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Cartel Coins for level 55?


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So, here's an idea. I'm tired of leveling in this game. I just want to be level 55 after I make my character so I can experience the end game stuff without spending months trying to get there.


This is what I propose. For like 1,000 cartel coins make a consumable that can be purchased that will instantly make you character level 55. I think this is probably the best idea I've ever come up with. Anyone else in for this?

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So, here's an idea. I'm tired of leveling in this game. I just want to be level 55 after I make my character so I can experience the end game stuff without spending months trying to get there.


This is what I propose. For like 1,000 cartel coins make a consumable that can be purchased that will instantly make you character level 55. I think this is probably the best idea I've ever come up with. Anyone else in for this?


Nope. Disagree.


It takes less than a week to hit 55. MAYBE a single month if you're going slowly. Maybe you should try working hard at something instead of looking for a shortcut?


Also -- there is significantly more content in the game than end-level stuff. Leveling in this game is significantly more fun than in any other games.

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So, here's an idea. I'm tired of leveling in this game. I just want to be level 55 after I make my character so I can experience the end game stuff without spending months trying to get there.


This is what I propose. For like 1,000 cartel coins make a consumable that can be purchased that will instantly make you character level 55. I think this is probably the best idea I've ever come up with. Anyone else in for this?


..why you even play the game in the first place? leveling is so easy in this game as is... you want to get to lvl 55 automaticaly? way to go for pay to win mentality.

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Without naming specifics there are not supported and could get you banned, ways of getting your character to 50 if you really want to.

If have ever played an MMO you should know what this service is called.


An instant item to reach cap level or any level for that matter should never exist.

You will not know your class

It spits int he face of everyone who spent time leveling

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Nope. Disagree.


It takes less than a week to hit 55. MAYBE a single month if you're going slowly. Maybe you should try working hard at something instead of looking for a shortcut?


Also -- there is significantly more content in the game than end-level stuff. Leveling in this game is significantly more fun than in any other games.


A week? So, no job, no wife / kids for you, eh?


Must be nice to be a basement dweller, with food and board provided by Mom and Dad.

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  • 7 months later...
So, here's an idea. I'm tired of leveling in this game. I just want to be level 55 after I make my character so I can experience the end game stuff without spending months trying to get there.


This is what I propose. For like 1,000 cartel coins make a consumable that can be purchased that will instantly make you character level 55. I think this is probably the best idea I've ever come up with. Anyone else in for this?


I would :ph_agree: with you at some points. But in total I'm happy with the leveling system in this game. It'ss not to easy and not to hard. It takes me around 2 weeks to end up in level 55. It's plenty of time to relax and take it easy in the game. If you want to level up fast, then I suggest that you play a lot of Flashpoints and Warzones. I got from being level 16 to reach level 27 in about 7-10 hours.

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I am actually fine with what the CM has been doing. It could be better, but it's not the monster some people say it is. Paying to skip the core aspects of the game is simply P2W, and basically cheating. The core of the game is how you learn to play, experience the story and immersion. It also gives you more pride when you finally hit level 55! :i_angel:


I thought this thread was serious until this post.


Me too... :i_embarrassed:

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Well I'm a subscriber so I should be able to do what I want, like being level 55 as soon as I start.


Do what you want? You can play the game as presented to you, or not. That is the extent of what your are entitled to as a subscriber.


You are confusing "do" with "want". You want insta-55. Your subscription however does not entitle you to what you want.


And your idea is a bad one. It's bad for any MMO frankly.

Edited by Andryah
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This is exactly what does not need to happen to this games.

People are already calling the cartel rep pay to win.

This is pay to win in every way. No reason it should be implemented. If they do many will leave.


Funny, ya know, EQ1 and EQ2 recently added a "Pay 3000 Cartel Coins and get a free high level character"...


And no body quit...If anything it brought back a ton of people who didn't want to have to grind out old or new characters and now they can just jump in and play with their friends immediately.


It's been a big success for both of those games.


Why do people suddenly think that everyone would quit if they offer high lvl characters to buy...what a dumb straw man argument...current games are now actually testing this exact theory and finding out that it is completely baseless...


Just saying before you make outrageous claims like "...many will leave..." you should check out the factual evidence of this exact subject - which, said evidence, is completely opposite of what you proposed...

Edited by Trevalon
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Well I'm a subscriber so I should be able to do what I want, like being level 55 as soon as I start.


I disagree with your suggestion. And just for the record most people that post in the forums are subscribers as well and there are some that probably been playing the game longer than you.


Just because you are a subscriber doesn't mean you can have everything you want. I know there are some subscribers that have requested things and as far as I know as of this date they haven't got what they wanted yet, so you may have to stand in line behind them.

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Do what you want? You can play the game as presented to you, or not. That is the extent of what your are entitled to as a subscriber.


You are confusing "do" with "want". You want insta-55. Your subscription however does not entitle you to what you want.


And your idea is a bad one. It's bad for any MMO frankly.


Andryah if you haven't noticed, the OP seems to be satirizing the players who like the idea of P2W.

At least, I hope they are being satirical.

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It's bad for any MMO frankly.


Really? Cause its been pretty dang nifty for EQ1 and EQ2...One of the best things they have done in the last few years to recapture new/old players...ya know whats even more funny...existing players love it too! They don't have to start from scratch for every single Alt now if they don't want to. Shocking...you mean the mass exodus didn't happen? Sorry, no it didn't happen..


MAYBE, before you make a blanket completely subjective statement like that you should do your research. Cause your actually 100% wrong...

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Really? Cause its been pretty dang nifty for EQ1 and EQ2...One of the best things they have done in the last 2 years to recapture new/old players...


You are referring to MMOs that are on the tail edge of their life cycle, games that simply lack draw without instant-cap leveling. ;) SWTOR will be there someday too... and we can revisit the matter then IMO.

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Are the EQ games focused heavily on story content that unfolds between 1 and level cap?


Does it matter? You still have the option to level the old fashioned way if you choose that.


Just becease YOU don't want to have an instant 55 doesn't mean others wouldn't. Just because YOU love the story lines and every herp derp quest along the way, doesn't mean that EVERYONE loves them.


Stop trying to tell people how to play. If someone wants to jump in with a lvl 55 and skip all the stupid story crap...then that is their prerogative.


All I am saying is that people throw around nothing but DOOM AND GLOOM when this idea is brought up....and frankly for games that have tried this it is working just fine and has even been very well received...

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You are referring to MMOs that are on the tail edge of their life cycle, games that simply lack draw without instant-cap leveling. ;) SWTOR will be there someday too... and we can revisit the matter then IMO.


SWTOR's population isn't that far off from EQ1/EQ2 in the grand scheme of things...I wonder what that means for SWTOR being only 2 years old and having similar subscriber base as games that are 9 and 14 years respectively?


Maybe SWTOR is closer to the "tail edge of it's life cycle" too...

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Does it matter? You still have the option to level the old fashioned way if you choose that.


Just becease YOU don't want to have an instant 55 doesn't mean others wouldn't. Just because YOU love the story lines and every herp derp quest along the way, doesn't mean that EVERYONE loves them.


Stop trying to tell people how to play. If someone wants to jump in with a lvl 55 and skip all the stupid story crap...then that is their prerogative.


All I am saying is that people throw around nothing but DOOM AND GLOOM when this idea is brought up....and frankly for games that have tried this it is working just fine and has even been very well received...


I ask because it makes zero sense for an MMO based on 1-55 story content to say 'screw all that money we spent developing the story content, here's your free 55."

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