst, step away from the keyboard and get a real job.


This post.

Nailed it.

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I would agree that you got ripped off with the CE, but truth be told I also got ripped off for preordering the box(s) when you could get the game for free a year later.


To answer your question I am a sub now because I sometimes like to pvp with a lightsaber and as someone else said $15 can't get you much these days. I can also take this game for what it is now, and I enjoy it much more than I did when I had expectations for it.


As someone that has been around since the first early access day, I also find how quick they put new items in the cartel market to be amusing. If the cash grab offends you you should quit and not give this game or company a second thought, or take it for what it is and enjoy what you like about it.

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No, because a free or preferred can get the rewards from 3 FP a week unless they buy weekly passes. They can't do Ops at all unless they buy a weekly pass. That limit really slows down the amount of Basic or Elite comms you can earn.




Not anywhere close to beating my head against the wall. I might hit the basic comms limit (currently at 198 of 300) on 1 character this week but I have been putting a lot more hours in on that 1 character than I normally would.


And your item 3 in the OP is rubbish. After a whole 4 days my JK is running HM 55 FPS with ease in majority 66 gear and getting the Underworld gear as drops. If you want to gear up fast then run FPs for drops because subs have no limit for those and run TFB SM for Arkanian gear then HM for Underworld.


Even if you did it with just comms then the 300 cap is 2-4 pieces of gear each week.


Thank you. You make a better argument than anyone that has posted yet.

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Ashal, you are asking people to do the math for you. You are going to have to do the math for yourself. You are retired, you have the time.


Not asking anyone to do any math. Just asking other subs why I should stay a sub. What am I paying for.

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I would agree that you got ripped off with the CE, but truth be told I also got ripped off for preordering the box(s) when you could get the game for free a year later.


To answer your question I am a sub now because I sometimes like to pvp with a lightsaber and as someone else said $15 can't get you much these days. I can also take this game for what it is now, and I enjoy it much more than I did when I had expectations for it.


As someone that has been around since the first early access day, I also find how quick they put new items in the cartel market to be amusing. If the cash grab offends you you should quit and not give this game or company a second thought, or take it for what it is and enjoy what you like about it.


You make a good case for free to play.

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So how is a sub better than free to play?



being a sub in this game has many pros to it and only a few cons try being free to play then you will under stand


i left for a break came back tryed f2p for 1 week and i was like f**k this im going to pay the 15 bucks its more then worth it for the exp on new avatars alone plus the gear and the credits and the access to guild banks


f2p is more like f2 try in this game and even if you do buy unlocks you can only roll on gear few rolls a week

yes they restrict how many time you roll on gear lol


try it then come back and tell us ya sub aint worth it:D

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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But doesn't the weekly cap make that null?


nope not at all. remember the bonus boss and the end boss of the HM 55 FPs drop black market gear. so you can in theory run flashpoints day in and day out to gear out that way, without haveing to purchase the items with coms.

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