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Don't like Cathar


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So playing through the new expansion pack with early access gave me a couple of oppertunites to see the cathar race again. Personally I do not like the Cathar race, and they appear really out of place in the game. They have cat-like features (cat nose, and face, hair), but have Bat ears, and them having a human voice and speaking english makes it a little over the top. I feel that if Cathar spoke another language it would look a little more normal (like wookies, some robots, or other races were they use text to show you what they are saying). I cannot imagine this being a main race in the game, and honestly don't see it being used very much... I could be wrong, but again, I dont think a Cathar would be a BA sith marauder, or a powerful Sorc. Just my opinion on the matter, seeing what other people think after playing the expansion a little and seeing the cather a little more.
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Yeah, we'll see.


Cathar are not really a favorite race for what I want to assume is the majority of players, but at the same time there is an audience for them. I know my girlfriend is excited about them, and she has friends who think the race looks cool and most importantly different.


When World of Warcraft comes out with a new race, all you see is that race. Friggin' pandas left, right, and three ways to Sunday. The biggest positive I see with the Cathar is that we'll get some added into the world, but as long as it's not given out for free, we'll not upset the race balance so much that it becomes Rise of the Cathar Cathar Cathar Cartel. If we can avoid a RotCCCCC situation, I'll be fine with it. As long as more races come, and hopefully don't take as long (if they can streamline the process or just avoid clipping because I don't care, I want a Togruta), I think it'll be fun enough to see a new race come into game.

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I don't like them either. I mean, in the movies there was no cathar afaik, very few people outside this game actually know about their existence (or just my ignorance?). Tbh, I didn't notice them even during my 50 lvls, they were just another nameless alien type to me. Why would they choose this race to add in the game first since there are many more known which they could pick?


I'm not really complaining, I don't need new races at all, just saying if they added Duros, Rodian etc, those we know for years, I might be interested. Adding Cathar is like they added nothing from my perspective.

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Agreed, Cathar seems like one of those races that would have been added way down the line, and I was expecting a more bold, popular race to come out for the first 'new race' in the game... something to draw players to the game, and for some reason, I personally don't see Cathar having that effect. It does seem the women like Cathar quite a bit, but it just doesn't look right watching and listening to a Cathar speaking perfect english, which an english accent. I picture them having a hiss to their voice, or speaking some really weird language.
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I believe one of the KoTOR games had a speaking Cathar in it, who used a kind of Russian accent (according some wiki) and I enjoy when the different races have different modes of speech, but part of this game is accepting that every Sith Marauder will sound the same, annoying as it is.


They'll fit in fine. It's a nice nod to the KOTOR vets and since chicks dig 'em hopefully we'll all meet a lot of girls online and fall in love and do operations as married couples.

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I dont like Cathar and what we are seeing is what I assume will be the Cathar player models. I didnt even release they were Cathar until I was told. That said we all know they will be the next playable species so lets get them rolled out so we can move onto a better species.
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ITT- a bunch of people basing what they think Cathar should be on... actually, it seems based on not knowing anything about cathar.


There was a cathar in KOTOR for one, cathar IS one of the most popular humanoid choices; all the race polls have shown that they beat out almost every other species that isn't in the game yet.


Naturally, it's going to be one of those things some like and some hate- but they definitely can't be considered a species that isn't both anticipated and long asked for.

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I dont like Cathar either. They lookin childish like pandas in WoW. And this word "Cathar" is biblical , heretic and is from our planet / real world.

"Catharism 1] was a name given to a Christian religious movement with dualistic and gnostic elements"

"The Cathars were a religious group who appeared in Europe in the eleventh century, their origins something of a mystery though there is reason to believe their ideas came from Persia by way of the Byzantine Empire, the Balkans and Northern Italy"


I would like to see my favourite SW race - Kel Dor ;)http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kel_Dor

This race is playable in Jedi Academy and Plo Koon is awesome in The Clone Wars.


Maybe will be difficult to put them into SWTOR coz their language and most of them dont speak english. They cant have romance coz they wearing a mask and cant kiss their gay fellos on Makeb :p

Edited by iankalo
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To each their own. *shrug* Heck, I don't really care for Chiss or Sith Purebloods and don't remember seeing any of them in the movies, but they are pretty popular.


But whatever some people may think of Cathar, I remember the old polls about "what playable race do you want?" and Cathar were very popular. Togruta were also highly requested, IIRC, but they are a lot harder to implement (I have seen screenshots with Ashara's head tails clipping through her face).


Also, I don't get the whole "eww cat people!" thing. :confused: They don't have cat ears, just pointy little semi-elven looking ears. They don't have tails. They don't have claws. They don't have slit pupils, and I heard that they may have done away with the sharp teeth. The closest they get to "furry" so far is a slight fur-like texture on a male that looks suspiciously reminiscent of human facial hair. A neat looking race, but not very cat-like in my eyes -- if I want to play a "cat person", I'll go play FFXI or FFXIV. :p

Edited by Gwena
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To each their own. *shrug* Heck, I don't really care for Chiss or Sith Purebloods and don't remember seeing any of them in the movies, but they are pretty popular.


But whatever some people may think of Cathar, I remember the old polls about "what playable race do you want?" and Cathar were very popular. Togruta were also highly requested, IIRC, but they are a lot harder to implement (I have seen screenshots with Ashara's head tails clipping through her face).


Also, I don't get the whole "eww cat people!" thing. :confused: They don't have cat ears, just pointy little semi-elven looking ears. They don't have tails. They don't have claws. They don't have slit pupils, and I heard that they may have done away with the sharp teeth. The closest they get to "furry" so far is a slight fur-like texture on a male that looks suspiciously reminiscent of human facial hair. A neat looking race, but not very cat-like in my eyes -- if I want to play a "cat person", I'll go play FFXI or FFXIV. :p


They look more like weird colored Panthers... Panther People

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I'd rather have Turian as a playable race instead of Cathar.

Same goes for Krogan, Salarian, Asari, all of these seem 1000x better.


I'd be more interested in seeing Elcor or Hanar than Cathar.


Well, since you got me started...






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I'd rather have Turian as a playable race instead of Cathar.

Same goes for Krogan, Salarian, Asari, all of these seem 1000x better.


I'd be more interested in seeing Elcor or Hanar than Cathar.


Well, since you got me started...







Korgan all the way, I would totally play a Krogan Bounty Hunter, or a Vakarian Sniper over most of the races... actually it seems that Mass Effect has better races in general, when comparing apples to apples. I have said this before, but I personally feel that bioware used the wrong IP for a bioware MMO....

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until now i cant really ge it, we asked many times for Togruta, wookies, muun, Nautolan or Kel Dor...


but instead we get the Cathar, talking/humanoid cats...


Wookiees will never be playable, BW has stated their reasons for this. Togruta have clipping issues that they need to work out before they can even begin to think of implementing them. Kel Dor most likely won'tbe added for obvious reasons. Nautolan may added after Cathar.


Everyone needs to stop with the Cathar hate. Complaing about them gets you nowhere. This is Bioware's game, not yours. THEY decide what to add, not us. They wanted to add Cathar first and judge how well they are accepted. The better they do the more likely it is to see Togruta or something else in the future. Besides, Cathar have been one of the most asked for species.


If you hate Cathar then don't make one, that simple.

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you know as far as feline species in star wars, there are a TON of other ones as well, Cathar are far from the only ones:


togorian , Horanzi, cantrosian, bothan, fras etc etc etc so I cant say they dont fit, though there is a distinct lack of many species to start with Perhaps if they had more examples of canine species like Shistavanens or Defel or something to off set it it may not be as stand out-ish to people

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you know as far as feline species in star wars, there are a TON of other ones as well, Cathar are far from the only ones:


togorian , Horanzi, cantrosian, bothan, fras etc etc etc so I cant say they dont fit, though there is a distinct lack of many species to start with Perhaps if they had more examples of canine species like Shistavanens or Defel or something to off set it it may not be as stand out-ish to people


Actually, you are only partially correct about Bothans...


Bothans (pronounced /'bɑθɪn/) were furry mammalian anthropoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features.


That from Wookipedia. So they could add Bothans and give them the canine appearance. I have been wanting Bothans to be added for a long time. While they can have feline or equine features, most times they are described as canines. Besides, Bothans are just awesome. I'd make a Bothan Operative in a second.

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You will never get a race that doesn't speak basic (english) as long as this is a fully voiced game. And there are over 100 races in the EU that weren't in the movies, I love the movies yes but get over them this game is part of the EU. If you've only watched the movies and that's the extent of your knowledge be prepared for a lot of things you don't recognize or know about.
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