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I don't get it when dudes play as girls in MMOs...


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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


Relate? Its some pixels on a screen.


One of the questions that will forever be asked in MMOs. There are the two obvious answers, some just like to be a pervert and control a woman and stare at her, some people feel transgendered and pick what they feel their true gender is..


Or the most obvious (and common) reason of all, it gives some variety to hear a different voice and see slightly different looks to the armour models while you run the same content again and again. Most men who play female toons in MMOs also play male toons.


These players tend not to identify their toons as themselves but in a similar fashion to a character in a story. Thinking that it is somehow strange for someone to play a character of a different sex to themselves is like thinking that male authors are strange if they have females characters in their books and vice versa.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I am female and I play both female and male characters. For me its to see the various differences in story, and I have no issue with the romances, because they're between my characters, and male/female interaction for me is ok, whether I play the male toon or the female one. It's like watching a movie, is all.
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there's all kinds of reasons.. i myself may be a bit old fasshioned and think they are all girly men.. and i dont really have much of imagination myself so i tend to roll male characters that look as similar to me as they can.. wish there was bigger beard options though :(


allthough all these guys claiming they prefer to watch a female behind.. why the hell are you staring at the butt? there's so much else going on around you.. is that why you are so terrible at pvp?

Edited by hallucigenocide
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Ok.. I can see some married input needs to be added here...


I am happily married to my wife, a very lovely woman with brown hair and blue eyes.. I have no need to doubt my sexuality or any need to convince any of you what my sexuality is or isn't.. My wife knows that..


So.. The female character I play is actually, as closely as I could get, a recreation of my wife..


Which means that when I play.. I am always playing with my wife.. :p


Besides, it is far better to watch her backside run around in the game and listen to a sexy voice in conversations than it is to watch the bow backsides of the men and listen to the men talk..


All my other characters are men though.. My main is my wife and will always be my wife.. :p


Man those puns are awesome!!

Edited by MajikMyst
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Things are just easier playing as a female toon. Noone needs to know the truth. It doesn't affect my gaming experience if other guys are hitting on me, I just tell them I'm not interested and move on. If they are giving me free stuff, I have no problem preying on those who are that desperate. :D


Also, I prefer to look at the female toons, and I find the female voices much more interesting. I don't need to listen to David Hayter as a Jedi Knight or Nolan North doing yet another VA.

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Maybe guys get tired of looking at their male characters, who knows and its not a big deal. I had a male jedi sage but switched to a female one because the male voice actor is horrible for that class. Also have a female marauder , just prefer the voice acting. :jawa_smile:
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People pay their sub (in most cases) and can play how 'they' want to play, what has it got to do with anyone else?


I'm in the boat too, Some armor models look better on female toons were as on a male toon, it'd look ridiculous...


The security key vendor only has armor for females so why make it an added perk to add the security unless you role a character that can use it, You "could" use it on a companion but I like to play Inquisitor and armor doesn't even show up on Khem and all of the others are useless to me.

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there's all kinds of reasons.. i myself may be a bit old fasshioned and think they are all girly men.. and i dont really have much of imagination myself so i tend to roll male characters that look as similar to me as they can.. wish there was bigger beard options though :(


allthough all these guys claiming they prefer to watch a female behind.. why the hell are you staring at the butt? there's so much else going on around you.. is that why you are so terrible at pvp?


And PVP has a place in this discussion because? Nice assumption you made claiming everyone plays PvP.

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are you like one of those people who has never played tomb raider cause its a female toon?


the issue is you draw too much of a connection to your character. you see your character as an extension of yourself. i will bet $1000 you will never write any story worth reading, because writing is the ultimate form of roleplaying. you have to become each of your characters.


you're some kind of phobic and/or egomaniac, i cba to look up what kind

Edited by Arlanon
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