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Nu Bolster = NO skill required.


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Let me explain how it works, from two different categories.


In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points.

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear.

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly.


In Column 1, we have the naked level 30.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of ~10 skills.

#2 Allocate 20 talent points.

#3 No PVP experience required.

#4 No gear management required.

#5 Spams most damaging ability.


So, as clearly outlined above, bolster takes skill OUT of the equation. Please, cry more about how a level 50 owned you. Guess what? They should own you. They have more skills, more practice, and better gear, and this is an RPG, where gear should matter. Otherwise, I have no reason to play SWTOR when I can just as easily PVP in Mortal Kombat, Crysis, StarCraft, or WOW.


Bolster, as a coder pointed out in another thread, is a complex and expensive piece of work, with moving parts that are starting to work incorrectly together. Many gear slots are given uneven weights, and the fact that we now have naked bolster is a true testament to the failure of the system.


So, what do we do? Where do we go? I suggest three things:

#1 Remove bolster. It takes away the skill and the RPG elements of the game.

#2 Add a bunch of new PVP brackets. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-54, and 55 stands alone.

#3 Because we will have so many brackets in PVP, we will need cross-server Warzone queues. I'm not big on anonymity, but I think we should just do this and get it over with.

#4 The next time a cacophony of players suggest something on PTS, and you say you are fixing it, please fix it before the content goes live.



That is all.

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bolster is bugged and is a known issue. it was bugged on pts all the way up to the end and they never noticed. but they admitted that they missed it.


should probably wait for the fix before proposing new plans

Not really. Bolster has had its day, and Bioware has had over 1.5 years to convince us that it was a good system, but the fact is, this bug wouldn't have happened if Bolster wasn't such a fragile and breakable system. And, for a long time, I did not want cross server PVP, but now, seeing how borked Bolster is, I welcome the change.

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In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points.

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear.

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly.

#1 Drop the 20 crappiest skills you have off your bars

#2 Put 20 points where you want them and roll dice to place the rest

#3 Stick all your gear in the bank and forget about it

#4 Dump your entire inventory on the floor


Problem solved.


Or stop being a lazy bad and whining about how you can't pwn face since they took your crutch away.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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You do realize non-smashers actually need more than a single bar for full rotations and survivability right?


My Madness-Sorc cycles through an entire bar and half during most encounters...


...do not even talk to me about my Sin....


I think I know who the bad is here.

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So OP you just want wows system.. well if you like it so much go play that.



its not like they have done a great job on balancing pvp.

I think I will play WOW. I don't know if my account can be unlocked. It was hacked back in 2010 sometime.


I had to lol when you talk about balance though. I hear Gears of War has some balanced PVP. You know how they did that? They didn't put any character classes in the game. That's the only way to ever have perfectly balanced PVP in a game.

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Bolster isnt that bad but it does have its downsides people who were bad before the buff are still bad now they just got a little more hp for you to spank down. Although i dont like random green boys doing big damage on me when they might not even know what the hell they are doing then thinking they are good because they got me half health..


But the plus side its only a boost for people leveling so you can play on your alts and not get completely owned because you have on quest greens. Plus its only good till 55 after that you must work for gear and if you dont then youll be free kills for those who do.

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In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills. - difficult for you? This is a clear advantage to a skilled player.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points. - difficult for you?

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear. - yeap

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly. - ok?


In Column 1, we have the naked level 30.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of ~10 skills. - Clear disadvantage.

#2 Allocate 20 talent points. - Less talents?! Disadvantage!

#3 No PVP experience required. - Are people with no experience killing you?! Wow...

#4 No gear management required. - True.

#5 Spams most damaging ability. - Are people spamming abilities killing you?! Wow...

Edited by Kovaos
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I think I will play WOW. I don't know if my account can be unlocked. It was hacked back in 2010 sometime.


I had to lol when you talk about balance though. I hear Gears of War has some balanced PVP. You know how they did that? They didn't put any character classes in the game. That's the only way to ever have perfectly balanced PVP in a game.


Have fun with WoW brah.


After months of their new expansion, they have awesome balance like this, done with one shot macros named "get @%#^ on". Truly a fun, skill based game...



HAHAHAHAHA...and you idiots think smash is bad. :D


BTW WoW is copying the "gear doesn't matter as much thing" from SWTOR and is limiting how many healers can enter a Warzone. So yeah. You and no skill will fail there also.

Edited by biowareftw
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Have fun with WoW brah.


After months of their new expansion, they have awesome balance like this, done with one shot macros named "get @%#^ on". Truly a fun, skill based game...



HAHAHAHAHA...and you idiots think smash is bad. :D


BTW WoW is copying the "gear doesn't matter as much thing" from SWTOR and is limiting how many healers can enter a Warzone. So yeah. You and no skill will fail there also.


I love how people read one sentence of a two paragraph post, then click reply. You here, are trolling. Let's stop with the personal attacks. I **** people up in PVP. I am talking about the rewards for long term play being gone.


And, I really know you are talking to the wrong person, when you attribute the idea of me whining about Smash to some form of reality, since one of my 50s is a Warrior.

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I **** people up in PVP. I am talking about the rewards for long term play being gone.

Huh. The title of this thread is:

Nu Bolster = NO skill required.


Your premise is that with all your skill and experience *********** people up in PvP, any random noob can stumble into a warzone naked at level 10 and facepwn you.


So here's what you do: Roll a brand new toon, level it to 10, and go into warzones naked and facepwn people. With your mad skillz, you this should be loads of fun for you.


Except it's not. Cause you can't. When you and any other random noob are placed on a perfectly level playing field with regard to all the stats and mechanics of the game, then you're the one who gets pwned. This isn't happening because they lack skill. It's happening because you lack skill.

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I love how people read one sentence of a two paragraph post, then click reply. You here, are trolling. Let's stop with the personal attacks. I **** people up in PVP. I am talking about the rewards for long term play being gone.


And, I really know you are talking to the wrong person, when you attribute the idea of me whining about Smash to some form of reality, since one of my 50s is a Warrior.


Why are you crying if you are @#$@%@# people up? I just played 2 games with my shadow in 5pcs (unequipped relics and legacy belt/wrists that had pve armoring).


Died zero times, got a 9 k crit. Took on multiple sins at once as infiltration and downed them easily. Granted Sin/shadow is one of the worst played classes and these idiots didn't use their blackout and accused me of cheating (seeing them in stealth lol), but I am having zero problems in pvp gear.


Last night on marauder in 5 pcs? I got a achievement in Civil war for 5 solo kills in a match. My LOL MM sniper? Did 500 k in half a void star that I joined that my team was losing, with people leaving left and right. That class is a freakin joke as to how good it is right now, but whatever, I guess I am supposed to cry over lowbies having the same health with no pvp bonuses? OMG a lowbie's snipe hits harder. Can he follow up after every shot? Can he series of shot reset and pwn the @%#@ out of someone? Nope.


There is NOTHING wrong with the current system. The devs have said numerous times they want pvp gear to be the BEST gear at 55 (all that matters). If it isn't working correctly they are going to fix it. You ARE going to have an advantage and on MOST classes you do now due to the 4pcs set bonus.


If you really think people are going to have higher base dmg at 55 and more health/expertise then a EWH set you are crazy. It might be closer to a 10-20 percent advantage (not including set bonuses which are OP as hell on some classes) then the insanely stupid high advantage you had pre 2.0, but you are still going to have better stuff.


I mean what did recruits have like 700 dmg and 300 bonus dmg compared to people with 1/3rd more health, 1200 dmg and over 600 bonus dmg AND set bonuses? LOL. Yeah guess what that led to, people crying about burst classes, and those burst classes (in the case of a scoundrel) being over nerfed (they seem to be better in 2.0).


As far as the under 55 bracket? It is perfect. Gear shouldn't mean JACK until endgame. If it does, you are just going to have no skill twinks who ruin the game for new players and hurt the games growth. Those people are SCUM, and those are the people who are complaining about this the most. I HOPE they quit. They bring nothing to this game or community. They are trash. If they stay? They can go kill level 20's on Tatooine, but karma is gonna bite them in the !$# cus I am going to kill those idiots when they are doing their 55 dalies.

Edited by biowareftw
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In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills. - difficult for you? This is a clear advantage to a skilled player.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points. - difficult for you?

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear. - yeap

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly. - ok?


In Column 1, we have the naked level 30.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of ~10 skills. - Clear disadvantage.

#2 Allocate 20 talent points. - Less talents?! Disadvantage!

#3 No PVP experience required. - Are people with no experience killing you?! Wow...

#4 No gear management required. - True.

#5 Spams most damaging ability. - Are people spamming abilities killing you?! Wow...


He is talking about you don't have to manage so many abilities because they are not required. You just need to use a few abilities and somebody is dead. No thought required, it is an advantage for anybody.

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He is talking about you don't have to manage so many abilities because they are not required. You just need to use a few abilities and somebody is dead. No thought required, it is an advantage for anybody.


And I'm saying if you only use a few abilities against me then you're dead. There's so much exaggeration and false information being thrown around the forums it's ridiculous.

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In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills. - difficult for you? This is a clear advantage to a skilled player.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points. - difficult for you?

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear. - yeap

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly. - ok?


In Column 1, we have the naked level 30.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of ~10 skills. - Clear disadvantage.

#2 Allocate 20 talent points. - Less talents?! Disadvantage!

#3 No PVP experience required. - Are people with no experience killing you?! Wow...

#4 No gear management required. - True.

#5 Spams most damaging ability. - Are people spamming abilities killing you?! Wow...


You clearly haven't played a merc in 2.0 shadows just spam maul+shock in deception and then finisher and im dead. Some classes can just spam.

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You clearly haven't played a merc in 2.0 shadows just spam maul+shock in deception and then finisher and im dead. Some classes can just spam.


You forgot spinning strike (guarantees a big hitting maul), another melee ability (grants charges), and breach, oh and potency, project then the execure. But yeah I guess you could call that spam. Don't forget to use low slash every 15 seconds as well as that resets proc on another proc. Oh yeah you better use blackout or snipers are seeing you from 30 yards away, then back to back it or get blowed up, and or run out of force. Then there is an ability to kite with (throwing rocks), and of course you slow them before that, and then there is a longer cooldown that makes you hit harder on technique and heals a bit. I am not saying sins/shadows are "super hard", but they are as complex as anything else this game has to offer.


Could you enlighten me on the complex arsenal merc rotation? I am sure it is insanely complex and since it is done while STANDING STILL, I am sure that makes it much more complicated.







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You clearly haven't played a merc in 2.0 shadows just spam maul+shock in deception and then finisher and im dead. Some classes can just spam.


To be fair, it hasn't taken much to kill mercs/commandos since 1.2. That's without spamming. I had a merc following my DPS Sage around trying to get a few free kills in a huttball match this morning until I decided to focus on him for a bit and then owned him every confrontation unless he had teammates with him. That has more to do with the class itself than anything else.

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Let me explain how it works, from two different categories.


In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points.

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear.

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly.


In Column 1, we have the naked level 30.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of ~10 skills.

#2 Allocate 20 talent points.

#3 No PVP experience required.

#4 No gear management required.

#5 Spams most damaging ability.


So, as clearly outlined above, bolster takes skill OUT of the equation. Please, cry more about how a level 50 owned you. Guess what? They should own you. They have more skills, more practice, and better gear, and this is an RPG, where gear should matter. Otherwise, I have no reason to play SWTOR when I can just as easily PVP in Mortal Kombat, Crysis, StarCraft, or WOW.


Bolster, as a coder pointed out in another thread, is a complex and expensive piece of work, with moving parts that are starting to work incorrectly together. Many gear slots are given uneven weights, and the fact that we now have naked bolster is a true testament to the failure of the system.


So, what do we do? Where do we go? I suggest three things:

#1 Remove bolster. It takes away the skill and the RPG elements of the game.

#2 Add a bunch of new PVP brackets. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-54, and 55 stands alone.

#3 Because we will have so many brackets in PVP, we will need cross-server Warzone queues. I'm not big on anonymity, but I think we should just do this and get it over with.

#4 The next time a cacophony of players suggest something on PTS, and you say you are fixing it, please fix it before the content goes live.



That is all.



2/10 max. Way too obvious; Bolster takes skill out of the game I lol'd.

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