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Consular Companions


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As a PvE raiding Sage, Balance spec, I have Nadia decked out in Columi/Rakata gear. Every now and then I'll bust out Iresso, who is similarly geared, for certain things, but it's very rare. I'd much rather have a Jedi Guardian as a companion, would make more sense to me, rather than a giant lizard.


Bioware did some extra fail when it came to Consular companions. In all honesty, why don't Guardians have a Scoundrel? Wasn't Harrison Ford classified as a Scoundrel in the movie? Haven't seen the movies in a good 20 years, but I could have sworn he walked around shooting people with a pistol, not bandaging people up like Doc.

Edited by QuadDamage
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I am not completely impressed with the Consular companions


Fenton...sorry, Qyzen... cannot stop himself from attacking EVERYTHING - you walk past a mob you don't want to waste your time beating up and there goes Fenton right into them! How many times I have died because of him I can't actually remember.

Oh yes, he pretty much hates everything good that I do, especially compassionate things.



Tharan - when he bothers to get around to healing you he is very good but when he is off dreaming of all the naughty electric things he wants to do to Holiday he really doesn't do his job well!

He is mightily grumpy with me because I keep using the Force and I refused to go out with him.


Zenith - just plain grumpy, dies a lot because I am no healer.

He does not like ANYTHING I do.


Iresso - again, dies a lot, funny guy though and always happy to see me do all the things Zentih , Tharan and Fenton hate.


Nadia - haven't played alongside her but again, since I am not a healer, what is the point?



Compare this with our Jedi Knight


T7 - nutter droid who is capable of going properly ballistic on most enemies and just cannot be any happier with you, he bubbles alongside you with all the eagerness of an excited puppy. Great companion.


Kira - despite yelling some rather suggestive comments now and then, she seems perfectly happy to tear your enemies a new one. Although not reaching the dizzy heights of happiness that T7 produces, she is still more than delighted to see you do good things.


I've played alongside Doc with my Guild friends and he seems to be a pretty good healer, he actually cares if you live or not and doesn't seem obsessed with holograms!


I love playing the Consular, it is a brilliant story and the powers are incredibly good fun to hurl around, I just wouldn't mind some better companions who are actually useful to my character.

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I find the lizard tard good...I have a guildie who can craft his weapon's the superior/Mastercraft quality.So there is no problem keeping him geared up.Just get the guildie to make the weapon and im good to go.when i start gearing up for endgame it wont matter because i will be in a group anyways.
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i agree on, that it sucks baaaddd that we have to wait until 40ish to get a jedi follower and romance-able female char :S thats a really phail move from the dev team, make that better pls for future players !... BUT when thats said i have to say tharan is a pretty sweet companion for a shadow, the survivability is insane when im running with him.


Heres a thought, make the player able to pick his/hers first companion from the list of companions open for that class, for ex myself, i really want nadia (jedi, blue alien, hot)

but i have to play thru 70 % of the storyline to get her... thats just plain sad :S


The companion idea of this game is an unpolished diamond...

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The companion idea of this game is an unpolished diamond...


Well, tbh, same thing with many other features. Crafting/modding comes to mind. It's brilliant pre-50, but currently in a really bad state for endgame use. That's getting changes now though :)


I really hope they expand the idea/use of companions as well. Giving us a chance to pick their role (would make so much sense story-wise for the padawans of consular/knight, but would sure be cool for others as well), giving them more use for endgame, expand stories etc... they'd have something very unique to compete with other games out there/coming soon. And your part of "unpolished diamond" is so spot on, apart from picking their role all of that works while leveling, but stops at 50. Seeing how it could be makes it all more annoying :p

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I think what I'd like to change is Tharan's personality - I HAVE to use him, there is no other companion that works with my build, my Sage is not a healer, she is mainly a DPS Force hurler.


If you are a healer - I am going to make the rather bold statement here that you guys could pick whoever you wanted and I think it would work. You can have a full on tank, ranged tank or dps or even a combat dps and you'd be able to wander through the game rather well. Give any of those companions the right armour, gun, combat weapon - they can dish out the damage and kill enemies, you could keep them alive and yourself too. If I am wrong in that assumption, please let me know, I'm still a noob, delusions of grandeur etc :D


But - my Sage is naturally squishy, not inclined to heal, hurls the Force around and basically is built with damaging enemies and interrupting their attacks in mind. With this build, which is what I want, I HAVE to take Tharan.


He is a good healer but my goodness is he a sarcastic, Force hating, hypocritcal companion if ever there was one! I have lost count of the companion points I have lost with him because I saved/healed/used the Force in anyway at all. He has worked with Jedi before - he acts like he has never seen a Jedi weild the Force and seems genuinely surprised that you'd ever want to use it!


If I had the choice of healer, I'd have Nadia or Irresso with their bubbly personalities and understanding of Jedi ways - I could be kind to people and not get frowned at everytime!

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