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Light side Sith FAIL HARD


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Actually, Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo, son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo) becomes a sith to save the galaxy from Corellia's threat bla bla bla. He becomes a sith because Lady Lumiya convinces him that being a sith doesn't mean being necessarily evil, because a sith lord before her, (I forget his name I'm sorry) was a good hearted sith but did what had to be done for the good of the galaxy and the sith. He had a family, he wasn't psychotic, he didn't kill (at least not ruthlessly). He wanted the sith to rule the empire, but he always refused to be in any way evil about it. Caedus bases his values off that. Lumiya was evil but she's more like grey in the books, she doesn't seem evil in any way and she kicks ***, brings Jacen to the dark side and teaches him about being a sith.


TL;DR AND DIDN'T CARE: There we're some succesful light sided sith in the STAR WARS lore already, and they were succesful.

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The whole idea of light and dark is not good or evil like a traditional RP game. The whole idea of the dark side of the force is giving in to emotions, feed your hate and all that.

Making light side choices as a sith is more about thinking long term instead of giving in to that urge to kill right there and then.

You could argue that the emperor in the movies started out as a light side sith :p. It took years of planning, hiding, making decision for a distant future instead of just killing everything in sight and letting the dark side control him.

It's all about rage vs a clear head, violence vs calculated manipulation and planning.

Neither has to be "good".

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Seriously, if you're playing on the Empire side and are a Sith isn't it pretty stupid to go LIght side? IF you want to play the light side roll a damn Jedi. No Sith in the history of star wars has been considered a "good guy" so why would you ruin the tradition of the Sith and be kind to people and pick the good choices? *Facepalm*


so a sith should be Evil in default? is that what you mean?


well sir you got the whole thing wrongly, DS/LS means more options which means more fun which means the true nature of life...

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Seriously, if you're playing on the Empire side and are a Sith isn't it pretty stupid to go LIght side? IF you want to play the light side roll a damn Jedi. No Sith in the history of star wars has been considered a "good guy" so why would you ruin the tradition of the Sith and be kind to people and pick the good choices? *Facepalm*


You can tell us, did a light side sith touch you in a bad place? That's why your mad?

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If a Sith that's not completely malicious bothers you, you'd actually lose sleep over my Dark V Jedi Knight that


impulsively, pointlessly slaughtered a Mystic and his guardian, dooming the entire population of Voss to be consumed by Sel-Makor's darkness because, basically, I felt like it.


Then went on to be decorated as a celebrated hero anyway, because I killed some old guy with a disassociative-identity disorder on Dromund Kaas.


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Seriously, if you're playing on the Empire side and are a Sith isn't it pretty stupid to go LIght side? IF you want to play the light side roll a damn Jedi. No Sith in the history of star wars has been considered a "good guy" so why would you ruin the tradition of the Sith and be kind to people and pick the good choices? *Facepalm*


Why are you so threatened by this?

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Seriously, if you're playing on the Empire side and are a Sith isn't it pretty stupid to go LIght side? IF you want to play the light side roll a damn Jedi. No Sith in the history of star wars has been considered a "good guy" so why would you ruin the tradition of the Sith and be kind to people and pick the good choices? *Facepalm*


Why would other people's choice on their characters make 1 bit of difference to you? Does it affect how you play the game? Does it affect/change the choices you make? The answer to both is no. You may go away now.

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Look people, I don't give a crap about what you say and how you justify your actions, it will never change the truth. And that truth is that, SITH ARE EVIL AND MURDEROUS by nature. Deal with it. That's the dark side folks. Hatred and Anger!


If you can''t handle that logic then roll a Jedi.


PS: I also have a problem with Sith being able to use "Light" side crystal for their lightswords

Edited by Daknel
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Look people, I don't give a crap about what you say and how you justify your actions, it will never change the truth. And that truth is that, SITH ARE EVIL AND MURDEROUS by nature. Deal with it. That's the dark side folks. Hatred and Anger!


If you can''t handle that logic then roll a Jedi.


PS: I also have a problem with Sith being able to use "Light" side crystal for their lightswords


Go ahead and live in denial. I hear that cave is quite nice >>>>>>

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Actually, Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo, son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo) becomes a sith to save the galaxy from Corellia's threat bla bla bla. He becomes a sith because Lady Lumiya convinces him that being a sith doesn't mean being necessarily evil, because a sith lord before her, (I forget his name I'm sorry) was a good hearted sith but did what had to be done for the good of the galaxy and the sith. He had a family, he wasn't psychotic, he didn't kill (at least not ruthlessly). He wanted the sith to rule the empire, but he always refused to be in any way evil about it. Caedus bases his values off that. Lumiya was evil but she's more like grey in the books, she doesn't seem evil in any way and she kicks ***, brings Jacen to the dark side and teaches him about being a sith.


TL;DR AND DIDN'T CARE: There we're some succesful light sided sith in the STAR WARS lore already, and they were succesful.


And in the end still was killed by his own sister....to save the galaxy.

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Look people, I don't give a crap about what you say and how you justify your actions, it will never change the truth. And that truth is that, SITH ARE EVIL AND MURDEROUS by nature. Deal with it. That's the dark side folks. Hatred and Anger!


If you can''t handle that logic then roll a Jedi.


PS: I also have a problem with Sith being able to use "Light" side crystal for their lightswords


that's not all true. what we learn from the movies/books w/e is that the republic ends up becoming the "bad guys" episode 3 teaches you bad and good within their lore is just a point of view. they just do things differently yes it would look extreme in the republic's eyes but step in the shoes of an imperial's life that's just a normal every day thing.

Edited by -Kyuzo-
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I don't know about Bounty Hunter and Agents but it is a fact that in a militaristic society such as the Empire, going against the grain would net you nothing but getting beheaded. You can make up all the cool back story and call the darkside "moronic" or "stupid" all you like but really....it's the Sith. You didn't become a Sith to help old women across the hyperlanes. You did it for power, wealth, influence. I'm not saying you can't play like you want but I'm going to let you in on a little secret....




If this were real your Sith would be dead. This is almost a certainty. Enjoy your game :rak_03:

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Allow me to point out that a Sith is merely a Force user to whom emotion, not rational thought, is the guiding principle behind their understanding and use of the Force.


Let's elaborate on the first phrase of the Sith Code: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion..."


Passion for what? Self-enrichment? The Empire? Or for the love of another? Passion is an emotional reaction...the core of how a Sith uses the Force.

Edited by Lewintelamon
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Allow me to point out that a Sith is merely a Force user to whom emotion, not rational thought, is the guiding principle behind their understanding and use of the Force.


Palpatine had plenty of rationale. It allowed him to pull a jack move on the entire galaxy.

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Palpatine had plenty of rationale. It allowed him to pull a jack move on the entire galaxy.


Yes, Palpatine was cunning as all hell. He didn't so much have to use his power as use everyone else for the advancement of his own power. Even Darth Vader. But he still used his passion for power in his use of the Force.


FYI: Anakin was using the dark side because he believed it would save the ones he loved.

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PS: I also have a problem with Sith being able to use "Light" side crystal for their lightswords

Why doesn't that surprise me?


For your information. Lightsaber color is canonically NOT affected nor restricted by force alignment. There IS canonically a tradition, but there are examples in canon where that tradition was broken. Traditions are NOT laws of nature. Traditions are meant to be broken the moment people forget about their origins.


A comicbook picture where Darth Vader activated Luke's BLUE lightsaber, and it produced a RED blade instead of the blue from the crystal it had, was officially RETCONNED. By Mr GL himself, long before he started having brainfarts about things like midichlorians or Greedo shooting AT ALL.


Whinakin used a BLUE lightsaber AFTER he fell to the Dark Side. That not only proves that there is no physical restriction to using a blade of different color, it also proves it was better to keep wielding that saber instead of grabbing Dooku's.


General Grievous used all kinds of lightsabers, while he wasn't even Force Sensitive! That means there is NO link between the lightsaber and its wielder. He was able to use them because his cybernetics gave him the skills required to control one. The lightsaber is merely a tool. A dead piece of metal with a battery, some electronics and a piece of expensive colored glass. The Force enhances the Jedi's or Sith's capabilities to wield it proficiently.

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The lightsaber is merely a tool. A dead piece of metal with a battery, some electronics and a piece of expensive colored glass.


And as a certain Energizer commerical pointed out, susceptible to cheapo batteries. :D If you're in a heated fight, pray those batteries aren't Supervolt....

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Palpatine had plenty of rationale. It allowed him to pull a jack move on the entire galaxy.


Palpatine also didn't run around killing kittens for fun. Your whole premise that Sith must be psychopathic mass murderers who kill 29 people before breakfast is completely false.


PS: I also have a problem with Sith being able to use "Light" side crystal for their lightswords


Not our fault you don't understand much about lightsabers. I bet you also think you shouldn't be able to hide darkside corruption on your face.

Edited by Caelrie
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Our characters live in very troubled times.

Many from the Light will fall to the Darkness.

Many from the Darkness, will turn to the Light.


Is one, who is trained as a Sith, still a Sith when he/she follows the Light?

Is one, who is trained as a Jedi, still a Jedi when he/she falls to Darkness?


Just because their class name says so?


Perhaps what is needed here, is some imagination, and not a reliance on game mechanics.

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